Camden 1789
keyword index
1715 Rebellion (p.181)
1745 Rebellion (p.162)
Aballaba (p.148)
Aballaba (p.157)
Aballaba (p.230)
Aballava (p.228)
Aballava (p.229)
Abbalabba (p.227)
abbey, Calder Bridge (p.181)
Abbot Hall, Kendal (p.152)
Abbots Hall, Kirkby Lonsdale (p.162)
Abercurving (p.213)
accident (p.155)
Acorn Bank (p.159)
Adam and Eve (p.183)
Adamson, Robert (p.156)
adder's tongue (p.166)
adder's tongue (p.207)
Addingham (Ald Hengam) (p.190)
Addison, Lancelot (p.162)
Addison, Thomas (p.184)
Adrianus (p.211)
Adrian (Hadrian) (p.196)
Adrian (Hadrian) (p.200)
adultery (p.2)
Aelia Classica (p.186)
Aelius (Hadrian) (p.211)
Aesica (p.176)
Aesica (p.224)
Aesica (p.225)
Aesica (p.230)
agger (p.213)
agger (p.215)
Aglionby (p.192)
Aglionby Family (p.191)
Aglionby Family (p.195)
Aglionby, John (p.184)
Aglionby, John (p.187)
Aglionby, Thomas (p.175)
Agricola (p.203)
Agricola (p.211)
Agricola (p.215)
Agricola's Wall (p.211)
Agricola's Wall (p.215)
agricultural improvement (p.198)
Ala Augusta (p.141)
Ala Augusta (p.172)
Ala Augusta (p.186)
Ala Augusta Gordiana (p.202)
alae (p.195)
alae (p.196)
Ala Gordiana (p.186)
Ala Gordiana (p.196)
Ala Herculea (p.174)
Ala Herculea (p.186)
Ala Herculea (p.195)
Ala Herculea (p.196)
Ala Hispanorum (p.197)
Ala Petriana (p.173)
alarm pipe (p.214)
alarm pipe (p.216)
Ala Sabiniana (p.196)
Ala Sabiniana (p.211)
Ala Sebusia (p.141)
Ala Tungri (p.202)
Ala Vettonum (p.195)
Albemarle, Earl of (p.210)
Alcluith (p.213)
Ald Hengam (Addingham) (p.190)
Aldingham (p.132)
Alexander (p.140)
Alexander, King of Scots (p.189)
Alfred (p.212)
Alione (p.205)
Alione (p.230)
Allerdale, Barony of (p.209)
Allerdale, Barony of (p.210)
Allerdale, Lord of (p.174)
Allerdale, Lord of (p.183)
almshouses, Appleby (p.157)
almshouses, Wigton (p.186)
Alne, River (Alon) (p.177)
Alone (p.177)
Alon (Alne) (p.177)
alpine meadow grass (p.166)
alpine meadow grass (p.207)
altar, roman (p.140)
altar, roman (p.152)
altar, roman (p.158)
altar, roman (p.159)
altar, roman (p.160)
altar, roman (p.169)
altar, roman (p.171)
altar, roman (p.172)
altar, roman (p.177)
altar, roman (p.184)
altar, roman (p.186)
altar, roman (p.187)
altar, roman (p.190)
altar, roman (p.191)
altar, roman (p.195)
altar, roman (p.196)
altar, roman (p.197)
altar, roman (p.201)
altar, roman (p.202)
altar, roman (p.203)
altar, roman (p.205)
altar, roman (p.217)
altar, roman (p.225)
altar, roman (p.227)
altar, roman (p.228)
altar, roman (p.229)
Ambleside (p.144)
Ambleside (p.155)
Ambleside (p.162)
Amboglana (p.147)
Amboglana (p.155)
Amboglana (p.205)
Amboglanna (p.226)
Amboglanna (p.230)
Amounderness (p.142)
amulet (p.140)
Andernesse (p.132)
Anglo Saxon Chronicles (p.161)
Anglo Saxon Chronicles (p.194)
Anglo Saxon Chronicles (p.212)
Anglo Saxon (p.intro)
Anne (p.155)
Anne (p.199)
Anne of Cleves (p.204)
ant (p.153)
antiquities (p.162)
Antonine Itineraries (p.160)
Antonine Itineraries (p.172)
Antonine Itineraries (p.173)
Antonine Itineraries (p.174)
Antonine Itineraries (p.212)
Antoninus (p.1)
Antoninus (p.2)
Antoninus (p.131)
Antoninus (p.148)
Antoninus (p.177)
Antoninus (p.185)
Antoninus (p.211)
Apelby (Appleby) (p.148)
Apelby (Appleby) (p.158)
Apelthwaite (Applethwaite) (p.144)
Apiatorum (p.200)
Aplebyschire (p.158)
Apocolycinthosis (p.1)
Apollo (p.201)
apple (p.185)
Appleby, Barony of (p.151)
Appleby, Bishop (p.193)
Appleby Castle (p.148)
Appleby Castle (p.157)
Appleby Gaol (p.157)
Appleby-in-Westmorland (p.157)
Appleby-in-Westmorland (p.158)
Appleby-in-Westmorland (p.229)
Appleby-in-Westmorland, burnt (p.158)
Appleby-in-Westmorland (Apelby) (p.148)
Appleby-in-Westmorland (Apelby) (p.158)
Appleby, Mr (p.203)
Appleby, Mrs (p.202)
Applethwaite (p.153)
Applethwaite (Apelthwaite) (p.144)
Appleton Hall (p.209)
Apulby, Thomas de (p.182)
aqueduct (p.220)
aqueduct (p.228)
Arbeia (p.171)
Arbeia (p.181)
Arbeia (p.184)
Areani Exploratrores (p.213)
Arivagus (p.175)
Armanthwayte (Armathwaite Castle) (p.174)
Armathwaite Castle (Armanthwayte) (p.174)
Armathwaite Castle (Armathwaite Place) (p.191)
Armathwaite Nunnery (p.191)
Armathwaite Place (Armathwaite Castle) (p.191)
armaturae (p.176)
Armstrong, Archibald (p.188)
Arnside Tower (p.153)
arrow headed grass (p.207)
Arthuret (p.188)
Arthur's Castle (Arthur's Round Table) (p.161)
Arthur's Round Table (p.161)
Arthur's Round Table (p.162)
Arthur's Round Table (p.173)
asarabacca (p.145)
asarabacca (p.164)
Askerton Castle (p.176)
Askham Hall (p.161)
Aspatria (Aspatric) (p.170)
Aspatria (Aspatrike) (p.210)
Aspatric (Aspatria) (p.170)
Aspatrike (Aspatria) (p.210)
asphodel (p.145)
asphodel (p.165)
asphodel (p.207)
assizes (p.141)
assizes (p.148)
assizes (p.157)
assizes (p.194)
assizes (p.199)
astrologer (p.186)
Astures (p.176)
Athelstan (p.162)
Athelstan (p.173)
Athulpus (p.175)
Augustinian Order (p.142)
Augustinian Order (p.143)
Augustinian Order (p.193)
Aurelian Mores (p.148)
Aurelius (p.212)
author (p.i)
Autropius (p.212)
auxiliaries (p.202)
Avallava (p.157)
Aven Glass (Ravenglass) (p.169)
avens (p.206)
Avicenna (p.186)
Axelodunum (p.187)
Axelodunum (p.228)
Axelodunum (p.230)
Aylosse, Joseph, Sir (p.201)
baccae conchae (p.169)
Bainbridge, Christopher (p.159)
Bainbridge, Mr (p.158)
Bainbridge, Mr (p.160)
Bainbridge, Reginald (p.148)
Bainbridge, Reginald (p.157)
Bainbridge, Reginald (p.158)
Baliol (p.189)
balneum (p.224)
Bamhead (St Bees Head) (p.180)
Bampton (p.161)
Bampton Grammar School (p.161)
bane berry (p.164)
Bankes, John, Sir (p.182)
Banks Burn (p.226)
Banks, Burtholme (p.226)
Banna (p.225)
baptism (p.170)
baptism, king's (p.225)
Barbarians (p.211)
Barbarians (p.212)
Barcarii Tigrensis (p.171)
Bardsay Hall (Bardsea Hall) (p.143)
Bardsea Family (p.143)
Bardsea Hall (Bardsay Hall) (p.143)
Bardsea (Bardsey) (p.142)
Bardsey (Bardsea) (p.142)
Barhouse Family (p.171)
Barlow, Bishop (p.155)
Barlow, Bishop (p.157)
Barlow, Robert (p.154)
Barlow, Thomas (p.154)
baronies (p.151)
Barony of Allerdale (p.209)
Barony of Allerdale (p.210)
Barony of Appleby (p.151)
Barony of Brough (p.209)
Barony of Burgh (p.173)
Barony of Copeland (p.179)
Barony of Crosby (p.174)
Barony of Dalston (p.209)
Barony of Egremont (p.170)
Barony of Egremont (p.179)
Barony of Gilsland (p.201)
Barony of Gilsland (p.209)
Barony of Kendal (p.147)
Barony of Kendal (p.150)
Barony of Kendal (p.151)
Barony of Levington (p.209)
Barony of Stainton (p.209)
Barony of Westmorland (p.150)
Barony of Westmorland (p.151)
barracks (p.226)
Barran's Ring (p.155)
barren char (p.144)
Barrow, Bishop (p.193)
barrows (p.224)
Barton (p.162)
Barwick, John, Dr (p.153)
basilica (p.197)
Basire, James (p.fpc)
bass (p.154)
Bassingbourne, Humphrey de, Sir (p.162)
bastard asphodel (p.165)
Bastard Dacre (p.205)
bastard English asphodel (p.145)
bastard moneywort (p.166)
Bastard, William the (p.209)
Batable Ground (Debatable Land) (p.176)
Batable Ground (Debatable Land) (p.179)
Battle of Clifton Moor (p.162)
Battle of Durham (p.132)
Battle of Edgehill (p.198)
Battle of Solway Moss (p.156)
Battle of Solway Moss (p.176)
Battle of Solway Moss (p.188)
Battle of Stoke (p.143)
Battle of Washford (p.154)
Battle of Worcester (p.191)
Battle Place (Kendal: Battle Place) (p.152)
bawd money (p.145)
bawd money (p.164)
bay leaved willow (p.166)
Baynes, Henry (p.141)
Bazin Tower (p.153)
beacon, Ingleborough (p.140)
beacon, Penrith (p.188)
beacons (p.198)
beacon, Skiddaw (p.182)
beacon, Wart Hill (p.157)
Beaucastle (Bew Castle) (p.200)
Beaucastle (Bewcastle) (p.225)
Beaumont (p.228)
Bec, Anthony (p.173)
Becket, Thomas (p.174)
Bede (p.170)
Bede (p.173)
Bede (p.174)
Bede (p.175)
Bede (p.180)
Bede (p.182)
Bede (p.211)
Bede (p.212)
Bede (p.213)
Bede (p.218)
Bedel, Bishop (p.157)
Bedford, Duke of (p.147)
Bedford, Earl of (p.132)
Bee Houses (p.216)
Beehouses (p.217)
Bees Head (St Bees Head) (p.180)
Beetham (p.147)
Beetham (p.153)
Beetham Force (p.153)
Beetham Hall (Bytham Hall) (p.153)
Beetham (Bitham) (p.153)
Beetham (Bytham) (p.153)
beheading (p.181)
Bekangesgill (Vale of Nightshade) (p.142)
Bek, Anthony (p.189)
Bekensgill (Vale of Nightshade) (p.132)
Bela, River (Betha) (p.153)
Bela, River (Byth Water) (p.153)
Belatucader (p.185)
Belatucader (p.201)
Bell, Bishop (p.192)
Bell, Bishop (p.193)
Belle Isle (p.144)
Belle Isle (Long Holme) (p.154)
Belle Isle (Wynandermere Island) (p.154)
bellflower (p.164)
Bellingham, Allan (p.155)
Bell, Mr (p.226)
Bell, Rev (p.184)
Benedictine Order (p.141)
Benedictine Order (p.180)
Benedictine Order (p.184)
Benedictine Order (p.191)
Bentham (p.140)
Bentink, William (p.189)
Bentink, William Henry (p.189)
Benwell (p.218)
Benwell (p.230)
Benwell Fort (p.217)
Benwell Hill (p.217)
Benwell Hill (p.218)
Berida (p.190)
Bernicia (p.2)
Berwick (p.198)
Betha (Bela) (p.153)
Beucastle (Bew Castle) (p.176)
Bew Castle (p.200)
Bewcastle Cross (p.176)
Bewcastle Cross (p.200)
Bew Castle (Beaucastle) (p.200)
Bewcastle (Beaucastle) (p.225)
Bew Castle (Beucastle) (p.176)
Bew Castle (Bowecastle) (p.200)
Bew Castle (Bueth Castle) (p.176)
Bewley Castle (Buley Castle) (p.148)
Bewley Castle (Buley Castle) (p.158)
Bewley Castle (Buley Castle) (p.192)
bilberry (p.207)
Birch Shaw (p.226)
bird cherry (p.145)
bird cherry (p.166)
bird cherry (p.207)
Birdoswald (p.177)
Birdoswald (p.226)
Birdoswald (Burdoswald) (p.205)
bird's eye (p.166)
bird's eye (p.207)
bird's foot (p.166)
bird's nest (p.166)
Birk Beck (p.155)
Birk Beck (p.161)
bistort (p.207)
Bitham (Beetham) (p.153)
black berried heath (p.206)
Black Canons (p.143)
black chalk (p.182)
black currant (p.166)
black currant (p.207)
Black Friars (p.194)
black grape cherry (p.166)
black lead (p.170)
black lead mine (p.182)
black maidenhair (p.206)
black saltwort (p.206)
black whorts (p.207)
bladder lichen (p.145)
bladder tremella (p.167)
bladder tremella (p.207)
Blancogo (Blencogo) (p.209)
Blanding Stone Mearburne Head (Muirburnhead) (p.200)
blasia (p.145)
Blatum Bulgium (p.173)
Blatum Bulgium (p.186)
Blatum Bulgium (p.187)
Blatum Bulgium (p.214)
Bleatarn (p.227)
Blencarn Beck (p.149)
Blencogo (Blancogo) (p.209)
Blencow Family (p.192)
Blencow Hall (p.192)
blood hounds (p.199)
bloodwort (p.166)
bloody cranesbill (p.145)
bloody cranesbill (p.165)
bloomsmithy rent (p.142)
blue dogtail grass (p.206)
Bocher Gate (English Gate) (p.193)
Bockham, Mrs (p.162)
Bodley, Life of (p.161)
Bodotria (p.211)
Bodotria (p.212)
Bodotria (p.213)
Boethius (p.211)
Boethius (p.213)
bog oak (p.156)
Bolnesse (Bowness-on-Solway) (p.187)
Bolnes (Bowness-on-Solway) (p.188)
Bonvil Family (p.132)
Borcovicum (p.223)
Borcovicus (p.230)
borderer (p.211)
border laws (p.198)
border laws (p.199)
border raid, 1216 (p.173)
border raid, 1544 (p.199)
border raids (p.156)
border raids (p.199)
border reivers (p.158)
border reivers (p.176)
Border Service (p.151)
Border Service (p.198)
border tenure (p.212)
Borodale (Borrowdale) (p.182)
Borough Meadow (p.216)
Boroughs, Papcastle (p.183)
borough towns (p.150)
borough towns (p.179)
Borough Walls, Workington (p.184)
Borowe (Over Burrow) (p.140)
Borrodale (Borrowdale) (p.170)
Borrowdale (Borodale) (p.182)
Borrowdale (Borrodale) (p.170)
Borwick, Dean (p.143)
botany (p.145)
botany (p.164)
botany (p.165)
botany (p.166)
botany (p.167)
botany (p.206)
botany (p.207)
Bothel (Bothill) (p.209)
Bothill (Bothel) (p.209)
bottom wind (p.182)
Boulness (p.230)
Boulness (Bownes-on-Solway) (p.229)
Boulness (Bowness-on-Solway) (p.186)
Boulness (Bowness-on-Solway) (p.187)
Boulness (Bowness-on-Solway) (p.216)
Boulogne, Earl of (p.132)
boundary, Cumberland/Lancashire (p.169)
boundary, Cumberland/Lancashire (p.179)
boundary, Cumberland/Northumberland (p.179)
boundary, Cumberland/Scotland (p.179)
boundary, England/Scotland (p.155)
boundary, England/Scotland (p.173)
boundary, England/Scotland (p.175)
boundary, England/Scotland (p.176)
boundary, Roman Empire (p.211)
boundary, Westmorland/Cumberland (p.179)
Boustead Hill (Bowsteed Hill) (p.228)
Bowaldese (?) (p.209)
Bowecastle (Bew Castle) (p.200)
Bowers, The (p.224)
Bowness-on-Solway (p.173)
Bowness-on-Solway (Bolnesse) (p.187)
Bowness-on-Solway (Bolnes) (p.188)
Bowness-on-Solway (Boulnesse) (p.216)
Bowness-on-Solway (Boulness) (p.186)
Bowness-on-Solway (Boulness) (p.187)
Bowness-on-Solway (Boulness) (p.229)
Bowness-on-Solway (Bulnesse) (p.173)
Bowness-on-Solway (Bulness) (p.186)
Bowness-on-Solway (Bulness) (p.214)
Bowsteed Hill (Boustead Hill) (p.228)
Boyle, Richard (p.205)
Boyvile, Richerus de (p.209)
Brackmere (Thirlmere) (p.181)
Braddyll Family (p.143)
Braddyll, Wilson (p.143)
Bradley (p.224)
Brainthwaite (Branthwaite) (p.209)
Braithwaite Family (p.159)
bramble (p.145)
bramble (p.166)
bramble (p.207)
Brampton (p.176)
Brampton (p.201)
Brampton (p.202)
Brampton (p.203)
branched polypody (p.145)
branched polypody (p.166)
Brandon, Charles (p.178)
Brandreth Stone (Brandrith Stone, Tebay) (p.155)
Brandrith Stone, Tebay (Brandreth Stone) (p.155)
branny liverwort (p.165)
branny liverwort (p.206)
Branthwaite (Brainthwaite) (p.209)
Brathay, River (Brathey) (p.154)
Brathay, River (Brathey) (p.155)
Brathay, River (Brathy) (p.144)
Brathey (Brathay) (p.154)
Brathey (Brathay) (p.155)
Brathwaite, Thomas (p.154)
Brathwate, Thomas (p.155)
Brathy (Brathay) (p.144)
Bravonacae (p.158)
Bremetenracum (p.190)
Bremetenracum (p.230)
Bremetonacae (p.140)
Bremetonacum (p.131)
Bremeturacum (p.176)
Bremeturacum (p.203)
brendwood (p.154)
Bretaign and Richmond, Duke of (p.189)
Bricekirk (Bridekirk) (p.209)
brick (p.141)
Bridekirk (p.170)
Bridekirk (Bricekirk) (p.209)
bridge, Great Salkeld (p.191)
bridge, Lancaster (p.131)
bridge, North Tyne (p.221)
bridge, St Bees (p.180)
bridge, Willowford (p.177)
brigand (p.1)
Brigantes (p.1)
Brigantes (p.127)
Brigantes (p.147)
Brigantes (p.203)
Brigantes, revolt (p.2)
Briggs, Colonel (p.154)
Brigham (p.209)
Brinds Fell (Cross Fell) (p.180)
Britain Fronto (p.211)
Britannia (p.161)
Britannia Romana (p.216)
Britannicus (p.212)
Britans (p.132)
Britans (p.211)
Britans (p.215)
British Topography (p.143)
Britons (p.131)
Britons (p.169)
Britons (p.177)
Britons (p.213)
brittle chara (p.145)
brittle chara (p.164)
brittle polypody (p.166)
broad bastard cyperus (p.166)
broad leaved bastard hellebore (p.166)
broad leaved bushy hawkweed (p.165)
broad leaved mountain garlic (p.164)
broad leaved stitchwort (p.166)
Brocavum (p.160)
Broclitia (p.223)
Brocolitia (p.222)
Brocolitia (p.225)
Broconiacum (p.148)
Brogham (Brougham) (p.209)
Broom Dikes (p.222)
Brough (p.157)
Brougham (p.148)
Brougham (p.161)
Brougham Castle (p.151)
Brougham Castle (p.160)
Brougham Castle (p.161)
Brougham Castle (p.188)
Brougham Family (p.181)
Brougham (Brogham) (p.209)
Brougham (Burgham) (p.160)
Brough, Barony of (p.209)
Brough Castle (p.148)
Brough Castle (p.157)
Broughton Family (p.143)
Broughton in Furness (p.143)
Broughton, Thomas (p.143)
Broughton Tower (p.153)
Brough (Burgh under Stanemore) (p.148)
Brough (Burgh) (p.158)
Brough (Lower Borough) (p.157)
Brough (Market Brough) (p.157)
Brough (Market Brough) (p.159)
Brovocum (p.148)
Brovonacum (p.148)
Brovoniacum (p.148)
brown carex (p.145)
brown carex (p.164)
brown lichen (p.165)
brown satyrion (p.166)
Bruce, Robert the (p.175)
Bruce, Robert the (p.194)
Brugh (Burgh by Sands) (p.228)
Brundas, Turgis (p.176)
Bruntstock (p.227)
Brus, Peter (p.147)
Brute, King (p.190)
Bryngwyn (p.162)
buckbean (p.165)
buckbean (p.207)
buckshorn plantain (p.207)
Bueth (p.176)
Bueth (p.177)
Bueth (p.200)
Bueth (p.201)
Bueth (p.204)
Bueth Castle (Bew Castle) (p.176)
Bueth, Giles (p.176)
Bueth, Giles (p.177)
Bueth, Giles (p.201)
Bueth, Giles (p.204)
Bueth, Giles (p.205)
bugloss (p.145)
bugloss (p.207)
Buisy Gap (p.223)
Buley Castle (Bewley Castle) (p.148)
Buley Castle (Bewley Castle) (p.158)
Buley Castle (Bewley Castle) (p.192)
Bulnesse (Bowness-on-Solway) (p.173)
Bulness (Bowness-on-Solway) (p.186)
Bulness (Bowness-on-Solway) (p.214)
Burbank, Thomas (p.192)
Burdoswald (p.230)
Burdoswald (Birdoswald) (p.205)
Burdoswald (Birdoswald) (p.226)
Bure (Greta) (p.182)
Burgh (p.230)
Burgham (Brougham) (p.160)
Burgh, Barony of (p.173)
Burgh by Sands (p.194)
Burgh by Sands (Brugh) (p.228)
Burgh by Sands (Burgh on Sands) (p.187)
Burgh by Sands (Burgh upon Sands) (p.214)
Burgh by Sands (Burgh yn the Sand) (p.187)
Burgh on Sands (Burgh by Sands) (p.187)
Burgh on the Elen (Elleborough) (p.171)
Burgh under Stanemore (Brough) (p.148)
Burgh upon Sands (Burgh by Sands) (p.214)
Burgh yn the Sand (Burgh by Sands) (p.187)
Burgh (Brough) (p.158)
Burgh (Brough) (p.209)
Burlington, Earl of (p.205)
Burn, Richard (p.155)
Burn, Richard (p.157)
Burn, Richard (p.179)
Burn, Richard (p.184)
Burn, Richard (p.194)
Burn, Richard (p.199)
Burrals (Burrells, Hoff?) (p.158)
Burrells, Hoff (?) (p.158)
Burrow Walls (p.158)
Burton-in-Kendal (p.153)
Burton, Mr (p.190)
Burton, Warcop (p.159)
Burwens (p.158)
bushel, Cumberland (p.180)
Bush Inn, Carlisle (p.194)
butterwort (p.166)
butterwort (p.207)
Byker hill (p.217)
Bytham Hall (Beetham Hall) (p.153)
Bytham (Beetham) (p.153)
Byth Water (Bela) (p.153)
Cable, Low Middle and High (p.154)
Cadgatema (p.141)
Caerleolum (Carlisle) (p.174)
Caerleol (Carlisle) (p.194)
Caer Lualid (Carlisle) (p.174)
Caer Luel (Carlisle) (p.188)
Caer Vorran (p.148)
Caervorran (p.230)
Caer Werid (Lancaster) (p.131)
Caesarius, Ewan, Sir (p.189)
Caesar, Julius (?) (p.170)
Caesar's Tower (p.157)
Cairluell (Carlisle) (p.193)
Cair Luel (Carlisle) (p.187)
Cairluel (Carlisle) (p.191)
cairn (p.155)
calathian violet (p.145)
calathian violet (p.165)
Caldbeck (Caudebeck) (p.174)
Calden Gate (Irish Gate) (p.193)
Calder Abbey (p.181)
Calder, River (p.181)
Calder (Caltre) (p.209)
Caldew, River (Caudy) (p.228)
Caldew, River (Caud) (p.174)
Caledonian Britans (p.211)
Caledonians (p.215)
Calgarth Park (Calvgarth Park) (p.154)
Caltre (Calder) (p.209)
Calvgarth Park (Calgarth Park) (p.154)
Cam Beck (p.214)
Cambeck (p.221)
Cam Beck (p.225)
Cambeck (p.230)
Cambeck Fort (p.190)
Cambeck Fort (p.201)
Cambeck Fort (p.227)
Cambeck Hill (p.227)
Cam Beck (Cambec) (p.176)
Cam Beck (Cammock) (p.201)
Cambeck (?) (p.197)
Camberton (Camerton) (p.209)
Camboglanna (p.227)
Camden 1789 (p.intro)
Camden 1695 (p.161)
Camden 1722 (p.161)
Camden, William (p.fpc)
Camelford, Lord (p.193)
Camerton (Camberton) (p.209)
Cammock Beck (Cam Beck) (p.201)
campion (p.207)
Campo, Florianus del (p.1)
canary grass (p.207)
Cancefeld Family (p.132)
Candale (Kendal) (p.147)
cannon (p.154)
Canterbury, Archbishop of (p.174)
canterbury bells (p.164)
canterbury bells (p.206)
Cantilena Rustica (p.161)
Can (Kent) (p.147)
Capitolinus (p.211)
Capricorn (p.198)
Caracalla (p.185)
Caracalla (p.205)
Caractacus (p.2)
Caraleton (p.189)
Carausius (p.212)
carex (p.164)
Carisle, Earl of (p.205)
Cark Hall (p.143)
Carleil (Carlisle) (p.175)
Carles (Castlerigg Stone Circle) (p.182)
Carleton, St Cuthbert Without (p.209)
Carlisle (p.174)
Carlisle (p.182)
Carlisle (p.184)
Carlisle (p.189)
Carlisle (p.196)
Carlisle (p.198)
Carlisle (p.207)
Carlisle (p.214)
Carlisle, Bishop of (p.148)
Carlisle, Bishop of (p.155)
Carlisle, Bishop of (p.157)
Carlisle, Bishop of (p.173)
Carlisle, Bishop of (p.174)
Carlisle, Bishop of (p.175)
Carlisle, Bishop of (p.180)
Carlisle, Bishop of (p.182)
Carlisle, Bishop of (p.192)
Carlisle, Bishop of (p.194)
Carlisle, burnt (p.194)
Carlisle Castle (p.174)
Carlisle Castle (p.175)
Carlisle Castle (p.192)
Carlisle Castle (p.193)
Carlisle Castle (p.228)
Carlisle Cathedral (p.174)
Carlisle Cathedral (p.175)
Carlisle Cathedral (p.189)
Carlisle Cathedral (p.193)
Carlisle Cathedral (p.194)
Carlisle Diocese (p.194)
Carlisle, Earl of (p.175)
Carlisle, Earl of (p.188)
Carlisle, Earl of (p.191)
Carlisle, Earl of (p.194)
Carlisle, Earl of (p.201)
Carlisle, Earl of (p.204)
Carlisle, Prior of (p.185)
Carlisle, siege (p.175)
Carlisle (Caerleol) (p.194)
Carlisle (Caer Luel) (p.188)
Carlisle (Cairluell) (p.193)
Carlisle (Cair Luel) (p.187)
Carlisle (Cairluel) (p.191)
Carlisle (Carleil) (p.175)
Carlisle (Carluel) (p.183)
Carlisle (Lugubalia) (p.193)
Carlisle (Luguballia) (p.175)
Carluel (Carlisle) (p.183)
Carmelite Order (p.158)
carnedd (p.155)
Carraw (p.222)
Carrawbrugh (p.220)
Carrawbrugh (p.222)
Carrawburgh (p.221)
Carrawburgh (p.230)
Carthmell (Cartmel) (p.131)
Cartismandua (p.2)
Cartmel (p.142)
Cartmel Bay (p.142)
Cartmell Wells (p.145)
Cartmel Priory (p.142)
Cartmel (Carthmell) (p.131)
Carvoran (p.221)
Carvoran (p.223)
Carvoran (p.225)
Carvoran (p.227)
case char (p.144)
case char (p.154)
Cassiodorus (p.203)
Cassiodorus (p.211)
Cassiodorus (p.215)
castella (p.215)
castella (p.216)
castellum, Beehouses (p.217)
castellum, Ewsburn (p.217)
castellum, Quarry House (p.217)
castle, Appleby (p.148)
castle, Appleby (p.157)
castle, Armathwaite (p.191)
castle, Bewcastle (p.200)
castle, Bewley (p.148)
castle, Bewley (p.158)
castle, Bewley (p.192)
Castle Bridge, Mallerstang (p.156)
castle, Brough (p.148)
castle, Brough (p.157)
castle, Brougham (p.151)
castle, Brougham (p.160)
castle, Brougham (p.161)
castle, Brougham (p.188)
castle, Carlisle (p.192)
castle, Carlisle (p.193)
castle, Carlisle (p.228)
Castle Carrock (Dunwalloght Castle) (p.204)
castle, Cockermouth (p.170)
castle, Cockermouth (p.183)
castle, Cockermouth (p.184)
castle, Corby (p.191)
castle, Corby (p.205)
Castle Crag (Dunwalloght Castle) (p.204)
castle, Dacre (p.188)
castle, Dacre (p.201)
castle, Drawdykes (p.195)
castle, Drumburgh (p.228)
castle, Drumburgh (p.229)
castle, Egremont (p.180)
Castle Folds (p.156)
castle, Gleaston (p.143)
castle, Hartley (p.147)
castle, Hartley (p.157)
castle, Hay (p.170)
castle, Hayes (p.181)
Castle Head (p.153)
castle, High Head (p.192)
Castle Hill, Ormside (?) (p.159)
castle, Hornby (p.131)
castle, Hornby (p.140)
Castle Howe, Kendal (p.152)
castle, Howgill (p.148)
castle, Howgill (p.159)
castle, Howgill (p.162)
Castle How, Greenholm (p.156)
Castle How, Tebay (p.156)
castle, Kendal (p.147)
castle, Kendal (p.151)
castle, Kendal (p.152)
castle, Kirkoswald (p.190)
castle, Kirkoswald (p.204)
castle, Lancaster (p.131)
castle, Lancaster (p.140)
castle, Lancaster (p.141)
castle, Linstock (p.191)
castle, Lowther (p.161)
Castle Luen (p.189)
castle, Millom (p.169)
castle, Naworth (p.190)
castle, Naworth (p.191)
castle, Naworth (p.194)
castle, Naworth (p.204)
castle, Naworth (p.205)
Castle Nook (p.205)
castle, Pendragon (p.147)
castle, Pendragon (p.156)
castle, Penrith (p.188)
castle, Penrith (p.189)
castle, Piel (p.153)
Castlerigg (p.181)
Castlerigg (p.209)
Castlerigg Stone Circle (p.179)
Castlerigg Stone Circle (p.181)
Castlerigg Stone Circle (Carles) (p.182)
castle, Rockcliffe (p.195)
castle, Rose (p.192)
castles (p.213)
castle, Scaleby (p.201)
castle, Scaleby (p.202)
castle, Scaleby (p.203)
castles demolished (p.199)
castle, Sizergh (p.152)
Castlesteads (p.162)
Castlesteads (p.190)
Castlesteads, Hesket (p.190)
Castlesteads, Stainton (Castle Steeds) (p.152)
Castlesteads (Castle Steed) (p.176)
Castlesteads (Castlesteed) (p.201)
castle steeds (p.213)
castle steeds (p.215)
castle steeds (p.216)
castle steeds (p.218)
Castlesteeds (p.230)
Castle Steeds (Castlesteads) (p.152)
Castle Steed (Castlesteads) (p.176)
Castlesteed (Castlesteads) (p.201)
castle, Thirlwall (p.226)
castle, Thurland (p.131)
castle, Whelp (p.148)
castle, Whelp (p.158)
castle, Whelp (p.159)
castle, Workington (p.184)
castra aestiva (p.215)
Castra Exploratorum (p.172)
Castra Exploratorum (p.186)
Castra Exploratorum (p.187)
Castra Exploratorum (p.196)
Castra Exploratorum (p.198)
castra stativa (p.215)
Catadupa (p.153)
Catalogue of the Tenisono (p.161)
Catalogus Manuscriptorum in Anglia and Hibernia (p.161)
catapult (p.201)
Catguoloph (p.159)
cat mint (p.207)
cat's foot (p.165)
Caudebeck (Caldbeck) (p.174)
Caudey (Caldew) (p.228)
Caud (Caldew) (p.174)
Cautley (p.156)
Cavendish, George (p.142)
Cavendish, George (p.143)
Cavendish, John (p.143)
Cavendish, Lord (p.142)
Cavendish, Lord (p.143)
caves, Wetheral (p.191)
Cay, Mr (p.195)
celt (p.143)
celt (p.159)
centaury (p.206)
Cerealis, Petilius (p.2)
Chalk Beck (Shalk Beck) (p.193)
Chambers, Robert (p.186)
chapel, Chapel Flash (p.188)
chapel, Dalston (p.192)
Chapel Flash (p.188)
Chapel Flat, Dalston (p.192)
Chapel Houses (p.216)
Chapel Houses (p.218)
Chapel, The (p.226)
char (p.132)
char (p.143)
char (p.144)
char (p.181)
chara (p.145)
chara (p.164)
charcoal (p.142)
charcoal (p.155)
charity, Brougham (p.160)
Charles I (p.161)
Charles I (p.188)
Charles I (p.205)
Charles II (p.152)
Charles II (p.184)
Charles II (p.191)
Charles II (p.198)
Charles II (p.205)
charter (p.186)
charter, Appleby (p.158)
charter, Kendal (p.152)
charter, Lancaster (p.131)
char, types (p.144)
char, types (p.154)
Chately Moss (p.188)
cherry (p.145)
cherry (p.207)
Cheshire (p.209)
Chester, Bishop of (p.152)
Chester Close (p.220)
Chester, Earl of (p.175)
Chester, Earl of (p.205)
Chesterholme (Little Chesters) (p.224)
chesters (p.213)
chesters (p.215)
Chesters (p.221)
Chesters (p.224)
Chesters, The (p.220)
chickweed (p.164)
chickweed (p.166)
chickweed winter green (p.167)
Chinese (p.213)
chives (p.164)
Christ, baptism (p.183)
Christian, John (p.184)
Chronicon (p.215)
church, Ambleside (p.155)
church, Appleby (p.157)
church, Beetham (p.153)
church, Bewcastle (p.176)
church, Bongate (p.157)
church, Brampton (p.201)
church, Bridekirk (p.183)
church, Bridekirk (p.184)
Church Brough (p.157)
church, Brougham (p.160)
church, Brougham (p.162)
church, Carlisle (p.193)
church, Carlisle (p.194)
church, Dacre (p.188)
church, Dearham (p.185)
churches (p.198)
churches (p.199)
churches, Cumberland (p.178)
church, Great Crosthwaite (p.182)
church, Great Salkeld (p.191)
church, Ireby (?) (p.185)
church, Kirkandrew on Esk (p.198)
church, Kirkby Lonsdale (p.162)
church, Kirkoswald (p.174)
church, Kirkoswald (p.190)
church, Kirkoswald (p.191)
church, Lowther (p.161)
church, Mallerstang (p.156)
church, Orton (p.156)
church, Penrith (p.188)
church, St Bees (p.180)
church, Warwick (p.192)
church, Wigton (p.186)
church, Windermere (p.155)
Cicero (p.170)
Cifford, Francis (p.178)
Cilurnum (p.220)
Cilurnum (p.221)
Cilurnum (p.222)
Cilurnum (p.230)
cinquefoil (p.145)
cinquefoil ladies mantle (p.164)
cinquefoil ladies mantle (p.206)
cist burial (p.155)
cist burial (p.156)
Cistercian Order (p.142)
Cistercian Order (p.181)
Cistercian Order (p.185)
cistus (p.164)
cistus (p.206)
Citadel, Carlisle (p.174)
Citadel, Carlisle (p.194)
Civil War (p.154)
Civil War (p.156)
Civil War (p.181)
Civil War (p.183)
Civil War (p.190)
Civil War (p.192)
Civil War (p.194)
Civil War (p.198)
Classis Aelia (p.211)
Claudian (p.196)
Claudius (p.1)
Claudius (p.2)
Clerk, John, Sir (p.180)
Clerk, John, Sir (p.187)
Clerk, John, Sir (p.196)
Clerk, John, Sir (p.197)
Clerk, John, Sir (p.215)
Clifford, Anne, Lady (p.156)
Clifford, Anne, Lady (p.157)
Clifford, Anne, Lady (p.178)
Clifford, Elizabeth (p.205)
Clifford Family (p.149)
Clifford Family (p.156)
Clifford Family (p.157)
Clifford Family (p.158)
Clifford Family (p.191)
Clifford, Francis (p.198)
Clifford, Francis (p.205)
Clifford, George (p.178)
Clifford, Henry (p.178)
Clifford, Lord (p.205)
Clifford, Margaret (p.157)
Clifford, Margaret (p.178)
Clifford monument (p.157)
Clifford, Robert de (p.198)
Clifton (p.162)
Clifton, Great (p.209)
Clifton Hall (p.161)
Clifton, Little (p.209)
Clifton Moor (p.162)
Clifton Wells, Clifton (p.162)
climate, Cumberland (p.169)
climate, Westmorland (p.150)
climbing fumitory (p.165)
Close, Archdeacon (p.191)
Clota (Glota) (p.211)
Clota (Glota) (p.212)
cloud berry (p.145)
cloud berry (p.166)
cloud berry (p.207)
clubmoss (p.145)
clubmoss (p.165)
clubmoss (p.206)
Cluniac Order (p.131)
Clusurae (p.211)
clusurae (p.212)
Clyde, River (p.211)
Clyde, River (p.212)
Clyde, River (p.215)
coal (p.142)
coal (p.150)
coal (p.180)
coal (p.181)
coal (p.184)
coal mines (p.180)
coast, Cumberland (p.169)
coat of arms, Clifford (p.157)
coat of arms, Clifford (p.188)
coat of arms, Clifford (p.191)
coat of arms, Curwen (p.184)
coat of arms, Dacre (p.188)
coat of arms, Dacre (p.191)
coat of arms, Dacre (p.204)
coat of arms, Dacre (p.205)
coat of arms, Howard (p.204)
coat of arms, Humfranville (p.170)
coat of arms, Kite (p.193)
coat of arms, Lucy (p.170)
coat of arms, Molton (p.170)
coat of arms, Percy (p.170)
coat of arms, Vaux (p.176)
coat of arms, Vaux (p.177)
coat of arms, Vipont (p.149)
coat of arms, Vipont (p.157)
coat of arms, Vipont (p.188)
coat of arms, Wharton (p.156)
Cocis (p.201)
Cockermouth (p.183)
Cockermouth Castle (p.170)
Cockermouth Castle (p.183)
Cockermouth Castle (p.184)
Cockermouth, Liberty of (p.210)
Cockermouth, Lord of (p.183)
Cockermouth, population (p.183)
Cockermouth, Viscount (p.183)
Cockermouth (Cokarmouth) (p.170)
Cocker, River (p.183)
Cocker, River (Cokar) (p.131)
Cocker, River (Cokar) (p.170)
Cockersand Abbey (p.131)
Cockmount Hill (p.225)
cocksfoot (p.164)
cockshead (p.165)
Codex Juris Anglicani (p.161)
coffin (p.228)
cohors (p.195)
cohors (p.196)
cohors (p.197)
cohors (p.202)
Cohors Aelia (p.211)
Cohors Equitum (p.195)
Cohors I Aelia Dacorum (p.177)
Cohors I Dalmatarum (p.171)
Cohors I Elia Dacorum (p.205)
Cohors I Thracum (p.181)
Cohors Lurgi (p.174)
cohort (p.213)
coin, Carlisle (p.194)
coin, roman (p.131)
coin, roman (p.140)
coin, roman (p.141)
coin, roman (p.147)
coin, roman (p.148)
coin, roman (p.152)
coin, roman (p.155)
coin, roman (p.159)
coin, roman (p.183)
coin, roman (p.185)
coin, roman (p.220)
coin, roman (p.229)
Cokarmouth (Cockermouth) (p.170)
Cokar (Cocker) (p.131)
Cokar (Cocker) (p.170)
Cokermouth (Cockermouth) (p.210)
Coker, River (Derwent, River) (p.184)
colic (p.182)
College, Kirkoswald (p.190)
College, Kirkoswald (p.191)
College of Matrons, Wigton (p.186)
columbine (p.164)
Comeranton (Cumrenton) (p.227)
Commodus (p.185)
Commodus (p.211)
common clubmoss (p.206)
common currant (p.166)
common fucus (p.206)
common golden saxifrage (p.206)
common hooded milfoil (p.167)
common juniper (p.165)
common maidenhair (p.206)
common spignel (p.206)
common splachnum (p.166)
common thrift (p.166)
compressed bastard cyperus (p.166)
Concangios (p.147)
Concangios (p.152)
Concavata (p.228)
Concavata (p.229)
Condercum (p.218)
Condercum (p.230)
Congavata (p.192)
Congavata (p.195)
Congavata (p.227)
Congavata (p.230)
Congavata (Rose Castle) (p.174)
Coningston Fells (Coniston Fells) (p.143)
Coningston Water (Coniston Water) (p.143)
Coningston Water (Coniston Water) (p.154)
Conishead Priory (p.143)
Conishead Priory (p.155)
Coniston Fells (Coningston Fells) (p.143)
Coniston Manor (p.143)
Coniston Water, size (p.143)
Coniston Water (Coningston Water) (p.143)
Coniston Water (Coningston Water) (p.154)
Coniston Water (Thurston Water) (p.143)
Coniston (Fleming Coniston) (p.143)
Conquest, The (p.209)
Constantine, King of Scots (p.162)
Constantine, King of Scots (p.173)
Constantine's Cells (St Constantine's Cells) (p.192)
Constantine the Great (p.149)
Constantine the Great (p.160)
Constantine the Great (p.212)
Copeland, Barony of (p.179)
Copeland, Lord of (p.205)
Copeland, Lord of (p.210)
Copeland (Coupland) (p.169)
Copeland (Coupland) (p.209)
copper (p.143)
copper (p.150)
copper (p.169)
copper (p.170)
copperas (p.181)
copper mines (p.170)
copper mines (p.181)
copper mines (p.182)
copper mines, Caldbeck (p.174)
copper works (p.144)
corache (p.214)
coralloids (p.150)
Corby Castle (p.174)
Corby Castle (p.191)
Corby Castle (p.205)
corf (p.181)
cork lichen (p.145)
cornage (p.151)
cornage (p.214)
corn sallet (p.167)
cotton grass (p.206)
cotton mills (p.142)
Cotton, Robert, Sir (p.171)
Cotton, Robert, Sir (p.186)
Coucy, Lord (p.132)
Countess Pillar (p.160)
county boundary, Cumberland/Lancashire (p.143)
county boundary, Cumberland/Lancashire (p.169)
county boundary, Cumberland/Lancashire (p.179)
county boundary, Cumberland/Northumberland (p.179)
county boundary, Westmorland/Cumberland (p.149)
county boundary, Westmorland/Cumberland (p.179)
county boundary, Westmorland/Lancashire (p.144)
county boundary, Westmorland/Lancashire (p.147)
county palatine (p.127)
county palatine (p.134)
county palatine (p.141)
Coupland Bridge (Cowpland Beck Bridge) (p.159)
Coupland, Joan de (p.154)
Coupland, John (p.132)
Coupland (Copeland) (p.169)
Coupland (Copeland) (p.209)
Courteney, Robert de (p.210)
Cousin's House (p.216)
Cousin's House (p.217)
Cousin's house (p.230)
Cowpland Beck Bridge (Coupland Bridge) (p.159)
cow wheat (p.145)
cow wheat (p.164)
cow wheat (p.207)
Crackenthorpe Hall (p.158)
Crackenthorpe Moor (p.159)
Craiksothen (?Greysouthern) (p.209)
crake berry (p.206)
cranberry (p.167)
cranberry (p.182)
cranberry (p.207)
cranesbill (p.145)
cranesbill (p.165)
cranesbill (p.206)
Crawdundale Warth (p.148)
Crawdundale (Crowdundle) (p.160)
cress (p.167)
cress (p.207)
Criffel (Scruffel) (p.170)
Croglin Hall (p.156)
Cromwell, Oliver (p.156)
Cromwell, Oliver (p.193)
Cromwell, Richard (p.161)
crop marks, Maryport (p.171)
Crosby, Barony of (p.174)
Crosby Castle (p.227)
Crosby Ravensworth (p.162)
cross (p.189)
Cross a Greet (p.140)
cross, Bewcastle (p.200)
cross, Dalston (p.193)
Cross Fell (p.151)
Cross Fell (Brinds Fell) (p.180)
Cross Fell (Devils Fell) (p.180)
crosswort madder (p.165)
Crosthwaite, Peter (p.155)
Crostwaite (Great Crosthwaite) (p.209)
crow berry (p.206)
Crowdundle Beck (Crawdundale) (p.160)
crow garlic (p.206)
crucible (p.182)
culverwort (p.164)
Culwen Family (p.171)
Cumberland (p.2)
Cumberland (p.169)
Cumberland (p.189)
Cumberland, climate (p.169)
Cumberland, Countess of (p.157)
Cumberland, division of (p.209)
Cumberland, Duke of (p.152)
Cumberland, Duke of (p.162)
Cumberland, Duke of (p.205)
Cumberland, Earl of (p.160)
Cumberland, Earl of (p.161)
Cumberland, Earl of (p.178)
Cumberland, Earl of (p.180)
Cumberland, Earl of (p.198)
Cumberland, Earl of (p.205)
Cumberland, extent (p.169)
Cumberland, extent (p.179)
Cumberland, Governor of (p.177)
Cumberland, King of (p.177)
Cumberland, plant list (p.206)
Cumberland, population (p.179)
Cumberland (Cumbroroum Terra) (p.169)
Cumbrorum Terra (Cumberland) (p.169)
Cumrenton (Comeranton) (p.227)
Cumrew Fell (p.204)
cuneus (p.213)
Cuneus Armaturarum (p.176)
Cunobeline (p.2)
currant (p.166)
currant (p.207)
curraugh (p.214)
cursus (p.162)
Curwen, Anne (p.184)
Curwen Family (p.171)
Curwen Family (p.184)
Curwen, Henry (p.184)
Curwen, Henry, Sir (p.184)
Curwen, Isabella (p.144)
Curwen, John Christian (p.144)
Curwen, Thomas, Sir (p.184)
custom house, Lancaster (p.142)
cut leaved mooonwort (p.166)
cyperus (p.166)
Dacor (Dacre Beck) (p.173)
Dacre, Baron (p.173)
Dacre, Baron (p.174)
Dacre, Baron (p.176)
Dacre Beck (Dacor) (p.173)
Dacre Castle (p.173)
Dacre Castle (p.188)
Dacre Castle (p.201)
Dacre, Elizabeth (p.201)
Dacre Family (p.188)
Dacre Family (p.192)
Dacre Family (p.194)
Dacre Family (p.201)
Dacre Family (p.204)
Dacre, Lord (p.173)
Dacre, Lord (p.175)
Dacre, Lord (p.177)
Dacre, Lord (p.178)
Dacre, Lord (p.191)
Dacre, Lord (p.195)
Dacre, Ranulph de (p.173)
Dacre, Ranulph de (p.201)
Dacre, Thomas (p.190)
Dacre, Thomas (p.205)
Dacre, Thomas, Sir (p.204)
daffodil (p.165)
Daker, Lord (p.187)
Dalemain (Delamayn) (p.188)
Dalston (p.189)
Dalston (p.192)
Dalston (p.193)
Dalston, Barony of (p.209)
Dalston, Captain (p.190)
Dalston Family (p.159)
Dalston stone circle (p.192)
Dalton Hall (p.153)
Dalton-in-Furness (p.142)
Danes (p.175)
Danes (p.177)
Danes (p.180)
Danes (p.183)
dane wort (p.207)
Danish (p.183)
Darguent, Water of (Derwent Water) (p.182)
Darwent (Derwent) (p.179)
Darwent (Derwent) (p.183)
Darwent (Derwent) (p.184)
Davers (Dacre) (p.204)
David II, King of Scots (p.132)
David II, King of Scots (p.198)
David I, King of Scots (p.172)
David, King of Scots (p.185)
deadly nightshade (p.164)
deadly nightshade (p.206)
Dean (Dene) (p.209)
Dearham (Dereham) (p.185)
Death's Door (p.189)
Debatable Land (p.195)
Debatable Land (p.198)
Debatable Land (p.199)
Debatable Land (Batable Ground) (p.176)
Debatable Land (Batable Ground) (p.179)
debtors gaol (p.142)
decurio (p.196)
deer (p.142)
deer (p.153)
deer (p.189)
Deira (p.2)
Delamayn (Dalemain) (p.188)
Dempster (p.186)
Dene (Dean) (p.209)
Dentdale (p.140)
Dentob Family (p.194)
Denton (p.218)
Denton Hall (p.218)
Derby, Countess of (p.178)
Derby, Earl of (p.131)
Derby, Earl of (p.153)
Dereham (Dearham) (p.185)
Derventio (p.183)
Derwent Fells (p.170)
Derwent Isle (p.170)
Derwent Isle (Vicar's Island) (p.182)
Derwent Mouth (p.184)
Derwent, River (p.170)
Derwent, River (p.182)
Derwent, River (Coker) (p.184)
Derwent, River (Darwent) (p.179)
Derwent, River (Darwent) (p.183)
Derwent, River (Darwent) (p.184)
Derwent Water (p.170)
Derwent Water (p.181)
Derwent Water, depth (p.182)
Derwentwater, Earl of (p.181)
Derwentwater Family (p.181)
Derwentwater, James, Sir (p.181)
Derwent Water, size (p.182)
Derwentwater, Thomas de (p.170)
Derwent Water (Darguent) (p.182)
Destrivers, Robert (p.209)
Devil's Bridge, Kirkby Lonsdale (p.162)
Devils Fell (Cross Fell) (p.180)
Devilston (Dilston) (p.180)
Dewly Lawe (p.218)
Dictis (p.155)
didappers grayves (p.154)
Dikesfield (p.228)
Dikes, Oswald (p.172)
Dilston, Baron (p.181)
Dilston (Devilston) (p.180)
Dio (p.211)
Dio (p.214)
Dio (p.215)
Diocese of Carlisle (p.151)
Diocese of Chester (p.151)
Dioclesian (p.185)
Dioclesian (p.212)
Dioscorides (p.182)
Dissolution, The (p.205)
Distington (p.181)
Distinton Family (p.170)
ditch (p.212)
Dodding Family (p.143)
Doden (Duddon) (p.179)
dog, Hercules (p.160)
dogtail grass (p.206)
Domesday Book (p.134)
Domesday Book (p.151)
Dominican Order (p.141)
Domitian (p.141)
Dondryt (?Dundraw) (p.209)
Donwaldese (?) (p.209)
Dorset, Marquess of (p.132)
dotterel (p.156)
Dowford Bridge (p.140)
Drawdikes (p.194)
Drawdikes (p.227)
Drawdykes Castle (p.195)
drawing (p.170)
drengage (p.151)
dropping well, Levens (p.153)
dropwort (p.165)
drowning (p.155)
Druids (p.140)
Druids (p.162)
Druids (p.179)
Druids (p.182)
Drumbrugh (Drumburgh) (p.228)
Drumburgh (p.184)
Drumburgh (p.186)
Drumburgh (p.195)
Drumburgh (p.230)
Drumburgh Castle (p.228)
Drumburgh Castle (p.229)
Drumburgh Castle (Drumbough Castle) (p.173)
Drumburgh (Drumbrugh) (p.228)
Drummond (p.161)
Duball's City (Carlisle) (p.174)
duck (p.154)
Dudden, River (p.132)
Duddensand (Duddon Sands) (p.131)
Dudden (Duddon) (p.179)
Duddon Bridge (p.143)
Duddon, River (p.143)
Duddon, River (Dudden) (p.179)
Duddon, River (Duden) (p.169)
Duddon, River (Dudon) (p.179)
Duddon Sands (p.142)
Duddon Sands (p.179)
Duddon Sands (Duddensand) (p.131)
Duden (Duddon) (p.169)
Dugdale, William, Sir (p.183)
Dugdale, William, Sir (p.205)
Dunbar Castle (p.184)
Dunbritten Frith (p.211)
Dunbritton Frith (p.213)
Duncanus, William de (p.210)
Dundraw (Dondryt?) (p.209)
Dunelm, Simon (p.162)
Dunfell (Great Dun Fell?) (p.159)
Dungannon, Viscount (p.205)
Dunmail, King of Cumberland (p.155)
Dunmail, King of Cumberland (p.177)
Dunmail Raise Stones (Dunmail Wray's Stones) (p.155)
Dunmail Wray's Stones (Dunmail Raise Stones) (p.155)
Dunwalloght Castle (p.204)
duplares (p.176)
Durham (p.2)
Durham, Bishop of (p.159)
Durham, Bishop of (p.173)
Durham, Bishop of (p.189)
dwale (p.164)
dwale (p.206)
dwarf blasia (p.145)
dwarf cistus (p.164)
dwarf elder (p.207)
dwarf marsh rush (p.166)
dwarf mulberry (p.166)
dwarf vernal gentian (p.165)
dyer (p.182)
Eaglesfield (p.183)
Eaglesfield (Eglysfeld) (p.209)
Eamont Bridge (Eamotun) (p.162)
Eamont Bridge (Yeoman's Bridge) (p.161)
Eamont, River (p.150)
Eamont, River (Eimot) (p.173)
Eamont, River (Eimot) (p.174)
Eamont, River (Emot) (p.160)
Eamont, River (Emot) (p.161)
Eamont, River (Emot) (p.162)
Eamont, River (Emot) (p.179)
Eamont, River (Emot) (p.188)
Eamont, River (Eymot) (p.148)
Eamont, River (Eymot) (p.149)
Eamotun (Eamont Bridge) (p.162)
Eardulph (p.2)
East Chesters (p.221)
Easton, Bowness (p.228)
Easton Marsh (p.228)
East Ward (p.151)
Eathred, King of Northumberland (p.132)
ebbing and flowing well, Shap (p.161)
echo (p.154)
Edenborough Frith (p.213)
Edenborrow Frith (Eden Estuary) (p.211)
Eden Bridge, Carlisle (p.174)
Eden Estuary (p.211)
Eden Estuary (p.213)
Eden Frith (Solway Firth) (p.175)
Eden Frith (Solway Firth) (p.214)
Eden Hall (p.156)
Edenhall (p.156)
Edenhall (p.189)
Eden, River (p.148)
Eden, River (p.149)
Eden, River (p.150)
Eden, River (p.156)
Eden, River (p.158)
Eden, River (p.161)
Eden, River (p.174)
Eden, River (p.190)
Eden, River (p.191)
Eden, River (p.193)
Eden, River (p.214)
Eden, River (p.228)
Eden, River (Edon) (p.179)
Eden, River (Edon) (p.187)
Eden, River (Edon) (p.191)
Eden, River (Edon) (p.195)
Eden, River (Eiden) (p.173)
Eden, River (Ituna) (p.147)
Eden, River (Lug) (p.174)
editor (p.i)
Edmund I (p.155)
Edmund, King of Northumberland (p.177)
Edon (Eden) (p.179)
Edon (Eden) (p.187)
Edon (Eden) (p.191)
Edon (Eden) (p.195)
Edward I (p.156)
Edward I (p.158)
Edward I (p.170)
Edward I (p.173)
Edward I (p.174)
Edward I (p.189)
Edward I (p.191)
Edward I (p.192)
Edward I (p.194)
Edward I (p.199)
Edward II (p.132)
Edward II (p.156)
Edward II (p.175)
Edward II (p.191)
Edward II (p.194)
Edward III (p.134)
Edward III (p.147)
Edward III (p.154)
Edward III (p.155)
Edward III (p.157)
Edward III (p.176)
Edward III (p.193)
Edward I Monument (p.187)
Edward IV (p.170)
Edward VI (p.154)
Edward VI (p.156)
eels (p.154)
eels (p.181)
effigy (p.188)
Egermont (Egremont) (p.180)
Egfrid, King of Northumberland (p.131)
Egfrid, King of Northumberland (p.175)
Eglesfield, Robert (p.157)
Eglesfield, Robert (p.183)
Eglesfield, Robert (p.193)
Eglysfeld (Eaglesfield) (p.209)
Egremond (Egremont) (p.210)
Egremont, Barony of (p.170)
Egremont, Barony of (p.179)
Egremont Castle (p.179)
Egremont Castle (p.180)
Egremont, Cecilia de (p.210)
Egremont, Earl of (p.183)
Egremont, Lord of (p.180)
Egremont, Thomas Multon de (p.210)
Egremont, William de (p.210)
Egremont (Egermont) (p.180)
Egremont (Egremond) (p.210)
Eiden (Eden) (p.173)
Eimot (Eamont) (p.173)
Eimot (Eamont) (p.174)
Ekard (p.183)
elder (p.145)
elder (p.207)
elecampane (p.165)
Elenborough (p.230)
Elenborough (Ellenborough) (p.185)
Elenborrow (Ellenborough) (p.173)
Elen (Ellen) (p.185)
Elfwold, King (p.132)
Elizabeth I (p.170)
Elizabeth I (p.194)
Ellenborough (Burgh on the Elen) (p.171)
Ellenborough (Elenborough) (p.184)
Ellenborough (Elenborough) (p.185)
Ellenfoot Setlocenia (p.185)
Ellen, River (Elen) (p.185)
Ellen, River (Elne) (p.171)
Ellen, River (Elne) (p.185)
Ellkenborough (Elenborrow) (p.173)
Elne (Ellen) (p.171)
Elne (Ellen) (p.185)
Elswick Windmill (p.217)
Elter Water (p.150)
Emot (Eamont) (p.160)
Emot (Eamont) (p.161)
Emot (Eamont) (p.162)
Emot (Eamont) (p.179)
Emot (Eamont) (p.188)
enchanters nightshade (p.206)
Engaine, Randulph de (p.185)
Englewood Forest (Inglewood) (p.189)
English (p.211)
English Gate (Bocher Gate) (p.193)
English, Mr (p.144)
English stonecrop (p.145)
english stonecrop (p.166)
English, Thomas (p.154)
English Topographer (p.143)
english wood vetch (p.207)
Equites Cataphractarii (p.170)
eruption, Solway Moss (p.188)
eryngo (p.206)
eryngo leaved liverwort (p.165)
esculent fucus (p.206)
Esc (Esk) (p.211)
Eskdale (p.196)
Esk, River (p.175)
Esk, River (p.176)
Esk, River (p.188)
Esk, River (p.195)
Esk, River (p.198)
Esk, River (2) (p.169)
Esk, River (Esc) (p.211)
Esk, River (Eske) (p.179)
Esk, River (Eske) (p.200)
Estoteville Family (p.176)
Ethelwerd (p.212)
Eugenius, King of Cumberland (p.173)
eugh tree (p.166)
eugh tree (p.207)
Eutropius (p.212)
Eveling, King (p.169)
Eversden, John de (p.175)
Ewanrigg Hall (Unerigg Hall) (p.184)
Ewsburn (p.217)
Ewsburn Bank (p.217)
execution (p.181)
eyebright cow wheat (p.145)
Eymot (Eamont) (p.148)
Eymot (Eamont) (p.149)
fair, Appleby (p.157)
fair, Brampton (p.203)
fair, Lancaster (p.141)
fair, Orton (p.156)
Falcon Crag (Falcon's Nest) (p.182)
Falcon's Nest (Falcon Crag) (p.182)
Fane Family (p.163)
Fane, Francis (p.163)
Fane, John (p.163)
Faustina (p.141)
feathered water moss (p.165)
feather grass (p.166)
female horsetail (p.165)
Fenwick, Thomas (p.140)
Ferderic II, of Germany (p.186)
Fermius (p.204)
fern (p.164)
fern (p.166)
fern (p.207)
fern fucus (p.145)
fern jungermannia (p.165)
fern jungermannia (p.206)
Fether Stones (p.191)
Fetherston Family (p.191)
Fetherstonhaugh Family (p.191)
Fethestonhaugh, Timothy, Sir (p.190)
feud (p.199)
feudal tenure (p.151)
feudal tenure (p.212)
fibrous fucus (p.145)
fibula (p.189)
fir clubmoss (p.145)
fir clubmoss (p.206)
fire (p.199)
fire, Carlisle (p.175)
fire engine (mine pump) (p.181)
fire, Penrith (p.189)
fir leaved heath (p.206)
first clubmoss (p.165)
fish, Buttermere lake (p.154)
fish, Coniston Water (p.143)
fish, Coniston Water (p.154)
fish, Cumberland (p.169)
fishery, Workington (p.184)
fishing (p.171)
fishing rights, Windermere (p.154)
fishing, salmon (p.131)
fishing, Windermere lake (p.144)
fish, Loweswater lake (p.181)
fish, Thirlmere (p.181)
fish, Ullswater (p.154)
fish, Ullswater (p.162)
fish, Windermere lake (p.132)
fish, Windermere lake (p.144)
fish, Windermere lake (p.153)
fish, Windermere lake (p.154)
Fitz Reinfrid, Gilbert Fitz Roger (p.147)
Fitz Walter (p.191)
Fitzwalter, Lord (p.180)
Fitz Walter, Ranulph (p.174)
flannel (p.182)
flat spiked cyperus rush (p.166)
Flatt Hall (p.184)
flax (p.165)
fleabane (p.145)
fleabane (p.164)
Fleming, Bishop (p.192)
Fleming, Bishop (p.193)
Flemingbi (Flimby) (p.209)
Fleming Coniston (Coniston) (p.143)
Fleming, Daniel, Sir (p.154)
Fleming, Daniel, Sir (p.155)
Fleming, Daniel, Sir (p.162)
Fleming, Dr (p.190)
Fleming Family (p.132)
Fleming Family (p.155)
Fleming, George (p.155)
Fleming, Michael, Sir (p.143)
Fleming, Michael, Sir (p.155)
Fleming, Richard (p.143)
Fleming, Thomas (p.143)
Fletcher Family (p.181)
Fletcher Family (p.192)
Fletcher, George, Sir (p.192)
Fletcher, J (p.169)
Flimby (Flemingbi) (p.209)
Flookborough (p.142)
flowering fern (p.166)
flowering fern (p.207)
flowering rush (p.206)
flowers (p.145)
flowers (p.164)
flowers (p.165)
flowers (p.166)
flowers (p.167)
flowers (p.206)
flowers (p.207)
Floyer, Mr (p.154)
Flusco Pike (Huskew Pike) (p.189)
fly orchis (p.166)
Foix, John de (p.147)
font, Bridekirk (p.170)
font, Bridekirk (p.183)
footnotes (p.intro)
foot tenements (p.198)
Foreland (Furness) (p.131)
forester, Inglewood (p.185)
forked fern (p.164)
Fornesse Abbey (Furness Abbey) (p.132)
Fornesse (Furness) (p.132)
Forness (Furness) (p.131)
forray (p.199)
Forth, River (p.211)
Forth, River (p.212)
Forth, River (p.213)
Forth, River (p.215)
Fortibus, Avelina de (p.210)
Fortibus, William de (p.210)
fortifications (p.211)
fortified towns (p.213)
forts, exploratory (p.216)
Fortune (p.197)
Fossa Severia (p.212)
fossils (p.150)
Foulsham Moss (p.153)
FoulTown (p.226)
Four Lawes (p.224)
Fox, George (p.143)
French Gate (Irish Gate?) (p.193)
fresh water soldier (p.207)
frontier (p.213)
frontispiece (p.fpc)
fucus (p.145)
fucus (p.206)
fumitory (p.165)
Furness (p.142)
Furness (p.155)
Furness Abbey (p.143)
Furness Abbey (p.147)
Furness Abbey (p.155)
Furness Abbey (p.182)
Furness Abbey (Fornesse Abbey) (p.132)
Furness Abbey (Furnis Abbey) (p.142)
Furness, Abbot of (p.132)
Furness (Foreland) (p.131)
Furness (Fornesse) (p.132)
Furness (Forness) (p.131)
Furnis Abbey (Furness Abbey) (p.142)
Gabrosentum (p.187)
Gabrosentum (p.229)
Gabrosentum (p.230)
Gadenius (p.190)
Galacum (p.157)
Gale (p.212)
Gale, Dr (p.140)
Gale, Dr (p.141)
Gale, Dr (p.152)
Gale, Dr (p.159)
Gale, Dr (p.162)
Gale, Dr (p.186)
Gale, Dr (p.187)
Gale, Dr (p.194)
Gale, Dr (p.195)
Gale, Dr (p.196)
Gale, Dr (p.202)
Gale, Dr (p.203)
Gale, Miss (p.184)
Galen (p.221)
Gale, R (p.215)
Gale, Roger (p.180)
Gallaber (Galloper Field, Tebay) (p.155)
Gallagum (p.148)
Gallatum (p.148)
Gallio (p.213)
Galloper Field, Tebay (Gallaber) (p.155)
Gallow Barrow (p.143)
Gal Sever (p.211)
Gamlesby (p.207)
Ganimede (p.172)
gaol, Appleby (p.148)
gaol, Appleby (p.157)
gaol, Dalton-in-Furness (p.142)
gaol, Lancaster (p.141)
Gap (p.226)
garden (p.143)
Gargrave (p.140)
garlic (p.206)
garrisons (p.211)
garrisons (p.212)
Garthside (p.226)
gate (p.216)
gate (p.225)
gate (p.226)
Gates of Borrowdale (p.182)
Gaul (p.213)
Gaunt, John of (p.134)
Gaunt, John of (p.149)
Gaunt, John of (p.176)
Gavata, Valley of (p.174)
gazetteer (p.intro)
geese (p.154)
gelt char (p.144)
gelt char (p.154)
Gelt, River (p.176)
Gelt, River (p.201)
Gelt, River (p.203)
Gemellus (p.190)
gentian (p.145)
gentian (p.165)
Genunia (p.2)
George, Prince (p.205)
George, Prince of Denmark (p.152)
German Ocean (North Sea) (p.211)
German Ocean (North Sea) (p.214)
Gherrardis, Marcus (p.fpc)
Giant's Caves, Langwathby (Isanparles) (p.149)
Giant's Caves, Langwathby (Isa Parlis) (p.162)
Giant's Grave, Penrith (p.188)
Giant's Grave, Penrith (p.189)
Giant's Thumb, Penrith (p.189)
giant throatwort (p.164)
giant throatwort (p.206)
Gibson, Bishop (p.155)
Gibson, Bishop (p.194)
Gibson, Bishop (p.195)
Gibson, Bishop (p.204)
Gibson, Bishop (p.209)
Gibson, Edmund (p.142)
Gibson, Edmund (p.161)
Gibson, Edmund (p.162)
Gibson, George (p.156)
Gibson, Thomas (p.161)
Gilcruce (Gilcrux) (p.209)
Gilcrux (Gilcruce) (p.209)
Gildas (p.213)
Gildas (p.214)
gilles (p.176)
Gillesland (Gilsland) (p.176)
Gillesland (Gilsland) (p.201)
Gillesland (Gilsland) (p.204)
Gillesland (Gilsland) (p.205)
Gillesland (Gilsland) (p.209)
gilly flower (p.207)
Gilpin, Bernard (p.153)
Gilpin Family (p.153)
Gilpin Family (p.201)
Gilpin, Mr (p.203)
Gilshaughlin (p.158)
Gilsland (p.191)
Gilsland, Barony of (p.201)
Gilsland, Barony of (p.209)
Gilsland, Lord of (p.177)
Gilsland (Gillesland) (p.173)
Gilsland (Gillesland) (p.176)
Gilsland (Gillesland) (p.201)
Gilsland (Gillesland) (p.204)
Gilsland (Gillesland) (p.205)
Gilsland (Gillesland) (p.209)
Gisburne Piory (p.209)
Gisburn, Prior of (p.180)
Giseburn Abbey (p.185)
glacis (p.215)
gladiole (p.165)
Glannibanta (p.230)
Glannoventa (p.141)
Glasenby (Glassonby) (p.190)
Glassonby (Glasenby) (p.190)
glaucus lichen (p.145)
Gleaston Castle (p.143)
globe flower (p.167)
globe flower (p.207)
Glota (Clota) (p.212)
Glotta (Clota) (p.211)
Gloucester, Duke of (p.189)
goat's beard (p.145)
goat's beard (p.207)
Godmond Hall (p.153)
gold (p.170)
golden lungwort (p.165)
golden rod (p.207)
golden saxifrage (p.206)
Goldscope Mine (p.181)
Gondsike (p.156)
Goodman, Mr (p.187)
Goodman, Mr (p.195)
Goodman, Mr (p.201)
Goodman, Richard (p.194)
Gordian (p.140)
Gordian (p.148)
Gordian (p.172)
Gordian (p.185)
Gordian (p.202)
Gordian (p.203)
Gordian III (p.186)
Gordon, Mr (p.185)
Gordon, Mr (p.202)
Gordon, Mr (p.218)
Gordon, Mr (p.219)
Gordon, Mr (p.222)
Gordon, Mr (p.226)
Gordon, Mr (p.228)
goshawk (p.209)
Gospatrick (p.148)
Gospatrick (p.171)
Gospatrick (p.174)
Gospatrick (p.183)
Gospatrick (p.209)
Governor of Cumberland (p.177)
Graham Family (p.176)
Graham Family (p.198)
Graham, George (p.198)
Graham, James (p.198)
Graham, Mr (p.198)
Graham, Nicholas (p.198)
Graham, Richard, Sir (p.197)
Graham, Robert (p.198)
Graham, William (p.191)
Granthorpe, Ranulph de (p.174)
Grasmere lake (Gresmere Lake) (p.155)
Grasmere lake (Gresmere Water) (p.150)
grass (p.145)
grass (p.165)
grass (p.206)
grass (p.207)
grass of parnassus (p.166)
grass of parnassus (p.207)
grass upon grass (p.165)
gravestone (p.189)
Graystock, John (p.174)
Graystock, William de (p.174)
Graystock (Greystoke) (p.191)
Graystock (Greystoke) (p.194)
great bilberry bush (p.167)
great bistort (p.166)
Great Blencow (p.192)
Great Chester (p.230)
Great Chesters (p.221)
Great Chesters (p.224)
Great Chesters (p.225)
Great Clifton (p.209)
Great Crosthwaite (Crostwaite) (p.209)
Great Dun Fell (?Dunfell) (p.159)
greater bilberry (p.207)
greater bistort (p.207)
great mountain chickweed (p.166)
Great Musgrave (p.147)
Great Musgrave (p.156)
Great Orton (Orton) (p.195)
Great Paradise, Rose Castle (p.192)
Great Salkeld (p.174)
Great Salkeld (p.189)
Great Salkeld (p.190)
great sundew (p.164)
great sundew (p.206)
great throatwort (p.164)
Great Wall of China (p.213)
Greek (p.intro)
greek valerian (p.166)
Green Castle, Milburn (p.159)
Green City (Lancaster) (p.131)
Greenholm (p.156)
greenland scurvy grass (p.164)
green lichen (p.165)
green maidenhair (p.164)
Green Quarries (?) (p.193)
Greenwich Hospital (p.181)
Greenwich Hospital (p.182)
Greistocke (Greystoke Castle) (p.174)
Gresmere Lake (Grasmere lake) (p.155)
Gresmere Water (Grasmere lake) (p.150)
Greta, River (p.209)
Greta, River (Bure) (p.182)
Grey Family (p.132)
Greyfriars (p.189)
Grey Friars (p.194)
Greysouthern (Craiksothen?) (p.209)
Greysouthern (Grisothen) (p.209)
Greystock, Lord (p.191)
Greystoke Castle (Greistock) (p.174)
Greystoke Monastery (p.191)
Greystoke (Graystock) (p.191)
Greystoke (Graystock) (p.194)
Grindal, Archbishop (p.180)
Grinsdale (p.228)
Grisothen (Greysouthern) (p.209)
Gropius (p.1)
Gruter (p.202)
Gual Sever (p.211)
Gual Sever (p.212)
Guasmoric (p.170)
Gulston, Joseph (p.162)
Gunpowder Plot (p.131)
Guy, Mr (p.152)
Hadrian (p.176)
Hadrian (p.196)
Hadrian (p.197)
Hadrian (p.200)
Hadrian (p.211)
Hadrian (p.212)
Hadrian's Wall (p.173)
Hadrian's Wall (p.176)
Hadrian's Wall (p.187)
Hadrian's Wall (p.193)
Hadrian's Wall (p.195)
Hadrian's Wall (p.196)
Hadrian's Wall (p.200)
Hadrian's Wall (p.204)
Hadrian's Wall (p.211)
Hadrian's Wall (p.216)
Hadrian's Wall, length (p.212)
Hadrian's Wall, line (p.214)
Hadrian's Wall, state of preservation (p.216)
Hadrian's Wall, structure (p.215)
Hadrian's Wall (Picts Wall) (p.148)
Hadrian's Wall (Picts Wall) (p.151)
Hadrian's Wall (Picts Wall) (p.174)
Hadrian's Wall (Picts Wall) (p.177)
Haia de Plumpton (p.192)
Haia de Plumpton (Plumpton Park) (p.173)
hair grass (p.145)
hair's tail rush (p.145)
hair's tail rush (p.206)
hairy cistus (p.145)
hairy ladies smock (p.164)
hairy nettle hemp (p.145)
hairy saxifrage (p.166)
hairy tower mustard (p.207)
hairy violet (p.207)
Hall Close (p.185)
Halton (p.220)
Halton, Bishop (p.194)
Halton Chesters (p.220)
Halton Chesters (p.230)
Halton Sheels (p.219)
Halton Sheels (p.220)
Haltwhistle Burn (p.223)
Haltwhistle Burn (p.224)
Hanging Walls of Mark Anthony (p.149)
harbour, Milnthorpe (p.153)
Harbybrough (Harbybrow) (p.181)
Harbybrow (Harbybrough) (p.181)
Harcla, Andrew de (p.157)
Harcla, Andrew de (p.175)
Harcla, Andrew de (p.191)
Harcla, Andrew de (p.192)
Harcla, Andrew de (p.194)
Harcla Castle (Hartley Castle) (p.157)
Hard Knott (p.169)
Hard Knott (p.179)
Hardknott Pass (p.180)
Hare Hill, Burtholme (p.226)
hare's tail rush (p.165)
Harlow Hill (p.215)
Harlow Hill (p.219)
Harrington Family (p.131)
Harrington Family (p.132)
Harrington, Hugh, Sir (p.141)
Harthorn Sike (p.160)
Hart Horn Tree (p.159)
Hart Horn Tree (p.160)
Hartley Castle (Harcla Castle) (p.157)
Hartley Castle (Heartly Castle) (p.147)
Hartley, Mr (p.181)
Harvenburne (Irvine Burn) (p.200)
hats (p.183)
Haverbrack (p.153)
Hawes Water (Haws Water) (p.150)
Hawkins, Richard, Sir (p.180)
Hawkshead (p.143)
Hawkshead Grammar School (p.143)
hawkweed (p.165)
Haws Water (Hawes Water) (p.150)
Hay Castle (p.170)
Hayes Castle (p.181)
Haythwaite, Prior (p.193)
Hazelslack Moss ( Helslack Moss) (p.153)
Hazelslack Tower (Helslack Tower) (p.153)
Heartly Castle (Hartley Castle) (p.147)
heath (p.206)
Heddon Lawes (p.218)
Heddon on the Wall (p.216)
Heddon on the Wall (p.218)
hedge berry (p.166)
Helbeck (p.176)
hellebore (p.166)
helm wind (p.150)
Helsington (p.152)
Helslack Moss (Hazelslack Moss) (p.153)
Helslack Tower (Hazelslack Tower) (p.153)
hemlock dropwort (p.165)
hemlock leaved cranesbill (p.206)
hemp (p.145)
hemp (p.206)
Henmoss Brow (p.227)
Henry I (p.158)
Henry I (p.175)
Henry I (p.189)
Henry I (p.191)
Henry I (p.193)
Henry I (p.195)
Henry I (p.205)
Henry II (p.147)
Henry II (p.152)
Henry II (p.158)
Henry II (p.161)
Henry II (p.175)
Henry II (p.177)
Henry III (p.170)
Henry III (p.175)
Henry III (p.189)
Henry IV (p.152)
Henry V (p.147)
Henry VI (p.147)
Henry VI (p.173)
Henry VI (p.186)
Henry VI (p.194)
Henry VII (p.174)
Henry VII (p.186)
Henry VIII (p.147)
Henry VIII (p.154)
Henry VIII (p.155)
Henry VIII (p.156)
Henry VIII (p.159)
Henry VIII (p.173)
Henry VIII (p.174)
Henry VIII (p.178)
Henry VIII (p.189)
Henry VIII (p.193)
Heppe (Shap) Shap Abbey (p.161)
herbaceous wild garlic (p.164)
herbaceous willow (p.166)
herb christopher (p.164)
Hercules (p.160)
Hercules (p.185)
hermitage (p.189)
hermitage, Dalston (p.192)
Herodian (p.211)
Herodian (p.215)
Hertford, Earl of (p.199)
Hertford, Earl of (p.202)
Hesperian apples (p.185)
Heveringham, Colonel (p.192)
Heye Monastery (Shap Abbey) (p.148)
Hickes, Dr (p.159)
Hickes, Dr (p.183)
hide (p.151)
High Burwens (p.159)
High Fall, Rydal (p.155)
Highgate (Highyate) (p.192)
High Head Castle (Highhed/Pela de Highhead) (p.192)
High Head Castle (Highyate Castle) (p.174)
High House, Upper Denton (p.226)
High Knipe (p.161)
High Seat (p.219)
High Sheel (p.224)
Highyate Castle (High Head Castle) (p.174)
Highyate (Highgate) (p.192)
Hilario (p.190)
Hilton Family (p.159)
hoary dwarf cistus (p.164)
hoary plantain (p.207)
Hodleston Family (p.169)
Holker Hall (Holker Mount) (p.142)
Holker Mount (Holker Hall) (p.142)
Holland, Philemon (p.203)
Holme Coultram Abbey (p.186)
Holme Coultram Abbey (Holme Cultrayne) (p.185)
Holme Coultram (Holme Cultrain) (p.172)
Holme Cultrayne (Holme Coultram Abbey) (p.185)
Holme House (Belle Isle) (p.154)
Holy Trinity, Kendal (p.152)
Holywell (p.204)
Honeywood, LtCol (p.162)
horehound (p.206)
Horlsey, John (p.216)
horn (p.214)
Hornby Castle (p.131)
Hornby Castle (p.140)
Hornby Hall (p.159)
horned fern (p.164)
horsetail (p.165)
horsetail conserva (p.164)
horsetail conserva (p.206)
Horsley, John (p.152)
Horsley, John (p.155)
Horsley, John (p.158)
Horsley, John (p.160)
Horsley, John (p.181)
Horsley, John (p.184)
Horsley, John (p.185)
Horsley, John (p.186)
Horsley, John (p.187)
Horsley, John (p.190)
Horsley, John (p.192)
Horsley, John (p.194)
Horsley, John (p.195)
Horsley, John (p.196)
Horsley, John (p.197)
Horsley, John (p.200)
Horsley, John (p.202)
Horsley, John (p.203)
Horsley, John (p.204)
Horsley, John (p.205)
Horsley, John (p.211)
Horsley, John (p.212)
Horsley, John (p.229)
hospital, Appleby (p.158)
hospital, Brampton (p.201)
hospital, Ireby (?) (p.185)
hospital, Kendal (p.152)
Hospital of Christ, Wigton (p.186)
Hospital of St Anne (p.157)
Hospital of St Nicholas (p.158)
Hospital of St Nicholas (p.194)
hospital, Ormside (?) (p.159)
hospital, Wigton (p.186)
Hotchstetter, Daniel (p.170)
hot trod (p.199)
Housesteads (p.227)
Housesteads (House Steeds) (p.223)
Housesteads (House Steeds) (p.224)
Housesteads (House Steeds) (p.225)
House Steeds (p.203)
House Steeds (p.221)
Housesteeds (p.230)
House Steeds (Housesteads) (p.223)
House Steeds (Housesteads) (p.224)
House Steeds (Housesteads) (p.225)
Hoveden (p.162)
Howard, Charles (p.194)
Howard, Edward (p.201)
Howard Family (p.191)
Howard Family (p.194)
Howard Family (p.201)
Howard Family (p.204)
Howard, Henry (p.187)
Howard, Henry (p.188)
Howard, Thomas (p.174)
Howard, Thomas (p.201)
Howard, William (p.176)
Howard, William (p.194)
Howard, William (p.200)
Howard, William (p.201)
Howard, William (p.204)
Howel, King of Strathclyde (p.162)
Howgill (p.202)
Howgill, Burtholme (p.226)
Howgill, Burtholme (p.227)
Howgill Castle (p.148)
Howgill Castle (p.159)
Howgill Castle (p.162)
Hubbrightby (Upperby) (p.209)
Huddlestone Family (p.179)
Huddlestone, John, Sir (p.179)
Huddlestone, William (p.179)
Huddleston Family (p.191)
Hudestan, John, Sir (p.179)
hue and cry (p.199)
Hugh Seat, Mallerstang (Morvill Hugh Seat) (p.156)
Humframville Family (p.170)
Hunnum (p.223)
Hunnum (p.230)
Hunsdon (p.177)
Hunter, Dr (p.141)
Hunter, Dr (p.220)
Hunter, Dr (p.221)
Hunter, Dr (p.224)
hunting (p.159)
hunting (p.160)
hunting (p.199)
Huskew Pike (Flusco Pike) (p.189)
Hutchinson, Mr (p.184)
Hutchinson, Mr (p.204)
Hutton (p.189)
Hutton Family (p.192)
Hutton Hall (Hutton-in-the-Forest) (p.192)
Hutton-in-the-Forest (Hutton Hall) (p.192)
Hutton John (p.191)
Huval, King of Strathclyde (p.162)
Hyghhed Castle (High Head Castle) (p.192)
hyphenation (p.intro)
hypocaust (p.155)
hypocaust (p.176)
hypocaust (p.197)
hypocaust (p.203)
hypocaust (p.224)
Ierby (Ireby) (p.171)
Ifley, Oxford (p.180)
Ilkirk (?) (p.171)
impatient ladies smock (p.164)
indexing (p.intro)
Ingclose (p.181)
Ingleborough (p.140)
Ingleborough (p.150)
Ingleborough (p.162)
Inglewood Forest (p.185)
Inglewood Forest (p.194)
Inglewood Forest (Englewood) (p.189)
Inglewood Forest (Ynglewood) (p.189)
Inglewood Forest (Ynglewood) (p.193)
inn, Appleby (p.157)
inns (p.198)
inscription, roman (p.131)
inscription, roman (p.140)
inscription, roman (p.141)
inscription, roman (p.148)
inscription, roman (p.149)
inscription, roman (p.152)
inscription, roman (p.157)
inscription, roman (p.158)
inscription, roman (p.159)
inscription, roman (p.160)
inscription, roman (p.169)
inscription, roman (p.171)
inscription, roman (p.172)
inscription, roman (p.173)
inscription, roman (p.174)
inscription, roman (p.175)
inscription, roman (p.176)
inscription, roman (p.177)
inscription, roman (p.181)
inscription, roman (p.184)
inscription, roman (p.185)
inscription, roman (p.186)
inscription, roman (p.187)
inscription, roman (p.190)
inscription, roman (p.192)
inscription, roman (p.193)
inscription, roman (p.194)
inscription, roman (p.195)
inscription, roman (p.197)
inscription, roman (p.200)
inscription, roman (p.201)
inscription, roman (p.202)
inscription, roman (p.203)
inscription, roman (p.204)
inscription, roman (p.205)
inscription, roman (p.217)
inscription, roman (p.218)
inscription, roman (p.223)
inscription, roman (p.228)
inscription, roman (p.229)
interlacing (p.200)
invasion (p.214)
Ireby (p.184)
Ireby (Ierby) (p.171)
Ireby (Iresby) (p.181)
Iresby (Ireby) (p.181)
Irish Gate (Dalden Gate) (p.193)
Irish Sea (p.131)
Irish Sea (p.169)
Irish Sea (p.181)
Irish Sea (p.211)
Irish Sea (p.214)
iron mines (p.142)
iron ore (p.142)
iron ore (p.143)
Irthing New Town (Newtown, Irthington) (p.227)
Irthing, River (p.176)
Irthing, River (p.177)
Irthing, River (p.201)
Irthing, River (p.204)
Irthing, River (p.214)
Irthing, River (Irthing Water) (p.226)
Irthing, River (Yrthing) (p.204)
Irthington (p.176)
Irthington (p.227)
Irthing Water (Irthing, River) (p.226)
Irton Family (p.180)
Irton, Ralph (p.180)
Irton (Irt) (p.180)
Irt, River (p.169)
Irt, River (p.180)
Irt (Irton) (p.180)
Irvine Burn (Harvenburne) (p.200)
Isanparles (Giant's Caves) (p.149)
Isa Parlis (Giant's Caves) (p.162)
Isis (p.194)
islands, Windermere lake (p.144)
islands, Windermere lake (p.153)
Isle of Man, Bishop of (p.132)
italics (p.intro)
Itinerary V (p.160)
Ituna (p.173)
Ituna (p.214)
Ituna (Eden) (p.147)
Ivebek (Ive, River) (p.192)
Ive, River (Ivebek) (p.192)
ivy leaved wild lettuce (p.207)
Jackson, Mr (p.161)
jacob's ladder (p.166)
jagged fleabane (p.145)
James I (p.131)
James I (p.161)
James I (p.163)
James I (p.188)
James I (p.198)
James I (p.199)
James II (p.152)
James II (p.181)
James II (p.191)
James V, King of Scots (p.176)
Jeffrey's Mount (p.156)
jelly conserva (p.145)
jester (p.188)
John (p.148)
John (p.149)
John (p.189)
Johnston, Dr (p.175)
joiner's marks (p.224)
jointed lichen (p.145)
Jonas, Arngrim (p.200)
judges (p.199)
Julius Flavius (p.141)
jungermannia (p.165)
jungermannia (p.206)
juniper (p.165)
Jupiter (p.190)
Justinus (p.186)
Juvenal (p.2)
Kambri (p.169)
Kandal Castle (p.147)
Karl Lofts (p.148)
Karl Lofts (p.161)
Keder (p.159)
Keepe Wall (p.211)
kellow (black lead) (p.182)
Kelsick, John (p.155)
Kemp Howe (p.161)
Kendal: Battle Place (p.152)
Kendal: Wattsfield (p.152)
Kendal (p.152)
Kendal, Baron (p.143)
Kendal, Barony of (p.147)
Kendal, Barony of (p.150)
Kendal, Barony of (p.151)
Kendal Castle (p.151)
Kendal Castle (p.152)
Kendal, charter (p.152)
Kendal cottons (p.152)
Kendal, Duchess of (p.152)
Kendal, Duke of (p.152)
Kendal, Earl of (p.152)
Kendal, Earl of (p.205)
Kendale (Kendal) (p.150)
Kendale (Kentdale) (p.150)
Kendal, population (p.151)
Kendal Ward (p.151)
Kendal (Candale) (p.147)
Kendal (Kendale) (p.150)
Kendal (Kirkby Kendale) (p.151)
Kendal (Kirkeby Candale) (p.147)
Kenmore (Kentmere) (p.150)
Kennel, The (p.223)
Ken Sands (Lancashire Sands) (p.142)
Kentdale (Kendal) (p.150)
Kent, Earl of (p.176)
Kent Estuary (Kentsand) (p.131)
Kentmere (p.153)
Kentmere Hall (p.153)
Kentmere (Kenmore) (p.150)
Kent, River (p.150)
Kent, River (p.151)
Kent, River (p.153)
Kent, River (Can) (p.147)
Kentsand (Kent Estuary) (p.131)
Kershope Burn (Kirsop) (p.175)
Keswick (p.170)
Keswick School (p.182)
Keswick Smelting House (p.182)
Keswick (Keswic) (p.182)
Keswick (Keswike) (p.182)
Keswic (Keswick) (p.182)
keywords (p.intro)
kidney stone (p.182)
kidney vetch (p.206)
kidneywort (p.164)
kidneywort (p.166)
Kight, Bishop (p.192)
King's burying place (p.185)
Kings of England, portraits (p.190)
Kings of England, portraits (p.204)
King Water (Water of King) (p.227)
Kirkanders (Kirkandrews upon Eden) (p.228)
Kirkandrews (p.198)
Kirkandrews Tower (p.195)
Kirkandrews upon Eden (Kirkanders) (p.228)
Kirk Beck (Kirkebek) (p.200)
Kirkbride (p.209)
Kirkby Cross House (p.143)
Kirkby Family (p.143)
Kirkby Ireleth (p.143)
Kirkby Kendale (Kendal) (p.151)
Kirkby Lonsdale (p.147)
Kirkby Lonsdale (p.162)
Kirkby Stephen (p.156)
Kirkby Stephen (St Stephens) (p.147)
Kirkby Thore (p.148)
Kirkby Thore (p.151)
Kirkby Thore (p.157)
Kirkby Thore (p.158)
Kirkby Thore (p.159)
Kirkcambeck (p.203)
Kirkebek (Kirk Beck) (p.200)
Kirkeby Candale (Kendal) (p.147)
Kirkhaugh (p.205)
Kirkoswald (p.190)
Kirkoswald (p.191)
Kirkoswald Castle (p.190)
Kirkoswald Castle (p.204)
Kirkoswald (Kirk Oswald) (p.174)
Kirkstead, Levens (p.153)
Kirsop (Kershope Burn) (p.175)
kistvaen (p.182)
Kite, Bishop (p.192)
Kite, Bishop (p.193)
Kite Family (p.193)
knight's fee (p.151)
Knights Templar (p.159)
knitting (p.155)
knot berry (p.166)
knot berry (p.207)
knotty cranesbill (p.206)
Kumbri (p.169)
Lac (Leck) (p.131)
ladies bedstraw (p.165)
ladies cushion (p.166)
ladies finger (p.206)
ladies slipper (p.164)
ladies smock (p.164)
Lady Holme (St Mary Holme) (p.154)
Lady's Leap (Lady's Rake) (p.182)
Lady's Pillar, Hugh Seat (p.156)
Lady's Rake (Lady's Leap) (p.182)
lakes (p.150)
Lamborne, Mr (p.186)
lambs lettice (p.167)
lamp (p.141)
Lamplugh, Dr (p.180)
Lampridius (p.197)
Lampridius (p.212)
Lancashire (p.2)
Lancashire asphodel (p.145)
Lancashire asphodel (p.165)
Lancashire asphodel (p.207)
Lancashire, extent (p.127)
Lancashire, extent (p.134)
Lancashire, plant list (p.145)
Lancashire, population (p.134)
Lancashire Sands (Ken Sands) (p.142)
Lancashire (Lancaster, County of) (p.127)
Lancashire (Lancstreshire) (p.134)
Lancaster (p.141)
Lancaster Castle (p.131)
Lancaster Castle (p.140)
Lancaster Castle (p.141)
Lancaster, County of (Lancashire) (p.127)
Lancaster, Duke of (p.134)
Lancaster, Duke of (p.149)
Lancaster, Duke of (p.176)
Lancaster Family (p.155)
Lancaster, Isabel (p.143)
Lancaster, John de, Sir (p.143)
Lancaster, William (p.162)
Lancaster, William de (p.143)
Lancaster, William de (p.147)
Lancaster (Caer Werid) (p.131)
Lancaster (Green City) (p.131)
Lancaster (Loncastell) (p.131)
Lancaster (Loncaster) (p.131)
Lancaster (Loncaster) (p.150)
Lancaster (Lunecastre) (p.140)
Lanchester (p.141)
Lanchester (p.230)
land measure (p.151)
land tenure (p.212)
Lanercost Priory (p.177)
Lanercost Priory (p.201)
Lanerton (p.205)
Langbaine, Gerard, Dr (p.162)
Langdales (p.179)
Lang Gill (Long Gill, Orton S) (p.155)
Langhorn, John, Dr (p.157)
Langley, Viscount (p.181)
Lang, Robert (p.158)
Langton, Robert (p.148)
Langwathby (p.189)
lapides quadratos (p.140)
Lapland (p.144)
larch leaved chickweed (p.164)
Lares (p.186)
Largovicus (p.141)
lat and long, Lancaster (p.131)
Laud, Archbishop (p.188)
Lavatrae (p.148)
Lawe, The (p.216)
laws (p.224)
laws, border (p.198)
Lawson, Mr (p.187)
Lawson, Wilfrid, Sir (p.182)
Lazonby (p.189)
lead (p.143)
lead (p.150)
leafy twayblade (p.166)
least bur reed (p.166)
least ladies bedstraw (p.165)
least soft rush (p.165)
least twayblade (p.145)
least wild cherry (p.166)
Leck, River (Lac) (p.131)
le Clerk, Odardus (p.209)
legio (p.197)
legio (p.202)
Legio II Augusta (p.148)
Legio II Augusta (p.176)
Legio II Augusta (p.196)
Legio II Augusta (p.200)
Legio II Augusta (p.203)
Legio II Augusta (p.216)
legions (p.195)
legions (p.196)
legions (p.213)
Legio Vicesima Valens Victrix (p.148)
Legio VI Victrix (p.195)
Legio VI Victrix (p.196)
Legio VI Victrix (p.216)
le Gross, Harwisia (p.210)
le Gross, William (p.210)
Leigh, Dr (p.141)
Lekely (Seaton Hall) (p.184)
Leland, John (p.140)
Leland, John (p.141)
Leland, John (p.142)
Leland, John (p.144)
Leland, John (p.150)
Leland, John (p.151)
Leland, John (p.153)
Leland, John (p.155)
Leland, John (p.157)
Leland, John (p.174)
Leland, John (p.179)
Leland, John (p.180)
Leland, John (p.181)
Leland, John (p.182)
Leland, John (p.183)
Leland, John (p.184)
Leland, John (p.187)
Leland, John (p.188)
Lenercost (Lanercost Priory) (p.204)
leper hospital (p.152)
Lesley (p.194)
lesser bladder carex (p.164)
lesser centaury (p.206)
lesser hooded milfoil (p.167)
lesser hooded milfoil (p.207)
lesser spearwort (p.166)
lesser throatwort (p.206)
lettuce, wild (p.207)
Leucopibia (p.174)
Leusewater (Loweswater) (p.170)
Leven Estuary (Levensand) (p.131)
Levens (p.147)
Levens (p.150)
Levensand (Leven Estuary) (p.131)
Levens Bridge (p.153)
Levens Force (p.147)
Levens Force (p.153)
Levens Hall (p.153)
Leven (Lyne) (p.175)
Leven (Lyne) (p.176)
Levington, Barony of (p.209)
Leybourne, Roger de (p.149)
library (p.204)
lichen (p.145)
lichen (p.165)
Liddell Water (Lyddal) (p.200)
Liddel, River (p.198)
Liddel Strength (p.176)
Liddel Strength (Lithel) (p.198)
Liddel Strength (Mote, The) (p.198)
Liddel Water (Lidd) (p.176)
Lidd (Liddel Water) (p.176)
Life of Bodley (p.161)
lily convally (p.164)
limestone pavement (p.156)
limestone quarry (p.219)
Lincoln, Bishop of (p.155)
Lincoln, Bishop of (p.161)
Lindal Pow (p.153)
Lindesay, Christiana de (p.132)
Lindesay, William (p.147)
Lindisfarne (p.182)
Lindsey (p.182)
linseys (p.152)
Linstock Castle (p.174)
Linstock Castle (p.191)
Lipsius (p.2)
Lister, Dr (p.180)
Lithel (Liddel Strength) (p.198)
Little Blencow (p.192)
Little Brogham (Little Broughton) (p.209)
Little Broughton (Little Brogham) (p.209)
Little Chesters (p.221)
Little Chesters (p.223)
Little Chesters (p.230)
Little Chesters (Chesterholme) (p.224)
Little Clifton (p.209)
Little Musgrave (p.147)
Little Musgrave (p.156)
Little Round Table (p.162)
Little Salkeld (p.174)
Little Salkeld (p.191)
little sunflower (p.164)
Liulf (p.191)
live long (p.207)
liverwort (p.145)
liverwort (p.165)
liverwort (p.206)
Llewlin, King of Demetia (p.177)
Llyn Quellyn (p.144)
local authority, Appleby (p.158)
local authority, Carlisle (p.194)
locker gowlons (p.167)
locker gowlons (p.207)
Loder (p.fpc)
Loder (Lowther) (p.148)
Loder (Lowther) (p.149)
Loder (Lowther) (p.161)
Loder (Lowther) (p.162)
Loder (Lowther) (p.173)
Lodore (Lowdore) (p.182)
Logis, Odardus de (p.209)
Loncastell (Lancaster) (p.131)
Loncaster (Lancaster) (p.131)
Loncaster (Lancaster) (p.150)
London, Bishop of (p.161)
Lonesdale (Lonsdale) (p.155)
Lone (Lune) (p.131)
Lone (Lune) (p.147)
Long Brugh (Longburgh) (p.228)
Longburgh (Long Brugh) (p.228)
Long Gill, Orton S (Lang Gill) (p.155)
Long Holme (Belle Isle) (p.154)
long leaved sundew (p.164)
Long Meg and Her Daughters (p.174)
Long Meg and Her Daughters (p.190)
Longovicum (p.131)
long rooted bastard cyperus (p.166)
Lonsdale (p.147)
Lonsdale (p.150)
Lonsdale, Earl of (p.161)
Lonsdale, Earl of (p.180)
Lonsdale, Earl of (p.181)
Lonsdale, Viscount (p.155)
Lonsdale, Viscount (p.161)
Lonsdale Ward (p.151)
Lonsdale (Lonesdale) (p.155)
Lonsdale (Lunesdale) (p.140)
Lon (Lune) (p.141)
Lon (Lune) (p.142)
Lon (Lune) (p.150)
loose carex (p.164)
Lord Mayor of London (p.143)
Lord's Island (p.170)
Lord's Island (p.181)
Lord's Island (p.182)
lord warden (p.151)
lord warden (p.198)
lord warden (p.199)
Lord Warden of the West Marches (p.176)
Loriz, Odaard de (p.186)
Lough, The (Castlesteads?) (p.190)
Lowdore (Lodore) (p.182)
Lower Borough (Brough) (p.157)
Loweswater (p.181)
Loweswater lake (p.181)
Loweswater (Leusewater) (p.170)
Low Fall, Rydal (p.155)
Lowther (p.161)
Lowther, Baron (p.155)
Lowther, Baron (p.161)
Lowther Bridge (p.160)
Lowther Castle (p.161)
Lowther, Christopher, Sir (p.180)
Lowther Family (p.142)
Lowther Family (p.149)
Lowther Family (p.155)
Lowther Family (p.161)
Lowther Family (p.180)
Lowther Family (p.190)
Lowther Hall (Lowther Castle) (p.161)
Lowther, James, Sir (p.161)
Lowther, James, Sir (p.179)
Lowther, James, Sir (p.180)
Lowther, James, Sir (p.181)
Lowther, James, Sir (p.184)
Lowther, John, Sir (p.161)
Lowther, John, Sir (p.180)
Lowther, John, Sir (p.188)
Lowther, River (p.150)
Lowther, River (Loder) (p.148)
Lowther, River (Loder) (p.149)
Lowther, River (Loder) (p.161)
Lowther, River (Loder) (p.162)
Lowther, River (Loder) (p.173)
Lowther, William, Sir (p.180)
Low Town (p.225)
Lucotecia (p.174)
Lucy, Amabilla de (p.210)
Lucy, Anthony (p.180)
Lucy, Anthony de (p.210)
Lucy Family (p.170)
Lucy Family (p.180)
Lucy Family (p.183)
Lucy Family (p.188)
Lucy Family (p.210)
Lucy, Maud (p.170)
Lucy, Maud (p.180)
Lucy, Reginald de (p.210)
Lucy, Thomas de (p.210)
Luell (Carlisle) (p.174)
Lugdunum (p.174)
Lugdunum (p.194)
Lugdus, King (p.174)
Lugu Augusti (p.174)
Lugubalia (Carliel) (p.193)
Luguballia (Carlisle) (p.175)
Luguballium (p.174)
Luguvallium (p.194)
Luguvallum (p.174)
Luguvallum (p.214)
Lugvallium (p.196)
Lug (Eden) (p.174)
Luia Martina (p.185)
Lumley fee (p.155)
Lune Bridge (p.140)
Lunecastre (Lancaster) (p.140)
Lune, River (p.155)
Lune, River (Lone) (p.131)
Lune, River (Lone) (p.147)
Lune, River (Lon) (p.141)
Lune, River (Lon) (p.142)
Lune, River (Lon) (p.150)
Lunesdale (Lonsdale) (p.140)
Lutetia (p.174)
Lyddal (Liddell) (p.200)
Lyne, River (Leven) (p.175)
Lyne, River (Leven) (p.176)
Lyttelton, Bishop (p.183)
Lyttelton, Bishop (p.192)
Lyttelton, Bishop (p.193)
Lyttelton, Bishop (p.194)
Maburg (Mayburgh) (p.173)
Machel Family (p.158)
Machel, Hugh (p.158)
Machel, Mr (p.154)
Machel, Mr (p.158)
Machel, Mr (p.159)
Machel, Mr (p.160)
Machel, Mr (p.191)
Machel's Bank (p.158)
Machel, Thomas (p.158)
madder (p.165)
Magdalen College, Oxford (p.162)
magician (p.172)
magister officiorum (p.213)
Magna (p.225)
Magna (p.230)
Maia (p.229)
Maiden Castle, Stainmore (p.151)
Maiden Castle, Stainmore (p.158)
Maiden Castle, Stainmore (p.159)
maidenhair (p.164)
maidenhair (p.206)
Maidenhold (roman fort) (p.158)
Maiden Way (p.148)
Maiden Way (p.151)
Maiden Way (p.158)
Maiden Way (p.159)
Maiden Way (p.177)
Maiden Way (p.200)
Maiden Way (p.225)
Malcolm, King of Scots (p.155)
Malcolm, King of Scots (p.177)
mallard (p.154)
Mallerstang (p.150)
mallow (p.206)
Malmesbury (p.173)
Malmesbury (p.175)
Malmesbury, William of (p.212)
Mandeville, Edward (p.186)
map, Hadrian's Wall roman forts (p.229)
map liverwort (p.206)
map, Windermere lake (p.155)
marble (p.150)
Marbodeus (p.169)
Marcellinus (p.213)
Marcellinus, Ammianus (p.215)
march laws (p.198)
Marchontiby (p.159)
march warden (p.151)
march warden (p.176)
march warden (p.177)
march warden (p.198)
march warden (p.199)
Marcus Aurelius (p.141)
mare's tail (p.165)
margoram (p.207)
Marianus (p.169)
Marius, King (p.147)
Marius, King (p.150)
Marius, King (p.159)
Marius, King (p.175)
market, Appleby (p.157)
market, Brampton (p.203)
Market Brogh (Brough) (p.159)
market, Brough (p.157)
market, Broughton (p.143)
Market Brough (Brough) (p.157)
market, Cartmel (p.142)
market, Cockermouth (p.170)
market, Cockermouth (p.183)
market cross, Appleby (p.157)
market, Dalston (p.193)
market, Flookborough (p.142)
market, Gilshaughlin (p.158)
market, Hawkshead (p.143)
market, Hawkshead (p.155)
market, Kendal (p.151)
market, Kendal (p.152)
market, Kendal (p.155)
market, Keswick (p.170)
market, Kirkby Lonsdale (p.147)
market, Kirkby Stephen (p.147)
market, Kirkby Stephen (p.156)
market, Kirkoswald (p.190)
market, Lancaster (p.141)
market, Orton (p.156)
market, Penrith (p.173)
market, Penrith (p.188)
market towns (p.150)
market towns (p.179)
market, Ulverston (p.142)
market, Wigton (p.186)
Mars (p.185)
Mars (p.186)
Mars (p.201)
Marshall, William (p.132)
marsh chickling vetch (p.145)
marsh cistus (p.164)
marsh cistus (p.206)
marsh clubmoss (p.206)
marsh eyebright cow wheat (p.145)
marsh fern (p.166)
marsh fleabane (p.164)
marsh gentian (p.145)
marsh gentian (p.165)
marsh mallow (p.164)
marsh mallow (p.206)
marsh samphire (p.207)
marsh St Peters wort (p.165)
marsh trefoil (p.165)
marsh trefoil (p.207)
marsh wild rosemary (p.145)
Martius, Ulpius Trajanus (p.190)
Mary (p.191)
Mary, Queen of Scots (p.184)
Mary, Queen of Scots (p.193)
Mater Castrorum (p.190)
Matthew of Westminster (p.177)
Maulds Meaburn (Meburn) (p.162)
Maximian (p.185)
Maximian (p.196)
Maximianus Herculeus (p.196)
Maxwell, Lord (p.188)
Mayborough (Mayburgh) (p.162)
Mayburgh (p.189)
Mayburgh (Maburg) (p.173)
Mayburgh (Mayborough) (p.162)
may lily (p.164)
meadow grass (p.207)
meadow rue (p.207)
Meathop Moss (p.153)
Meburn (Maulds Meaburn) (p.162)
medicinal plants (p.214)
medicinal spring (p.142)
medicinal spring (p.204)
melancholy thistle (p.164)
melancholy thistle (p.206)
melanteria (p.170)
melanteria (p.182)
Member of Parliament, Carlisle (p.184)
Member of Parliament, Cumberland (p.184)
Mercatius (p.204)
Mercury (p.186)
Mercury (p.187)
Merley, Mary (p.174)
Merley, Roger de (p.174)
Merret, Dr (p.182)
merry tree (p.145)
merry tree (p.166)
Meschines Family (p.180)
Meschines, Galfridus de (p.209)
Meschines, Radulphus (p.177)
Meschines, Ranulph de (p.131)
Meschines, Ranulph de (p.173)
Meschines, Ranulph de (p.175)
Meschines, Ranulph de (p.179)
Meschines, Ranulph de (p.180)
Meschines, Ranulph de (p.181)
Meschines, Ranulph de (p.191)
Meschines, Ranulph de (p.198)
Meschines, Ranulph de (p.201)
Meschines, Ranulph de (p.205)
Meschines, Ranulph de (p.209)
Meschines, Robert de (p.209)
Meschines, William de (p.177)
Meschines, William de (p.179)
Meschines, William de (p.183)
Meschines, William de (p.205)
Meschines, William de (p.209)
meu (p.164)
Middleton, Thomas (p.175)
Midgeholme Foot (Midgham Foot) (p.226)
Midgham Foot (Midgeholme Foot) (p.226)
Milborn, Bishop (p.193)
Milborne, William (p.191)
Milburn (p.159)
Milecastle 16 (?) (p.219)
Milecastle 17 (?) (p.219)
Milecastle 30 (?) (p.222)
milecastle (p.229)
Milecastle 1 (p.217)
Milecastle 2 (p.217)
Milecastle 3 (p.217)
Milecastle 8 (p.218)
Milecastle 9 (p.218)
Milecastle 10 (p.218)
Milecastle 11 (p.218)
Milecastle 12 (p.218)
Milecastle 13 (p.218)
Milecastle 14 (p.219)
Milecastle 15 (p.219)
Milecastle 34 (p.222)
Milecastle 35 (p.222)
Milecastle 37 (p.224)
Milecastle 38 (p.224)
Milecastle 53 (p.226)
Milecastle 62 (p.227)
Milecastle 78 (p.229)
Milecastle 22-27 (p.220)
Milecastle 28-31 (p.222)
Milecastle 32-36 (p.223)
Milecastle 39-42 (p.224)
Milecastle 44-46 (p.225)
Milecastle 46-49 (p.226)
Milecastle 50-56 (p.227)
Milecastle 58-60 (p.227)
Milecastle 61-65 (p.227)
Milecastle 66-71 (p.228)
Milecastle 72-76 (p.229)
milecastles (p.213)
milecastles (p.215)
milecastles (p.216)
miles, Roman (p.212)
milfoil (p.207)
military fence (p.211)
military service, border (p.198)
military way (p.213)
military way (p.215)
military way (p.216)
military way (p.217)
military way (p.219)
military way (p.222)
military way (p.223)
military way, Carvoran (p.221)
military way, measured (p.222)
milk thistle (p.206)
milkwort (p.206)
milliary castella (p.215)
Millom Castle (Millum Castle) (p.169)
Millom (Millum) (p.179)
mills (p.153)
Millum, Adam de (p.179)
Millum Castle (Millom Castle) (p.169)
Millum (Millom) (p.179)
Milnthorpe (Milthorp) (p.153)
Milthorp (Milnthorpe) (p.153)
milting char (p.154)
mine drainage (p.181)
miners (p.170)
mines (p.142)
mines (p.170)
mines (p.182)
mines, Newlands (p.181)
mines, Whitehaven (p.180)
mines, Whitehaven (p.181)
misseltoe (p.167)
Mithras (p.201)
Mitton, Colonel (p.190)
moat, Pendragon (p.156)
Moat (Mote, Brampton) (p.201)
Moat (Mote, Brampton) (p.203)
Mogon (p.190)
Mogon (p.197)
Molton Family (p.170)
Molton Family (p.177)
Molton, Maud (p.173)
Molton, Thomas de (p.173)
Molyneux, Lord (p.143)
monastery (p.213)
monastery, Carlisle (p.175)
monastery, Dacre (p.173)
moneywort (p.166)
Monk Coniston (p.143)
Mont Begon, N de (p.131)
Mont Eagle, Baron (p.131)
Monteagle, Lord (p.140)
monumental brass (p.182)
monument, Margaret Clifford (p.157)
monument, Wharton (p.156)
moonwort (p.166)
moot hall, Appleby (p.157)
Morbill, Hugh (p.190)
Morbium (p.170)
Morbium (p.181)
mordant (p.182)
Morecambe Bay (p.153)
Morecambe Bay (Moricambe) (p.142)
Morecambe Bay (Moricambe) (p.185)
Moresby (p.169)
Moresby (p.181)
Moresby Family (p.170)
Moresby Family (p.181)
Moresby Hall (p.181)
Moricambe (p.172)
Moricambe (Morecambe Bay) (p.142)
Moricambe (Morecambe) (p.185)
Morley, Lord (p.131)
Morpeth, Lord of (p.174)
Morrit, Bacon (p.204)
Morus Rex (p.185)
Morville Family (p.173)
Morville Family (p.188)
Morville, Hugh (p.156)
Morville, Hugh (p.173)
Morville, Hugh (p.174)
Morville, Hugh (p.190)
Morvill Hugh Seat (Hugh Seat, Mallerstang) (p.156)
moschatel (p.164)
moss (p.145)
moss (p.165)
moss (p.224)
moss berry (p.207)
moss crops (p.165)
moss troopers (p.176)
moss troopers (p.199)
moss troopers (p.223)
moss troopers (p.225)
Mote, Brampton (p.176)
Mote, Brampton (Moat) (p.201)
Mote, Brampton (Moat) (p.203)
Mote, The (Liddel Strength) (p.198)
motherwort (p.165)
motherwort (p.206)
mountain bramble (p.145)
mountain chickweed (p.164)
mountain clubmoss (p.165)
mountain clubmoss (p.206)
mountain cranesbill (p.165)
mountain cranesbill (p.206)
mountain cudweed (p.165)
mountain enchanters nightshade (p.164)
mountain eyebright cow wheat (p.164)
mountain hair grass (p.145)
mountain melic grass (p.165)
mountain sawwort (p.145)
mountain sorrel (p.207)
mountain willowherb (p.165)
mouse ear hawkweed (p.165)
mouse ear scorpion grass (p.165)
Mr Thoresby's Museum (p.159)
Muirburnhead (Mearburne Head) (p.200)
Multon Family (p.188)
Multon Family (p.201)
Multon, Lambert de (p.210)
Multon, Lord (p.191)
Multon, Thomas de (p.201)
Mumps Hall (p.226)
mural fence (p.211)
murder (p.199)
murder (p.201)
murder (p.204)
murder, Thomas Becket (p.174)
Murray (p.205)
Murray, Earl of (p.210)
Mur Sever (p.211)
Murus (p.211)
muscovy (p.165)
museum, Mr Thoresby's (p.159)
museum, Rookby (p.204)
Musgrave Family (p.147)
Musgrave Family (p.156)
Musgrave Family (p.201)
Musgrave, Great (p.156)
Musgrave, Little (p.156)
Musgrave, Peter (p.156)
Musgrave, Richard, Sir (p.156)
Musgrave, Thomas (p.147)
Musgrave, Thomas, Sir (p.157)
musked cranesbill (p.165)
musked cranesbill (p.206)
mussels (p.180)
mustard (p.207)
Mysirion (p.162)
nag tenements (p.198)
Narborough, John, Sir (p.180)
narrow leaved fucus (p.206)
narrow leaved hawkweed (p.165)
narrow leaved lily convally (p.164)
narrow leaved plantain (p.207)
narrow leaved water speedwell (p.167)
Natland (p.152)
naval battle, Solway Firth (p.173)
navelwort (p.164)
Naward (Naworth Castle) (p.190)
Naworth Castle (p.176)
Naworth Castle (p.186)
Naworth Castle (p.191)
Naworth Castle (p.194)
Naworth Castle (p.204)
Naworth Castle (p.205)
Naworth Castle (Naward) (p.190)
Nehalennia (p.197)
Nennius (p.170)
Nennius (p.174)
nep (p.207)
Nero (p.185)
Netherby (p.175)
Netherby (p.195)
Netherby (p.196)
Netherby (p.202)
Nether Hall, Maryport (p.184)
nettle hemp (p.145)
Neuburgh, William (p.147)
Neville, Charles (p.149)
Neville Family (p.149)
Neville Family (p.163)
Neville, Radulphus de (p.149)
Neville, Ralph (p.189)
Newburgh (p.221)
Newburgh (p.222)
Newburgh, William of (p.148)
Newburn (p.216)
Newburn Deen (p.218)
Newcastle (p.230)
Newcastle upon Tyne (p.211)
Newcastle upon Tyne (p.217)
Newlands (p.170)
Newlands Valley (p.181)
Newton (p.140)
Newton Arlosh (p.228)
Newtown, Irthington (Irthing New Town) (p.227)
Nicolson, Bishop (p.159)
Nicolson, Bishop (p.183)
Nicolson, Bishop (p.191)
Nicolson, Bishop (p.194)
Nicolson, Bishop (p.198)
Nicolson, Bishop (p.200)
Nicolson, Joseph (p.194)
nigrica fabrilis (p.182)
Nigrinus, Cocceius Laetus (p.203)
Nine Churches (St Ninian, Brougham) (p.162)
Norfolk, Duke of (p.174)
Norfolk, Duke of (p.188)
Norfolk, Duke of (p.194)
Norfolk, Duke of (p.195)
Norfolk, Duke of (p.201)
Normandy, Duke of (p.209)
North Sea (Germand Ocean) (p.214)
North Sea (German Ocean) (p.211)
North Tine (North Tyne) (p.214)
North Tyne River (p.221)
North Tyne River (North Tine) (p.214)
Northumberland (p.2)
Northumberland (p.169)
Northumberland (p.189)
Northumberland (p.214)
Northumberland, Earl of (p.170)
Northumberland, Earl of (p.178)
Northumberland, Earl of (p.180)
Northumberland, Earl of (p.183)
Notitia Dignitatum (p.131)
Notitia Dignitatum (p.147)
Notitia Dignitatum (p.148)
Notitia Dignitatum (p.177)
Notitia Dignitatum (p.186)
Notitia Dignitatum (p.190)
Notitia Dignitatum (p.196)
Notitia Dignitatum (p.201)
Notitia Dignitatum (p.205)
Notitia Dignitatum (p.212)
Notitia Dignitatum (p.213)
Notitia Dignitatum (p.230)
Novavilla (p.149)
Novellae (p.211)
numerus (p.213)
Numerus Defensorum (p.148)
Numerus Longovicariorum (p.131)
nunnery, Seaton (Seaton Hall) (p.184)
Nun's Bed (p.191)
Nymphe (p.203)
oak (p.181)
oak bark (p.142)
oat bread (p.151)
oats (p.142)
ochre (p.150)
ochre (p.170)
Ockingham, Baron (p.205)
Officina Mercati (p.204)
Officium Romanorum (p.204)
Oisedio (p.202)
Old Carlisle (p.172)
Old Carlisle (p.186)
Old Carlisle (p.196)
Old Carlisle (p.230)
Old Castle (p.187)
Old Castle (p.228)
Old English (p.183)
Old Penrith (p.173)
Old Penrith (p.189)
Old Penrith (p.203)
Old Penrith (p.230)
Old Quarry (p.203)
Old Wall (p.203)
Oldwall (p.227)
Old Winchester (p.219)
Olenacum (p.171)
Olenacum (p.174)
Olenacum (p.185)
Olenacum (p.186)
Olenacum (p.230)
Onnum (p.220)
oratory (p.204)
orchis (p.166)
Ormside Family (p.159)
Ormside Hall (p.159)
Ormsted Hill (?) (p.162)
orpine (p.207)
Orton, Orton S (p.156)
Orton, Orton S (Overton) (p.155)
Orton Scar (p.156)
Orton (Great Orton) (p.195)
Osbaldiston, Bishop (p.192)
osmund royal (p.166)
osmund royal (p.207)
Osorius (p.213)
Ousby (p.190)
Outchester (p.219)
Outer Chesters (p.219)
Overboro (Over Burrow) (p.140)
Over Burrow (p.131)
Over Burrow (Borowe) (p.140)
Over Burrow (Overboro) (p.140)
Overton (Orton, Orton S) (p.155)
Oxford University (p.155)
pagination (p.intro)
painting (p.170)
paintings (p.204)
Palmecastle (p.170)
Pancirollus, Guido (p.212)
Pandongate (p.217)
Panegyrist, The (p.211)
Panercost Priory (Lenercost) (p.204)
pansy (p.167)
Papcastle (p.170)
Papcastle (p.183)
paper mills (p.153)
parishes (p.150)
parishes (p.179)
parishes, Westmorland (p.149)
Parker, Edward (p.131)
Parker, William (p.131)
park leaves (p.165)
Parliament (p.131)
Parliament, Carlisle (p.194)
Parliament, Rose Castle (p.192)
Par, Mr (p.151)
Parr, Catherine (p.152)
Parr Family (p.147)
Parr, William, Sir (p.152)
patera (p.140)
patera (p.141)
patera (p.158)
patera (p.183)
patera (p.185)
Patrickson, Mr (p.180)
Patten, Mr (p.162)
Patten, Robert (p.189)
Paulinus, Pontius (p.170)
pavement, roman (p.196)
peace treaty, 926 (p.162)
pearls (p.169)
pearls (p.180)
peat (p.142)
peat digging (p.188)
peat moss (p.224)
peat moss (p.225)
pedunculated fucus (p.145)
Peel (p.224)
Peel Castle (Piel Castle) (p.153)
Pegasus (p.198)
Pegge, Samuel (p.140)
Pegge, Samuel (p.158)
Pegge, Samuel (p.186)
Pela de Highead (High Head Castle) (p.192)
pele tower (p.150)
pele tower (p.220)
Pelling Moss (p.188)
pellitory of the wall (p.207)
Pembroke, Anne, Lady (p.160)
Pembroke, Anne, Lady (p.161)
Pembroke, Countess of (p.156)
Pembroke, Countess of (p.157)
Pembroke, Earl of (p.132)
Pendle (p.150)
Pendragon Castle (p.147)
Pendragon Castle (p.156)
Penhurrock (p.162)
Pennant, Thomas (p.134)
Pennant, Thomas (p.142)
Pennant, Thomas (p.143)
Pennant, Thomas (p.144)
Pennant, Thomas (p.179)
Pennant, Thomas (p.185)
Pennant, Thomas (p.197)
Pennines, The (p.2)
Pennines, The (p.127)
Pennington, Gabriel (p.143)
Pennygent (p.150)
Penrith (p.207)
Penrith Beacon (p.188)
Penrith Castle (p.188)
Penrith Castle (p.189)
Penrith (Pereth) (p.179)
Penrith (Pereth) (p.188)
Penrith (Perith) (p.173)
Penvahel (p.213)
Penveltun (p.213)
perch (p.154)
perch (p.181)
Percy, Elizabeth (p.180)
Percy Family (p.170)
Percy Family (p.183)
Percy, Henry (p.170)
Percy, Henry (p.178)
Percy, Henry (p.180)
Percy, Joceline (p.180)
Percy, Margaret (p.178)
Percy, Thomas (p.170)
Peregrinus (p.184)
perennial blue flax (p.165)
Pereth (Penrith) (p.179)
Pereth (Penrith) (p.188)
perfoliate bastard cress (p.167)
perfoliate bastard cress (p.207)
Perith (Penrith) (p.173)
Peterel (Petteril) (p.188)
Peterel (Petteril) (p.190)
Peterel (Petteril) (p.192)
Pete Rill (Petteril) (p.173)
Petriana (p.189)
Petriana (p.190)
Petriana (p.201)
Petriana (p.227)
Petrianae (p.173)
Petrianae (p.174)
Petrianae (p.230)
Petteril, River (p.174)
Petteril, River (Peterel) (p.188)
Petteril, River (Peterel) (p.190)
Petteril, River (Peterel) (p.192)
Petteril, River (Pete Rill) (p.173)
Pettinger's Tower, Rose Castle (p.192)
Philip and Mary (p.194)
Philipson, Christopher (p.144)
Philipson, Christopher, Sir (p.154)
Philipson Family (p.154)
Philipson, Francis (p.154)
Philipson, Huddleston (p.154)
Philipson, Robert (p.154)
philosophy (p.186)
Pichaeus (p.211)
Pickering, Christopher, Sir (p.201)
Pickering Family (p.176)
pictish stone (p.200)
Picts (p.173)
Picts (p.175)
Picts (p.177)
Picts (p.213)
Picts (p.214)
Picts (p.226)
Picts holes (p.169)
Picts Wall (p.211)
Picts Wall (Hadrian's Wall) (p.148)
Picts Wall (Hadrian's Wall) (p.151)
Picts Wall (Hadrian's Wall) (p.174)
Picts Wall (Hadrian's Wall) (p.177)
Piel Castle (Peel Castle) (p.153)
Piel Castle (Pile of Foudrey) (p.142)
Piel Castle (Pile of Foudrey) (p.143)
Piel Castle (Pile of Fouldrey) (p.132)
pike (p.154)
pike (p.181)
Pile of Foudrey (Piel Castle) (p.142)
Pile of Foudrey (Piel Castle) (p.143)
Pile of Fouldrey (Piel Castle) (p.132)
pilgrimage, Brougham (p.160)
Pingle Sike (Pyngilburne) (p.199)
Pipard Family (p.183)
Pipard, Gilbert (p.210)
pismire (p.153)
pismire fleet (p.153)
Pitt, Thomas (p.193)
placename, Blatum Bulgium (p.173)
placename, Bremetonacae (p.140)
placename, Burgh (p.148)
placename, Burgh by Sands (p.228)
placename, Carlisle (p.174)
placename, Carlisle (p.193)
placename, Carlisle (p.194)
placename, Congavata (p.174)
placename, Cumberland (p.169)
placename, Dilston (p.180)
placename, Drumburgh Castle (p.229)
placename, Fetherstonhaugh (p.191)
placename, Furness (p.142)
placename, Gilsland (p.176)
placename, Gilsland (p.201)
placename, Ireleth (p.143)
placename, Kendal (p.147)
placename, Lancashire (p.127)
placename, Lonsdale (p.147)
placename, Lowther (p.161)
placename, Mayburgh (p.162)
placename, Millom (p.179)
placename, Morecambe Bay (p.142)
placename, Moricambe (p.172)
placename, Musgrave (p.156)
placename, Papcastle (p.183)
placename, Penrith Penrith Castle (p.173)
placename, Ravenglass (p.179)
placename, Rose Castle (p.192)
placenames (p.intro)
placename, Stanwix (p.227)
placename, Swarthmoor (p.143)
placename, Westmorland (p.147)
placename, Westmorland (p.150)
placename, Windermere (p.132)
plague, Carlisle (p.189)
plague, Carlisle (p.194)
plague, Kendal (p.189)
plague, Penrith (p.189)
plantain (p.207)
plant list, Cumberland (p.206)
plant list, Lancashire (p.145)
plant list, Westmorland (p.164)
plants (p.214)
Plautilla (p.203)
Plautius, Aulus (p.2)
Pliny (p.173)
Plot, Dr (p.182)
Plot, Dr (p.221)
plover (p.156)
plumb laver (p.167)
Plumpton (p.142)
Plumpton, Haia de (p.192)
Plumpton Park (p.190)
Plumpton Park (Haia de Plumpton) (p.173)
Plumpton Wall (p.230)
Plumpton Wall (Plumpton) (p.190)
Plumpton (Plumpton Wall) (p.190)
pnigitis (p.170)
pnigitis (p.182)
Poitiers, Earl of (p.141)
Polemo Middiana (p.161)
Poltross Burn (p.214)
Poltross Burn (Polt Rosse) (p.179)
Poltross Burn (Poltross Water) Milecastle 48 (p.226)
Poltross Water (Poltross Burn) (p.226)
polution (p.144)
polypody (p.145)
polypody (p.166)
polypody (p.207)
Pompeianus (p.202)
Pompeianus (p.203)
Pomponius Mela (p.174)
pondweed (p.145)
pondweed (p.166)
Pons Aelia (p.211)
Pons Aelii (p.217)
Pons Aelii (p.230)
poorhouse, Gallow Barrow (p.143)
poppy (p.166)
poppy (p.206)
population, Cockermouth (p.183)
population, Cumberland (p.179)
population, Kendal (p.151)
population, Lancashire (p.134)
population, Whitehaven (p.180)
Portgate (p.220)
Portland, Duke of (p.189)
Portland, Earl of (p.189)
portrait, Camden (p.fpc)
portraits, Kings of England (p.190)
portraits, Kings of England (p.204)
Portus Iccius Illustratis (p.161)
Potter, Barnaby, Dr (p.152)
Potter, Christopher, Dr (p.152)
Poucherling (Pow Charney) (p.226)
Pow Charney Burn (Poucherling) (p.226)
praefect (p.213)
praefectus (p.196)
praetentura (p.212)
praetentura 1 (p.211)
praetentura 1 (p.215)
praetentura 2 (p.211)
praetentura 3 (p.211)
praetentura 4 (p.211)
praetentura 5 (p.213)
praetentura 6 (p.213)
Praetenturae (p.211)
praetorium (p.223)
praetorium (p.224)
praetorium (p.225)
praetorium (p.226)
precipices (p.223)
Premonstratensian Order (p.161)
Preston Family (p.142)
Preston, George (p.142)
Preston, Lord (p.197)
Preston, Viscount (p.198)
prickle chara (p.164)
prickly samphire (p.145)
print (p.fpc)
priory, Appleby (p.158)
Procolita (p.230)
Procolitia (p.222)
procumbent cabbage (p.206)
Prudentius (p.171)
Ptolemy (p.1)
Ptolemy (p.131)
Ptolemy (p.132)
Ptolemy (p.142)
Ptolemy (p.147)
Ptolemy (p.148)
Ptolemy (p.172)
Ptolemy (p.174)
Ptolemy (p.194)
pubescent lichen (p.165)
publisher (p.i)
pump (p.181)
purple fescue grass (p.165)
purple flowered mountain garlic (p.164)
purple goat's beard (p.145)
purple goat's beard (p.167)
purple goat's beard (p.207)
purple moneywort (p.165)
Pyngilburne (Pingle Sike) (p.199)
quaestorium (p.225)
Quakers (p.143)
Quamps, The (p.153)
Quarmore (Quernmore) (p.141)
quarry (p.219)
quarry (p.222)
quarry (p.224)
quarry, Chalk Beck (p.193)
Quarry House (p.217)
quay, Lancaster (p.142)
Queen Anne's Bounty (p.155)
Queen Anne's Bounty (p.156)
Queen's College, Oxford (p.143)
Queen's College, Oxford (p.152)
Queen's College, Oxford (p.157)
Queen's College, Oxford (p.161)
Queen's College, Oxford (p.162)
Queen's College, Oxford (p.180)
Queen's College, Oxford (p.183)
Queen's College, Oxford (p.184)
queen's demesnes (p.189)
quern (p.141)
Quernmore (Quarmore) (p.141)
quick in the hand (p.165)
quicksands (p.131)
quicksands (p.142)
race course, Penrith (p.188)
Radcliffe, Edward, Sir (p.181)
Radcliffe Family (p.182)
Radcliffe, Francis (p.181)
Radcliffe, John, Sir (p.182)
Raegill Burn (Reygill) (p.200)
Rainbow, Bishop (p.192)
Raise, The (p.155)
Raisgill Hill (p.156)
Raisingham (p.221)
Ramp Holme (Roger Holme) (p.154)
Ramp Holme (Roger Holme) (p.155)
ramruner (p.200)
ramsons (p.206)
Randylands (p.201)
Randylands (p.226)
Rasate (Rayseat) (p.162)
raspis (p.166)
Ratcliffe Family (p.170)
Rauthmell, Mr (p.140)
Ravenglass (p.169)
Ravenglass (p.179)
Ravenglass (Aven Glass) (p.169)
Ravenna Cosmography (p.157)
Ravenna Cosmography (p.190)
Ravenstonedale (p.150)
Ravenstonedale (p.162)
Ravenstonedale Tarn (p.150)
Ravenstonedale (Rissendale) (p.155)
Rawlinson, Christopher (p.143)
Rawlinson, Daniel (p.143)
Rawlinson Family (p.143)
Rawlinson, Richard (p.143)
Rawlinson, Thomas (p.143)
Rawthey Bridge stone circle (p.162)
Rayseat, Crosby Garrett (p.162)
Redbarns (p.217)
red char (p.144)
red handed (p.199)
Red Kirk (p.159)
Redman Family (p.153)
red whorts (p.167)
reed canary grass (p.207)
reed grass (p.206)
religious house, Armathwaite (p.191)
religious house, Calder Bridge (p.181)
religious house, Carlisle (p.193)
religious house, Carlisle (p.194)
religious house, Greystoke (p.191)
religious house, Holme Coultram (p.185)
religious house, Kirkoswald (p.190)
religious house, Penrith (p.189)
religious house, St Bees (p.180)
religious house, Wetheral (p.191)
Rere Cross (Rey Cross) (p.155)
Rere Cross (Rey Cross) (p.159)
Rey Cross (Rere Cross) (p.155)
Rey Cross (Rere Cross) (p.159)
Reygill (Raegill Burn) (p.200)
Ribchester (p.140)
Ribton Hall (p.209)
Ricchester (p.221)
Richard Gate (Scotch Gate) (p.193)
Richard I (p.192)
Richard II (p.149)
Richard II (p.152)
Richard II (p.158)
Richard II (p.176)
Richard II (p.189)
Richard III (p.174)
Richard III (p.189)
Richard III (p.193)
Richmond Family (p.174)
Richmond Family (p.192)
Ridal Hall (Rydal Hall) (p.155)
Ridall Water (Rydal Water) (p.155)
Ridal Water (Rydal Water) (p.150)
Ridal (Rydal) (p.162)
Riddesdale (p.221)
Rissendale (Ravenstonedale) (p.155)
road, Brampton to Carlisle (p.151)
road, Halthistle to Brampton (p.151)
road, Kirkby Stephen to Appleby (p.159)
road, Kirkby Stephen to Sedbergh (p.162)
road, Penrith to Keswick (p.181)
robbery (p.1)
Robinson, Bishop (p.193)
Robinson, Thomas, Sir (p.204)
Robin the Devil (p.154)
Rockcliffe (p.195)
Rockcliffe (Rowcliff) (p.150)
Rockcliffe (Rowcliff) (p.175)
rocket (p.145)
rocket (p.206)
rock polypody (p.166)
Roger Holme (Ramp Holme) (p.154)
Roger Holme (Ramp Holme) (p.155)
roman altar (p.140)
roman altar (p.152)
roman altar (p.158)
roman altar (p.159)
roman altar (p.160)
roman altar (p.169)
roman altar (p.171)
roman altar (p.172)
roman altar (p.177)
roman altar (p.184)
roman altar (p.186)
roman altar (p.187)
roman altar (p.190)
roman altar (p.191)
roman altar (p.195)
roman altar (p.196)
roman altar (p.197)
roman altar (p.201)
roman altar (p.202)
roman altar (p.203)
roman altar (p.205)
roman altar (p.217)
roman altar (p.225)
roman altar (p.227)
roman altar (p.228)
roman altar (p.229)
roman bath (p.203)
roman bath (p.222)
roman bath (p.224)
roman bridge, Irthing (p.226)
roman bridge, Poltross (p.226)
roman cemetery (p.141)
roman coin (p.131)
roman coin (p.140)
roman coin (p.141)
roman coin (p.147)
roman coin (p.148)
roman coin (p.152)
roman coin (p.155)
roman coin (p.159)
roman coin (p.183)
roman coin (p.185)
roman coin (p.220)
roman coin (p.229)
Roman Empire (p.211)
Roman Empire (p.212)
roman finds (p.183)
roman finds (p.185)
roman finds (p.193)
roman fort, Barrans Ring (p.155)
roman fort, Benwell (p.217)
roman fort, Benwell (p.218)
roman fort, Bewcastle (p.200)
roman fort, Bewcastle (p.225)
roman fort, Birdoswald (p.205)
roman fort, Birdoswald (p.227)
roman fort, Birdoswald Voreda (p.226)
roman fort, Bowness-on-Solway (p.186)
roman fort, Bowness-on-Solway (p.229)
roman fort, Broom Dikes (p.222)
roman fort, Brough (p.157)
roman fort, Brough (p.158)
roman fort, Brough (p.227)
roman fort, Brougham (p.148)
roman fort, Brougham (p.160)
roman fort, Burgh by Sands (p.173)
roman fort, Burgh by Sands (p.187)
roman fort, Burgh by Sands (p.228)
roman fort, Burgh by Sands (p.229)
roman fort, Burwens (p.148)
roman fort, Burwens (p.158)
roman fort, Caernarvon (?Carvoran) (p.216)
roman fort, Cambeck (p.224)
roman fort, Cambeck (p.225)
roman fort, Cambeck (p.227)
roman fort, Carrawbrugh (p.222)
roman fort, Carrawburgh (p.223)
roman fort, Carrawburgh (p.225)
roman fort, Carvoran (p.224)
roman fort, Carvoran (p.225)
roman fort, Carvoran (?) (p.216)
roman fort, Castlesteads (p.190)
roman fort, Castlesteads (p.201)
roman fort, Castlesteads (p.214)
roman fort, Castlesteads (p.227)
roman fort, Castlesteads (?) (p.197)
roman fort, Chesterholm (p.219)
roman fort, Chesterholme (p.224)
roman fort, Chesters (p.220)
roman fort, Chesters (p.221)
roman fort, Dalston (?) (p.193)
roman fort, Drumburgh (p.173)
roman fort, Drumburgh (p.187)
roman fort, Drumburgh (p.227)
roman fort, Drumburgh (p.228)
roman fort, Drumburgh (p.229)
roman fort, Great Chesters (p.224)
roman fort, Great Chesters (p.225)
roman fort, Halton Chesters (p.220)
roman fort, Hardknott Pass (p.169)
roman fort, Hardknott Pass (p.180)
roman fort, Hesket (p.173)
roman fort, Hesket (p.189)
roman fort, Hesket (p.190)
roman fort, Housesteads (p.223)
roman fort, Housesteads (p.224)
roman fort, Kendal (p.147)
roman fort, Maryport (p.171)
roman fort, Maryport (p.184)
roman fort, Maryport (p.185)
roman fort, Maryport (p.195)
roman fort, Moresby (p.170)
roman fort, Moreseby (p.181)
roman fort, Netherby (p.176)
roman fort, Netherby (p.195)
roman fort, Netherby (p.196)
roman fort, Netherby (p.197)
roman fort, Netherby (p.198)
roman fort, Old Carlisle (p.186)
roman fort, Papcastle (p.170)
roman fort, Papcastle (p.183)
roman fort, Redlands Bank (p.159)
roman fort, Rudchester (p.218)
roman fort, Rudchester (p.219)
roman fort, Rudchester (p.220)
roman forts (p.141)
roman forts (p.151)
roman forts (p.159)
roman forts (p.213)
roman forts (p.215)
roman forts (p.216)
roman forts (p.230)
roman fort, Stanwicks (p.228)
roman fort, Stanwix (p.192)
roman fort, Stanwix (p.216)
roman fort, Stanwix (p.227)
roman fort, Wallsend (p.216)
roman fort, Walwick Chesters (p.222)
roman fort, Walwick Chesters (p.224)
roman fort, Walwick Chesters (p.225)
roman fort, Watch Cross (p.225)
roman fort, Watchcross (p.227)
roman fort, Watercrook (p.152)
roman fort, Waterhead (p.144)
roman fort, Waterhead (p.147)
roman fort, Waterhead (p.155)
roman fort, Whitley (p.177)
roman fort, Whitley (p.205)
roman glass (p.155)
roman inscription (p.131)
roman inscription (p.140)
roman inscription (p.141)
roman inscription (p.148)
roman inscription (p.149)
roman inscription (p.152)
roman inscription (p.157)
roman inscription (p.158)
roman inscription (p.159)
roman inscription (p.160)
roman inscription (p.169)
roman inscription (p.171)
roman inscription (p.172)
roman inscription (p.173)
roman inscription (p.174)
roman inscription (p.175)
roman inscription (p.176)
roman inscription (p.177)
roman inscription (p.181)
roman inscription (p.184)
roman inscription (p.185)
roman inscription (p.186)
roman inscription (p.187)
roman inscription (p.190)
roman inscription (p.192)
roman inscription (p.193)
roman inscription (p.194)
roman inscription (p.195)
roman inscription (p.197)
roman inscription (p.200)
roman inscription (p.201)
roman inscription (p.202)
roman inscription (p.203)
roman inscription (p.204)
roman inscription (p.205)
roman inscription (p.217)
roman inscription (p.218)
roman inscription (p.223)
roman inscription (p.228)
roman inscription (p.229)
Roman miles (p.212)
roman military (p.195)
roman military (p.196)
roman military (p.197)
roman military (p.202)
roman pavement (p.196)
Roman Ports and Forts in Kent (p.161)
roman road, Cambeck (p.221)
roman roads (p.140)
roman roads (p.142)
roman roads (p.147)
roman roads (p.148)
roman roads (p.151)
roman roads (p.155)
roman roads (p.157)
roman roads (p.159)
roman roads (p.177)
roman roads (p.186)
roman roads (p.189)
roman roads (p.190)
roman roads (p.225)
Romans (p.1)
Romans (p.2)
Romans (p.131)
Romans (p.169)
Romans (p.211)
Romans (p.212)
Romans (p.213)
roman sculpture (p.223)
roman site, Crowdundle (p.148)
roman stations (p.215)
roman stations (p.216)
roman station, Wallsend (p.217)
Romans, withdrawl (p.214)
roman towns (p.216)
roman wall no.1 (p.211)
roman wall no.1 (p.215)
roman wall no.2 (p.211)
roman wall no.3 (p.211)
roman wall no.4 (p.211)
roman wall no.5 (p.213)
roman wall no.6 (p.213)
roman wall, Workington (p.171)
Roman withdrawl (p.213)
Rome, decline (p.212)
Romelic, Alicia de (p.210)
Romely, Alice de (p.185)
roneing char (p.154)
roof slate (p.142)
Rookby (p.186)
Rookby (p.204)
Rookby (p.205)
rosa folis (p.164)
Rose Castle (p.192)
Rose Castle (p.207)
Rose Castle (Congavata) (p.174)
rosemary (p.145)
rosemary (p.206)
rosewort (p.166)
rose wort (p.207)
Rosgill Hall (p.161)
Ross Family (p.147)
Rota Temporum (p.211)
Rothay, River (Rothey) (p.155)
Rothay, River (Routhey) (p.154)
Rothay, River (Rowthey) (p.155)
Rothey, River (Rothay) (p.155)
rough horsetail (p.165)
Roughtongill Mines (p.174)
round leaved bellflower (p.164)
round leaved mountain sorrel (p.166)
round leaved mountain sorrel (p.207)
round leaved water pimpernel (p.166)
round leaved willow (p.166)
Roundthwaite (Rownthwaite) (p.156)
Routhey (Rothay) (p.154)
Routh, Mr (p.187)
Rowcliff (Rockcliffe) (p.150)
Rowcliff (Rockcliffe) (p.175)
Rownthwaite(Roundthwaite) (p.156)
Rowthey (Rothay) (p.155)
Rudchester (p.218)
Rudchester (p.219)
Rudchester (p.230)
ruddle (p.182)
rue (p.206)
rue (p.207)
Rumeney, Robert de (p.210)
runes (p.159)
runes (p.170)
runes (p.183)
runes (p.200)
runic spells (p.200)
rush (p.145)
rush (p.165)
rush (p.206)
Rutterford (p.200)
Rydal Hall (p.143)
Rydal Hall (Ridal Hall) (p.155)
Rydal Water (Ridall Water) (p.155)
Rydal Water (Ridal Water) (p.150)
Rydal (Ridal) (p.162)
Sabina (p.211)
sacrificial instruments (p.171)
sacrificial instruments (p.172)
Safeguard (St Constantine's Cells) (p.192)
sailing ship (p.180)
saint foin (p.165)
Salkeld Family (p.174)
Salkeld, Richard de, Sir (p.191)
Salmasius (p.212)
salmon (p.131)
salmon (p.154)
salmon (p.171)
salmon (p.184)
salmon leap (p.150)
salt (p.131)
salt pans (p.184)
salt roads (p.131)
salt spring, Borrowdale (p.182)
Salvius, Marcus Aurelius (p.197)
samian ware (p.141)
samian ware (p.183)
samphire (p.145)
samphire (p.206)
samphire (p.207)
Sanderson, Robert (p.191)
Sandford (p.159)
Sandford Family (p.148)
Sandford Moor (p.159)
Sandford, Mr (p.189)
sand pearls (p.180)
sands guide (p.142)
sands roads (p.142)
Sandys, Archbishop (p.143)
Sandys, Edwin (p.143)
Sandys Family (p.143)
Sandysike (Sandy Sykes) (p.227)
Sandys, Thomas (p.143)
Sandy Sykes (Sandysike) (p.227)
sanicle (p.166)
sanicle (p.207)
Sark, River (Scyrke) (p.199)
Sark, River (White Scyrke) (p.199)
Saville, Thomas (p.1)
Sawrey Family (p.143)
sawwort (p.145)
saxifrage (p.166)
saxifrage (p.206)
Saxons (p.2)
Saxons (p.127)
Saxons (p.131)
Saxons (p.169)
Saxons (p.177)
Saxons (p.204)
Scalby (Scaleby Castle) (p.176)
Scaleby (p.230)
Scaleby Castle (p.201)
Scaleby Castle (p.202)
Scaleby Castle (p.203)
Scaleby Castle (p.227)
Scaleby Castle (Scalby) (p.176)
school, Ambleside (p.155)
school, Appleby (p.148)
school, Appleby (p.157)
school, Barton (p.162)
school, Brough (p.157)
school, Carlisle (p.175)
school, Great Blencow (p.192)
school, Greenholm (p.156)
school, Hawkshead (p.143)
school, Kendal (p.152)
school, Kirkby Stephen (p.156)
school, Penrith (p.188)
schools (p.151)
school, St Bees (p.180)
school, Tebay (p.156)
school, Wigton (p.186)
Schulenburg, Melusina Erengart (p.152)
Scotby (p.189)
Scotch and English (p.151)
Scotch Gate (Richard Gate) (p.193)
Scotland (p.169)
Scotland (p.211)
Scotland (p.213)
Scot, Michael (p.172)
Scot, Michael (p.186)
Scots (p.131)
Scots (p.150)
Scots (p.169)
Scots (p.175)
Scots (p.176)
Scots (p.177)
Scots (p.188)
Scots (p.191)
Scots (p.192)
Scots (p.194)
Scots (p.211)
Scots (p.213)
Scots (p.214)
Scots (p.226)
Scots inroads (p.172)
Scots market, Penrith (p.189)
Scottinwaith (p.211)
Scottish Sea (p.214)
scouts (p.213)
script (p.intro)
Scruffel (Criffel) (p.170)
sculpture, roman (p.223)
sculptures (p.204)
scurvy grass (p.145)
scutage (p.151)
Scyrke (Sark) (p.199)
Scythicam (p.214)
sea beet (p.206)
sea bugloss (p.145)
sea bugloss (p.207)
sea campion (p.207)
sea canary grass (p.207)
sea colewort (p.206)
sea gilly flower (p.166)
sea gilly flower (p.207)
sea holly (p.206)
seal, Wigton (p.186)
sea maidenhair (p.206)
sea milkwort (p.206)
sea oak (p.206)
sea parsley (p.145)
sea reed grass (p.206)
sea spiked grass (p.207)
sea starwort (p.206)
sea thongs (p.206)
Seatoller Fell (p.182)
Seaton Hall (Lekely) (p.184)
Seaton Priory (p.141)
Seaton (Seton) (p.209)
sea wheat grass (p.207)
sea wormwood (p.206)
Segedunum (p.216)
Segedunum (p.217)
Segedunum (p.230)
Seleby, Walter, Sir (p.198)
Sella Park (Silla Park) (p.181)
Seneca (p.1)
sengreen (p.166)
Senhouse, Humphrey (p.155)
Senhouse, Humphrey (p.184)
Senhouse, J (p.171)
Senhouse, John (p.181)
Senhouse, John (p.184)
Senhouse, Mr (p.185)
setaceous pondweed (p.145)
setaceous pondweed (p.166)
Setantii (p.132)
Seton (Seaton) (p.209)
Severus (p.140)
Severus (p.148)
Severus (p.174)
Severus (p.190)
Severus (p.195)
Severus (p.197)
Severus (p.203)
Severus (p.211)
Severus (p.212)
Severus (p.214)
Severus (p.215)
Severus's Ditch (p.212)
Severus's Wall (p.174)
Severus's Wall (p.176)
Severus's Wall (p.204)
Severus's Wall (p.212)
Severus's Wall (p.213)
Severus's Wall (p.215)
Severus's Wall (p.216)
Sewingshields Castle (Shewen Sheels Castle) (p.223)
Sewingshields (Shewen Sheels) (p.222)
Sewingshields (Shewen Sheels) (p.223)
Sewingshields (Shewen Sheels) (p.225)
Shalk Beck (Chalk Beck) (p.193)
shalloons (p.183)
Shap Abbey (p.161)
Shap Abbey (Heye Monastery) (p.148)
Shap Abbey (Shape Monastery) (p.148)
Shape Monastery (Shap Abbey) (p.148)
Shap Well (Spa Well, Crosby Ravensworth) (p.161)
Shap (Heppe) (p.161)
shave grass (p.165)
Shaws (p.204)
Shaw, Thomas, Dr (p.152)
sheep (p.134)
sheep (p.142)
sheep (p.150)
shell berries (p.169)
Shelton, Richard (p.191)
Shewen Sheels Castle (Sewingshields Castle) (p.223)
Shewen Sheels (Sewingshields) (p.222)
Shewen Sheels (Sewingshields) (p.223)
Shewen Sheels (Sewingshields) (p.225)
Shildon Hill (p.220)
shining willow (p.207)
ship (p.180)
shipping (p.142)
shipping (p.184)
shipping, Whitehaven (p.180)
shipping, Whitehaven (p.181)
Sibbald, R, Sir (p.182)
Sidonius (p.131)
siege, Carlisle (p.175)
Sil Burn (p.221)
Silchester (p.221)
Silla Park (Sella Park) (p.181)
Sills (p.221)
Silures (p.2)
silver (p.150)
silver (p.170)
Silver Hill (p.220)
Simnel, Lambert (p.143)
simplares (p.176)
Sincler, Oliver (p.176)
Sir Hugh's Parlour (p.189)
Sisergh Hall (Sizergh Castle) (p.152)
Sizergh Castle (Sisergh Hall) (p.152)
Skelton (p.189)
Skelton Family (p.174)
Skerton Bridge (p.142)
Skiddaw (p.170)
Skiddaw (p.182)
Skiddaw Man (p.182)
Slaitburn (p.140)
slate (p.142)
slate (p.143)
slate (p.150)
slender spiked carex (p.164)
slough dogs (p.199)
small bistort (p.166)
small blue eared mountain spike grass (p.164)
small jagged yellow rocket (p.145)
small mountain sengreen (p.166)
small sea scurvy grass (p.145)
small trefoil (p.167)
Smith, Bishop (p.157)
Smith, Bishop (p.192)
Smith, Dr (p.180)
Smith, George (p.185)
Smith, George (p.200)
Smith, George (p.204)
Smith, George (p.205)
Smith, Mr (p.220)
Smith, Thomas, Sir (p.157)
smooth horsetail (p.165)
snakestone (p.198)
snakeweed (p.166)
snakeweed (p.207)
snowdrop (p.145)
snowdrop (p.165)
snowdrop (p.206)
soil, Westmorland (p.150)
soldier (p.211)
soldier (p.212)
soldier (p.213)
Sollom Mosse (Solway Moss) (p.176)
Sollom Moss (Solway Moss) (p.156)
Sollom Moss (Solway Moss) (p.188)
Solom Moss (Solway Moss) (p.188)
Solway Firth (p.172)
Solway Firth (p.173)
Solway Firth (p.179)
Solway Firth (p.186)
Solway Firth (p.187)
Solway Firth (p.195)
Solway Firth (p.211)
Solway Firth (p.216)
Solway Firth (p.228)
Solway Firth (p.229)
Solway Firth (Eden Frith) (p.175)
Solway Firth (Eden Frith) (p.214)
Solway Firth (Solway Frith) (p.173)
Solway Flow (p.188)
Solway Frith (Solway Firth) (p.173)
Solway Moss, eruption (p.188)
Solway Moss, eruption (p.198)
Solway Moss (Sollome Moss) (p.176)
Solway Moss (Sollom Moss) (p.156)
Solway Moss (Sollom Moss) (p.188)
Solway Moss (Solom Moss) (p.188)
Somerset, Duke of (p.147)
Somerset, Duke of (p.180)
Somner (p.161)
sorrel (p.166)
sorrel (p.207)
South Tine (South Tyne) (p.214)
South Tyne, River (South Tine) (p.177)
South Tyne River (South Tine) (p.214)
sowdwort (p.164)
Sowerby (p.189)
Sowerby (p.209)
spa, Church Brough (p.157)
spa, Clifton (p.162)
Spadeadam Forest (?Wastes) (p.213)
spars (p.150)
Spartian (p.2)
Spartian (p.212)
Spartianus (p.211)
Spa Well, Crosby Ravensworth (Shap Well) (p.161)
speaking tube (p.214)
speaking tube (p.216)
speaking tube (p.220)
spear leaved bryum (p.164)
spearwort (p.166)
spelling (p.intro)
Spelman (p.183)
Spelman (p.200)
Spencer, Milloni (p.158)
Spencer, Milo (p.148)
Spenser Family (p.194)
spignel (p.164)
spignel (p.206)
spignel mew (p.145)
spinning (p.155)
Spital, Kendal (Spittle) (p.152)
Spittle (Spital, Kendal) (p.152)
splachnum (p.166)
spleenwort (p.164)
spring (p.204)
spring cinquefoil (p.145)
spring, Glassonby (p.190)
Spying How (p.155)
squinancy berry (p.166)
squinancy berry (p.207)
squinancy wort (p.164)
Stainburn (Staneburn) (p.209)
stained glass (p.155)
stained glass (p.191)
stained glass, Furness Abbey (p.142)
Stainmore (p.158)
Stainmore (Stanemore) (p.151)
Stainton, Barony of (p.209)
St Alban (p.193)
St Ambrose (p.170)
St Andrew, Dacre (p.188)
St Andrew, Kirkandrew on Esk (p.198)
St Andrew, Penrith (p.188)
Staneburne (Stainburn) (p.209)
Stanemore (Stainmore) (p.151)
Stane Wegges (Stanwix) (p.227)
Stanley, Elizabeth (p.131)
Stanley Family (p.131)
Stanley, Thomas (p.131)
Stanley, William (p.131)
St Ann, Ambleside (p.155)
Stanwicks (p.230)
Stanwicks (Stanwix) (p.174)
Stanwicks (Stanwix) (p.176)
Stanwicks (Stanwix) (p.192)
Stanwicks (Stanwix) (p.221)
Stanwicks (Stanwix) (p.227)
Stanwick (Stanwix) (p.195)
Stanwix (Stane Wegges) (p.227)
Stanwix (Stanwicks) (p.174)
Stanwix (Stanwicks) (p.176)
Stanwix (Stanwicks) (p.192)
Stanwix (Stanwicks) (p.221)
Stanwix (Stanwicks) (p.227)
Stanwix (Stanwick) (p.195)
starwort (p.206)
stationes agrariae (p.211)
stationes agrariae (p.215)
Staynton (Stainton) (p.209)
St Bees (p.180)
St Bees Abbey (p.180)
St Bees Head (Bamhead) (p.180)
St Bees Head (Bees Head) (p.180)
St Bees School (p.180)
St Bega (p.180)
St Bridget, Bridekirk (p.170)
St Bridget, Bridekirk (p.183)
St Bridget, Bridekirk (p.184)
St Constantine's Cells (p.174)
St Constantine's Cells (p.191)
St Constantine's Cells (Constantine's Cells) (p.192)
St Constantine's Cells (Safeguard) (p.192)
St Cuthbert (p.131)
St Cuthbert (p.175)
St Cuthbert (p.182)
St Cuthbert, Bewcastle (p.176)
St Cuthbert, Carlisle (p.193)
St Cuthbert, Carlisle (p.194)
St Cuthbert, Great Salkeld (p.191)
St Cuthbert's pence (p.194)
St Cuthbert Without (p.189)
Steel Rigg (p.224)
Stephen (p.132)
Stephen (p.175)
Stephenson Family (p.201)
Stephenson, Governor (p.186)
Sterne, Bishop (p.192)
St Herbert (p.182)
St Herbert's Island (p.170)
St Herbert's Island (p.182)
Stilico (p.171)
Stilico (p.196)
stitchwort (p.145)
stitchwort (p.166)
Stitican Vale (p.214)
St John's College, Oxford (p.143)
St Kentigern, Great Crosthwaite (p.182)
St Lawrence, Appleby (p.157)
St Leonard, Warwick (p.192)
St Leonard, Wigton (p.186)
St Martin, Bowness-on-Windermere (p.155)
St Mary and St Bega, St Bees (p.180)
St Mary, Carlisle (p.194)
St Mary Holme (Lady Holme) (p.154)
St Mary, Kirkby Lonsdale (p.162)
St Mary, Lancaster (p.131)
St Mary, Mallerstang (p.156)
St Mary, Wigton (p.186)
St Michael and All Angels, Beetham (p.153)
St Michael, Appleby-in-Westmorland (p.157)
St Michael, Bowness (p.229)
St Michael, Lowther (p.161)
St Mungo, Dearham (p.185)
St Nicholas, Newcastle (p.217)
St Ninian, Brougham (p.160)
St Ninian, Brougham (Nine Churches) (p.162)
stockings (p.152)
stockings (p.156)
stockings (p.183)
stone bramble (p.166)
stone bramble (p.207)
stone byffus (p.164)
stone circle, Castlerigg (p.181)
stone circle, Castlerigg (p.182)
stone circle, Dalston (p.192)
stone circle, Rawthey Bridge (p.162)
stone circles (p.190)
stonecrop (p.145)
stonecrop (p.166)
stone fern (p.166)
stone polypody (p.166)
stone rubbing (?) (p.200)
stone wall (p.212)
St Oswald (p.221)
St Oswald, Kirkoswald (p.174)
St Oswald, Kirkoswald (p.190)
St Oswald, Kirkoswald (p.191)
Strabo (p.1)
Straits of Magellan (p.180)
strangury (p.182)
Stratford, Dr (p.152)
Strickland, Bishop (p.192)
Strickland, Bishop (p.193)
Strickland, Bishop (p.194)
Strickland Family (p.149)
Strickland Family (p.152)
Strickland Family (p.173)
Strickland Roger (p.153)
Strickland's Tower, Rose Castle (p.192)
Strickland, William (p.173)
Strivelin, John de (p.176)
Strong, Mr (p.195)
St Stephens (Kirkby Stephen) (p.147)
Stuart, Henry Frederic (p.205)
Stuart, William Augustus (p.205)
Stukeley, William (p.142)
Stukeley, William (p.152)
Stukeley, William (p.162)
Stukeley, William (p.182)
Stukeley, William (p.183)
Stukeley, William (p.184)
Stukeley, William (p.185)
Stukeley, William (p.190)
Stukeley, William (p.204)
Stuteville Family (p.198)
St Wynemius (p.192)
succory leaved hawkweed (p.165)
Suffolk and Berkshire, Earl of (p.155)
Suffolk, Duke of (p.178)
Sunbiggin Tarn (p.150)
Sunbiggin Tarn (p.162)
sundew (p.164)
sundew (p.206)
sundial (p.185)
sundial (Countess Pillar) (p.160)
sunflower scurvy grass (p.164)
Sunken Kirk (Swinside Stone Circle) (p.179)
surgeon (p.214)
Surita, Hieronymus (p.212)
Sussex, Earl of (p.191)
Sutton, Thomas, Dr (p.161)
swan (p.154)
Swartz, Martin (p.143)
Swathmoor (p.143)
sweet cicely (p.166)
sweet fern (p.166)
sweet polypody (p.166)
sweet polypody (p.207)
Swinborn, Adam de (p.176)
Swinside Stone Circle (Sunken Kirk) (p.179)
Swinside (Swineshead) (p.179)
sword, Hugh Morville's (p.174)
sword, Prince Edward's (p.191)
System of Anatomy (p.161)
Tacitus (p.1)
Tacitus (p.2)
Tacitus (p.180)
Tacitus (p.194)
Tailboys, William (p.147)
Taleboys, Ivo (p.147)
Tallentire (Tulentyre) (p.209)
tanning (p.142)
tapestry (p.204)
tarns (p.150)
Tarraby (p.227)
Tarrasfoot (p.200)
Tarras Water (Terras) (p.200)
Tartars (p.213)
Tatham chapel (p.140)
teacher (p.161)
teal (p.154)
Tebay (p.156)
TEI (p.intro)
Temple of Diana (p.153)
temples (p.216)
temples (p.223)
temples (p.225)
temples (p.226)
Temple Sowerby (p.159)
tentwort (p.164)
tenure, border (p.212)
Terminus (p.211)
Terras (Tarras Water) (p.200)
tesselated pavement (p.131)
Text Encoding Initiative (p.intro)
Thanet, Earl of (p.156)
Thanet, Earl of (p.157)
Thanet, Earl of (p.158)
Thanet, Thomas (p.157)
theft (p.199)
Theodosius (p.211)
Theodosius (p.212)
Theodosius II (p.196)
Theodosius the younger (p.213)
thick lichen (p.165)
Thirlmere (Brackmere) (p.181)
Thirlwel Castle (Thirwall Castle) (p.226)
Thirwall Castle (Thirwel Cstle) (p.226)
thistle (p.164)
thistle (p.206)
Thomlinson, John (p.186)
Thor (p.159)
Thoresby, Mr (p.159)
Thoresby (Thursby) (p.172)
Thorgut (p.159)
Three Brother Tree (p.160)
Threep Fell House (p.222)
Three Shire Stones (p.179)
threshold stone (p.227)
thrift (p.207)
throatwort (p.206)
throatwort, great (p.206)
Throcklow (p.218)
thrush lichen (p.165)
Thurland Castle (p.131)
Thurland, Thomas (p.170)
Thursby (Thoresby) (p.172)
Thurston Water (Coniston Water) (p.143)
Thweng, Willliam de (p.155)
Tiberius (p.186)
Ticinus (p.162)
tides (p.142)
tides (p.228)
tides (p.229)
Tiding Well, Shap Rural (p.148)
tile (p.141)
Tilliol Family (p.176)
Tine (South Tyne) (p.177)
Tine (Tyne) (p.211)
Tipalt Burn (Tippal Water) (p.225)
Tipalt Burn (Tippal Water) (p.226)
Tippal Water (Tipalt Burn) (p.225)
Tippal Water (Tipalt Burn) (p.226)
tithes (p.144)
tithes (p.153)
tithes (p.194)
title (p.i)
title page (p.i)
Todd, Dr (p.162)
Todd, Dr (p.189)
Todd, Dr (p.190)
Todd, Dr (p.201)
Todd, Hugh (p.158)
Todd, Hugh, Rev (p.188)
Todd, Hugh, Rev (p.209)
toothwort (p.165)
Tophouse (p.200)
touch me not (p.165)
tower, Ormside (?) (p.159)
towers (p.211)
Towertay (Tower Tye) (p.222)
Tower Tye (Towertay) (p.222)
town wall, Appleby (p.158)
town wall, Carlisle (p.175)
town wall, Carlisle (p.193)
traitor, Harcla (p.175)
Trajanus, Ulpius (p.173)
transcription (p.intro)
translator (p.i)
Treaty of Cologne (p.184)
Trederman (Triermain) (p.176)
tribune (p.213)
tribunus (p.196)
triclinium (p.175)
Triermain (Trederman) (p.176)
trifid sengreen (p.166)
Trinity College, Cambridge (p.186)
Trivers, Robert de (p.173)
trout (p.154)
Troutbeck (p.155)
Troutbeck (4) (p.158)
truce (p.199)
trumpet call (p.211)
tuberous moschatel (p.164)
tufted horse shoe vetch (p.165)
tufted wood vetch (p.167)
Tulentyre (Tallentire) (p.209)
Tulket (p.132)
Tulket (p.142)
Tully, Jerome (p.183)
tumuli (p.140)
tumuli (p.152)
tumuli (p.155)
tumuli (p.159)
tumuli (p.162)
tumuli (p.216)
tumuli (p.218)
tumuli (p.221)
tumuli (p.224)
tumulus, Raisgill (p.156)
tunbridge trichomanes (p.167)
Tungri (p.176)
Tunnocelum (p.186)
Tunnocelum (p.187)
Tunnocelum (p.229)
Tunnocelum (p.230)
Tunstall Family (p.131)
Tunstall, Thomas, Sir (p.131)
turf (p.142)
turf wall (p.212)
turma (p.196)
turnpike roads (p.151)
turnpike roads (p.155)
turrets (p.215)
turrets (p.216)
Turris Augusti (p.174)
tutsan (p.165)
twayblade (p.145)
twayblade (p.166)
Tynemouth (p.213)
Tyne, River (p.216)
Tyne, River (Tine) (p.211)
Uldale (p.170)
Uldale (Uldendale) (p.209)
Uldendale (Uldale) (p.209)
Ulleswater (Ullswater) (p.150)
Ulleswater (Ullswater) (p.162)
Ullswater (p.148)
Ullswater (p.206)
Ullswater (Ulleswater) (p.150)
Ullswater (Ulleswater) (p.162)
Ullswater (Ulse) (p.173)
Ulpha Moss (p.153)
Ulse (Ullswater) (p.173)
Ulverston (p.132)
Ulverston (p.142)
Underheugh (p.205)
Underlay (Underley Hall) (p.162)
Underley Hall (Underlay) (p.162)
Unerigg Hall (Ewanrigg Hall) (p.184)
Unicode (p.intro)
Union of England and Scotland (p.199)
unsavory dame's violet (p.165)
Upperby (Hubbrightby) (p.209)
upright meadow crowfoot (p.166)
Urbibus, Stephanus de (p.1)
Urbicus, Lollius (p.211)
Ursewick Family (p.143)
Urswick (p.143)
Usher, Archbishop (p.150)
Uxelodunum (p.227)
Uxelodunum (p.228)
Valentia (p.213)
Valentinian (p.213)
Vale of Keswick (p.182)
Vale of Nightshade (Bekangesgill) (p.142)
Vallibus, Hubert de (p.201)
Vallibus, Robert de (p.204)
Vallum (p.212)
vallum (p.215)
Vallum Barbaricum (p.211)
Vallum of Severus (p.174)
Vallum, The (p.211)
van Leyden, Lucas (p.204)
Vaux Family (p.176)
Vaux, Hubert de (p.173)
Vaux, Hubert de (p.177)
Vaux, Hubert de (p.201)
Vaux, Hubert de (p.205)
Vaux, Hubert de (p.209)
Vaux, Lord (p.191)
Vaux, R de (p.177)
Vaux, Robert (p.177)
Vegetius (p.176)
Vegetius (p.202)
Vegetius (p.211)
Vegetius Hyginus (p.196)
Vellocatus (p.2)
Venutius (p.2)
Vercovicium (p.223)
Vercovicium (p.224)
Verterae (p.148)
Verterae (p.157)
Verterae (p.158)
Vertue, George (p.200)
vervain mallow (p.206)
Vespasian (p.140)
Vespasian (p.141)
vetch (p.145)
vetch (p.165)
vetch (p.167)
vetch (p.206)
vetch (p.207)
Veteriponte (p.149)
Vicar's Island (Derwent Isle) (p.182)
Victories (p.185)
Victory (p.187)
Victory (p.198)
Villa ad Murum (p.218)
Vindobala (p.219)
Vindobala (p.230)
Vindolana (p.219)
Vindolana (p.230)
Vindolanda (p.224)
Vindovala (p.218)
violet (p.165)
violet (p.207)
Vipont Family (p.157)
Vipont Family (p.158)
Vipont, John de (p.148)
Vipont, Lord (p.178)
Vipont, Robert de (p.149)
Vipont, Robert de (p.175)
Virosidum (p.174)
Virosidum (p.184)
Virosidum (p.185)
Virosidum (p.192)
Virosidum (p.230)
Volantium (p.171)
Volantium (p.184)
Volantium (p.185)
Voreda (p.190)
Voreda (p.201)
Voreda (p.227)
Vortigern, King (p.170)
Vulsty Castle (Wulsty Castle) (p.172)
wadf (black lead) (p.182)
Wake Family (p.176)
Wake Family (p.198)
Walbottle (p.218)
Walbours (Wall Bowers) (p.226)
Walby (p.227)
Waldevus (p.209)
Walker (p.217)
Wallace, Henry (p.205)
Wall Bowers (Walbours) (p.226)
Wallhead (p.227)
Wall Houses (p.220)
Wall Knowe (p.227)
wall painting, St Cuthbert (p.193)
wall pennywort (p.164)
Wall, quarry stone (p.228)
wall rue (p.164)
wall rue (p.206)
Wall's End (p.218)
Wall, The (p.211)
Wall Town (p.218)
Walltown (Walton) (p.227)
Walltown (Waltown) (p.225)
wall whitlow grass (p.164)
Walney Island (p.132)
Walney Island (p.142)
Walney Island (p.145)
Walter (p.193)
Waltheof (p.174)
Waltheof (p.183)
Walton (Walltown) (p.227)
Waltown (Walltown) (p.225)
Walwick (p.220)
Walwick (p.221)
Walwick Chesters (p.221)
Walwick Chesters (p.230)
Walwick Grange (p.221)
Warcop (p.159)
Wardal (Wardhall Guards) (p.172)
Wardgall Guards (Wardal) (p.172)
Ward, Mr (p.155)
Ward, Mr (p.190)
Ward, Mr (p.205)
Ward, Professor (p.202)
wards (p.151)
wards (p.179)
Wars of the Roses (p.194)
Wart Hill (p.157)
Warwick (p.174)
Warwick (p.189)
Warwick (p.192)
Warwick Bridge (p.174)
Warwick, Earl of (p.173)
Warwick, Richard of (p.189)
Wasdale Fort, Shap Rural (p.161)
waste country (p.147)
Wastes, The (Spadeadam Forest?) (p.213)
watch and ward (p.151)
watch and ward (p.214)
Watch Cross (p.203)
Watch Cross (p.225)
Watchcross (p.227)
Watchcross (p.230)
Watchfield (Kendal:Wattsfield) (p.152)
Watchfull Field (p.187)
watch tower (p.228)
Watch Tree, Burgh by Sands (p.228)
water aloe (p.207)
water avens (p.165)
water avens (p.206)
watercresse (p.166)
Watercrook (p.152)
waterfall, Levens (p.147)
water gladiole (p.165)
water gladiole (p.206)
water hair grass (p.145)
water lily (p.207)
water mills (p.153)
Water of King (King Water) (p.227)
water supply, Penrith (p.173)
Watling Street (p.216)
Watling Street (p.221)
Watling Street Gate (p.220)
Waux, Hubert de (p.209)
Waver, River (p.172)
Waverton (p.209)
weather signs (p.147)
weather signs (p.153)
weather signs (p.170)
Wedderhall (Wetheral) (p.189)
welch golden rod (p.166)
well, Carrawbrugh (p.222)
Well Lawes (p.216)
Welton, Bishop (p.193)
Wery Wall (p.131)
Wery Wall (p.141)
Westgate, Newcastle upon Tyne (p.217)
West Marches (p.198)
Westmaria (Westmorland) (p.147)
Westmerland (Westmorland) (p.150)
Westmorland (p.2)
Westmorland (p.189)
Westmorland, Barony of (p.150)
Westmorland, Barony of (p.151)
Westmorland, Earl of (p.147)
Westmorland, Earl of (p.162)
Westmorland, Earl of (p.163)
Westmorland, extent (p.147)
Westmorland, extent (p.150)
Westmorland (Westmaria) (p.147)
Westmorland (Westmerland) (p.150)
Weston, Francis (p.201)
West, Thomas (p.141)
West, Thomas (p.143)
West, Thomas (p.144)
West, Thomas (p.162)
West Ward (p.151)
Wetheral Priory (p.174)
Wetheral Priory (p.191)
Wetheral (Wedderhall) (p.189)
Wet Sleddale (p.161)
Whallop Castle (Whelp Castle) (p.159)
Wharton, Baron (p.147)
Wharton Family (p.156)
Wharton Hall (p.147)
Wharton Hall (p.156)
Wharton, Lord (p.199)
Wharton monument (p.156)
Wharton, Philip (p.147)
Wharton, Thomas (p.147)
Wharton, Thomas (p.176)
Wharton, Thomas, Sir (p.156)
Wharton, Thomas, Sir (p.188)
Wharton village (p.156)
wheat grass (p.207)
Whellep Castle (Whelp Castle) (p.148)
Whelp Castle (p.158)
Whelp Castle (p.159)
Whelp Castle (Whallop Castle) (p.159)
Whelp Castle (Whellep Castle) (p.148)
Whinfell Park, Brougham (Whinfield Forest) (p.159)
Whinfell Park, Brougham (Whinfield) (p.148)
Whinfell Park, Brougham (Whinfield) (p.160)
Whinfell Tarn (p.150)
Whinfield Forest (Whinfell Park) (p.159)
Whinfield Park (Whinfell Park) (p.148)
Whinfield (Whinfell Park) (p.160)
Whitchester (p.219)
White, Bishop (p.192)
white flowered bastard hellebore (p.166)
white flowered rush grass (p.166)
White Friars (p.158)
Whitehaven (p.180)
Whitehaven (p.207)
Whitehaven Harbour (p.180)
Whitehaven, population (p.180)
white horehound (p.165)
white horehound (p.206)
Whitehorn (Whithern) (p.194)
white maidenhair (p.164)
white maidenhair (p.206)
white rent (p.151)
White Scyrke (Sark) (p.199)
white water lily (p.207)
Whithern (Whitehorn) (p.194)
Whitley Castle (p.177)
Whitley Castle (p.205)
Whitley Castle (p.230)
whitlow grass (p.164)
Whitriggs (p.142)
whortle berry (p.167)
whortle berry (p.207)
widgeon (p.154)
Wigton (p.170)
Wigton (p.172)
Wigton (p.186)
Wigton (Wygton) (p.209)
wild boar (p.142)
wild boar (p.189)
wild cluster cherry (p.166)
wild cluster cherry (p.207)
wild english daffodil (p.165)
wild garlic (p.164)
wild heart cherry (p.145)
wild margoram (p.207)
wild rosemary (p.164)
wild rosemary (p.206)
Wilkins, Bishop (p.153)
William III (p.161)
William III (p.189)
William, King of Scots (p.148)
William Rufus (p.175)
William Rufus (p.191)
William Rufus (p.193)
William Rufus (p.194)
Williamson, Joseph, Sir (p.184)
William the Conqueror (p.148)
William the Conqueror (p.151)
William the Conqueror (p.198)
William the Conqueror (p.205)
William the Conqueror (p.209)
Willliamson, Hedworth, Sir (p.179)
willow (p.166)
willow (p.207)
Willowford (p.205)
Willowford (p.226)
Willowford (Willoford) (p.177)
willowherb (p.165)
Wills, Browne (p.190)
Wilson, Daniel (p.141)
Wilton, Bishop (p.194)
Winander Mere (Windermere lake) (p.132)
Winander Mere (Windermere lake) (p.144)
Winander Mere (Windermere lake) (p.147)
Windermere (p.132)
Windermere Ferry (p.155)
Windermere lake (p.150)
Windermere lake (p.154)
Windermere lake (p.155)
Windermere lake, map (p.155)
Windermere lake, size (p.144)
Windermere lake, size (p.153)
Windermere lake (Wiander Mere) (p.144)
Windermere lake (Winander Mere) (p.132)
Windermere lake (Winander Mere) (p.147)
Windermere lake (Windermere Water) (p.153)
Windermere lake (Wynermere Wath) (p.144)
Windermere Water (Windermere lake) (p.153)
wind, helm (p.150)
windmill, Elswick (p.217)
Winster, River (p.147)
winter green (p.207)
Winton (p.157)
Wirkinton (Workington) (p.171)
Witherington, Lord (p.190)
Witherslack (p.143)
Witherslack (p.153)
Wiza, River (p.172)
Wiza, River (p.186)
woad (p.182)
woad (p.206)
wood lichenastrum (p.165)
wood polypody (p.166)
woods (p.150)
wood stitchwort (p.145)
wood vetch (p.207)
woollens (p.147)
woollens (p.152)
woollen yarn (p.143)
workhouse, Keswick (p.182)
Workington Castle (Workington Hall) (p.171)
Workington Castle (Workington Hall) (p.184)
Workington Hall (Workington Castle) (p.171)
Workington Hall (Workington Castle) (p.184)
Workington (Wirkinton) (p.171)
Workington (Wyrkenton) (p.184)
Wormanby (p.228)
Wormius (p.183)
Wormius (p.200)
Wormius, Olaus (p.161)
wormwood (p.206)
Woundale Raise (p.155)
wounds (p.214)
Wraysholme Tower (p.142)
wreathed lunar violet (p.164)
wreathen podded whitlow grass (p.164)
Wright, George (p.204)
Written Rock of Gelt (p.176)
Written Rock of Gelt (p.203)
Written Rock of Gelt (p.215)
Wrynose Fell (p.179)
Wulsty Castle (Vulsty Castle) (p.172)
Wulsty Castle (Wulstey) (p.186)
Wygton (Wigton) (p.209)
Wynandermere Island (Belle Isle) (p.154)
Wyndham, Charles, Sir (p.180)
Wyndham Family (p.180)
Wyndham, George (p.180)
Wynermere Wath (Windermere lake) (p.144)
Wyrkenton (Workington) (p.184)
Wythburn Fell (p.181)
Xiphilin (p.214)
xml (p.intro)
Yanwath Hall (p.162)
yellow autumnal saxifrage (p.166)
yellow cow wheat (p.207)
yellow horned poppy (p.206)
yellowish liverwort (p.145)
yellow nettle hemp (p.206)
yellow pimpernel of the woods (p.206)
yellow star of bethlehem (p.166)
yellow violet (p.167)
yellow water lily (p.207)
yellow welch poppy (p.166)
Yeoman's Bridge (Eamont Bridge) (p.161)
yew (p.166)
yew (p.207)
Ynglewood Forest (Inglewood) (p.189)
Ynglewood Forest (Inglewood) (p.193)
York, Archbishop of (p.159)
York, Archbishop of (p.180)
Yorkshire (p.2)
Yorkshire sanicle (p.166)
Yorkshire sanicle (p.207)
Yrthing, River (Irthing) (p.204)
Zosimus (p.212)