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Page 157:-
Winton in Kirkby Stephen parish gave birth to Dr.
John Langhorn, well known by his various essays in verse and
prose, and to Dr. Richard Burn before mentioned [o].
Harcla castle.
Hartley Castle
Harcla castle was granted first to sir Thomas
Musgrave on the attainder of Andrew de Harcla earl of
Carlisle. It was enlarged.
Verterae is no doubt rightly fixed at Brough.
The course of the military way is absolutely certain; the
remains are generally so grand, and it is so rarely
interrupted, and then only for so short a space, that we
have never the least difficulty about it [p].
Wart hill, a beacon hill [q].
The town is divided into two, upper or church
Brough (or Western), where stands the church,
which had very rich painted windows [r], and of which Robert
Eglesfield founder of Queen's college, Oxford, was rector,
and procured the appropriation thereof from king Edward III.
to the said college. Here also stands the castle (a high
square tower and not unlike Richmond castle), and the fort
mentioned by Camden called Caesar's tower. The castle
having been burnt to the ground 1521, was rebuilt 1661 by
the countess of Pembroke before-mentioned, and was again
reduced to a ruin by Thomas earl of Thanet 1695 [s]. Near
the bridge is a medicinal water. The other part is called
Lower or Market Brough, from the
inconsiderable market held there every Thursday [15]. The
chapel here is now a freeschool.
"Appleby is the shire town, but it is now but a poor
village having a ruinous castle wherein the prisoners are
kept [t]."
Mr. Horsley removes Aballaba to Water-cross on
the Wall; the station being placed per lineam valli
[u]. It occurs also on lord Hertford's Roman cup, under the
name of Avallava, as it is also spelt in Ravennas
[x]. Appleby being thus out of the wall, yet from the
antiquities found there, and the Roman road a station, he
[y] determines it to be GALACUM of the Itinerary, which ever
since Mr. Camden's time has been placed at Kirby Thor or
Whellop castle.
It is now the best corn market in the county [16]. and has
three fairs, makes a neat compact appearance at a distance;
the principal street broad, with a good inn fronting the
market-cross, which stands aukwardly in the middle of the
street. The church is but small, but has a most delicate
monumental figure of Margaret countess of Cumberland, mother
to Anne Clifford before-mentioned, with these comprehensive
lines under the epitaph:
"Who, Faith, Love, Mercy, noble Constancy,
To God, to Virtue, to Distress, to Right,
Observ'd, express'd, shew'd, held religiously,
Hath here this monument thou seest in sight,
The cover of her earthly part: but, passenger,
Know Heaven and Fame contain the best of her."
Clifford, Lady Anne
Also an altar-tomb for her daughter: over which is a tablet
with the succession and arms of the lords and earls of
Westmorland from Robert Vipont to herself. The entrance to
the yard is by a handsome colonade built by Dr. Thomas
Smith, bishop of Carlisle. This church and that of Bongate
adjoining were repaired by the liberality of the aforesaid
countess of Pembroke. On the north side of the street is an
hospital founded for 12 poor women, and another by Anne
countess of Pembroke 1653 [z]. The castle, now the seat of
the earl of Thanet, is a square tower, surrounded by modern
apartments, built by Thomas lord Clifford t. Henry IV. and
repaired by the countess; in which are curious portraits,
armour, and tapestry. The assizes are now held in the
town-hall, and the gaol is at the end of the bridge [17].
At the school here established by queen Elizabeth were bred
bishops Barlow, Bedel, and Smith, which last was a great
benefactor. It has flourished to the present time, and
furnished near half the foundation of Queen's college,
Oxford, for the last 50 years [a]. The curious collection of
inscriptions made here by Mr. Camden's friend Bainbridge
were dispersed or stolen at the rebuilding of the school in
this century, except those to be specified. So little
consolation have collectors who labour for incurious or
ungrateful posterity!
roman inscription
"Upon a front of a little building made of stone by Mr.
Reginald Bainbrigg in 1602, he being then schoolmaster of
the freeschool of Appleby, are placed divers stones having
Roman inscriptions upon them; which he (being much affected
to those antiquities) had got together from several parts of
this county, and also out of Northumberland and Cumberland.
They are placed in two ranks, twelve in one and eight in the
other. There is one also above towards the roof; and another
on a coyne-stone looking towards the south. There are two
more also on the front of the school-house, viz. on each
side of the doore one.
"The letters upon some of these seeme to have been cut
deeper, by direction of the sayd Mr. Bainbrigg, in respect
they were all most worne out by time.
"Of some of these Mr. Cambden hath printed copyes in his
Britannia, which were communicated to him by this
school-master, as he acknowledgeth.
"There are three other stones, viz. one standing just ouer
the doore of the sayd building, and the other adjoyning to
it towards the south, whereon are these following
inscriptions, cut by direction of the sayd Mr. Bainbrigg,
GVIL. R. SCOT 1176
D. O. M.
HIC. ANN. XXII. AET. S. 57. 1602.
Burn, I. 549, 550.
Hors. 410. Burn, I. 577.
Gale, MS. n.
Burn, I. 572, 573.
Ib. 579.
Lel. VII. 62.
P. 108. 154.
Ib. 330.
P. 454.
Burn, 319.
Burn, [ ]
gazetteer links
-- Appleby Castle
-- Appleby Gaol
-- "Appleby" -- Appleby-in-Westmorland
-- Bainbridge Inscriptions
-- Brough Castle
-- "Lower Brough" -- Brough
-- "Upper Brough" -- Church Brough
-- Cloisters, The
-- "Harcla Castle" -- Hartley Castle
-- Hospital of St Anne
-- Moot Hall
-- "Verterae" -- (roman fort, Brough)
-- (school, Appleby-in-Westmorland)
-- (school, Brough)
-- St Lawrence's Church
-- St Michael's Church
-- "Winton" -- Winton
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