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Page 160:-
nailed on the tree, and the dog's name being
Hercules, they made this rhyme on them inscribed on a
brass plate:
Hercules kill'd Hartagreese
And Hartagreese kill'd Hercules.
But this seems all vulgar tradition, and for Red kirk we
should rather suppose Nine kirks at Brougham a
neighbouring parish; and before this there was a place in
the park called Harthorn sike, perhaps from some
large horns [c].
Three Brother Tree
In the middle of this park is the Three brother tree,
so called from there having been three of them, whereof this
the least was 42 feet circumference a good way from the top,
still remaining 270 years old, the trunk hollow, and capable
of admitting a man on horseback to turn in it [d]. From
hence the road goes due west to the Countess pillar,
erected by Anne countess of Pembroke, and adorned with arms,
dials, &c. and a black obelisk on the top, and this
inscription in brass:
Countess Pillar
This pillar was erected anno 1656, by the right
honourable Anne, countess dowager of Pembroke, and sole heir
to the right honourable George earl of Cumberland, &c.
for a memorial of her last parting in this place with her
good and pious mother the right honourable Margaret Countess
Dowager of Cumberland, the second April, 1616, in memory
whereof, she also left an annuity of four pounds to be
distributed to the poor within this parish of Brougham every
second day of April for ever upon the stone table hereby.
Laus Deo.
From hence the road carries us to Brougham castle, to
Lowther bridge, and so over Emot into Cumberland [20].
The inscriptions at Crawdendale were copied by Mr.
Bainbridge on another stone as one single inscription,
whereas in fact they are cut with a common pick on two
pieces of rock that have fallen off from the grand one. Some
liberties have been taken in the copy, and the words
underneath are now almost effaced in the rock, where Mr.
Camden places them distinct. Mr. Bainbridge added Q.S.S.S.
AP. CRAWDUNDALE; quae suprascripta sunt apud
Crawdundale. The C in the first line is now scarce
legible: the word in the second is plainly ESSUS, perhaps
Lessus; a name in Gruter 661. 10. The fourth line
begins with TR for tribunus [e]. Castrametati
sunt, or castrametatus est, as Horsley, are not
probable. Mr. Machel discovered another inscription here on
a rock, not noticed before [f],
and as the evanescent words CO are on this, it may probably
be that on which Mr. Camden mentions CN. OCT. COSS. The
stones dug up in the foundations at Kirby Thor seem to have
come from these quarries; and similar inscriptions occur in
others at Helbeck Scar, on the river Gelt, and at
Lenge crag near Naworth castle in Gillesland, whence
the stones for the Picts wall were taken [21], and at
Brougham Castle
"Ther is an old castle on the ... side of Eden water called
Burgh. About a dim from the castle is a
village called Burgham, and there is a great
pilgrimage to our lady. At Burgham is an old castle that the
common people there say doth sink. About this Burgham
ploughmen find in the fields many square stones tokens of
old buildings. The castle is set in a strong place by reason
of rivers enclosing the country thereabouts [g]."
roman fort, Brougham
roman inscription
It is agreed the BROUGHAM is the BROCAVUM of Antoninus' 5th
Iter, not Brovoniacum, for there is no such name, but
not the BRABONIACUM of the Notitia, which Gruter confounds
with Brocavicum its Borcovicum. Antoninus's
BROVONACAE, which Gale [h] places at Kendal, and makes the
same with Brocavum [i], is by Ward [k] removed to
Kirby Thor, or Whelp castle. Stukeley makes it Galava [l].
Brougham castle stands within the station, and there is a
fragment of an altar inscribed, PRO SE ET SVIS. L. L. M.
remarkable only for the form of the stops [m]. He says the
Roman city lies on the east side of the Louther just by the
castle, and is very easily traced. He saw many fragments of
altars and inscriptions at the hall; and in the wall by the
Roman road beyond the castle and near the countess of
Pembroke's pillar a pretty busto part of a funeral monument,
and further on another bas relievo much defaced. He imagined
the high ground by this pillar, where most of the
inscriptions were found, was the site of the city, rather
perhaps of the pomaerium, or cemetery.
Horsley [n] gives Mr. Camden's inscription here thus:
and refers it to Constantine the Great, but of a later date
than that in his honor found in the wall. He doubts if it be
the same which Mr. Camden saw. It is now at Appleby. Under
it had been another inserted in the wall, whence the
inscriptions at Appleby were taken, though now they are
lying loose on the ground. The inscription on this other
stone is modern, and perhaps by Mr. Bainbrigg:
i.e. Hic lapsis inventus est Brovonaci.
To this same station must be referred another inscription
whose original Mr. Horsley would gladly have recovered, but
was told two or three inscribed stones had lately been
destroyed by masons at Appleby, and this might be one.
Burton and Gale give it
which is to be read:
Deabus Matribus
tramarinis vexillato Germa-
Burn, I. 399.
Ib. 398.
Horsl. p.299. Westmorl. IV.
Horsl. Westm. V.
Lel. VII. 63.
P. 40.
P. 97.
P. 410.
II. 45.
Horsl. Westm. I. 297.
Horsl. Westm. II. 297.
gazetteer links
-- "Brougham Castle" -- Brougham Castle
-- "Burgham" -- Brougham
-- Countess Pillar
-- "Brocavum" -- Brocavum
-- "Maiden Way" -- (roman road 82c, Cumbria)
-- (roman site, Crowdundle)
-- "Three Brother Tree" -- Three Brother Tree
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