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county:-   Cumbria
10Km square:-   NY45


NY40025684 Albert Place (Carlisle)
NY40115654 auction room, Carlisle (Carlisle) gone
NY40045644 Bitts, The (Carlisle)
NY40105628 Blue Bell Inn (Carlisle)
NY40235615 Bowling Green Inn (Carlisle) gone
NY40275615 bowling green, Carlisle (Carlisle)
NY40045614 bus stance, Carlisle (Carlisle)
NY40045606 Butcher Market (Carlisle) gone
NY40005609 Butter and Egg Market (Carlisle) gone
NY40055621 Carlisle Fire Station (Carlisle)
NY40185603 Carlisle Library (Carlisle)
NY40565612 Albert Street (Carlisle)
NY40055658 Bridgewater Road (Carlisle)
NY40115609 Brucciani, cigar merchant (Carlisle)
NY40275604 Chapel Street (Carlisle)
NY40285604 Carlisle: Chapel Street, 1 to 9 (Carlisle) L
NY40625603 Carlisle: Chatsworth Square, 22 and 23 (Carlisle) L
NY40025630 Clifford Street (Carlisle)
NY40045629 Corporation Road (Carlisle)
NY40155617 Drover's Lane (Carlisle)
NY40155612 East Tower Lane (Carlisle)
NY40325621 Eden Street (Carlisle) gone
NY40025604 Chloe's Closet (Carlisle) L
NY40025603 Your Move (Carlisle) L
NY40045601 Thomas Cook (Carlisle)
NY40365621 George Street (Carlisle) gone
NY40165602 Globe Lane (Carlisle)
NY40165607 Laws Lane (Carlisle) gone
NY40025622 Peter Street (Carlisle)
NY40115624 Rickergate (Carlisle)
NY40115612 Save the Children (Carlisle) L
NY40095611 Carlisle: Scotch Street, 20 to 28 (Carlisle) L
NY40095608 Wilkinsons (Carlisle) L
NY40095607 Carlisle: Scotch Street, 36 to 40 (Carlisle) L
NY40095606 Mountain Warehouse (Carlisle) L
NY400560 Carlisle: Scotch Street, 43 (Carlisle)
NY40095605 Sports Direct (Carlisle) L
NY40095601 Bright House (Carlisle) L
NY40095634 Solway Street (Carlisle) gone?
NY40015634 Solway Terrace (Carlisle) gone
NY40255617 Spring Garden Lane (Carlisle) gone?
NY40315627 Swifts Row (Carlisle) gone?
NY40475604 Victoria Place (Carlisle)
NY40255602 Carlisle: Victoria Place, 2 (Carlisle) L
NY40325600 Carlisle: Victoria Place, 3 to 17 (Carlisle) L
NY40315603 Carlisle: Victoria Place, 4 to 18 (Carlisle) L
NY40355600 Carlisle: Victoria Place, 19 to 23 (Carlisle) L
NY40355603 Ex Servicemen's Club (Carlisle) L
NY40425604 Carlisle: Victoria Place, 36 to 46 (Carlisle) L
NY40075619 Warwick Street (Carlisle)
NY40535601 Central Gardens, Carlisle (Carlisle) L
NY40275606 Border Kirk, The (Carlisle)
NY40105622 Cumbria Magistrates Court (Carlisle)
NY40255605 Dispensary (Carlisle) L
NY40195633 drill hall, Carlisle (Carlisle) gone
NY40105631 drinking fountain, Carlisle (3) (Carlisle)
NY40155632 Drove Inn (Carlisle) gone
NY40515623 East Cumberland National Shell Factory (Carlisle)
NY40105640 Eden Bridge (Carlisle) gone
NY40045671 Eden Terrace (Carlisle) gone
NY40075621 factory, Carlisle (Carlisle) gone
NY40085632 Golen Fleece (Carlisle) gone
NY40115635 Hay Market (Carlisle) gone
NY40045600 Kings Head, The (Carlisle)
NY40035610 Market Hall (Carlisle) L
NY40105653 City Pound (Carlisle)
NY40085613 post box, Carlisle (6) (Carlisle)
NY40505660 Carlisle Race Course (Carlisle)
NY40485630 rope works, Carlisle (2) (Carlisle) gone
NY40185651 Sands Sports Centre (Carlisle)
NY40195610 Springal's Tower (Carlisle)
NY40225612 Springold Tower (Carlisle)
NY40705603 St Gabriels Court (Carlisle) L
NY40515618 St Mary and St Joseph's Church (Carlisle) gone?
NY40435626 St Patrick's School (Carlisle) gone?
NY40015684 Stanwix: Stanwix Bank, 1 to 3 (Carlisle) L
NY40625632 Swifts Lane (Carlisle) gone
NY40505669 Swifts, The (Carlisle)
NY40325628 theatre, Carlisle (Carlisle) gone
NY40305647 Turf Inn (Carlisle) L
NY40045668 war memorial, Stanwix (2) (Carlisle)
NY40105602 Scotch Street (Carlisle)
NY40185647 cattle market, Carlisle (Carlisle) L
NY40155637 Creighton Monument (Carlisle)
NY402568 King's Meadow (Carlisle)
NY40185648 Sands, The (Carlisle)
NY40335617 Carlisle Grammar School (Carlisle)
NY40005693 Stanwix Bank (Carlisle)
NY40915684 County Memorial, The (Carlisle) L
NY40005682 milestone, Carlisle (7) (Carlisle)
NY40035602 Arches, The (Carlisle) L
NY40175698 St Michael, Stanwix: monument 2 (Carlisle) L
NY40175698 St Michael, Stanwix: monument 1 (Carlisle) L
NY40075656 Eden Bridge (Carlisle) L
NY40895692 Rickerby Park (Carlisle)
NY40205609 Howard Arms (Carlisle) L
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