county:- |
Cumbria |
10Km square:- |
NY53 |
adjacent:- |
places:- |
NY51813016 Abbots Bank (Penrith) L |
NY51603012 Advertiser Office (Penrith) |
NY51283004 Agricultural Hotel (Penrith) |
NY51563030 Albert Court (Penrith) L |
NY51423096 Anchor Farm (Penrith) |
NY51173085 Anchor Farm (Penrith) |
NY51713065 Arthur Villa (Penrith) |
NY51463010 Ash Inn (Penrith) |
NY51143061 Bank House (Penrith) L |
NY51983098 Beaconside (Penrith) |
NY51703013 Bishop Yards Cottage (Penrith) L |
NY51513007 Board and Elbow (Penrith) L |
NY51073088 Bowerbank Hall (Penrith) L |
NY51823032 Boys National School (Penrith) gone |
NY51933052 Brent House (Penrith) |
NY51423034 British Legion (Penrith) L |
NY51363029 Brunswick School (Penrith) |
NY51183033 Brunswick Terrace (Penrith) |
NY51633021 Butter Market (Penrith) |
NY51133008 Castle, The (Penrith) |
NY51613047 chapel, Penrith (Penrith) |
NY51753032 Methodist Church (Penrith) L |
NY51583054 Penrith and Penruddock United Reformed Church (Penrith) |
NY51533043 chapel, Penrith (4) (Penrith) |
NY51563056 chapel, Penrith (5) (Penrith) |
NY51353041 United Reformed Church (Penrith) L |
NY51383054 Christ Church (Penrith) L |
NY51273056 Christchurch Cottage (Penrith) |
NY51573013 Musgrave Monument (Penrith) L |
NY51653021 Coach and Horses Inn (Penrith) |
NY51163077 Cockell House (Penrith) L |
NY51493008 Corn Market (Penrith) |
NY51483039 Corney House (Penrith) L |
NY51523077 Croft House (Penrith) |
NY51753036 Crozier Lodge (Penrith) L |
NY51533018 Devonshire Chambers (Penrith) L |
NY51583024 Dog and Duck Inn (Penrith) L |
NY51083082 Drove and Anchor Inn (Penrith) |
NY51683029 Druids Arms, The (Penrith) L |
NY51913085 Fellside (Penrith) L |
NY51253073 Field House Farm (Penrith) |
NY51633021 Fish Cellar, The (Penrith) |
NY51783012 Friarage, The (Penrith) |
NY51643017 Giant's Grave (Penrith) |
NY51623016 Giant's Thumb (Penrith) |
NY51523004 Gloucester Arms (Penrith) L |
NY51583029 Granary House (Penrith) L |
NY51663000 Grapes, The (Penrith) L gone? |
NY51293027 Greenfield House (Penrith) |
NY51043085 Grey Bull Inn (Penrith) |
NY51643029 Grey Goat, The (Penrith) L |
NY51203056 Greyhound Inn (Penrith) |
NY51603044 Holmeleigh (Penrith) |
NY51483025 house, Penrith (3) (Penrith) |
NY51753030 house, Penrith (4) (Penrith) |
NY51513029 Pamela's (Penrith) |
NY51583045 Hunter House (Penrith) L |
NY51803025 Hutton Hall (Penrith) L |
NY51433041 hydrant plate, Penrith (2) (Penrith) |
NY51783012 hydrant plate, Penrith (3) (Penrith) |
NY51403086 Lamley House (Penrith) |
NY51043082 Lark Hall (Penrith) L |
NY51803036 Vicarage (Penrith) L |
NY51673041 Lonsdale House (Penrith) L |
NY51513028 Lowther Arms (Penrith) L |
NY51553014 Lowther Gardens (Penrith) L |
NY51033067 Lowther House (Penrith) L |
NY51753014 Magistrate's Clerks Office (Penrith) L |
NY51733021 Mansion House (Penrith) L |
NY51793023 Masonic Hall (Penrith) L |
NY51803010 Mostyn Hall (Penrith) L |
NY51473031 New Brewery (Penrith) gone |
NY51123003 Newlands Lodge (Penrith) |
NY51053002 Newlands Terrace (Penrith) |
NY51803012 North Friarage (Penrith) L |
NY51713009 Oddfellows Arms (Penrith) |
NY51313049 Old Brewery (Penrith) gone |
NY51653008 Old Crown Inn (Penrith) |
NY51793065 Outwood (Penrith) L |
NY51133058 Page Hall (Penrith) |
NY51483056 Penrith Methodist Church (Penrith) L |
NY51453033 Penrith Museum (Penrith) L |
NY51573012 Penrith Town town |
NY51673018 Penrith Parish Centre (Penrith) |
NY51513042 Penrith Police Station (Penrith) |
NY51393006 Penrith Steam Museum (Penrith) gone? |
NY51563031 Albert Street (Penrith) |
NY51543030 Penrith: Albert Street, 9 to 11 (Penrith) L |
NY51533031 Penrith: Albert Street, 12 and 13 (Penrith) L |
NY51553032 Penrith: Albert Street, 26 to 29 (Penrith) L |
NY51563032 Penrith: Albert Street, 30 to 32 (Penrith) L |
NY51543007 Angel Lane (Penrith) |
NY51563007 Penrith: Angel Lane, 4 (Penrith) L |
NY515302 N Arnison and Son (Penrith) L |
NY51723061 Arthur Street (Penrith) |
NY51673055 Penrith: Arthur Street, 19 and 20 (Penrith) L |
NY51683059 Stone House (Penrith) L |
NY51743065 Penrith: Arthur Street, 30 and 31 (Penrith) L |
NY51693053 Penrith: Arthur Street, 48 to 50 (Penrith) L |
NY51693055 Aviemore (Penrith) |
NY51713056 Penrith: Arthur Street, 53 to 55 (Penrith) L |
NY51733059 Penrith: Arthur Street, 60 (Penrith) L |
NY51743060 Penrith: Arthur Street, 61 to 63 (Penrith) L |
NY51803068 Penrith: Arthur Street, 65 to 68 (Penrith) L |
NY51593014 Penrith: Barclay's Bank (Penrith) L |
NY51663022 Beckside Books (Penrith) L |
NY51783028 Bensons Row (Penrith) |
NY51703014 Bishop Yards (Penrith) |
NY51733014 Penrith: Bishop Yards, 1 to 3 (Penrith) L |
NY51383023 Bluebell Lane (Penrith) |
NY51543027 Brook Street (Penrith) |
NY51033009 Brougham Street (Penrith) |
NY51283024 Brunswick Road (Penrith) |
NY51253033 Brunswick Square (Penrith) |
NY51273042 Penrith: Brunswick Square, 18 (Penrith) L |
NY51563024 Burrowgate (Penrith) |
NY51593025 Penrith: Burrowgate, 45 and 46 (Penrith) L |
NY51563021 Penrith: Burrowgate, 54 (Penrith) L |
NY51493024 Burton's (Penrith) |
NY51393006 Castlegate (Penrith) |
NY51503008 Corn Market (Penrith) |
NY51543009 Penrith: Corn Market, 3 to 5 (Penrith) L |
NY51523009 Conlons (Penrith) |
NY51523007 Penrith: Corn Market, 9 to 12 (Penrith) L |
NY51493010 Penrith: Corn Market, 24 and 25 (Penrith) L |
NY51503010 Penrith: Corn Market, 25a (Penrith) L |
NY51513011 Penrith: Corn Market, 26 (Penrith) L |
NY51513032 Costas Tapas Bar (Penrith) |
NY51613009 Penrith: Cowper's (Penrith) |
NY51223005 Cromwell Road (Penrith) |
NY51013010 Cross Street (Penrith) |
NY51713020 De Whelpdale's Lane (Penrith) |
NY51543018 Penrith: Devonshire Street (Penrith) |
NY51543015 Carphone Warehouse (Penrith) L |
NY51533016 Shoe Zone (Penrith) L |
NY51533018 P F and K (Penrith) L |
NY51533019 Gold Place, The (Penrith) L |
NY51523019 Narrowbar Cafe (Penrith) L |
NY51583016 Penrith: Devonshire Street, 23 (Penrith) L |
NY51273065 Drovers Lane (Penrith) |
NY51373041 Duke Street (Penrith) |
NY51953057 Fell Lane (Penrith) |
NY51993005 Folly Lane (Penrith) |
NY51123063 Foster Street (Penrith) |
NY51793008 Friargate (Penrith) |
NY51483088 Graham Street (Penrith) |
NY51543011 James and John Graham (Penrith) |
NY51523001 Great Dockray (Penrith) |
NY51583001 Charles R Sykes (Penrith) L |
NY51573000 Penrith: Great Dockray, 5 to 7 (Penrith) L |
NY51493000 Jacksons Family Butchers (Penrith) L |
NY51493000 Penrith: Great Dockray, 24 to 25 (Penrith) L |
NY51493003 Penrith: Great Dockray, 26 (Penrith) L |
NY51553002 Penrith: Great Dockray, 36 (Penrith) L |
NY51563002 Penrith: Great Dockray, 37 to 39 (Penrith) L |
NY5130 Greenfields Heat and Power (Penrith) |
NY51553013 HSBC Bank (Penrith) |
NY51533041 Hunter's Lane (Penrith) |
NY51653005 King Street (Penrith) |
NY51653008 Penrith: King Street, 9 and 10 (Penrith) L |
NY51663006 Penrith: King Street, 12 (Penrith) L |
NY51683002 Penrith: King Street, 19 to 21 (Penrith) L |
NY51643004 Penrith: King Street, 41 and 42 (Penrith) L |
NY51633006 Penrith: King Street, 43 and 44 (Penrith) L |
NY51623007 Penrith: King Street, 46 (Penrith) L |
NY51603008 Penrith: King Street, 48 to 52 (Penrith) L |
NY51023075 Lark Lane (Penrith) |
NY51523017 Little Dockray (Penrith) |
NY51523013 Penrith: Little Dockray, 3 (Penrith) L |
NY51513016 Thomas Cook (Penrith) L |
NY51503017 Dottie Days (Penrith) L |
NY51493018 Sandwell Furniture (Penrith) L |
NY51523018 Penrith: Little Dockray, 19 to 21 (Penrith) L |
NY51623010 Lloyds Bank (Penrith) |
NY51673068 Lowther Street (Penrith) |
NY51683028 Maggie's Bakery (Penrith) |
NY51563010 Penrith: Market Square (Penrith) L |
NY51623044 Meeting House Lane (Penrith) |
NY51683040 Penrith: Meeting House Lane, 14 to 17 (Penrith) L |
NY51453030 Middlegate (Penrith) |
NY51503021 Toymaster (Penrith) L |
Penrith: Middlegate, 3 to 5 (Penrith) L |
NY51493023 Penrith: Middlegate, 6 and 7 (Penrith) L |
NY51483024 Penrith: Middlegate, 8 (Penrith) L |
NY51473025 Penrith: Middlegate, 11 and 12 (Penrith) L |
NY51453025 Penrith: Middlegate, 13 and 14 (Penrith) L |
NY51063015 Mill Street (Penrith) |
NY51143057 Nichol Hill (Penrith) |
NY51663011 Penrith Building Society (Penrith) |
NY51593001 Princes Street (Penrith) |
NY51503031 Queen Street (Penrith) |
NY51523030 Penrith: Queen Street, 7 (Penrith) L |
NY51503033 Penrith: Queen Street, 11 and 14 (Penrith) L |
NY51493034 Penrith: Queen Street, 17 (Penrith) L |
NY51473033 Penrith: Queen Street, 19 to 22 (Penrith) L |
NY51493030 Penrith: Queen Street, 24 and 25 (Penrith) L |
NY51013085 Robinson Street (Penrith) |
NY51613006 Rowcliffe Lane (Penrith) |
NY51693014 Royal Thai Restaurant (Penrith) L |
NY51503020 Saddlery and Travel Goods (Penrith) |
NY51693031 Sandgate (Penrith) |
NY51703034 Penrith: Sandgate, 13 to 15 (Penrith) L |
NY51723035 Penrith: Sandgate, 16 to 19 (Penrith) |
NY51543023 Sands (Penrith) |
NY51063093 Scotland Road (Penrith) |
NY51173064 Penrith: Scotland Road, 6-7 (Penrith) |
NY51633011 Sinclair's Dental Laboratory (Penrith) L |
NY51123065 Skinner Street (Penrith) |
NY51613017 Penrith: St Andrew's Churchyard, 2 to 4 (Penrith) L |
NY51643019 Penrith: St Andrew's Churchyard, 8 (Penrith) L |
NY51653020 Anthony Wright and Associates (Penrith) L |
NY51653021 Penrith: St Andrew's Churchyard, 11 and 12 (Penrith) L |
NY51643012 St Andrew's Place (Penrith) |
NY51663011 Penrith: St Andrew's Place, 1 (Penrith) L |
NY51663010 Penrith: St Andrew's Square, 1 and 2 (Penrith) L |
NY51673023 Penrith: St Andrew's View, 1 (Penrith) L |
NY51323050 Stricklandgate (Penrith) |
NY51373048 Penrith: Stricklandgate, 21 (Penrith) L |
NY51233058 Townhead Chippy (Penrith) |
NY51223056 Penrith: Stricklandgate, 60 to 62 (Penrith) L |
NY51363045 Penrith: Stricklandgate, 85 to 87 (Penrith) L |
NY51603013 Thornborrow's (Penrith) L |
NY51563022 Tilly's (Penrith) |
NY51493012 White Hart Yard (Penrith) |
NY51513054 Penrith: Wordsworth Terrace (Penrith) L |
NY51293048 Petterill Terrace (Penrith) |
NY51553010 post box, Penrith (2) (Penrith) |
NY51213033 post box, Penrith (4) (Penrith) |
NY51213032 Presbyterian Manse (Penrith) |
NY51173010 railway bridge, Penrith (3) (Penrith) |
NY51143028 railway bridge, Penrith (7) (Penrith) |
NY51113000 Railway Inn (Penrith) |
NY51613008 Robin Hood Inn, The (Penrith) |
NY51403042 Royal, The (Penrith) |
NY51003087 Rutherford House (Penrith) L |
NY51623018 Free Grammar School (Penrith) L |
NY51693039 Infants School (Penrith) L |
NY51613012 Penrith School (Penrith) L |
NY51663038 school, Penrith (4) (Penrith) |
NY51323004 Penrith School (Penrith) |
NY51353062 school, Penrith (6) (Penrith) |
NY51583018 Shambles (Penrith) |
NY51243050 Shepherd's Hill (Penrith) L out of sight |
NY51283055 Shepherd's View (Penrith) L |
NY51093103 Sportsman Inn (Penrith) |
NY51603016 St Andrew's Churchyard (Penrith) |
NY51303061 St Catherine's Chapel (Penrith) |
NY51233071 St George's School (Penrith) |
NY51293000 Station Hotel (Penrith) |
NY51453038 Strickland House (Penrith) L |
NY51303052 Strickland Terrace (Penrith) |
NY51053055 tanyard, Penrith (Penrith) gone |
NY51373006 Temperance Hotel (Penrith) |
NY51243000 toll gate, Penrith (3) (Penrith) |
NY51433043 Town Hall (Penrith) |
NY51573012 town house, Penrith (Penrith) gone |
NY51113039 TPO apparatus, Penrith (Penrith) |
NY51623011 Tudor Cottage (Penrith) L |
NY51093094 Turk's Head Inn (Penrith) |
NY51133015 Union Mills (Penrith) |
NY51443037 Villa Bianca (Penrith) L |
NY51753068 Virginia (Penrith) L |
NY51613013 war memorial, Penrith (Penrith) |
NY51613026 Warehouse, The (Penrith) |
NY51923091 Westview (Penrith) |
NY51523017 Wolfe, The (Penrith) L |
NY51563021 Woolpack Inn (Penrith) L |
NY51653018 St Andrew's Church (Penrith) L |
NY5130 Crown Inn (Penrith) gone |
NY51543018 Devonshire Boot Stores (Penrith) |
NY51543007 Exchange, The (Penrith) |
NY51553019 George Hotel (Penrith) L |
NY51403006 Museum Hotel (Penrith) |
NY51513009 Olde Drugge Shoppe, Ye (Penrith) |
NY51553014 Penrith: Devonshire Street, 2 (Penrith) |
NY51533017 Penrith: Devonshire Street, 7 (Penrith) |
NY51523020 Penrith: Devonshire Street, 14 (Penrith) |
NY51633008 Penrith: Glendinning, W J (Penrith) |
NY51573012 Penrith: Herd Bros (Penrith) |
NY51633009 Penrith: King Street, 2 (Penrith) |
NY51633008 Tim Roebuck optician (Penrith) |
NY51653007 Penrith: King Street, 11 (Penrith) |
NY51673002 Penrith: King Street, 18 (Penrith) |
NY51663004 Penrith: King Street, 40 (Penrith) |
NY51613009 Penrith: King Street, 47 (Penrith) |
NY51573012 Penrith: Market Square, 4 (Penrith) |
NY51573012 Penrith: Metcalfe and Bainbridge (Penrith) |
NY51513010 Penrith: Pattinson and Winter (Penrith) |
NY51493012 White Hart Hotel (Penrith) gone |
NY517302 water trough, Penrith (Penrith) |
NY51633040 Penrith Meeting House (Penrith) L |
NY51573014 Penrith (Penrith) |
NY51723035 seat, Penrith (Penrith) |