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Page 143:-
Gleaston c.
Gleaston Castle
Gleaston castle in this parish, now belonging to lord
George Cavendish, has been very large, having four high
towers besides many other buildings with thick mud walls. It
stands in a fertile vale among rich meadows sheltered from
the sea by fruitful hills [g]. In the ruins of this castle
was found a brass celt 9 inches long and 5 at its broad end,
finely polished and covered with a beautiful patina [h].
Another shaped like it but having a ring and socket was
found in Lancaster 1737 [i].
Bardsay hall
Bardsay hall, the seat of a family of its name now
extinct, and afterwards of lord Molyneux, is an antient
building on rock with costly gardens, now belonging to
Wilson Braddyll, esq. [k]
Kirkby Ireleth
Kirkby Ireleth
Kirkby near Ireleth was the seat of the
antient family of Kirkby from the Conquest [l], but now
belongs to lord John Cavendish. The manor-house, now mostly
down, was called Kirkby cross house, from a cross
before the door, whose head is said to have been broken off
by order of archbishop Sandys who was born at Hawkshead [7].
Ireleth is the place whence the iron ore is now shipped, and
its name may be derived from ire iron, and
lath a barn, in the country dialect
At Urswick was found 1774, a Roman brass vessel on
three feet.
Broughton in Furness
Broughton, the seat of a family of that name till
forfeited t. Henry VII. by sir Thomas Broughton for joining
Lambert Simnel. He is said to have fallen in the battle of
Stoke 1487, but others say he escaped to Witherslack in
Westmorland, where he lived long undiscovered among his
tenants, and was buried there in the chapel since rebuilt at
a considerable distance from the old site by dean Borwick
1664 [m]. It belongs now to the Sawreys and has a
considerable market for woollen yarn, and a neat square
built by the Sawreys. Near this place an handsome bridge was
built at the expence of the hundred over the river Duddon,
which divides the counties of Lancaster and Cumberland.
Conishead, a priory of black canons, founded by
Gabriel Pennington t. Henry II. valued at £.97. [n]
It was first an hospital founded by William de Lancaster
baron of Kendal, the seat of the Sandys, the Doddings, and
Braddylls [o].
Fox, George
Swartmoor was so called from Martin Swartz, who
encamped here with his Germans, who came over with Simnel
1487, at the pile of Foudrey; and here George Fox and his
followers first shewed themselves in this county 1652 [p].
Coniston Water
To the north is Coningston manor between Coningston
fells, very high mountains, wherein are mines of copper,
lead, and slate [q], and Coningston or Thurston water, a
lake five miles long and near one broad, whose char are said
to be the finest in England; they are fished later than on
Windermere, and continue longer in the spring [r]. It has
the additional name of Fleming to distinguish it from
Monk Coningston on the opposite side of the lake
which belonged to Furness abbey. In the reign of Henry III.
it came by marriage from the Urswickes to Richard le Fleming
of Caernarvon castle, and has been ever since enjoyed by his
heirs male, sir Michael le Fleming of Rydal hall,
Westmorland, being the present possessor; which last manor
came to them by marriage of sir Thomas le Fleming with
Isabel one of the daughters and coheirs of sir John de
Lancaster of Rydal and Holgil castle in the same county,
knt. The chapel was made parochial among divers others in
this county by archbishop Sandys. [s]
Sandys, Archbishop
Hawkshead, the 4th market town in Furness, is built
in an odd fashion, the birth-place of archbishop Sandys, who
here founded a grammar-school and made the church parochial;
in which his father and mother have a tomb [t]. The trade of
this place and Coniston is woollen yarn [u]. Inscription
over the school-house:
Memoriae reverendi D.D. Edwini Sandys, Ebor. olim
archiepiscopi scholae hujus fundatoris Daniel Rawlinson
civis Londini Graisdalea com' Lanc' oriundus posuit, A.D
Mr. Rawlinson was a considerable benefactor.
Inscription on the poor-house at Gallow Barrow near
Rev. Thomas Sandys, curate of St. Martin in the Fields and
lecturer at St. James's, London, A.D. 1717, left by his will
the interest of 800l. to endow this poor house,
maintain and educate as many boys born in Hawkeshead as the
interest will admit of, and they are to be taught at the
freeschool.- 1749.
Subsequent benefactions, George Satterthwaite late of Green
End, deceased, 20l.
William Dennison, late of Rodger Ground, deceased,
N.B. Some of it lost.
From the antient family of Rawlinson of Graisdale
descended sir Thomas Rawlinson, lord mayor of London, 1706,
who died 1708, leaving eight of 15 children surviving. The
eldest son Thomas was a man of learning and a patron of
scholars and antiquaries, a great collector of books and
MSS. which were sold after his death, 1725. 1733. The 4th
son Richard was an eminent antiquary and great benefactor to
the University of Oxford, where he had been educated at St.
John's college, and was created LL.D. by diploma 1719 F.R.
and A.S. and editor of various county histories, and other
topographical pieces, compiler of the 'English Topographer,
1720.' 8vo. which suggested the plan of the 'British
Topography,' in 2 vols. 4to. He died 1755, age 65, and was
buried in a vault under St. Giles' church at Oxford, and his
heart in his college chapel. His library of books was sold
1756 in 50 days, and his 20,000 pamphlets in 1757 in 10
days. Christopher Rawlinson, only son of Curwen Rawlinson,
of Cark hall, in Cartmell, collaterally related to all the
foregoing, was born 1677, educated at Queen's college,
Oxford, and eminently distinguished for his application to
the Saxon and Northern literature, He published a beautiful
edition of Alfred's translation of Boetius de Consolatione
1698, and left a large collection of MSS. among which are
many relating to Westmorland and Cumberland. He died 1732,
age 55, and was buried in a vault in the north transept of
St. Alban's abbey church, where is a beautiful monument to
his memory.
G. West, xxv. 218.
Archaeol. V. 106.
Ib. 113.
West, xxvii.
Ib. 235.
G. West, 210.
Tan. 231.
West, 185.
G. Pennant, 28.
West, xxxiv.
West's Guide to the Lakes, 57.
G. West, 219-234.
West, xxxv. Pennant, 31.
West, xxxviii.
gazetteer links
-- "Bardsay Hall" -- Bardsea Hall
-- "Broughton" -- Broughton in Furness
-- Broughton Tower
-- "Cark Hall" -- Cark Hall
-- "Conishead Priory" -- Conishead Priory
-- "Coningston Water" -- Coniston Water
-- "Coningston" -- Coniston
-- Duddon Bridge
-- "Gleaston Castle" -- Gleaston Castle
-- "Graisdale" -- Graythwaite Old Hall
-- "Urswick" -- Great Urswick
-- "Hawkshead" -- Hawkshead
-- "Kirkby Cross House" -- Kirkby Hall
-- "Monk Coningston" -- Monk Coniston
-- (poorhouse, Hawkshead)
-- "Swartmoor" -- Swarthmoor Hall
-- Witherslack
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