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Page 152:-
about 7,000, chiefly engaged in manufacturing of linseys,
worsted stockings woven and knit, and a coarse woollen cloth
called cottons, sent to Glasgow and thence to
Virginia for the use of the negroes. These manufactures
employ great quantities of wool from Durham and Scotland
[x]. As early as Richard II. and Henry IV. we find special
laws enacted on purpose for the regulating of
Kendale-clothes [y]. Kendal has a large weekly
market. Elizabeth a. r. 18 erected it into a corporation by
the name of aldermen and burgesses. Charles I. incorporated
it with a mayor, 12 aldermen, and 20 burgesses [2]. This
charter was surrendered to Charles II. who regranted it with
a few alterations. Here was an hospital founded for lepers
by Henry II. valued at £.6. per annum [z], and
still called the Spittle, and here is a freeschool.
The church is large, divided into five ailes, and has an
altar-tomb with arms in a garter for sir William Parr,
grandfather to the marquis of Northampton and queen
Catherine, who was born here. The parish comprehends 24
townships or constablewicks, and was antiently larger. North
of the church is Abbot hall, formerly belonging to
the abbot of St. Mary's abbey, York, patron of the living.
Here were also four chapels [a]. A chapel of ease was
erected 1754, by the legacy of the most benevolent Dr.
Stratford, commissary of the archdeaconry of Richmond, with
the residue of whose property 58 small livings were
augmented in this and adjoining counties, and other
charities performed [b]. The ruins of the castle are on the
top of a high hill west of the town [c], and opposite to it
is a large exploratory mount called Castlehow hill
[d]; whether Roman or not is uncertain: it is flat at top,
surrounded by a ditch crossed by another. Round the base a
deep foss and high dike strengthened by two bastions on the
east side. Dr. Stukeley [e] calls it Saxon. Immediately
below it is a spot called Battle place [f].
Charles Stuart 3d son of James duke of York after king James
II. was created duke of Kendal 1664. Prince George of
Denmark was created duke of Cumberland and earl of Kendal;
and Melusina Erengart Schulenburg, who had before been
created duchess of Munster in Ireland, was further honoured
with the title of duchess of Kendal, countess of
Glassenbury, and countess of Faversham [3].
Kendal gave birth to Dr. Barnaby Potter bishop of Chester,
Dr. Christopher Potter, provost of Queen's college, Oxford,
and Dr. Thomas Shaw the traveller and principal of Edmund
Sizergh Castle
In Helsington chapelry is Sisergh hall, the
seat of the Stricklands from the time of king John, a
venerable old building embattled, with a tower and
guard-room. In it is a room called the Queen's with the
royal arms, probably a retirement of Catherine Parr [g].
roman fort, Watercrook
CONCANGIOS is to be placed in Natland chapelry, below
Kendal, at Watercrook, so called from a remarkable
bend in the river; on the east side of which is a square
fort, whose ramparts are very discernible, though the ditch
has been levelled. It has been a large station, six chains
from north to south and eight from east to west, and
contains near five acres, the angles rounded [h]. Urns have
been found in a bank laid open by the river, also coins and
seals, a lamp, and the inscription below [i]: also an
hypocaust, miscalled by Mr. Machel an oven [k].
The town seems to have stood between the fort and river,
where they still plough up foundations of freestone and
cement. Two or three tumuli are near the station, and the
round artificial mount called Castle hill, on the
west of Kendal is in sight. Dr. Gale [l] has no ground for
placing Brovonacae here because one copy of the Itinerary
spells it Broconaco [m]. Here was a numerus
vigilum in the Notitia.
In Mr. Guy's yard Dr. Stukeley saw a large altar with
festoons and grapes on three sides [n], and the top of an
altar in the stable: at the end of the house a headless
statue, on whose head was formerly a crown, now lost [o]; a
portable altar seven inches and an half high, defaced by
being used as a whetstone; a Faustina large brass, an
intaglio of Mercury in a gold ring, another triple headed,
and a third. He was told of a large brass urn found with
bones in it. Mr. Horsley has engraved a stone vase, most
probably a font (No XI.) The latter antiquary gives this
inscription built up in the end of a barn here:
which he thus reads,
Publius Aelius Publii filius Sergia [tribu] Bassus quaestor
designatus legionibus vicesimae valentis victricis vixit
annos ... et Publius Privatus liberti & Hero ... miles
legionis sextae victricis faciundum curarunt. Siquis [in
hoc] sepulcrum alium mort(uum intul)erit inferit fisco
dominorum nostrorum ...
Mr. Ward [p] reads the end of the 1st and beginning of the
2d line, Bassus praefectus equitum designatus; and
the last word in l.3 heredes. Perhaps the last line
expressed the fine [q]. Gale [r] read it Sergio Basso
decurioni legionis [s] -- & privatus
libertu & herm - miles emeritus
&c si quis sepulcro, and in the last line only
two or three strokes as for the sum.
Before the entrance of the fort is a tumulus [t]:
Above the station nearer Kendal a little below the bridge is
a place very suitable for the purpose and still called the
Watchfield [u].
About a mile and an half from this fort was the castrum
exploratorum, now called Castle Steeds, 60 feet
by 120, having two ditches on the south end and three on the
north; the other sides steep. At the bottom of the hill a
large spring [x].
Pennant, I. 259. Stuk. II. 42.
13 R.II. c.10. 9 H.IV. c.2.
Tan. 588 Burn, 75.
Burn, 74, 75.
Ib. 80.
Pennant ubi sup.
Horsl. 484. Burn, 81.
II. 40.
Penn. 261.
Burn, 103. West, 195.
Stukeley, 14. Burn, 105.
Stuk. II. 39, 40.
Burn, I. 105.
P. 40.
Horsl. 484. Penn. 261.
Horsl. Westm. ix.
Ib. xii. Mr. Gale calls this a fine figure of a Cupid
or Genius. MS. n. It is still here. West's Guide to
the Lakes, p.191, calls it Silenus.
MS. n.
Horsl. 300.
Ant. p.40.
Quaestori ducenariorum or Duplariorum. Optioni
decur. V. Pitisci Lex. v. Optio. Gale MS. penes
Stuk. 41.
Burn, I. 106.
Stuk. II. 41-42.
gazetteer links
-- "Abbot Hall" -- Abbot Hall Art Gallery
-- "Castlehow Hill" -- Castle Howe
-- "Castle Steeds" -- Castlesteads
-- Holy Trinity Church
-- "Kendale" -- Kendal
-- "Concangios" -- (roman fort, Watercrook)
-- "Sisergh Hall" -- Sizergh Castle
-- "Spittle" -- Spital
-- "Watchfield" -- Watchfield
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