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Page 195:-
[faith]ful a panegyrist in his intimate friend and
successor. It is remarkable that Orton in Cumberland
gave birth to Dr. Nicolson, and Orton in Westmorland
to Dr. Burn.
"Rockclif, a pretty pile or castle of the lord
Daker's over Edon on the farther ripe, about three miles
from Caerluell [o]," It was sold by the duke of Norfolk
1682, and now belongs to Mr. Strong of Peterborough [p].
Over the river Eden is Stanwick, where Horsley [q]
places Congavata, on incontestible evidence. The
Roman wall is very visible here [12]. The ditch distinct on
the west of the village between it and the Eden, seems to
have been Severus's, whose wall forms the north rampart of
the station. The ruins of the wall are visible on the brink
of the precipice. Henry I. gave the appropriation of the
church to the church of Carlisle [13].
Drawdykes Castle
roman inscription
At Drawdikes, a seat of the Aglionbys, near the
former inscription is another [r],
Pl.XI. fig.5.
Bishop Gibson gives the following also here:
which Dr. Gale [s] corrects
Jovi Optimo Maximo Ala Augusta ob virtutem appellata Julius
Publius & Tiberius Claud. Tiberii filius.
Pl.XI. fig.6.
as in Horsley's Cumb. No LVI. [t] But Mr. Horsley could hear
of no such altar, and inclined to suspect it to have been
mistaken for one of those yet remaining at Drumburgh. He
gives a 4th (XL.) which he thinks belongs here, and two more
XLI. XLII. [u] The inscription in Camden is also now at
Drawdikes, but the horseman armed with a lance which he
mentions is gone, and never seems to have been part of this.
roman fort, Netherby
roman inscription
"Netherby is seven miles north from Cairluel and Eske
river runneth on the north side of it. There hath been
mervelus buildings as appeer by ruinus walls, and men alive
have seen rynges and staples in the walls, as it had been
stayes or holds for ships. On the one side of it is the
batable ground, so that it is a limes Angliae &
Scotiae. The ruins be now three miles at least from the
flowing water of Sulway sands. The grass groweth now on the
ruins of the walls [x]." The antient border house at Kirk
Andrews, opposite to Netherby, is a square tower of
three stones, the windows small, the door of iron: the
cattle lodged below, the owners above [y].
There is a gradual descent from the principal and oblong
fort on the north-west angle towards the Esk, in which
several streets are very visible. In one running north and
south, on the west side towards the river, by digging among
the ruins for stones, were discovered two rooms parallel to
the street. The southernmost is plainly a cold bath, marked
F in the plan, from the cement and large thin flags laid at
the bottom, and an earthen pipe at the north-west corner
descending from a small watercourse that runs under the
other room, and a partition wall, and so below the door into
the street, where may have been a common sewer. The outward
room has an entrance from the street as above: the door
cheeks are two large flags about seven feet high, and 20
inches broad, with holes for fastening the door, which
opened into the street. In this room, marked G in the plan,
was found in the beginning of October, 1732, an altar with
this inscription, removed into the castle.
∞ EQ.
V. S. L. M.
They continued to work, and Mr. Goodman sent the above
account to Mr. Gale Nov. 9, 1732.
Mr. Cay, in a letter to Mr. Gale, Dec. 12, 1732, observes
that "inscriptions of the Coh. I. Hisp. have been found at
Airdoch and Elenborough, but in only one of them it is
styled equestris, and the commander
praefectus. In the Notitia is the tribunus cohortis
I. Hisp. Axeloduno, which is now fixed at no great distance
from Netherby or Elenborough. We have no former instances of
Aelia given to this cohort. Horsley, p.95,
conjectures that it might be part of the Ala Herculea, but
had he seen this inscription he would have thought
otherwise. He observes, p.95, that the Notitia does not
often give Cohors Equitumbut, as in many places, it
seems to point out the officer's residence. I know not
whther we are always to suppose the whole body under his
command was in the same place. I am the more surprized we
have not met with trib. coh. Equit. Among the
stations per lineam valli there is none said to be
commanded by a praefectus alae, which appears to have
been much larger than some of those where tribunes of
cohorts are placed. I therefore suppose that an equestrian
cohort consisted of two alae, though it might not be common
to mention them as cohorts, and perhaps the Ala I Herculea
and Ala Vettonum might compose this cohort. I cannot think
it improbable that some of the forces that are not mentioned
in the Notitia, but in inscriptions, might be removed to the
borders of Wales, where that book seems deficient. I do not
determine whether Scot. xxxi. and Cumb. lxii. lxiii. relate
to this equestrian cohort."
Mr. Gale replies, Dec. 28, that "Mr. Horsley's reasons about
the Ala Herculea and Coh. I. Hisp. are not conclusive. The
cohort was frequently moved, and if the letters EQ. are not
on the Ardoch and two of the Elenborough inscriptions, they
are on a third at the last place. A cohort of the Ala
Herculea might be at Netherby within distance of Old
Carlisle, or the Ala itself might have been quartered more
north; for the Netherby inscription appears of older and
better letter than those at Elenborough. All these
circumstances make it doubtful whether this cohort was part
of that Ala. By its name and country it probably came over
with Hadrian, and continued here till the Romans quitted the
island, frequently changing its place. It might have come
with the Legio VI. Victrix, and been part of one of its
Alae, as that seems to have been always employed in the
north and in headquarters at York. If the legionary Alae,
consisting of several cohorts of foreign auxiliaries, were
equal in
Lel.VII. 69.
Burn, II. 223.
P. 108. 155. See hereafter, p.227
Horsl. 265. Cumb. xxxviii.
Ant. 38. MS. n.
Horsl. 266.
Burn, II. 452.
Lel. VII. 69.
Pennant, 68.
gazetteer links
-- Carlisle Cathedral
-- "Batable Ground" -- Debatable Land
-- "Drawdikes" -- Drawdykes Castle
-- Hadrian's Wall
-- Kirkandrews Tower
-- "Rockclif Castle" -- Rockcliffe Castle
-- (roman fort, Netherby)
-- Uxelodunum
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