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Page 193:-
roman fort, Dalston
feet long, one broad, and six inches thick, which had a sort
of circle very rudely cut or marked near the top, but
nothing under them. About half a mile south south-west from
hence was a small Roman camp about 30 yards diameter, and
much about the same distance north north-west another Roman
camp of like dimensions. A third about a mile south east
much larger. None of these camps are above a mile, and the
first not a quarter of the distance from Rose, where Mr.
Camden places Congavata, which Mr. Horsley, on much
better grounds, fixes at Stanwix. The two smaller camps are
now arable land, and have been frequently plowed, but no
coins or inscriptions found. The other is on an uncultivated
moor, and has never been searched or tried: but small hand
mill-stones and other things have been dug up, sufficient to
evince them to be Roman [o].
Though Dalston is no market town, it has a very large cross,
which seems to have been built at the expence of the
neighbouring gentry, as their arms on it shew. The three
kites heads, the arms of bishop Kite 1520-1537, refer the
erecting of it to his time [p].
Shalk beck.
Upper or Lower Green Quarries
roman inscription
About a mile or more from Rose castle westward is Shalk
beck, where are large and fair quarries of freestone,
whence it is suppposed was taken great part of the stone
that built the Roman wall from Carlisle to Bowness. From the
appearance of the place it is certain that immense
quantities have been carried away from thence, and lately on
removing a vast heap of rubbish from before the rock in one
part, in order to carry the works further back, was found on
the face of the rock this inscription:
The last line inclosed in a kind of parallel frame of
strokes and hatches, which bishop Lyttelton supposed modern,
like the other scrawls about the inscription. Perhaps they
have been notes for loads or tons of stone hewn or
delivered. The whole is on a protuberant eminence of rock,
of very difficult access, seven or eight yards above the
stream, in an uncultivated desart, and being sheltered from
the east wind covers the workmen from weather. It is the 6th
Roman inscription on a rock among us: one at Helbeck scar in
this county, three at Crawdundalewathe near Kirkby Thor c.
Westmorland, and that on Leage cragg near Naworth, which Mr.
Horsley found to be utterly defaced [q].
"The City of Cairluell is in compass scant a mile,
and is walled with a right fair strong wall ex lapide
quadrato subrufo. In the wall be three gates Bocher or
S. Calden or W. and Richard or N. The castle being within
the town is in some part as a closer of the whole. The
Irishmen call Bale a town, and so peradventure did
the old Scots. Thus might be said that Lugubalia
soundeth Luel's town. In the cite be two paroch
churches, of which the one is in the body of the cathedral
church, in the which be canons regulars else be in no
cathedral church in England. The other is of St. Cuthbert.
There is in the town a chapel of St. Alban, and also two
other houses of freres black and grey. In digging to make
new buildings in the town often times hath bene and now a
late found divers foundations of the old city, as pavements
of streets, old arches of doors, coyne, stones squarid,
painted pots, money hid in pots so old and muldid that when
it was strongly touched it went almost to moulder. The whole
site of the town is sore changed, for whereas the streets
were the great edifices now be vacant and garden plotts. The
cite standeth in the forest of Ynglewood. The body of the
cathedral church is of an older building than the choir. In
the fields about Cairluel in plowing hath been found divers
Cornelines and other stones, well entailed for seals, and in
other places of Cumberland hath been found brickes
containing the prints of antique works [r]."
Carlisle Castle
Carlisle Cathedral
CARLISLE is very pleasantly situated; the walls in bad
repair, and the walks on them ill kept. The castle, though
antient, makes a good appearance at a distance, and commands
an extensive view of pleasant meads, insulated by the two
branches of the Eden. Richard III. made some additions to
the castle, and Henry VIII. built the citadel, an oblong
with three bastions on the west side of the town, now
neglected. The old portcullis remains in the inner gate of
the castle, and they shew the apartments where Mary queen of
Scots was lodged after her landing at Workington. It is now
deserted, and the garrison withdrawn. The city has three
gates, the French, English, and Scotch; the principal street
very spacious has a guard house built by Cromwell. The
cathedral begun by Walter, a Norman priest, under William
Rufus, governor of the city, who founded a monastery here,
which Henry I. endowed for Austin canons, and afterwards
made a bishopric (the only one of the order in England), is
imperfect, the west part being pulled down by Cromwell 1649,
to build batteries and a citadel in the market place, so
that it has lost near 100 feet of its whole length, being
only 219 feet, and the nave used as a parish church only.
Part was built in the Saxon style with round arches and
massy pillars 15 feet high, and 17 feet and an half in
circumference; the rest is ascribed to Edward III. The
steeple and tabernacle work by bishop Strickland. The choir
[s] by bishop Welton, finished by his successors Appleby and
Strickland. It has handsome stalls, supposed by Robert
Eglefield founder of Queen's college, Oxford, and the
history of St. Cuthbert and St. Austin painted in
compartments with couplets at the west end at the back of
the stalls much defaced. Bishop Lyttleton contributed
largely to wainscot the choir and the sides of the altar,
from a design of his nephew Thomas Pitt, esq; now lord
Camelford, who also gave a design for a bishop's throne. The
door near the bishop's throne was the work of prior
Haythwaite about 1480, and the opposite door of prior
Senhouse about 1500. The revenues of the priory were valued
at £.418. of the bishopric at £.531. Henry
VIII. founded here a dean, four prebendaries, 8 minor
canons, a subdean, four singing-men, a grammar-master, six
choristers and a master, six almsmen, &c. [t] The
cloisters and buildings were destroyed in the civil war [u],
except the refectory, now the chapter house. Here are
monuments for bishops Barrow 1429, Bell 1496, Robinson 1616,
Milborn 1623, Fleming 1747, and some ascribed to Appleby,
Burn, II. 323, 324.
Ib. II. 325.
Archaeol. I. 227. Mr. Smith's MS. letter to R. Gale 1741-2.
Burn, II. 324.
Lel. VII. 70.
Bishop Gibson says that the upper part of the cathedral, a
curious piece of workmanship, was built by Henry VIII;
mistaking it for the citadel.
Tan. 73.
Pen. 58.
gazetteer links
-- Carlisle Castle
-- Carlisle Cathedral
-- "Carlisle" -- Carlisle
-- "Shalk Beck" -- Chalk Beck
-- Chalk Quarries
-- Citadel, The
-- "English Gate" -- English Gate
-- (friary, Carlisle (2))
-- (friary, Carlisle)
-- "French Gate" -- Irish Gate
-- (market cross, Dalston)
-- (roman site, Dalston)
-- "Scotch Gate" -- Scottish Gate
-- St Alban's Chapel
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