Keswick |
county:- |
Cumbria |
old county:- |
Cumberland |
locality type:- |
parish |
1Km square:- |
NY2623 |
10Km square:- |
NY22 |
10Km square:- |
NY21 |
references:- |
OS 1974 Admin Areas
evidence:- |
descriptive text:- Ford 1839 (3rd edn 1843) placename:- Crosthwaite parish
source data:- |
Guide book, A Description of Scenery in the Lake District, by
Rev William Ford, published by Charles Thurnam, Carlisle, by W
Edwards, 12 Ave Maria Lane, Charles Tilt, Fleet Street, William
Smith, 113 Fleet Street, London, by Currie and Bowman,
Newcastle, by Bancks and Co, Manchester, by Oliver and Boyd,
Edinburgh, and by Sinclair, Dumfries, 1839.
goto source "... For a long period, indeed, the population must either have been extremely small,
or their religious interests neglect-"
goto source Page xi:- "[neglect]ed; perhaps both might be the case. As proof of this, we need only point
to the large and extensive parishes of Kendal, Greystoke, Crosthwaite, Brigham, and
Saint Bees, and the numerous dependent chapelries which have been erected within them
since the time of the Reformation. These chapels present no architectural features
worthy of notice, and the mother churches are for the most part extremely plain, partaking
of the progressive alteration of style from Norman to early English."
evidence:- |
census:- Census 1971
Population: 5183 (1971) |
places:- |
NY26912316 Acorn Cottage, Keswick |
NY26892316 Acorn House, Keswick |
NY2623 Assembly Rooms, Keswick |
NY26562350 Bank Tavern, Keswick L |
NY26932363 Bankes Memorial, Keswick |
NY26122227 battery, Derwent Isle gone |
NY27552379 Birk's Nook, Keswick |
NY26612402 BMX Pump Track, Keswick |
NY26142248 boat house, Derwent Isle L |
NY26362240 boat house, Keswick |
NY26512308 boat house, Keswick (2) |
NY26382256 boat house, Keswick (3) |
NY26402277 boat house, Keswick (4) |
NY26422386 Bond Museum, Keswick gone |
NY26952372 boundary stone, Keswick |
NY26512335 bowling green, Keswick gone |
NY27852382 brewery, Keswick |
NY26852356 bridge, Keswick (2) |
NY28582412 Briery Bobbin Mill Siding, Keswick |
NY28572416 Briery, Keswick |
NY28012395 Brigham Forge Cottages, Keswick L |
NY28082397 Brigham Forge, Keswick |
NY27492381 Brigham School, Keswick |
NY27762385 Brigham, Keswick |
NY22 Bristow Hills, Keswick |
NY2822 Brockle Beck |
NY27332305 Brow Top, Keswick |
NY27642383 Browfoot, Keswick |
NY26432251 building, Keswick |
NY27432384 Calvert's Bridge, Keswick L |
NY26722346 Cars of the Stars, Keswick |
NY24942495 Cast Rigg, Keswick |
NY27112277 Castle Head Quarry, Keswick |
NY26972268 Castle Head, Keswick |
NY27042272 Castlehead Wood, Keswick |
NY28202295 Castlerigg Brow, Keswick |
NY27852339 Castlerigg Cottage, Keswick |
NY27412306 Castlerigg Manor Lodge, Keswick L |
NY27332308 Castlerigg Manor, Keswick L |
NY26682313 Castlett Cottage, Keswick |
NY26792339 chapel, Keswick |
NY28082367 Chestnut Hill, Keswick |
NY26172245 church, Derwent Isle gone |
NY26532274 Cockshot Hill, Keswick |
NY26562269 Cockshot Wood, Keswick |
NY26812346 County Hotel, Keswick L |
NY26772376 cricket club, Keswick |
NY25912411 Crossings Bridge, Great Crosthwaite |
NY26402364 Crosthwaite Parish Room, Keswick |
NY265235 Crosthwaite's Museum, Keswick gone |
NY26322304 Crow Park, Keswick |
NY2723 Cuddy Beck |
NY26332379 Cumberland Pencil Museum, Keswick |
NY27352373 Denton's Well, Keswick |
NY25112400 Derwent Bridge, Keswick |
NY26122238 Derwent Isle House, Derwent Isle L |
NY26142239 Derwent Isle, Derwent Water |
NY2822 Derwentwater Castle, Keswick once? |
NY26832320 Derwentwater Place, Keswick |
NY25592409 Doctor's Dub, Keswick |
NY26682336 Dog and Gun, Keswick L |
NY2623 Dovecote, Keswick |
NY26162393 drain, Keswick |
NY26902343 drain, Keswick (2) |
NY26442283 drain, Keswick (3) |
NY26872317 drain, Keswick (4) |
NY26702314 drain, Keswick (5) |
NY26162388 drinking fountain, Keswick |
NY26122240 Druids Stone, Derwent Isle gone |
NY26152226 Druids Temple, Derwent Isle gone |
NY27082384 engine shed, Keswick |
NY26962313 Eskin Place, Keswick |
NY26652342 exhibition room, Keswick |
NY26962361 Fitz Parks, Keswick |
NY265195 floating island, Derwent Water |
NY26662373 footbridge, Keswick |
NY27992395 Forge Bridge, Keswick L |
NY26132227 fort, Derwent Isle gone |
NY26672328 Four in Hand, Keswick |
NY26612357 gas works, Keswick gone |
NY26712337 George Hotel, Keswick L |
NY26032415 Great Crosthwaite, Keswick |
NY25832419 Great Crosthwaite: Church Lane |
NY26182388 Great Crosthwaite: High Hill |
NY262236 Greta Bridge pencil works, Keswick |
NY28082403 Greta Bridge, Keswick (2) |
NY26522379 Greta Hall, Keswick L |
NY25682375 Greta Hamlet, Keswick |
NY26502381 Greta Lodge, Keswick |
NY267237 Greta Side pencil works, Keswick |
NY28072381 Hawthorns, Keswick |
NY26482355 Heads House, Keswick L |
NY26402338 Heads, Keswick |
NY28732399 High Briery, Keswick gone |
NY262238 High Hill, Keswick |
NY26472409 hospital, Keswick |
NY28042394 house, Brigham |
NY26212355 Howray, Keswick |
NY266233 Hutton's Museum, Keswick |
NY26672325 hydrant plate, Keswick |
NY26682339 hydrant plate, Keswick (2) |
NY26802346 hydrant plate, Keswick (3) |
NY27042352 hydrant plate, Keswick (4) |
NY26202383 hydrant plate, Keswick (5) |
NY27062376 hydrant plate, Keswick Station |
NY26022271 Isthmus Bay, Derwent Water |
NY259228 Isthmus Wood, Keswick |
NY262227 Isthmus, Keswick |
NY26192382 Ivy Cottage, Keswick L not foundout of sight |
NY26572397 Keswick Association Football Club, Keswick |
NY26952366 Keswick Bowling Club, Keswick |
NY27342374 Keswick Bridge, Keswick |
NY272236 Keswick Fire Station, Keswick |
NY26822324 Keswick Library, Keswick |
NY26682340 Keswick Lodge, Keswick |
NY27062356 Keswick Mill, Keswick gone? |
NY26652360 Keswick Mining Museum, Keswick |
NY26592356 Keswick Police Station, Keswick L |
NY25752424 Keswick School, Great Crosthwaite |
NY28082397 Keswick Smelting House, Brigham |
NY27062378 Keswick Station, Keswick L |
NY26762358 Keswick Youth Hostel, Keswick |
NY26762332 Keswick: Alhambra Cinema |
NY26602346 Keswick: Banks and Park |
NY26652339 Keswick: Barclays Bank |
NY26642354 Keswick: Bell Close |
NY26672357 Keswick: Blencathra Stone Craft |
NY270234 Keswick: Blencathra Street |
NY26692318 Keswick: Borrowdale Road |
NY26692316 Keswick: Borrowdale Road, 10 to 15 L |
NY26702353 Keswick: Brewery Lane |
NY26722329 Keswick: Derwent Street |
NY26702327 Keswick: Derwent Street, 3 |
NY26712326 Keswick: Derwent Street, 4 and 6 L |
NY26782344 Keswick: Derwentwater Record |
NY27012316 Keswick: Eskin Street, 2 L |
NY27012317 Keswick: Eskin Street, 4 and 6 L |
NY27012318 Keswick: Eskin Street, 8 and 10 L |
NY26802345 Keswick: Gallery 26 at 27 |
NY26672326 Keswick: George Fisher |
NY26732341 Keswick: Grandy Nook |
NY26992344 Keswick: Greta Street |
NY26452352 Keswick: Heads Lane |
NY26502344 Keswick: Heads Road |
NY26182382 Keswick: High Hill, 2 to 6 L |
NY26122389 Keswick: High Hill, 18 L |
NY26732324 Keswick: High Street |
NY26342368 Keswick: Keswick Bikes |
NY26652345 Keswick: King's Head Yard |
NY26662330 Keswick: Lake Road |
NY26692325 Keswick: Lakeland Photo Gallery |
NY26722340 Keswick: Lakeland Sandwich Shop |
NY26662336 Keswick: Lakeland Slate Co |
NY26842348 Keswick: Linnet Hill |
NY26432357 Keswick: Luchini's |
NY26452357 Keswick: Main Street |
NY26612342 Keswick: Main Street, 21 to 25 L |
NY26452356 Keswick: Main Street, 81 to 83 |
NY26442357 Keswick: Main Street, 85 to 91 L |
NY26382362 Keswick: Main Street, 115 to 121 |
NY26362364 Keswick: Main Street, 123 and 125 L |
NY26602346 Keswick: Market Place |
NY26642325 Keswick: Maysons L |
NY26742333 Keswick: Open All Hours |
NY27262365 Keswick: Penrith Road |
NY26822347 Keswick: Penrith Road, 3 L |
NY26702336 Keswick: Price Walker |
NY26682344 Keswick: Shambles |
NY26692329 Keswick: Shepherd Jewellery |
NY26932351 Keswick: Shorley Croft |
NY26722334 Keswick: St John's Street |
NY26782330 Keswick: St John's Street, 17 to 23 L |
NY26802328 Keswick: St John's Street, 25 L |
NY26772328 Keswick: St John's Street, 36 to 50 L |
NY26892363 Keswick: Station Road |
NY26792347 Keswick: Station Street |
NY26612347 Keswick: Sweet Temptation |
NY26732325 Keswick: Union Street |
NY26202430 Keswick: Vicarage Hill |
NY26762344 Keswick: W H Smiths |
NY26532355 Keswick: Wild Strawberry |
NY26652343 Keswick: Ye Olde Friars L |
NY25672349 Kiddams, Keswick |
NY26112426 Lairbeck Cottage, Great Crosthwaite |
NY26012429 Lairthwaite, Great Crosthwaite gone? |
NY26662336 Lake Road Inn, Keswick |
NY27672316 Larch House, Keswick |
NY25352377 Long Bridge, Keswick |
NY27972317 Lonsties, Keswick |
NY27502364 Low Brigham, Keswick |
NY25662379 Low Howray, Keswick |
NY27552389 Lydia's Cottages, Keswick |
NY268233 meeting house, Keswick |
NY26262354 meeting house, Keswick (2) |
NY26382353 Methodist Chapel, Keswick |
NY25372384 milestone, Keswick |
NY28542414 mill, Briery |
NY28582420 mill, Briery (2) |
NY27992392 mill, Brigham |
NY26352380 mill, Keswick gone |
NY26662369 mill, Keswick (2) gone |
NY27182359 Millfield House, Keswick |
NY26452408 Monk Hall, Keswick gone |
NY263240 Monk's Hall, Keswick |
NY26632343 Moot Hall, Keswick L |
NY27872368 Nether Place, Keswick |
NY26952314 Oak Apple House, Keswick |
NY26922315 Oak Cottage, Keswick L |
NY26632343 Oddfellows Arms, Keswick L |
NY26542354 office, Keswick |
NY26602346 Olde Golden Lion Inn, Keswick |
NY26982353 Otley's Well, Keswick |
NY26672343 Pack Horse Inn, Keswick L |
NY26852311 Parsonage, Keswick |
NY267229 Plosh, Keswick |
NY26132424 post box, Great Crosthwaite |
NY26952325 post box, Keswick |
NY26362366 post box, Keswick (2) |
NY27242307 post box, Keswick (3) |
NY26692317 Prior Holme, Keswick L |
NY26332302 race course, Keswick |
NY28562409 railway bridge, Briery |
NY28742430 railway bridge, Briery (2) |
NY28872444 railway bridge, Brundholme |
NY26372434 railway bridge, Great Crosthwaite |
NY27852381 railway bridge, Keswick |
NY27422371 railway bridge, Keswick (2) |
NY27352373 railway bridge, Keswick (3) |
NY27162377 railway bridge, Keswick (4) |
NY26592415 railway bridge, Keswick (5) |
NY27832381 railway milepost, Keswick |
NY28272395 railway tunnel, Keswick |
NY26382243 Rawnsley Memorial, Keswick |
NY28702370 roadsign, Keswick |
NY2623 roman fort, Keswick suggested |
NY27532382 Row, Keswick |
NY26392227 Ruskin Memorial, Keswick L |
NY25712430 seat, Great Crosthwaite |
NY26482289 seat, Keswick |
NY27782306 Sheepclose Plantation, Keswick |
NY27962354 Shelley Cottage, Keswick L |
NY27002352 Shorley Croft, Keswick gone |
NY26232430 Skiddaw Cottage, Keswick L |
NY26302428 Skiddaw Lodge, Great Crosthwaite |
NY1255 Skinburness to Keswick Canal proposed |
NY2624 smithy, Great Crosthwaite |
NY28092355 spring, Keswick |
NY27762258 Springs Wood, Keswick |
NY26152391 St Herbert Social Centre, Keswick L |
NY26782317 St John, Keswick L |
NY26792324 St John's School, Keswick |
NY26772332 St John's Street Hall, Keswick |
NY269227 stone circle, Castle Head imagined |
NY28222377 Stormy Hill, Keswick |
NY26612209 Strandshag Bay, Derwent Water |
NY25642403 Swang Bridge, Keswick |
NY26802355 tanyard, Keswick gone |
NY27442381 Toll Bar Cottage, Keswick L |
NY27822323 Toll Bar Cottage, Keswick (2) |
NY26152389 toll gate, Keswick gone |
NY26922314 toll gate, Keswick (2) |
NY26082298 Town Cass, Keswick |
NY268235 Upper Fitz Park pencil works, Keswick |
NY26122421 Vicarage, Great Crosthwaite L |
NY2622 viewpoint, Cockshot Wood |
NY26122421 viewpoint, Crosthwaite Vicarage |
NY26352305 viewpoint, Crow Park |
NY22 viewpoint, Derwent Water by boat |
NY22 viewpoint, Derwent Water by moonlight |
NY26372224 viewpoint, Friar's Crag |
NY25642380 viewpoint, Low Howray |
NY22 viewpoint, Mr Wren's House |
NY26812349 war memorial, Keswick |
NY26712341 war memorial, Royal Oak |
NY26432282 Water Edge, Keswick |
NY27822398 water trough, Keswick |
NY27722405 water trough, Keswick (2) |
NY25742422 weather station, Great Crosthwaite |
NY27632400 Windebrowe, Keswick L |
NY26562352 workhouse, Keswick |
NY27032352 Wren Villa, Keswick |
NY27142359 Wren's Mill, Keswick gone |
NY28762400 bridge, Keswick |
NY2723 bridge, Keswick (3) suggested |
NY26472320 Hope Park, Keswick |
NY2623 Keswick: Abrahams |
NY2623 Reliance Printing Works, Keswick |
NY26252375 Luca's Ristorante, Keswick L |
NY264236 Albion Hotel, Keswick |
NY265229 Belle Vue, Keswick |
Cockermouth, Keswick and Penrith Railway |
NY2623 Derwent Lake Hotel, Keswick |
NY267234 Fisher's Temperance Hotel, Keswick |
NY270234 Grosvenor Boarding House, Keswick |
NY26562348 Keswick Cycle Depot and Motor Garage, Keswick |
NY267234 Keswick: J Johnston |
NY26572347 Keswick: Main Street, 38 |
NY2623 Keswick: Mayson's Auctioneering |
NY267236 Keswick: Miss Hawell |
NY265229 Keswick: Mrs Mayo |
NY268236 Mikado Cafe, Keswick |
NY26742357 Old Brewery, Keswick |
NY26712342 Royal Oak, Keswick L |
NY265235 Skiddaw Temperance Hotel, Keswick |
NY267233 Temperance Hotel, Keswick |
NY26662339 Keswick: Furnace jeweller |
NY26302374 Greta Bridge, Keswick |
NY2623 Art Gallery, Keswick |
NY2623 Blencathra Hotel, Keswick |
NY2623 Derwentwater Lake Hotel, Keswick |
NY26642371 Greta Pencil Works, Keswick gone |
NY27082373 Keswick Hotel, Keswick |
NY263238 Southey Works, Keswick |
NY2623 Younghusband's Hotel, Keswick |
NY26372227 Friar's Crag, Keswick |
NY26622345 Queen's Hotel, Keswick |
NY25282361 Derwentwater Hotel, Portinscale |
NY26612344 King's Arms, Keswick |
NY26272113 Derwent Water |
NY2924 Greta, River |
NY26832353 Frances Rolleston Fountain, Keswick |
NY26652341 Keswick |
NY26172393 Quaker Cottage, Keswick |
NY26912370 Keswick Museum, Keswick |
NY26642345 Keswick: Jonathan Otley's |
NY2623 Keswick: Telford, J |
NY25512395 Stormwater Bridge, Keswick |
NY25702427 topograph, Great Crosthwaite |
Windermere and Keswick Railway |
NY26972267 viewpoint, Castle Head |
NY25742429 St Kentigern, Great Crosthwaite L |
NY26402269 landing stage, Keswick |