Appleby-in-Westmorland |
county:- |
Cumbria |
old county:- |
Westmorland |
locality type:- |
parish |
1Km square:- |
NY6820 |
10Km square:- |
NY62 |
10Km square:- |
NY61 |
references:- |
OS 1974 Admin Areas
evidence:- |
hearth tax returns:- Hearth Tax 1675 placename:- Appleby
source data:- |
Records, hearth tax survey returns, Westmorland, 1674/75. "Appleby"
evidence:- |
census:- Census 1971 placename:- Appleby
Population: 1949 (1971) |
includes |
place:- |
Appleby Town Constablewick |
place:- |
Scattergate Constablewick |
place:- |
Bongate Constablewick (W part of) |
places:- |
NY68392029 Aboard Inn, Appleby L |
NY68812074 Appleby East Station, Appleby |
NY68302052 Appleby Eden Cricket Club, Appleby |
NY68192024 Appleby Fire Station, Appleby |
NY68102103 Appleby Grammar School, Appleby L |
NY69021991 Appleby Grange, Appleby L |
NY685218 Appleby Junction, Appleby |
NY68512042 Appleby Police Station, Appleby L |
NY68652068 Appleby Station, Appleby L |
NY683203 Appleby: Appleby Bakery |
NY68352036 Appleby: Appleby Flower Basket |
NY68932011 Appleby: Back Lane |
NY68232018 Appleby: Banks Lane |
NY68382034 Appleby: Barclay's Bank L |
NY683207 Appleby: Battlebarrow |
NY68392062 Appleby: Battlebarrow, 1 L |
NY68402063 Appleby: Battlebarrow, 2 L |
NY68412063 Appleby: Battlebarrow, 3 L |
NY68402064 Appleby: Battlebarrow, 4 L |
NY68392064 Appleby: Battlebarrow, 5 and 7 L |
NY68392069 Appleby: Battlebarrow, 11 L |
NY68852012 Appleby: Bongate |
NY68812020 Appleby: Bongate, 3 L |
NY68822019 Appleby: Bongate, 5 and 7 L |
NY68802017 Appleby: Bongate, 6 L |
NY68832016 Appleby: Bongate, 11 L |
NY68842015 Appleby: Bongate, 13 L |
NY68921997 Appleby: Bongate, 31 to 35 L |
NY68921996 Appleby: Bongate, 37 and 39 L |
NY68352038 Appleby: Boroughgate, 3 and 5 L |
NY68352037 Appleby: Boroughgate, 7 and 9 L |
NY68352036 Appleby: Boroughgate, 11 L |
NY68362034 Appleby: Boroughgate, 14 L |
NY68372035 Appleby: Boroughgate, 15 and 17 L |
NY68362034 Appleby: Boroughgate, 16 L |
NY68382031 Appleby: Boroughgate, 23 and 25 L |
NY68382028 Appleby: Boroughgate, 28 L |
NY68372028 Appleby: Boroughgate, 30 L |
NY68382026 Appleby: Boroughgate, 32 L |
NY68382025 Appleby: Boroughgate, 36 L |
NY68422024 Appleby: Boroughgate, 37 and 39 L |
NY68392023 Appleby: Boroughgate, 40 L |
NY68422023 Appleby: Boroughgate, 41 to 45 L |
NY68392021 Appleby: Boroughgate, 42 and 44 L |
NY68392020 Appleby: Boroughgate, 48 L |
NY68442014 Appleby: Boroughgate, 49 to 55 L |
NY68402019 Appleby: Boroughgate, 50 L |
NY68402018 Appleby: Boroughgate, 52 L |
NY68412017 Appleby: Boroughgate, 54 L |
NY68412014 Appleby: Boroughgate, 56 and 58 L |
NY68412013 Appleby: Boroughgate, 60 and 62 L |
NY684204 Appleby: Bridge Street |
NY68402041 Appleby: Bridge Street, 1 and 3 L |
NY68352039 Appleby: Bridge Street, 3 L |
NY68372042 Appleby: Bridge Street, 4 L |
NY68372039 Appleby: Bridge Street, 5 and 7 L |
NY68362041 Appleby: Bridge Street, 6 and 8 L |
NY68362039 Appleby: Bridge Street, 9 L |
NY68352041 Appleby: Bridge Street, 10 L |
NY68352039 Appleby: Bridge Street, 11 L |
NY68222042 Appleby: Chapel Street L |
NY68162055 Appleby: Chapel Street, 1 L |
NY68222045 Appleby: Chapel Street, 16 to 19 L |
NY68232042 Appleby: Chapel Street, 20 to 26 L |
NY68242040 Appleby: Chapel Street, 27 to 29 L |
NY68242038 Appleby: Chapel Street, 30 to 32 L |
NY68252035 Appleby: Chapel Street, 33 and 34 L |
NY68252030 Appleby: Chapel Street, 39 and 40 |
NY682198 Appleby: Colby Lane |
NY68361980 Appleby: Colby Lane, 1 and 2 L |
NY68322013 Appleby: Doomgate |
NY68282025 Appleby: Doomgate, 1 L |
NY68282024 Appleby: Doomgate, 2 to 4 L |
NY68292023 Appleby: Doomgate, 5 L |
NY68292020 Appleby: Doomgate, 11 L |
NY68312022 Appleby: Doomgate, 13 to 15 L |
NY68302025 Appleby: Doomgate, 18 L |
NY683203 Appleby: Dowding, N J and M |
NY68282037 Appleby: Emerald Laundry |
NY68342035 Appleby: Ewbank |
NY683203 Appleby: High Wiend |
NY68352028 Appleby: High Wiend, 1 L |
NY68352030 Appleby: High Wiend, 2 L |
NY68312028 Appleby: High Wiend, 12 and 14 L |
NY68282028 Appleby: High Wiend, 18 |
NY68202026 Appleby: Holme Street |
NY682203 Appleby: Low Wiend |
NY68382033 Appleby: Midland Bank L |
NY68821987 Appleby: Mill Hill |
NY68771981 Appleby: Mill Hill, 1 to 3 L |
NY68262031 Appleby: Pigney and Sons |
NY68362030 Appleby: Post Office |
NY686203 Appleby: Sands |
NY68462042 Appleby: Sands, 1 to 3 L |
NY68612031 Appleby: Sands, 3 L |
NY68602031 Appleby: Sands, 4 L |
NY68582032 Appleby: Sands, 5 L |
NY68421984 Appleby: Scattergate |
NY68371988 Appleby: Scattergate, 1 L |
NY68372006 Appleby: Shaw's Wiend |
NY68382013 Appleby: Square |
NY68232026 Armoury, Appleby L |
NY68232039 Bainbridge Inscriptions, Appleby |
NY67171889 Bandley Bridge, Hoff |
NY67091926 Bandley Wood, Appleby-in-Westmorland |
NY68412025 Bank House, Appleby L |
NY68231982 Banks Cottage, Appleby |
NY68122006 Banks, Appleby |
NY68171981 Barbadoes Lodge, Appleby L |
NY68292021 Bardon House, Appleby L |
NY68371990 barn, Appleby (2) L |
NY66942022 barn, Appleby-in-Westmorland L |
NY68392073 Barrowgarth, Appleby |
NY66932026 Barrowmoor, Appleby-in-Westmorland L |
NY682208 Battlebarrow House, Appleby |
NY68402041 Bay Tree Cafe, Appleby |
NY68592003 bee boles, Appleby L |
NY68892012 Beech Croft, Appleby L |
NY69071992 Bongate Cross, Appleby |
NY69141969 Bongate Hall, Bongate |
NY68762021 Bongate House, Appleby L |
NY68741981 Bongate Mill, Appleby L |
NY68782006 Bongate Scar, Bongate |
NY69041985 Bongate Town Head, Appleby |
NY688197 Bongate Weir, Appleby |
NY69652078 boundary stone, Appleby |
NY68142025 bridge, Appleby (2) |
NY68282054 Butts, Appleby |
NY68621952 Cadber Lane, Appleby |
NY68641969 Castle Bank House, Appleby L |
NY68481997 Castle Park, Appleby L |
NY69341949 Causey Brow, Appleby-in-Westmorland |
NY69102007 cemetery, Bongate |
NY684202 chapel, Appleby L |
NY68272028 chapel, Appleby (2) |
NY68582034 church hall, Appleby |
NY68941992 Church View, Appleby L |
NY684207 Clappersgate, Appleby once? |
NY68332040 Cloisters, Appleby L |
NY66782025 Colby Bridge, Colby |
NY67132151 Colby Laithes, Appleby-in-Westmorland |
NY68712012 Coudy Rock, Bongate |
NY68881980 Courtfield Hotel, Appleby L |
NY69061985 Crossfield, Appleby |
NY67631945 Crottyfield, Appleby-in-Westmorland gone |
NY68322039 Crown and Cushion, Appleby L |
NY67812008 Dowpits Wood, Appleby |
NY67941952 Dowstones Lane, Appleby |
NY68572033 drain, Appleby |
NY68562033 drain, Appleby (2) |
NY68622032 drain, Appleby (3) |
NY68322041 drain, Appleby (4) |
NY68752029 Drawbriggs, Appleby |
NY68452045 Eden Bridge Cafe, Appleby L |
Eden Valley Railway |
NY68722063 engine shed, Appleby gone |
NY68372146 Fair Hill, Appleby |
NY68701979 ford, Appleby |
NY67182162 ford, Colby Laithes |
NY68372078 Friary Cottage, Appleby L |
NY68412077 Friary, Appleby L |
NY69552058 Gale House, Appleby |
NY68412041 gaol, Appleby gone |
NY68431978 Gardeners Cottage, Appleby L |
NY6820 Gilshaughlin, Appleby |
NY68342030 Golden Ball, Appleby L |
NY68432056 Grapes Inn, Appleby L |
NY68322020 Hall's Warehouse, Appleby L |
NY68372035 Hare and Hounds, Appleby L |
NY68432014 High Cross, Appleby L |
NY67631984 High House, Appleby |
NY6717 Hoff Beck |
NY68052050 Holme Wood, Appleby |
NY68042027 Holme, Appleby |
NY69142140 Hungriggs, Appleby-in-Westmorland |
NY68372034 hydrant plate, Appleby |
NY68582034 hydrant plate, Appleby (2) |
NY68362028 hydrant plate, Appleby (3) |
NY68691981 Jubilee Bridge, Appleby |
NY68461928 Kennel, Appleby-in-Westmorland |
NY682203 King George's Field, Appleby |
NY68282029 Kingdom Hall, Appleby L gone |
NY6820 King's Head. Appleby |
NY68312086 Kingstone House, Appleby L |
NY68432014 lamp post, Appleby L |
NY68752083 level crossing, Appleby |
NY66892128 Limekiln Hill, Appleby-in-Westmorland |
NY67692049 limekiln, Appleby-in-Westmorland |
NY68332039 Low Cross, Appleby L |
NY67431905 Milbers, Appleby-in-Westmorland |
NY68832018 milestone, Appleby L |
NY67512003 milestone, Appleby (2) not found |
NY67482159 milestone, Appleby-in-Westmorland (3) perhaps once |
NY68472048 milestone, Appleby-in-Westmorland (4) perhaps once |
NY67191948 Minskough, Appleby-in-Westmorland |
NY68362032 Moot Hall, Appleby L |
NY69232135 Moresby Tarn, Appleby-in-Westmorland |
NY68411950 New House, Appleby L |
NY68311937 Oak Bank, Appleby |
NY68312015 Old Brewery, Appleby L |
NY69051980 Old Hall, Appleby L |
NY68302024 Old Hall, Appleby (2) L |
NY68331940 Parkinhill, Appleby L |
NY67612154 Peg Sneddle's Trough, Appleby |
NY68322029 Pinfold Cottage, Appleby |
NY69131998 pinfold, Appleby |
NY68111984 pinfold, Appleby (2) gone |
NY67592156 Pop Sneddles Trough, Appleby |
NY68352031 post box, Appleby |
NY68372077 post box, Appleby (2) |
NY68691984 Primrose Stone, Appleby |
NY68602073 railway bridge, Appleby |
NY69012034 railway bridge, Appleby (2) |
NY69082046 railway bridge, Appleby (3) |
NY69402008 railway bridge, Appleby (4) |
NY69252002 railway bridge, Appleby (5) |
NY69401970 railway bridge, Appleby (6) |
NY69581973 railway culvert, Murton |
NY68511975 Rhondda House, Appleby L |
NY68912002 Rock House, Appleby |
NY69011984 Rose Cottage, Appleby L |
NY67482102 Ross Wood, Appleby-in-Westmorland |
NY68881989 Royal Oak, Appleby |
NY68572051 Sands Methodist Church, Appleby |
NY68421981 Scattergate Green, Appleby |
NY68401977 Scattergate, Appleby |
NY66712072 Scholabrow Plantation, Appleby-in-Westmorland |
NY68232047 school, Appleby L |
NY68602036 school, Appleby (2) |
NY68242042 school, Appleby (3) |
NY6820 Sheepfold Centre, Appleby |
NY68532041 Shire Hall, Appleby L |
NY68211907 Slosh, Appleby |
NY68432043 St Lawrence's Bridge, Appleby L |
NY68861987 St Michael, Bongate L |
NY68032027 St Nicholas's Hospital, Appleby |
NY69672137 Stank Wood, Appleby-in-Westmorland |
NY69402124 Stank, Appleby-in-Westmorland suggested |
NY68041981 Tarka, Appleby L |
NY67442052 Thistley Hill, Appleby-in-Westmorland |
NY68211915 Toll Bar Cottage, Appleby-in-Westmorland |
NY68332036 Tufton Arms, Appleby L |
NY68322041 war memorial, Appleby |
NY69122009 war memorial, Bongate |
NY68911988 war memorial, Bongate (2) |
NY68921947 Well Bank, Appleby |
NY68322037 Westmorland House, Appleby L |
NY67712043 Whirly Lum, Appleby |
NY68372026 White Hart, Appleby L |
NY68392030 White House, Appleby L |
NY68412027 White Rails, Appleby L |
NY68292039 Wiend House, Appleby L |
NY689199 Bongate, Appleby |
NY68382027 Appleby: Boroughgate |
NY68432020 Hospital of St Anne, Appleby |
NY68471994 Appleby Castle, Appleby L |
NY685195 Kennels Field, Appleby-in-Westmorland |
NY688198 Mill House, Appleby |
Settle and Carlisle Railway |
NY68232058 Appleby Pool, Appleby |
NY68342038 Appleby |
NY68182057 flood defences, Appleby |
NY3658 Eden, River |
NY681205 Water Marks, Appleby |
NY68332044 St Lawrence, Appleby L |
NY68512042 Appleby Gaol, Appleby |