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Page 140:-
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"Borowe, now a village set in Lunesdale, 6
miles beneath the foot of Dentdale, hath been by
likelyhood some notable town. The plowmen find there in
ering lapides quadratos, and many other strange
things much spoken of by the inhabitants there [q]." At
Burrow is a handsome seat belonging to Thomas Fenwick, esq.
Over Burrow
roman roads
All antiquaries agree in placing BREMETONACAE at
Overboro'. A Roman road runs from Ribechester north
over Long Ridge Fell, appearing green when the rest of the
fell is heathy and morassy on both sides, and thence called
the Green lane. At the north summit of the ridge it
makes a right angle, and runs on to the north side of the
hill toward the east, and, after some length, turns
gradually to the north pointing towards Overboro'. It enters
Yorkshire a little below Dowford bridge, and proceeds in a
direct line on the north side of Newton and Slaitburn
through Cross a Greet. It is very apparent on the north side
of Tatham chapel and runs through Bentham towards Overboro',
but the improved country short of the latter has eradicated
its remains. By its side between Ribe and Overboro' are
several tumuli of stones with urns, and in one were found
two copper styles, and in another 200 denarii, mostly of
Alexander, Severus, and Gordian [r]. Gale derives
Bremetonacae from Bre meinig tan, the hill of
stone and fire, and on Ingleborough hill above are traces of
a beacon tower [s]. An altar was found here since Horsley's
time, inscribed,
which Mr. Rauthmell read,
Deo Sancto
Restituta bonae jam valetudini
ta posuit votum [t].
Mr. Pegge more truly Deo Sangon Trebius Atta posuit
[u]. On the other sides an axe and knife and a bird. Earthen
paterae and vessels and Druid amulets have also been found
here [x], and a coin of Vespasian COS VIII. whence its
antiquary dates the foundation of the station to Agricola
A.D. 79 [y].
At Gargrave adjoining in Yorkshire is a camp, and a
Roman pavement was found [z].
Hornby c.
Hornby Castle
"At the foot of Lunesdale is Hornby castle
longing to the lord Montegle, half a mile from the Lune.
Thens it runneth to Lancaster (set on the south side
of Lune) corruptly spoken for Lunecastre, 8 miles of,
wither it ebbith and flowith. The ruines of old walls about
the bridge were only of the suppressid priory. The castle on
a hill strongly buildid and well repaired. The new town as
they there say buildid hard by yn the descent from the
castle, having one parish church, where sometime the priory
of monks aliens was put down by king Henry V. and given to
Syon abbey. The old wall of the circuit of the priory cometh
almost to Lune bridge. Some have therby supposed that it was
a piece of wall of the town. But indeed I espied in no place
that the town was ever walled. The old town as they say
there was almost all burned, and stood partly beyond the
black friars. In those parts in the fields and foundations
hath ben found
Lel. VII. 61.
Rauthmell, 19. 23.
Ib. 62.
Gent. Mag. Sept. 1759, p.407.
Rauthmell, 101, 102.
Ib. 110.
Ib. 16, 17.
gazetteer links
-- Hornby Castle
-- Lancaster
-- Over Burrow
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