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Stainmore parish
county:-   Cumbria
old county:-   Westmorland
locality type:-   parish
1Km square:-   NY8513
10Km square:-   NY82
10Km square:-   NY71
10Km square:-   NY81
10Km square:-   NY80
references:-   OS 1974 Admin Areas

evidence:-   hearth tax returns:- Hearth Tax 1675
placename:-  Stainemooredale Southquarter
source data:-   Records, hearth tax survey returns, Westmorland, 1674/75.
"Stainemooredale Southquarter"
in  "Stainemore Midle quarter"

evidence:-   hearth tax returns:- Hearth Tax 1675
placename:-  Stainemore Midle quarter
source data:-   Records, hearth tax survey returns, Westmorland, 1674/75.
"Stainemore Midle quarter"

evidence:-   hearth tax returns:- Hearth Tax 1670
placename:-  Staine Moore Daill
source data:-   Records, hearth tax returns, exchequer duplicates, Westmorland, 1670.
"Staine Moore Daill"

evidence:-   census:- Census 1971
Population: 218 (1971)

place:-   Stainmore Constablewick (most of)
place:-   Brough Sowerby Constablewick (part of)

NY8313 Argill Beck 
NY82531289 Argill Bridge, Stainmore 
NY82451265 Argill House, Stainmore 
NY8114 Augill Beck 
NY81561463 Augill Bridge, Augill 
NY80591384 Augill Castle, Augill L
NY82001519 Augill Crushing Mill, Augill 
NY81591466 Augill Foundry, Augill 
NY82531610 Augill Head, Stainmore 
NY81461470 Augill, Brough 
NY8513 Aygill Beck 
NY88951045 Aygill Force, Stainmore 
NY861157 Baedersgarth, Stainmore suggested
NY84751241 Bankend, Stainmore 
NY84531483 Banks Gate, Stainmore 
NY83851117 barn, Stainmore 
NY82141930 Baron Cross, Stainmore 
NY84571178 Barras Brow, Barras 
NY84721192 Barras Farm, Barras 
NY84551168 Barras Quarries, Barras 
NY84421183 Barras Side, Barras 
NY84451203 Barras Station, Stainmore 
NY84491201 Barras, Stainmore 
NY85441369 Barrenthwaite Hall, Stainmore 
NY80751419 Battle Hill, Stainmore 
NY88810799 Bay Horse Inn, Stainmore gone
NY83801035 Belah Viaduct, Kaber 
NY89181382 Beldoo Hill, Stainmore 
NY88451360 Beldoo Moss, Stainmore 
NY824178 bield, Stainmore 
NY84171641 Black Band, Stainmore 
NY83871370 Black Bank, Stainmore 
NY86661296 Black Hause, Stainmore 
NY87461264 Black Riggs, Stainmore 
NY85711086 Black Scar, Stainmore 
NY87201448 Black Tewthwaite, Stainmore 
NY86861301 Blackhause Bottom Bridge, Stainmore 
NY8612 Blackhause Sike 
NY81861645 Blackmoor Gate, Stainmore 
NY85491274 Bleathgill, Stainmore 
NY83421488 Bluebell House, North Stainmore 
NY83751481 Bluegrass, Stainmore 
NY84011294 Borren House, Stainmore 
NY8215 Borrowdale Beck 
NY83161580 Borrowdale House, Stainmore 
NY83141992 boundary sign, Stainmore 
NY81011584 boundary stone, Brough/Stainmore L
NY87550872 boundary stone, Kaber/Stainmore L
NY83151991 boundary stone, Stainmore L
NY83131994 boundary stone, Stainmore (2) L
NY86561740 boundary stone, Stainmore (3) 
NY86861301 boundary stone, Stainmore (4) L
NY82582081 boundary stone, Stainmore (5) 
NY89501202 boundary stone, Stainmore (6) 
NY81262128 boundary stone, Stainmore (7) 
NY86750933 bridge, Stainmore 
NY83821238 bridge, Stainmore (2) 
NY83191581 bridge, Stainmore (3) 
NY83231580 bridge, Stainmore (4) 
NY86801319 Brown Castle, Stainmore 
NY83091207 Buckles, Stainmore 
NY81161332 Buscoe Moor, Stainmore 
NY83831566 Cabbish Mine, Stainmore 
NY84291216 Calva House, Barras 
NY84421252 Calva Load, Stainmore 
NY871101 Causey Moss, Stainmore 
NY86691047 Causey, Stainmore 
NY83021513 church, North Stainmore 
NY851172 Clark's Sheepfolds, Stainmore 
NY86611283 Clattering Dike Nook, Stainmore 
NY86491294 Clatterton, Stainmore 
NY85181194 Cloud Scar, Barras 
NY8315 coal mine, Borrowdale 
NY8119 Coalgill Sike 
NY82761425 Cocklake Hills, Stainmore 
NY82821391 Cocklake House, Stainmore 
NY87030960 Cold Anet, Stainmore 
NY8120 Connypot Beck 
NY82281475 Cooper House, Stainmore 
NY85941328 Coum Scar, Stainmore 
NY82111454 Craco Dub, Stainmore 
NY81891454 Craco Farm, Stainmore gone
NY84931242 Crag Green, Stainmore 
NY83191368 Cragg House, Stainmore 
NY83951564 Cumpstone House, Stainmore 
NY8218 Deadman Gill 
NY82331891 Deadman Gill Bridge, Stainmore 
NY82281888 Deadman Gill Fold, Stainmore 
NY88801406 Deepdale Head, Stainmore 
NY81001687 Dent Hill, Stainmore 
NY83621398 Dike House, Stainmore 
NY8414 Dowgill Beck 
NY84361452 Dowgill Head, Stainmore 
NY83331555 Dummah Crag, Stainmore 
NY82931540 Dummah Hill, Stainmore 
NY82831548 Dummah Hill, Stainmore (2) 
NY8908 Ease Gill 
NY8509 Eller Sike 
NY85381009 Ewebank Park, Stainmore 
NY84320993 Ewebank Scar, Stainmore 
NY87331528 Fox Yard, Stainmore 
NY83861391 Gillbank, Stainmore 
NY83841249 Gillses, Stainmore 
NY81322124 Goal Fold, Stainmore 
NY877128 Grained Tree, Stainmore suggested
NY88291563 Great Dodd, Stainmore 
NY86631448 Great Knipe, Stainmore 
NY85931487 Great Moss, Stainmore 
NY84781347 Great Skirrygill, Stainmore 
NY83241677 Green Crag, Stainmore 
NY85981010 Green Rigg, Stainmore 
NY81711656 Greena, Stainmore 
NY86630990 Greenboot Hole, Stainmore 
NY81161560 Greenhowe Rigg, Stainmore 
NY86460880 Greenope Howe, Stainmore 
NY82041647 Grey Lodge, Stainmore 
NY86221175 Greystone Moss, Stainmore 
NY80432238 Hanging Seal, Warcop 
NY84161895 Hanging Stone, Stainmore 
NY84211483 Hardhills, Stainmore 
NY859169 Harton Crag, Stainmore 
NY86391251 Haska Rigg, Stainmore 
NY80981590 Hazel Bank, Stainmore 
NY82482089 Hewits, Stainmore 
NY85811478 High Crag, Stainmore 
NY84901048 High Cringle Fell, Stainmore 
NY84660985 High Ewebank, Stainmore 
NY82791405 High House, Stainmore 
NY81011359 High Park House, Stainmore 
NY83321265 High Wood, Stainmore 
NY85381483 Highground House, Stainmore 
NY83241495 Hillcrest, Stainmore 
NY8311 Hocker Gill 
NY81421671 Ing Head, Stainmore 
NY833186 Iron Band, Stainmore 
NY82991526 Lane House, North Stainmore 
NY80031371 Leacett Lane, Brough 
NY84081538 Ledderhowe, Stainmore 
NY82611428 Leonards Cragg, Stainmore 
NY82652072 Ley Seat Garden, Stainmore 
NY826202 Ley Seat, Stainmore 
NY84841436 Light Trees, Stainmore 
NY84391168 limekiln, Barras 
NY85091165 limekiln, Barras (2) 
NY83561596 limekiln, Stainmore 
NY86141317 limekiln, Stainmore (2) 
NY82531661 limekiln, Stainmore (3) 
NY81401633 limekiln, Stainmore (4) 
NY84151525 limekiln, Stainmore (5) 
NY84641479 limekiln, Stainmore (6) 
NY85041297 limekiln, Stainmore (7) 
NY84601036 limekiln, Stainmore (8) 
NY82501391 Limes Head, Stainmore 
NY87091269 lineside hut, Stainmore 
NY8115 Little Augill Beck 
NY87791547 Little Dodd, Stainmore 
NY86571478 Little Knipe, Stainmore 
NY83891412 Littlethwaite, Stainmore 
NY86610945 Long Band, Stainmore 
NY84071601 Long Crag, Stainmore 
NY83771615 Long Crag, Stainmore (2) 
NY83381441 Long Rigg, Stainmore 
NY86481030 Longband Moss, Stainmore 
NY83021344 Longclose Wood, Stainmore 
NY84741018 Low Cringle Fell, Stainmore 
NY84381407 Low Dowgill, Stainmore 
NY83031537 Low Dummah Hill, North Stainmore 
NY80321354 Low Park House, Stainmore 
NY82911467 Low Street, Stainmore 
NY87221315 Maiden Castle, Stainmore 
NY86601226 Margaret Hill, Stainmore 
NY85211128 Middle Fell, Stainmore 
NY80621653 Midge Hole, Helbeck 
NY81741644 milestone, Stainmore L
NY81921791 milestone, Stainmore (2) L
NY82441946 milestone, Stainmore (3) L
NY82881506 milestone, Stainmore (4) not found
NY84411485 milestone, Stainmore (5) 
NY85831400 milestone, Stainmore (6) 
NY87181324 milestone, Stainmore (7) 
NY83101214 milestone, Stainmore (8) not found
NY88671260 milestone, Stainmore (9) 
NY87021295 milestone, Stainmore (10) 
NY84801474 milestone, Stainmore (11) perhaps once
NY83251498 milestone, Stainmore (12) not found
NY86091382 milestone, Stainmore (13) perhaps once
NY87491301 milestone, Stainmore (14) perhaps once
NY88681261 milestone, Stainmore (15) 
NY85811218 Millstone Howe, Stainmore 
NY87610860 Molds Hill, Stainmore 
NY871116 Moudy Mea, Stainmore 
NY8412 Mousegill Beck 
NY85441173 Mousegill Bridge, Stainmore 
NY84761225 Mousegill Low Bridge, Stainmore 
NY84701232 Mousegill Viaduct, Stainmore 
NY83731210 Mouthlock Chapel, Stainmore 
NY84781266 Mouthlock, Stainmore 
NY83871082 New Hall, Stainmore 
NY82801502 New Inn, North Stainmore gone?
NY85281005 Newpark Shaw, Stainmore 
NY82511472 Newton Garth, Stainmore 
NY88421471 Nine Holes, Stainmore 
NY83551488 North Stainmore Chapel, North Stainmore 
NY82991510 North Stainmore, Stainmore 
NY83421129 Oakbank, Stainmore 
NY83691304 Old Park, Stainmore 
NY83691558 Old Penistone, Stainmore 
NY84191321 Old Vicarage, Stainmore 
NY8313 Oldpark Gill 
NY82401197 Oxenthwaite Bridge, Stainmore 
NY82411199 Oxenthwaite Mill, Stainmore gone?
NY82621219 Oxenthwaite, Stainmore 
NY86261336 Palliard Scar, Stainmore 
NY86441352 Palliard, Stainmore 
NY80921362 Park House, Stainmore 
NY83481252 Peasah Wood, Stainmore 
NY83441491 Penistone Green, North Stainmore 
NY879125 pillbox, Stainmore 
NY86551741 Pind Hill, Stainmore 
NY880103 Plat, Stainmore 
NY852152 Plucka Hill, Stainmore 
NY85181534 Plucka Tarn, Stainmore 
NY8909 Polly Gutter 
NY890084 Polly Moss, Stainmore 
NY82981509 post box, North Stainmore 
NY86820895 Potter Side, Stainmore 
NY8608 Potter Sike 
NY81371319 Powbrand Bridge, Brough Sowerby 
NY8113 Powbrand Sike 
NY83781061 Powley Close Bridge, Kaber 
NY82921512 Primrose Cottages, North Stainmore 
NY82211692 Quarry Scar, Stainmore 
NY84641222 railway bridge, Stainmore 
NY84201090 railway bridge, Stainmore (2) 
NY87001268 railway bridge, Stainmore (3) 
NY86381279 railway bridge, Stainmore (4) 
NY82871678 Raise, Stainmore 
NY82531269 Rakestraw, Stainmore 
NY85411331 Rampson, Stainmore L
NY84901256 Raykle How, Stainmore suggested
NY88921526 Rise Gill Foot, Stainmore 
NY869111 Risp Howe, Stainmore 
NY88221115 Roper Castle, Stainmore 
NY86501652 Round Hill, Stainmore 
NY82541650 Rowantree Force, Stainmore 
NY89391242 Rowton Bridge, Stainmore 
NY8912 Rowtonbridge Sike 
NY84421643 Scarth, Stainmore 
NY83531602 school, Stainmore gone
NY84101298 school, Stainmore (2) 
NY85611318 Scroggy Bank, Stainmore 
NY84011209 seat, Barras 
NY84751327 Seats, Stainmore 
NY83851118 sheep feeder, Stainmore 
NY86321289 sheepfold, Stainmore 
NY830194 Shot Moss, Stainmore 
NY83111996 Silver Keld Well, Stainmore 
NY86300929 Skilling Crags, Stainmore 
NY85241343 Skirrygill, Stainmore 
NY85491414 Slapestone Pasture, Stainmore 
NY8614 Slapestone Sike 
NY85981389 Slapestones, Stainmore 
NY843184 Slate Quarry Moss, Stainmore 
NY8517 Slate Sikes 
NY83421210 Slip Inn, Stainmore 
NY85251487 Smeltmill Quarry, Stainmore 
NY83101262 Snouthill Wood, Stainmore 
NY841129 South Stainmore, Stainmore 
NY79851309 Sowerby Park, Stainmore 
NY88531170 Spittal Ings, Stainmore 
NY83321624 Spur Rigg, Stainmore 
NY83481630 Spurrig End, Stainmore 
NY84101295 St Stephen, Stainmore 
NY81 Stainmore 
NY85511719 Stainmore Common, Stainmore 
NY886123 Stainmore Summit, Stainmore 
NY86471179 stone wall, Stainmore 
NY82351423 stone, Leonard's Cragg 
NY83161466 stone, Punchbowl Gill 
NY82602080 Stoneshaw Rigg, Stainmore 
NY83071270 Stricegill, Stainmore 
NY88581237 Summit Station, Stainmore 
NY8016 Swindale Beck (3) 
NY81871856 Swindale Head, Helbeck 
NY81721761 Swindalehead House, Stainmore 
NY8311 Swine Gill (4) 
NY816163 Swinging Gate, Stainmore 
NY83761246 Swinstone House, Stainmore 
NY895061 Tanhill Colliery, North Yorkshire 
NY82821348 Thorney Gale, Stainmore 
NY82391620 Todd's House, Stainmore 
NY843102 Tufton Lodge, Stainmore 
NY84111278 Upmanhowe, Stainmore 
NY84011209 village hall, Barras gone
NY82981517 village hall, North Stainmore 
NY81391637 Well Head, Stainmore 
NY83931894 West Dow Crag, Stainmore 
NY84231430 West Dowgill, Stainmore 
NY82631548 West Dummah Hill, North Stainmore 
 West Mere, Durham 
NY888133 Westmorland: threapland 4 
NY84781630 Wham Mouth, Stainmore 
NY85241639 Wham, Stainmore 
NY89800852 White Stone, Stainmore 
NY82751652 Windmore End Farm, Stainmore 
NY82511665 Windmore End Quarry, Stainmore 
NY81801736 Windmore End, Stainmore 
NY82271679 Windmore Green, Stainmore 
NY82201693 Windmore, Stainmore 
NY80851670 Woodside, Stainmore 
NY8508 Woofer Gill 
NY86120897 Woofer Moor, Stainmore 
NY85440950 Woofergill, Stainmore 
NY892108 Wool Busk, Stainmore 
NY8713 Yard Sike 
NY8912 Yardstone Beck 
NY841192 Westmorland: threapland 2 
NY876157 Westmorland: threapland 3 
NY894112 Westmorland: threapland 5 
NY82181565 Augill Mine, Stainmore 
NY83041509 Punch Bowl, North Stainmore L
NY86321304 barn, Stainmore (2) 
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