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Church Coniston
civil parish:-   Coniston (formerly Lancashire)
county:-   Cumbria
locality type:-   locality
locality type:-   buildings
locality type:-   selected place
locality type:-   twinned town
coordinates:-   SD30229758 (etc) 
1Km square:-   SD3097
10Km square:-   SD39
latitude; longitude:-   3d 4.5m W; 54d 22.1m N

BWT94.jpg (taken 18.6.2012)  
CBT79.jpg (taken 19.9.2014)  

evidence:-   old map:- OS County Series (Lan 4 4) 
placename:-  Coniston
source data:-   Maps, County Series maps of Great Britain, scales 6 and 25 inches to 1 mile, published by the Ordnance Survey, Southampton, Hampshire, from about 1863 to 1948.

evidence:-   old map:- Mercator 1595 (edn?) 
placename:-  Conyston
source data:-   Map, hand coloured engraving, Westmorlandia, Lancastria, Cestria etc, ie Westmorland, Lancashire, Cheshire etc, scale about 10.5 miles to 1 inch, by Gerard Mercator, Duisberg, Germany, 1595, edition 1613-16.
item:-  Armitt Library : 2008.14.3
Image © see bottom of page

evidence:-   descriptive text:- West 1778 (11th edn 1821) 
item:-  slate
source data:-   Guide book, A Guide to the Lakes, by Thomas West, published by William Pennington, Kendal, Cumbria once Westmorland, and in London, 1778 to 1821.
image WS21P052, button  goto source
Page 52:-  "The next grand view is had in the boat, and from the centre of the lake, ..."
"Following the line of shore from Coniston-hall, to the upper end of the lake, the village of Coniston is in full view, and consists of seats, groups of houses, farms, and cots, scattered in a picturesque manner over the cultivated slope. Some are snow-white, others gray; some stand forth on bold eminences at the head of green inclosures; backed with steep woods; others are pitched on sweet declivities, and seem hanging in the"
image WS21P053, button  goto source
Page 53:-  "air; some again are on a level with the lake; and all are neatly covered with blue slate, the produce of the mountains, and beautified with ornamental yews, hollies, and tall pines, or firs. This is a charming scene, when the morning sun tinges the whole with a variety of tints. ..."

evidence:-   old map:- Crosthwaite 1783-94 (Con) 
placename:-  Church Coniston
source data:-   Map, uncoloured engraving, An Accurate Map of Coniston Lake, scale about 3 inches to 1 mile, by Peter Crosthwaite, Keswick, Cumberland, 1788, version published 1809.
circle, buildings, tower and a ?cross:-  "The Village of Church Coniston"
and a scatter of blocks for building/s:-  "Church Coniston"
item:-  JandMN : 182.5
Image © see bottom of page

evidence:-   old text:- Camden 1789 (Gough Additions) 
placename:-  Coningston
placename:-  Coningston Fleming
source data:-   Book, Britannia, or A Chorographical Description of the Flourishing Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, by William Camden, 1586, translated from the 1607 Latin edition by Richard Gough, published London, 1789.
image CAM2P143, button  goto source
Page 143:-  "..."
"... To the north is Coningston manor between Coningston fells, very high mountains, wherein are mines of copper, lead, and slate, and Coningston or Thurston water, ... It has the additional name of Fleming to distinguish it from Monk Coningston on the opposite side of the lake which belonged to Furness abbey. In the reign of Henry III. it came by marriage from the Urswickes to Richard le Fleming of Caernarvon castle, and has been ever since enjoyed by his heirs male, sir Michael le Fleming of Rydal hall, Westmorland, being the present possessor; which last manor came to them by marriage of sir Thomas le Fleming with Isabel one of the daughters and coheirs of sir John de Lancaster of Rydal and Holgil castle in the same county, knt. The chapel was made parochial among divers others in this county by archbishop Sandys."

evidence:-   old map:- Cooke 1802
placename:-  Coniston
source data:-   Map, Lancashire, scale about 18 miles to 1 inch, by George Cooke, 1802, bound in Gray's New Book of Roads, 1824, published by Sherwood, Jones and Co, Paternoster Road, London, 1824.
image  click to enlarge
blocks, italic lowercase text, village, hamlet, locality  "Thwaite Kirk"
blocks, italic lowercase text, village, hamlet, locality 
written as one label, this is for Thwaite House or Cottage, and the Kirk of Church Coniston 
item:-  Hampshire Museums : FA2000.62.6
Image © see bottom of page

evidence:-   old text:- Capper 1808
placename:-  Conistone
source data:-   Gazetteer, A Topographical Dictionary of the United Kingdom, compiled by Benjamin Pitts Capper, published by Richard Phillips, Bridge Street, Blackfriars, London, 1808; published 1808-29.
image CAP117, button  goto source
"CONISTONE, a chapelry to the parish of Ulverstone, hundred of Lonsdale, Lancaster, 2 miles from Hawkeshead, and 274 from London; containing 63 houses and 286 inhabitants. It stands near the lake called Conistone Water, ..."

evidence:-   old text:- Green 1810
placename:-  Coniston
source data:-   Set of prints, soft ground etchings, Sixty Studies from Nature, by William Green, Ambleside, Westmorland, drawn 1808-10, published 1810.
image GN14p002, button  goto source
page 3:-  "... Coniston Hall ... will serve as a principal to the sprinkling of farm houses and cottages, which compose the village of Coniston. These buildings are agreeably dispersed over gentle eminences, intersecting each other in easy and elegantly undulating lines. Coniston Hall is a picturesque old building; ..."

evidence:-   old map:- Otley 1818
placename:-  Coniston
source data:-   Map, uncoloured engraving, The District of the Lakes, Cumberland, Westmorland, and Lancashire, scale about 4 miles to 1 inch, by Jonathan Otley, 1818, engraved by J and G Menzies, Edinburgh, Scotland, published by Jonathan Otley, Keswick, Cumberland, et al, 1833.
item:-  JandMN : 48.1
Image © see bottom of page

evidence:-   old map:- Greenwood 1824 (Lan) 
placename:-  Coniston
source data:-   Map of the County Palatine of Lancashire, scale about 1 inch to 1 mile, surveyed by C Greenwood, drawn by R Creighton, engraved by S Neele and Son, published by W Fowler and C Greenwood, Wakefield, Yorkshire and Leicester Square, London, 1818.
labelled in lowercase for a parish or township; notice Monk Coniston. 
item:-  Armitt Library : A1824
Image © see bottom of page

evidence:-   old drawing:- Flower 1830s
placename:-  Coniston
source data:-   Drawing, pencil, house at Coniston, Cumberland, by John Flower, 1830s?
image  click to enlarge
ms, lower centre  "J. FLOWER"
ms, bottom centre  "[at] Coniston [ ]"
item:-  Armitt Library : 1959.66.6
Image © see bottom of page

evidence:-   old print:- Westall 1830s
placename:-  Church Coniston
source data:-   Print, aquatint panorama, Coniston Lake, from Bank Ground, Coniston, Lancashire, drawn and engraved by William Westall, published by Ackermann and Co, 96 Strand, London, 1839.
image  click to enlarge
"Hawthwaite. Coniston Old man. Church Coniston. Fairfield. Long Crag. Wetherlam. Yewdale Crag. Water head. / Drawn & Engraved by W. Westall A.R.A. / Coniston Lake, / from Bank Ground. / Published by Ackermann & Co, 96 Strand. 1839."
item:-  Armitt Library : A6658.8
Image © see bottom of page

evidence:-   old map:- Ford 1839 map
placename:-  Church Conistone
source data:-   Map, uncoloured engraving, Map of the Lake District of Cumberland, Westmoreland and Lancashire, scale about 3.5 miles to 1 inch, published by Charles Thurnam, Carlisle, and by R Groombridge, 5 Paternoster Row, London, 3rd edn 1843.
"Ch. Conistone"
item:-  JandMN : 100.1
Image © see bottom of page

evidence:-   old map:- Garnett 1850s-60s H
placename:-  Coniston
source data:-   Map of the English Lakes, in Cumberland, Westmorland and Lancashire, scale about 3.5 miles to 1 inch, published by John Garnett, Windermere, Westmorland, 1850s-60s.
blocks, settlement 
item:-  JandMN : 82.1
Image © see bottom of page

 Martineau Directory 1855

evidence:-   old text:- Martineau 1855
placename:-  Church Coniston
source data:-   Guide book, A Complete Guide to the English Lakes, by Harriet Martineau, published by John Garnett, Windermere, Westmorland, and by Whittaker and Co, London, 1855; published 1855-76.
image MNU1P027, button  goto source
Page 27:-  "the region. The little town of Church Coniston, and the New Inn, are a mile short of Waterhead; and the stranger must stop, and look through the place, while his early dinner is preparing. ..."

evidence:-   old photograph:- Bell 1880s-1940s
source data:-   Photograph, black and white, Coniston, Lancashire, by Herbert Bell, Ambleside, Westmorland, 1890s.
image  click to enlarge
stamped at reverse:-  "HERBERT BELL / Photographer / AMBLESIDE"
item:-  Armitt Library : ALPS97
Image © see bottom of page

evidence:-   old print:- Bradley 1901
placename:-  Coniston
source data:-   Print, uncoloured lithograph, Coniston from across the Lake, Coniston, Cumberland, by Joseph Pennell, published by Macmillan and Co, London, 1901.
image  click to enlarge
On page 196 of Highways and Byways in the Lake District, by A G Bradley. 
printed at bottom:-  "Coniston from across the Lake."
item:-  JandMN : 464.47
Image © see bottom of page

evidence:-   old print:- Bradley 1901
source data:-   Print, uncoloured lithograph, The Mountains of Coniston, Cumberland, by Joseph Pennell, published by Macmillan and Co, London, 1901.
image  click to enlarge
On page 216 of Highways and Byways in the Lake District, by A G Bradley. 
printed at bottom:-  "The Mountains of Coniston."
item:-  JandMN : 464.54
Image © see bottom of page

evidence:-   old print:- Heaton Cooper 1905 (edn 1908) 
placename:-  Coniston
item:-  shop
source data:-   Print, colour halftone, Coniston Village, The Old Butcher's Shop, Coniston, Lancashire, from a watercolour painting by Alfred Heaton Cooper, published by Adam and Charles Black, London, 2nd edn 1908.
image  click to enlarge
Opposite p.66 of The English Lakes, painted by Alfred Heaton Cooper, described by William T Palmer. 
printed at tissue opposite the print:-  "CONISTON VILLAGE: THE OLD BUTCHER'S SHOP"
printed at signed lower right:-  "[A HEATON COOPER]"
item:-  JandMN : 468.22
Image © see bottom of page

evidence:-   old print:- Heaton Cooper 1905 (edn 1908) 
placename:-  Coniston
item:-  moonlight
source data:-   Print, colour halftone, Moonlight and Lamplight, Coniston, Lancashire, from a watercolour painting by Alfred Heaton Cooper, published by Adam and Charles Black, London, 2nd edn 1908.
image  click to enlarge
Opposite p.68 of The English Lakes, painted by Alfred Heaton Cooper, described by William T Palmer. 
printed at tissue opposite the print:-  "MOONLIGHT AND LAMPLIGHT, CONISTON"
item:-  JandMN : 468.23
Image © see bottom of page

evidence:-   old print:- Heaton Cooper 1905 (edn 1908) 
placename:-  Coniston
item:-  kitchendresserpress cupboard
source data:-   Print, colour halftone, An Old Kitchen, Coniston, Lancashire, from a watercolour painting by Alfred Heaton Cooper, published by Adam and Charles Black, London, 2nd edn 1908.
image  click to enlarge
Opposite p.70 of The English Lakes, painted by Alfred Heaton Cooper, described by William T Palmer. 
printed at tissue opposite the print:-  "AN OLD KITCHEN, CONISTON"
printed at signed lower left:-  "[A HEATON COOPER]"
item:-  JandMN : 468.24
Image © see bottom of page

evidence:-   old print:- Heaton Cooper 1905 (edn 1908) 
placename:-  Coniston
item:-  snow
source data:-   Print, colour halftone, Winter Sunshine, Coniston, Lancashire, from a watercolour painting by Alfred Heaton Cooper, published by Adam and Charles Black, London, 2nd edn 1908.
image  click to enlarge
Opposite p.76 of The English Lakes, painted by Alfred Heaton Cooper, described by William T Palmer. 
printed at tissue opposite the print:-  "WINTER SUNSHINE, CONISTON"
printed at signed lower left:-  "A HEATON COOPER"
item:-  JandMN : 468.27
Image © see bottom of page

evidence:-   old map:- Postlethwaite 1877 (3rd edn 1913) 
placename:-  Coniston
source data:-   Map, uncoloured engraving, Map of the Lake District Mining Field, Westmorland, Cumberland, Lancashire, scale about 5 miles to 1 inch, by John Postlethwaite, published by W H Moss and Sons, 13 Lowther Street, Whitehaven, Cumberland, 1877 edn 1913.
dots, railway and station 
item:-  JandMN : 162.2
Image © see bottom of page

evidence:-   market notes:- 
item:-  market
source data:-   : 1889: Market Rights and Tolls: HM Government

 Post Office maps

evidence:-   old print:- Pearson 1900s
placename:-  Coniston
source data:-   Print, halftone photograph, Crags near Coniston, Lancashire, published by C Arthur Pearson, Henrietta Street, London, 1900s.
image  click to enlarge
On p.3 of Pearson's Gossipy Guide to the English Lakes and Neighbouring Districts. 
printed at bottom:-  "CRAGS NEAR CONISTON."
item:-  Armitt Library : A1188.9
Image © see bottom of page

 sundial, Mr Parker's garden

BLZ86.jpg (taken 28.4.2006)  
BJV45.jpg (taken 16.9.2005)  
BZN22.jpg (taken 15.10.2013)  

twinned with:-    Illiers, France

twinned with:-    Solto Collina, Italy

SD30649748 Bannock Stone Bridge (Coniston)
SD30539731 bridge, Coniston (2) (Coniston)
SD30809701 Campbell memorial, Coniston (Coniston)
SD302972 Cat Bank (Coniston)
SD30209758 Church Bridge, Coniston (Coniston)
SD30239781 Coniston Bowling, Cricket and Tennis Club (Coniston)
SD30169764 Coniston Brewery (Coniston)
SD30259771 Coniston Fire Station (Coniston)
SD30449634 Coniston Hall (Coniston) L
SD30019750 Coniston Lake Station (Coniston)
SD30149743 Coniston Methodist Church (Coniston)
SD30469783 Coniston Primary School (Coniston)
SD3097 W F Hutchinson, Family Butcher (Coniston)
SD30129748 David Watt hardware (Coniston)
SD29769771 Copper House (Coniston)
SD30349802 drain, Coniston (Coniston)
SD30219762 drain, Coniston (2) (Coniston)
SD30059736 Coniston Engine Shed (Coniston) gone
SD30229806 Far End Youth Hostel (Coniston)
SD30299816 Far End (Coniston)
SD29959788 Holywath (Coniston)
SD29839777 mill, Coniston (Coniston) gone
SD30019745 Coniston Mountain Rescue (Coniston)
SD3097 New Inn (Coniston)
SD30559794 oak trees, Coniston (Coniston)
SD29979755 post box, Coniston (Coniston)
SD29929730 Cat Bank Quarry (Coniston)
SD29759736 Coniston Gill Quarry (Coniston)
SD29789769 railway bridge, Coniston (Coniston)
SD30199771 Ruskin Museum (Coniston)
SD29949673 Church of the Sacred Heart (Coniston)
SD30219756 Coniston School (Coniston) not found
SD30299751 Coniston Diocesan Youth Centre (Coniston)
SD30029794 Silver Bank (Coniston)
SD30259757 St Andrew's Church (Coniston) L
SD30029759 Sun Inn (Coniston) L
SD30239757 war memorial, Coniston (Coniston)
SD30209759 Yewdale Hotel (Coniston)
SD3097 Wayside Cottage (Coniston) possibly
SD30209761 Black Bull (Coniston)
SD30279785 Crown Inn (Coniston)
SD30019756 water trough, Coniston (Coniston)
SD30349791 house, Coniston (Coniston)
SD29969766 barn, Coniston (Coniston)
SD309970 Coniston Landing Stage (Coniston)
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