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Sebergham parish
county:-   Cumbria
old county:-   Cumberland
locality type:-   parish
1Km square:-   NY3442
10Km square:-   NY34
10Km square:-   NY33
references:-   OS 1974 Admin Areas

evidence:-   census:- Census 1971
Population: 350 (1971)

NY36424310 Bellbridge, Sebergham L
NY32294156 Birkrigg, Sebergham gone
NY35654162 Black Beck (21) 
NY34144381 Blackbecks, Sebergham 
NY36614462 Bog, Sebergham gone?
NY36064449 Borrans Hill Farm, Sebergham L
NY36284436 Borrans Hill, Sebergham 
NY36424187 boundary stone, Sebergham 
NY34034315 boundary stone, Sebergham (2) L
NY3240 Bowten Beck 
NY35794185 Bridge Cottage, Sebergham L
NY35794189 Bridge End, Sebergham L
NY36014169 Brisco House, Sebergham L
NY3343 Brothy Beck 
NY33154413 Brothy Bridge, Sebergham 
NY33784342 Brothybeck, Sebergham 
NY35984169 Brow Top Farm, Sebergham L
NY35914166 Browtop, Sebergham 
NY35934321 Bulman Hill, Sebergham 
NY3741 Busta Beck 
NY32194011 Caldbeck Methodist Chapel, Caldbeck 
NY3644 Caldew Beck 
NY36314404 Caldewbeck, Sebergham 
NY36124407 Caldewvale, Sebergham 
NY3243 Chalk Beck 
NY31864242 Chalk Head, Sebergham gone
NY32614278 Chalk Plains, Sebergham 
NY329451 Chalk Side, Sebergham 
NY33014428 Chalkbeck Bridge, Sebergham 
NY32654497 Chalkside Bridge, Sebergham 
NY35194443 chapel, Welton 
NY36474169 Churchtown Farm, Sebergham L
NY36494168 Churchtown, Sebergham 
NY35684241 Collingwood Bank, Sebergham 
NY36364350 Crookholme Mill, Sebergham L
NY35274091 Denton Side, Sebergham 
NY34564476 Ewelock Hill, Sebergham 
NY34034141 Fellhill, Sebergham 
NY36454172 Floshfield, Sebergham L
NY342427 Goose Green, Sebergham 
NY34624406 Grassgarth, Sebergham 
NY35734209 Greenfoot, Sebergham L
NY3242 Hazel Gill (5) 
NY33094170 Hazelgill, Sebergham 
NY33874060 High Parkhead, Sebergham 
NY3344 Highrigg, Sebergham 
NY35864169 house, Sebergham 
NY36274146 house, Sebergham (2) 
NY355418 house, Sebergham (3) 
NY36014110 How Gill, Sebergham 
NY3640 Howgill Beck (2) 
NY3445 Iron Gill 
NY3343 Iron Gill (2) 
NY35404426 Kennels, Welton L
NY34744202 Kiln Gate, Sebergham 
NY36134347 Lanehead, Sebergham L out of sight
NY35214045 limekiln, Sebergham 
NY34404076 limekiln, Sebergham (2) 
NY36174166 Limetree Grove, Sebergham L out of sight
NY34214505 Ling Lane, Sebergham 
NY34624513 Ling Side, Sebergham 
NY34754531 Ling, Sebergham L
NY36644297 Little Bell Bridge, Sebergham 
NY35524197 Lonning Foot, Sebergham L
NY35144229 Lonning Head, Sebergham 
NY33894040 Low Parkhead, Sebergham 
NY35244429 maypole, Welton L
NY35644181 mill, Sebergham 
NY34604250 Monkhouse Hill, Sebergham 
NY34484189 Mountain, Sebergham 
NY35814267 New House, Sebergham 
NY32614242 Nine Gills, Sebergham 
NY32004238 Ninegills, Sebergham gone
NY35324061 Oakbank Hill, Sebergham 
NY36494178 Old Rectory, Churchtown 
NY3542 Paper Gill 
NY35794276 Papergill, Sebergham 
NY34014074 Park Head Quarry, Sebergham 
NY33894053 Parkhead, Sebergham 
NY33384009 Parson's Park, Sebergham 
NY31844178 Pasture House, Sebergham gone
NY34244273 pinfold, Sebergham gone?
NY35774402 Plains House, Sebergham 
NY36374134 police station, Sebergham 
NY35244437 post box, Welton 
NY36404163 post office, Sebergham 
NY31644161 Priests Brow, Sebergham 
NY34724157 quarry, Sebergham 
NY3442 Rattle Beck 
NY34074189 Rattlebeck, Sebergham 
NY33964232 Roundhill, Sebergham 
NY34284278 Royal Oak, Goose Green 
NY35224436 Royal Oak, Welton 
NY33174091 Rylands, Sebergham 
NY35684187 saw mill, Sebergham gone
NY36484184 School Well, Sebergham 
NY36444188 school, Sebergham 
NY34874162 Seavy Well, Sebergham 
NY35734185 Sebergham Bridge, Sebergham L
NY35754184 Sebergham Bridge, Sebergham (2) 
NY33224367 Sebergham Castle, Sebergham L
NY36364244 Sebergham Hall, Sebergham L
NY35524193 Sebergham Mill, Sebergham 
NY35164184 Smallings Gill, Sebergham 
NY35634299 South Gillwhins, Sebergham 
NY35734152 Sowerby Mill House, Sebergham L out of sight
NY35724150 Sowerby Mill, Sebergham L out of sight
NY35354030 Spouts Dub, Castle Sowerby 
NY33174164 spring, Sebergham 
NY35314421 St James, Welton 
NY36404185 St Mary, Sebergham L
NY35584394 Stoney Cross School, Welton 
NY3543 Stony Cross, Sebergham 
NY35794372 Tarn End, Sebergham 
NY34104281 tile works, Goose Green gone
NY36224253 tile works, Sebergham gone
NY33574150 toll gate, Sebergham once
NY33644159 toll gate, Sebergham (2) once
NY34854487 Town Fields, Sebergham 
NY34574195 Underbrow, Sebergham 
NY36234147 village hall, Sebergham 
NY35604397 village hall, Welton 
NY35304421 war memorial, Welton 
NY3541 Warnell Beck 
NY33784128 Warnell Fell, Sebergham 
NY35044134 Warnell Hall, Sebergham L
NY34764179 Warnell, Sebergham gone
NY35304430 Welton Farm, Welton L
NY35244433 Welton, Sebergham 
NY36454164 Sebergham 
NY3851 Caldew, River 
NY35544400 Stony Cross, Welton 
NY36604299 Bell Bridge, Sebergham L
NY36134250 Deanmill Cottage, Sebergham 
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