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Page 191:-
castle, where they are placed in the roof of the hall, and
at the head thereof, where many of them still remain. This
castle was the antient palace of the lord Multon marrying
the lord Vaux's heir lord of Naward of Gilsland; and
afterward of the late lord Dacre, and now came by lineal
descent to the noble earl of Sussex with the lands
adjoining, and many brave parks and villages belonging
thereto [c]."
The Fetherstonhaughs were a Northumberland family, whose
antient seat was at a place of that name. Their house, it is
said, was formerly on a hill (where are two stones called
Fether stones), and was moated about for defence
against the Scots. But, upon the ruin of this, the house was
afterwards built in the holme or valley under the hill,
which they there call haugh, and the family writ
their names de Fetherston, and sometimes de Fetherstonhaugh.
They first came to Kirk Oswald in the beginning of the last
century, where they yet continue [d].
College, Kirkoswald
The church of Kirk Oswald was turned into a college of 12
secular priests 1523: and, at the dissolution of great
tithes, passed with it into lay hands; but the vicarage has
been augmented by queen Anne's bounty. The choir is so
disproportionate to the body, that bishop Nicolson supposed
it was rebuilt by some of the lords Dacre when the church
was made collegiate, as their arms and those of the
Cliffords are painted in most of the windows. The belfrey is
placed without the church on the top of a hill to the east
Great Salkled.
Great Salkeld
The church of Great Salkeld seems to have been built
at a different time from the steeple, and the latter seems
of later erection, and intended for a secure hold or retreat
for the rector: so the iron door below and the good cellar
with several chimnies within persuade us to believe. Bishop
Nicolson supposes it the work of archdeacon Close, brother
of bishop Close, in the middle of the 5th century who lies
buried under a blue stone robbed of its brass in the choir.
The bridge was rebuilt 1360 [f].
Little Salkeld.
Little Salkeld
Little Salkeld is a manor in Addingham parish
Of Ulleswater see in Westmorland, p.162.
Armathaite Place
Armathwaite castle belongs to William Milborne, esq.,
by inheritance of Robert Sanderson, who bought it of Richard
Shelton, esq., 1712, whose grandfather rebuilt and endowed
the chapel here. In the castle was preserved in Mr. Machel's
time a broad sword with a basket hilt; on one side of the
blade EDWARDUS, on the other PRINS ANGLIE. It was probably
left there in Edward I's time, and the prince might lodge
here when his father's headquarters were at Lanercost [h].
Here was a small Benedictine nunnery, founded by Rufus,
valued at £.18. 18s. [i].
Linstock Castle
Linstock was granted with Carleton by Henry I. to
Walter his chaplain, who took upon him a religious habit in
St. Mary's priory, Carlisle, and with the king's consent
gave both manors to that in frank almoyne for ever, and
became prior there. For some time the bishop and convent
held all their lands in common: but when the first partition
was made by Gualo the pope's legate this barony fell to the
bishop, and this castle was his seat so late as 1293 [k].
Greystoke Castle
The barony of Graystock was granted by Ranulph de
Meschines to Liulf, and Henry I. confirmed it to his son,
whose posterity took name from it, and his great grandson
was Fitz Walter, mentioned by Mr. Camden, and died 12 John.
William lord Graystock, who married Merlay, was his great
great grandson. It is now in Charles duke of Norfolk [l].
"Graystok castel of the lord Dacre [m]."
Greystock church was collegiate for a provost and six
secular canons, founded by Ralph lord of Greystock 1382,
valued at £.40. per ann. [n]
Hutton John
Hutton John
Hutton John in this parish was the seat of the
Huddlestons from the reign of Mary, of which was John, the
popish priest who assisted Charles II. in his escape after
the battle of Worcester, and administered the sacrament to
him on his death-bed, and dying 1704, aged 96, was buried in
the body of the chapel at Somerset-house, where it may be
doubted if he rests in peace. His elder brother Andrew was
one of the first in this county who declared for the
Revolution, and seized a ship loaded with ammunition for
James II. His grandson now owns the estate [o].
Armathwaite Nunnery
Nunnery in Ainstable parish was a small house
of Benedictine nuns, founded by William Rufus a.r. 2. At the
dissolution here were only a prioress and three nuns, and
their ample revenues were reduced to £.18. 18s.
per annum. [p] It was granted to William Graham, and
passed by exchange to the Aglionbys present owners. On the
head of a bed called the Nun's bed, is the rude inscription
[q]. Pl.X. fig.8.
Corby. Pl.X fig.9.
Corby Castle
Corby in Wetheral parish, is now a modern
mansion, seated on the brink of a stupendous cliff
over-hanging the river Eden, and surrounded by well wooded
hills, altogether forming a beautiful scene [r]. It belonged
once to Harcla earl of Carlisle, on whose attainder Edward
II. granted it to sir Richard de Salkeld, knt. who sold it
to the heirs of the Howards of Naworth [s]. In one of the
walls is the altar [t] which Mr. Camden describes at
Willoford or Burdoswald [u].
Wetheral Priory
St Constantine's Cells
"Wetherhaul, a celle of St. Mary abbay, three miles
south-east above Cairluel, on the same side of the river
Edon [x]."
Wetherel, a Benedictine priory, was given to St. Mary's
abbey at York by Ranulph de Meschines earl of Cumberland, t.
Rufus or Henry I. valued at £.117. and granted at the
dissolution to the Dean and Chapter of Carlisle [y]. The
gate with a fine elliptic arch remains. A little farther in
the midst of a vast precipice environed with woods are cut
with much labour in the live rock three deep unroofed cells,
divided by partitions of the same four feet thick, the front
and entrance of fine cut stone; in front three windows and a
fire-place. The cells, intended for security or retirement,
are each 12 feet 8 inches deep, and about 9 feet 6 inches
wide; below, before them, from the door to the end is a kind
of gallery, 23 feet and an half long, bounded by the front,
which overhangs the river Eden, above whose level they are
40 feet. There are marks of bolts and bars
Sandford's MS. Hist. of Cumb. Burn, II. 424.
Burn, II. 424.
Ib. 428.
Ib. 414,415.
Ib. 449.
Ib. 340-343.
Tan. 75.
Burn, II. 453.
Ib. 348-366.
Lel. VII. 72.
Tan. 77.
Burn, II. 366-370.
Tan. 75.
Burn, II. 429. 431.
Ib. 335. Hutchinson, 250.
Cumb. xvi. p.256.
Gord. xliii. p.96. Horsl. xvi. 256. Pennat 72.
Lel. VII. 71.
Tan. 75.
gazetteer links
-- Armathwaite Nunnery
-- "Armathwaite Castle" -- Armathwaite Place
-- "Barony of Graystock" -- Barony of Graystock
-- College, The
-- Corby Castle
-- "Hutton John" -- Hutton John
-- Linstock Castle
-- "Little Salkeld" -- Little Salkeld
-- "Naward Castle" -- Naworth Castle (?)
-- St Andrew's Church
-- "Constantine's Cells" -- St Constantine's Cells
-- St Cuthbert's Church
-- St Oswald's Church
-- "Wetherel Priory" -- Wetheral Priory
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