Rare Plants found in Westmorland.
Acrostichum septentrionale. Forked or Horned Fern; on
the mountains on Ambleside.
Actaea spicata. Herb Christopher, or Bane-berries; in
Adoxa Moschatellina. Tuberous Moschatel; in hedges.
Alchemilla alpina. Cinquefoil Ladies Mantle; on the
rocks on the side of Ullswater lake, on in
Allium arenarium. Broad-leaved Mountain Garlic; in
Troutbeckholm, near Great Strickland.
--- carinatum. Purple flowered Mountain Garlic; on
rocks near Lonsdale.
--- loeracium. Herbaceous Wild Garlic; in corn
fields, everywhere.
--- schoenoprasum. Chives; in meadows and pastures.
Althaea vulgaris. Marsh Mallow; in marhses near the
Andromeda polifolia. Wild Rosemary, or Marsh Cistus;
in turfy bogs.
Aquilegia vulgaris. Columbine, Culverwort, Cocksfoot,
or Sowdwort; in mountainous woods.
Asarum Eoropaeum. Asarabacca; in woody plces.
Arenaria laricifolia. Larch leaved Chickweed; on the
--- verna. Mountain Chickweed; on the mountains above
Asperula Cynanchica. Squinancy-wort; on the limestone
hills about Conzwic near Kendal.
Asplenium Ceterach. Spleenwort; on the bridge at
--- Ruta maria. White Maidenhair, Wall Rue, or
Tentwort; on walls and rocks.
--- viride. Green Maidenhair; on walls and rocks.
Athamanta Meum. Spignel, Meu, or Bawd-money; in
mountainous meadows frequent.
Atropa Belladonna. Deadly Nightshade, or Dwale; in
hedges and on rubbish.
Bartsia alpina. Mountain Eyebright Cowwheat; near a
rivulet running by the way from Orton to
Bryum crudum. Spear-leaved Bryum; in woods about
Byffus saxatilis. Stone Byffus; on rocks.
Campanula latifolia. Giant Throatwort, or Canterbury
bells; in bushy places and hedges: at Kendal.
--- rotundifolia γ. A variety of Round-leaved
Bell-flower; on the high mountains.
--- Trachelium. Great Throatwort, or Canterbury
bells; near the footpath between Levens and
Cardamine hirsuta. Hairy Ladies-smock; in meadows,
pastures, and moist shady places: in Kendal.
--- impatiens. Impatient Ladies-smock; in mountanous
meadows and pastures, near rivulets, and in moist shady
places: at Kendal.
Carduus heleniodes. Melancholy Thistle; in
mountainous pastures, everywhere.
Carex distans. Loose Carex; on the mountains, and
--- gracilis. Nova Species. Curtis Flora
Londinensis Fasc. 4. Slender spiked Carex; on the
borders of Conzwic Tarn, near Kendal.
--- inflata. Lesser Bladder Carex; in marshes:
--- limosa. Brown Carex; in turfy bogs.
Chara hispida. Prickle Chara; in ditches and ponds.
--- tomentosa. Brittle Chara; in turfy ditches.
Cineraria palustris. Marsh Fleabane; on Burton
Circaea alpina. Mountain Enchanters Nightshade; at
the bottoms of mountains, about Dalham.
Cistus Helianthemum. Dwarf Cistus, or Little
Sunflower; in mountainous meadows and pastures, especially
of a limestone soil: atCald-kail-scrogs, near
--- hirsutus. Hoary Dwarf Cistus; on Betham
banks, near Scoot Style, near Kendal, and
at Buckbarrow bank-scar, between Brigscar and
Cochlearia officinalis γ. Groenlandica.
Groenland Scurvy-grass; in Lonsdale, and at
Buckbarrow well.
Conserva fluviatilis. Horse-tail Conserva; in rivers.
Convallaria majalis. Lily-convally, or May-lily; in
woods at Kendal and Levens.
--- majalis β. Narrow leaved Lily-convally; in
woods and on heaths: by Waterfall bridge, and
Cotyledon Umbilicus veneris. Navelwort, Wall
Pennywort, or Kidneywort; on moist old walls and stoney
places: about Troutbeck, and in Merslack, a
shady lane, Winander meer.
Cynosurus coeruleus. Small blue-eared Mountain
Spike-grass; in mountainous meadows: at Helsfel Nab,
Cypripedium Calceolus. Ladies Slipper; in woods and
among bushes.
Draba incana. Wreathen podded Whittow-grass, or
Wreathed Lunar Violet; in fissures of rocks, and in
mountainous places everywhere.
--- muralis. Wall Whitlow Grass; in fissures of
rocks, and in mountainous pastures and stoney places,
particularly of a limestone soil, everywhere.
Drosera anglica. Great Sundew; in boggy places,
--- longifolia. Long leaved Sundew, or Rosa folis; on
Brigstear moss.