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Coniston parish
county:-   Cumbria
old county:-   Lancashire
locality type:-   parish
1Km square:-   SD3098
10Km square:-   NY20
10Km square:-   NY30
10Km square:-   SD29
10Km square:-   SD39
references:-   OS 1974 Admin Areas

evidence:-   census:- Census 1971
Population: 1063 (1971)

SD29699985 Above Beck Fells, Coniston 
NY271008 air crash site, Coniston 
SD291900 Anna's Nab, Colton 
SD32129771 Atkinson Ground Farm, Coniston L
SD32109771 Atkinson Ground House, Coniston L
SD321977 Atkinson Ground, Coniston 
SD28039905 Back Strings, Coniston 
SD28519664 Banishead Mire, Coniston 
SD27809601 Banishead Quarry, Coniston 
SD28529650 Banishead, Coniston 
SD318967 Bank Ground Wood, Coniston 
SD286968 Banniside stone circle, Coniston 
SD30649748 Bannock Stone Bridge, Coniston 
SD3195 Beck Leven 
SD31929522 Beck Leven Foot, Coniston 
SD31209573 bee boles, Brantwood 
SD313957 bee boles, Brantwood (2) 
SD316971 bee boles, High Bank Ground L
SD31669828 bee boles, High Water Head 
SD314996 bee boles, High Yewdale L
SD28799750 Bell Cottage, Coniston 
SD28789791 Bell, Coniston 
SD280977 Below Beck Fells, Coniston 
NY30620214 Betsy Crag, Tilberthwaite 
SD28599741 Big Hill, Coniston 
NY2902 Birk Fell Gill 
NY295019 Birk Fell, Coniston 
SD31599667 Black Beck Cottage, Coniston 
NY31110282 Black Hole Quarry, Little Langdale 
NY283007 Black Sails, Coniston 
SD27519972 Black Scar Workings, Coniston 
NY3001 Blake Rigg Gill 
SD288956 Bleathwaite Pasture, Coniston 
SD31219632 boat house, Coniston 
SD31249651 boat house, Coniston (2) 
SD31239686 boat house, Coniston (3) 
SD30439656 boat house, Coniston (4) 
SD315970 boat house, High Bank Ground 
SD28739897 Bonsor Copper Mines, Coniston 
SD28239680 Boo Tarn, Coniston 
SD31589836 Boon Crag Farm, Coniston L
SD31659831 Boon Crag Saw Mill, Coniston 
SD31679830 Boon Crag, Coniston L
SD28149710 Booth How, Coniston 
SD27979867 Boulder Valley, Coniston 
SD30029686 Bowmanstead House, Coniston 
SD30019684 Bowmanstead, Coniston L
SD2897 Braidy Beck 
SD28059826 Brandy Crag, Coniston 
NY30100292 Bridge End, Little Langdale L
SD32369800 bridge, Coniston 
SD30539731 bridge, Coniston (2) 
SD27869849 Brim Fell Level, Coniston 
SD27589876 Brim Fell, Coniston 
NY30870236 Broad Moss, Coniston 
NY27300084 Broad Slack, Coniston 
NY31520267 Brooklands, Coniston 
SD27889735 Bursting Stone Quarry, Coniston 
SD27989752 Bursting Stone, Coniston 
SD30809701 Campbell memorial, Coniston 
SD302972 Cat Bank, Coniston 
SD22849488 Caw Quarry, Coniston 
SD30209758 Church Bridge, Coniston 
NY30950139 Close Hill Quarry, Coniston 
SD28889905 Cobbler Hole, Coniston 
SD2897 Colt Crag Gill 
SD28019798 Colt Crag, Coniston 
SD30239781 Coniston Bowling, Cricket and Tennis Club, Coniston 
SD30169764 Coniston Brewery, Coniston 
SD28249863 Coniston Fells, Coniston 
SD30259771 Coniston Fire Station, Coniston 
SD30449634 Coniston Hall, Coniston L
SD29359815 Coniston Hydroelectric Scheme, Coniston 
SD30019750 Coniston Lake Station, Coniston 
SD30149743 Coniston Methodist Church, Coniston 
SD304999 Coniston Moor, Coniston 
SD30469783 Coniston Primary School, Coniston 
 Coniston Railway 
SD30499636 Coniston Sailing Club, Coniston 
SD29449802 Coniston Waterfall, Coniston 
SD3097 Coniston: Hutchinson's 
SD30129748 Coniston: Watt's 
SD29769771 Copper House, Coniston 
SD28969856 Coppermines House, Coniston 
SD28629894 Coppermines Valley, Coniston 
SD31869835 Counting House, Monk Coniston L
SD2799 Cove Beck 
SD27769850 Cove Crag, Coniston 
SD27169686 Cove Hut, Coniston 
SD27179730 Cove Quarries, Coniston 
SD268968 Cove, Coniston 
SD27449720 Crag o' Stile, Coniston 
NY299005 Crook Beck (2) 
SD28259812 Crowberry Hawes, Coniston 
NY31580231 Davy Intake, Coniston 
SD29989765 Dixon Ground Farm, Coniston L
SD29069786 Dixon Scrow, Coniston 
SD2798 Doup 
SD30349802 drain, Coniston 
SD30219762 drain, Coniston (2) 
NY297013 Dry Cove Moss, Tilberthwaite 
SD322979 Ednam's Staircase, Coniston 
SD2899 Enfoot, Coniston perhaps once
SD30059736 engine shed, Coniston gone
NY26690070 Fairfield, Coniston 
SD30259813 Far End Cottages, Coniston L
SD30229806 Far End Youth Hostel, Coniston 
SD30299816 Far End, Coniston 
SD29529767 fence, Coniston 
SD30669852 field drainage, Coniston 
SD30599801 folly, Coniston L
SD32199989 footbridge, Coniston 
SD32199801 footbridge, Coniston (2) 
SD28759718 footbridge, Coniston (3) 
SD28539766 footbridge, Coniston (4) 
SD28059843 footbridge, Coniston (5) 
NY30320068 footbridge, Tilberthwaite 
NY29950081 footbridge, Tilberthwaite (2) 
SD28119668 ford, Coniston 
NY31600289 ford, Little Langdale 
SD29259791 Foul Scrow, Coniston 
NY30610104 Gill Bridge, Tilberthwaite 
SD27499901 Gill Cove Crag, Coniston 
SD27369938 Gill Cove, Coniston 
NY30810012 Goat's Crag Quarry, Coniston 
SD26619766 Goat's Water, Torver 
NY27040088 Great Carrs, Coniston 
SD275999 Great How Crags, Coniston 
NY301021 Great Intake, Coniston 
NY2902 Greenburn Beck 
NY28780225 Greenburn, Coniston 
SD28259877 Grey Crag, Coniston 
SD31139847 Guards Quarries, Coniston 
NY30870270 Hallgarth Quarry, Coniston 
SD29829639 Hare Hall, Coniston 
NY32030044 Harry Guards Wood, Coniston 
NY299016 Hawk Rigg, Coniston 
SD29999662 Haws Bank Bridge, Coniston 
SD29979660 Haws Bank House, Coniston L
SD29969658 Haws Bank, Coniston 
SD295968 Heathwaite, Coniston 
SD30639848 hedge, Coniston 
NY290007 Hen Crag, Coniston 
SD31599703 High Bank Ground, Coniston L
SD33219862 High Cross, Coniston 
NY282000 High Fell, Coniston 
NY30540209 High Fellside Quarries, Tilberthwaite 
SD29149525 High Ground Farm, Coniston 
SD29199529 High Ground, Coniston 
NY30860280 High Hall Garth, Coniston L
SD321983 High Hollin Bank, Coniston 
SD31659828 High Water Head, Coniston L
SD31629827 High Waterhead Cottage, Coniston L
SD31489973 High Yewdale, Coniston L
SD329990 Hill Fell, Coniston 
SD32099825 Hollin Bank Cottage, Coniston L
SD320982 Hollin Bank Farm, Coniston 
SD32109828 Hollin Bank, Coniston 
NY315006 Holme Fell, Coniston 
SD29959788 Holywath, Coniston 
NY30550068 Horse Crag Quarry, Tilberthwaite 
SD318972 How Head, Coniston 
NY30230270 Hull How, Coniston 
SD2896 Hussey Well Beck 
NY30640057 hut, Tilberthwaite 
SD31269588 icehouse, Brantwood L
SD28569680 inspection pit, Coniston 
SD28219846 Irish Row, Coniston 
NY317005 Ivy Crag, Coniston 
SD28479905 Kernel Crag, Coniston 
SD31259761 Kirby Quay, Coniston 
SD32049756 Knipe Ground, Coniston L
NY30280250 Knott Head, Coniston 
SD312979 Labyrinth, Coniston 
SD29599984 Lad Stones Bield, Coniston 
NY295001 Lad Stones, Coniston 
SD304964 landing stage, Coniston 
SD306962 Lands Point, Coniston 
SD31809709 Lanehead, Coniston 
SD31729509 Lawson Park, Coniston 
SD27079943 Levers Hawse, Coniston 
SD28579837 Levers Moss Scrow, Coniston 
SD28539837 Levers Moss, Coniston 
SD2898 Levers Water Beck 
SD27929930 Levers Water, Coniston 
SD28199903 Levers Waterfall, Coniston 
SD2998 Ling Stone Beck 
SD29279857 Ling Stone, Coniston 
SD273969 Little Arrow Moor, Coniston 
SD290950 Little Arrow, Coniston 
NY270012 Little Carrs, Coniston 
SD273997 Little How Crags, Coniston 
NY31400283 Little Langdale Quarry, Little Langdale 
SD32919720 Lodge Head Tarn, Coniston 
SD299981 Long Crag, Coniston 
SD27729750 Long Moss, Coniston 
SD31599694 Low Bank Ground, Coniston 
SD29439851 Low Blue Quarry, Coniston 
NY30160230 Low Fell, Coniston 
NY30950288 Low Hall Garth, Coniston L
NY30510111 Low Tilberthwaite, Tilberthwaite L
SD2798 Low Water Beck 
SD27729843 Low Water Fall, Coniston 
SD27489789 Low Water Quarries, Coniston 
SD27489825 Low Water, Coniston 
NY284002 Low Wether Crag, Coniston 
SD31199913 Low Yewdale Cottage, Coniston L
SD31179911 Low Yewdale, Coniston L
SD30479883 Mart Crag, Coniston 
SD29579751 Mealy Gill 
SD29839777 mill, Coniston gone
SD28219826 mine, Coniston 
SD277986 mine, Coniston (2) 
SD27969892 mine, Coniston (3) 
SD27969900 mine, Coniston (4) 
NY30450065 mine, Tilberthwaite 
NY30180057 mine, Tilberthwaite (2) 
SD29419804 Miners Bridge, Coniston 
NY31080187 Mirk Hole Quarry, Tilberthwaite 
SD31839832 Monk Coniston Hall, Monk Coniston L
SD325969 Monk Coniston Moor, Coniston 
SD31809825 Monk Coniston, Coniston 
SD28689926 Moor How, Coniston 
SD29689947 Moor Quarries, Coniston 
SD27689797 Moss Head Quarry, Coniston 
NY31190243 Moss Rigg Quarry, Coniston 
NY31430242 Moss Rigg Wood, Coniston 
NY31160247 Moss Rigg, Tilberthwaite 
SD2998 Mouldry Bank Beck 
SD29549820 Mouldry Bank, Coniston 
SD30019745 mountain rescue, Coniston 
SD3097 New Inn, Coniston 
SD30559794 oak trees, Coniston 
SD27319760 Old Man Breast, Coniston 
SD31919993 Old Yew, Coniston 
SD28449871 Paddy End Works, Coniston 
SD298956 Park Coppice, Coniston 
SD290902 Park Nab, Colton 
NY29120168 Pave York Lead Mine, Coniston 
NY30660075 Penny Rigg Mill, Tilberthwaite 
NY30530083 Penny Rigg Quarries, Tilberthwaite 
NY3102 Pierce How Beck 
NY31680275 Pierce How Bridge, Coniston L
SD28139733 Piked How, Coniston 
SD29979755 post box, Coniston 
SD31679829 post box, Coniston (2) 
SD318969 post box, Coniston (3) 
SD31809703 post box, Coniston (4) 
SD318982 priory, Monk Coniston suggested
NY276006 Prison Band, Coniston 
SD27679978 Prison, Coniston 
SD27889839 Pudding Cove, Coniston 
SD28049840 Pudding Stone, Coniston 
NY316025 quaker burial ground, Skelwith 
SD283983 quarry, Coniston 
SD28419838 quarry, Coniston (2) 
SD28259812 quarry, Coniston (3) 
SD29929730 quarry, Coniston (4) 
SD29759736 quarry, Coniston (5) 
SD28859909 quarry, Coniston (6) 
SD29199887 quarry, Coniston (7) 
SD28889686 quarry, Heathwaite How 
NY31370271 quarry, Little Langdale 
NY31070168 quarry, Tilberthwaite 
NY30440172 quarry, Tilberthwaite (2) 
NY30330185 quarry, Tilberthwaite (3) 
NY30530191 quarry, Tilberthwaite (4) 
NY30600163 quarry, Tilberthwaite (5) 
SD29789769 railway bridge, Coniston 
SD29779769 railway milepost, Coniston gone
SD31589813 rain gauge, Coniston 
NY312003 Raven Crag, Coniston 
SD27669885 Raven Tor, Coniston 
SD2899 Red Dell Beck 
SD28619980 Red Dell Fold, Coniston 
NY286009 Red Dell Head Moss, Coniston 
SD28459927 Red Dell Works, Coniston 
SD28589962 Red Dell, Coniston 
SD3098 Rigg Heads Beck 
NY28270252 Rough Crags, Coniston 
SD27639769 Round Haw, Coniston 
SD32219795 Rowlandson Ground, Coniston L out of sight
SD30199771 Ruskin Museum, Coniston 
SD29949673 Sacred Heart, Coniston 
SD27939809 Saddle Stone Quarry, Coniston 
SD27569794 Scald Cop Quarry, Coniston 
SD3198 School Beck 
SD31419797 School Beck Bridge, Coniston 
SD30219756 school, Coniston not found
SD30299751 school, Coniston (2) 
SD2923 Scrow Beck 
SD28819761 Scrow Fold, Coniston 
SD28839818 sheepfold, Coniston 
NY29910276 sheepfold, Coniston (2) 
NY29550232 sheepfold, Coniston (3) 
NY30820066 sheepfold, Coniston (4) 
NY27660140 sheepfold, Coniston (5) 
NY30140186 sheepfold, Tilberthwaite 
NY29640109 sheepfold, Tilberthwaite Fells 
SD30489782 Shepherd Bridge, Coniston 
SD30029794 Silver Bank, Coniston 
SD27939898 Simon's Nick, Coniston 
NY31200300 Slater Bridge, Little Langdale L
SD27799794 Spion Kop Quarry, Coniston 
SD29799662 Spoon Hall, Coniston 
SD30259757 St Andrew, Coniston L
SD29489750 stepping stones, Coniston 
SD28029809 stone wall, Coniston 
SD32109811 stone wall, Coniston (2) 
SD28229798 Stubthwaite Crag, Coniston 
SD28409799 Stubthwaite Moss, Coniston 
NY31260213 Sty Rigg Coppice, Tilberthwaite 
NY31050197 Sty Rigg Quarry, Tilberthwaite 
NY30770213 Sty Rigg, Tilberthwaite 
SD32169789 summer house, Coniston 
SD30029759 Sun Inn, Coniston L
SD279996 Swirl Hause Beck 
NY27820077 Swirl Hause, Coniston 
NY27290056 Swirl How, Coniston 
NY27270054 Swirl How, Dunnerdale-with-Seathwaite 
SD32039944 Tarn Hows Cottage, Coniston L
SD316992 Tarn Hows Wood, Coniston 
SD33059902 Tarn Hows, Coniston 
NY29240026 tarn, Coniston 
SD330999 Tarns, Tarn Hows 
SD31829744 Tent Cottage, Coniston 
SD317974 Tent Lodge, Coniston 
NY27720274 Three Shire Stones, Wrynose 
SD314965 Thurston, Coniston 
SD31039771 Thwaite Cottage, Coniston 
SD30919794 Thwaite House, Coniston 
NY28900196 Tilberthwaite Fells, Coniston 
NY30680099 Tilberthwaite Fold, Tilberthwaite 
NY30120070 Tilberthwaite Gill, Coniston 
NY28980156 Tilberthwaite High Fells, Coniston 
NY308012 Tilberthwaite, Coniston 
SD28369709 Timley Knott, Coniston 
SD3299 Tom Gill 
NY326003 Tom Heights, Coniston 
SD27099648 Torver Bridge, Torver 
SD316978 tower, Coniston 
SD2723597827 trig point, SD2723597827 
NY30590219 Tunnel Quarry, Coniston 
SD318971 viewpoint, Bank Ground 
SD3095 viewpoint, Beck Leven Foot 
SD3096 viewpoint, Coniston Water by boat 
SD32169847 viewpoint, Hollin Bank N 
SD32159823 viewpoint, Hollin Bank S 
SD27239782 viewpoint, Old Man of Coniston 
SD31759824 viewpoint, Water Head 
SD28609692 Wad Barrow, Coniston 
SD24539668 Walna Scar Road 
SD30239757 war memorial, Coniston 
SD31009718 Water Head Pier, Coniston 
SD31509792 Water Head, Coniston 
SD29989763 water trough, Coniston (2) 
SD30999750 Waterhead Inn, Coniston 
SD31019753 Waterhead, Coniston 
SD27849648 Well in Crag, Coniston 
SD32149771 well, Atkinson Ground 
NY273020 Wet Side Edge, Coniston 
NY28780109 Wetherlam, Coniston 
SD30809865 White Gill 
SD30559969 White Gill Moss, Coniston 
SD29169745 Willy Scrow, Coniston 
SD300985 Yew Pike, Coniston 
SD31949986 Yew Tree Farm, Coniston L
NY32190043 Yew Tree Tarn, Coniston 
SD31479960 yew trees, Yewdale 
SD31039707 Yewdale Beck 
SD30579763 Yewdale Bridge, Coniston 
SD30749970 Yewdale Crag Moss, Coniston 
SD307992 Yewdale Crag, Coniston 
SD30469953 Yewdale Fells, Coniston 
SD30209759 Yewdale Hotel, Coniston 
NY308004 Yewdale, Coniston 
SD30809693 Church Beck 
SD31259584 Brantwood, Coniston L
SD30229758 Coniston 
NY299008 Tilberthwaite Mines, Tilberthwaite 
SD314996 Giant's Grave, Yewdale 
SD3199 bridge, Yewdale 
SD3097 Wayside Cottage, Coniston possibly
SD30209761 Black Bull, Coniston 
SD30279785 Crown Inn, Coniston 
SD31509799 Water Head Inn, Coniston gone
SD302943 Coniston Water 
NY290022 Greenburn Mine, Coniston 
SD32689839 Bever Memorial, Coniston L
SD30019756 water trough, Coniston 
SD290985 Coniston Copper Mines, Coniston 
SD27239782 Old Man of Coniston, Coniston 
NY30820140 High Tilberthwaite, Tilberthwaite L
SD30019685 Bowmanstead Barn, Coniston 
SD29959668 Adam Bridge, Coniston 
SD30349791 house, Coniston 
SD29969766 barn, Coniston 
SD29349760 limekiln, Willy Scrow (2) 
SD32309890 limekiln, Fell End 
SD30919887 limekiln, Low Yewdale L
SD28019658 limekiln, The Rigg not found
SD29379750 limekiln, Willy Scrow 
SD28009650 limekiln, Walna Scar Road not found
SD30799891 Limestone How, Yewdale Fells 
SD278969 Limestone Haws, Coniston 
NY3503 Brathay, River 
SD28969859 Coppermines Museum, Coniston 
NY29480234 footbridge, Coniston (6) 
SD31119579 Brantwood Jetty, Coniston Water 
SD309970 Coniston Landing Stage, Coniston 
SD309970 Gondola, Coniston Water L
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