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Morland parish
county:-   Cumbria
old county:-   Westmorland
locality type:-   parish
1Km square:-   NY6022
10Km square:-   NY52
10Km square:-   NY62
references:-   OS 1974 Admin Areas

evidence:-   hearth tax returns:- Hearth Tax 1675
placename:-  Morland
source data:-   Records, hearth tax survey returns, Westmorland, 1674/75.

evidence:-   hearth tax returns:- Hearth Tax 1670
placename:-  Mooreland
source data:-   Records, hearth tax returns, exchequer duplicates, Westmorland, 1670.

evidence:-   census:- Census 1971
Population: 274 (1971)

place:-   Morland Constablewick

NY59252396 Akeygate, Morland 
NY60682381 barn, Crossrigg Hall L
NY61682149 Barnholme Wood, Morland 
NY61232318 boundary stone, Bolton/Morland 
NY58882440 boundary stone, Cliburn/Morland 
NY61812109 boundary stone, King's Meaburn 
NY59052444 Braemar, Morland 
NY60602402 bridge, Bolton L
NY60252187 bridge, Morland 
NY60002253 Broadfold, Morland 
NY60382176 Byesteads Quarries, Morland 
NY60322178 Byesteads, Morland 
NY61452193 Chapel Bridge, King's Meaburn 
NY61442189 Chapel Well, Morland 
NY614219 Chapel Well, Morland (2) 
NY60022228 chapel, Morland 
NY61422189 chapel, Morland (2) suggested
NY58882440 Cliburn Town Bridge, Cliburn 
NY5922 Copeland Sike 
NY59802223 Crosber Place, Morland 
NY59932245 Crown Inn, Morland 
NY59152360 Dowgill, Morland 
NY59552346 Eddy House, Morland 
NY60022233 footbridge, Morland 
NY59962247 Force Bridge, Morland 
NY60022233 ford, Morland 
NY60552397 fungus, Crossrigg Hall 
NY59632390 Gatelands, Morland 
NY59842323 Glenton Vale, Morland 
NY61842111 Goose Holme, Morland 
NY60042233 Green, Morland 
NY59102246 Greengill Bank, Morland 
NY5922 Greengill Sike 
NY59542253 Greengill, Morland 
NY60612311 Hag Wood, Morland 
NY59982247 Hall Farm, Morland L
NY59892245 Hazeldene, Morland L
NY58682323 Hesley, Great Strickland 
NY60892136 High Field, Morland 
NY60632288 High Wood, Morland 
NY60512237 Highgate, Morland 
NY59782242 Hill Top, Morland 
NY59882266 Hole House, Morland gone?
NY60982279 Howe Gill, Morland 
NY58752025 Howgill Well, Morland 
NY60402147 Ivy Cottage, Morland 
NY61062102 Johnstone's Hill, Morland 
NY614219 Kemplee, Morland 
NY59962238 King's Arms, Morland 
NY59742404 Leith Bank, Morland 
NY60292174 limekiln, Morland 
NY59922268 Little Appleby, Morland 
NY59742278 Low Hall, Morland gone?
NY58752357 Low Moor, Morland 
NY61232318 Lyvennet Bridge, Morland 
NY598225 Morland 
NY59732217 Morland Area CofE Primary School, Morland 
NY6022 Morland Beck 
NY59832387 Morland Field, Morland 
NY606228 Morland Hall, Morland 
NY59872250 Morland House, Morland L
NY59722288 Morland Mill, Morland gone?
NY61052110 Morland Moor, Morland 
NY59752225 Morland Village Hall, Morland 
NY59802234 Morland: High Street 
NY60092237 Morland: Lower Gate 
NY60132209 Morland: Tree Surgeon 
NY596227 Pageant Stone, Morland 
NY59712278 Powdonnet Well, Morland 
NY59912257 Scholar Well, Morland 
NY59932248 school, Morland 
NY59722209 school, Morland (2) 
NY61732142 stepping stones, Morland 
NY60052232 Steps Ends, Morland 
NY61582080 Swairgill House, Morland 
NY60172204 Town Head Bridge, Morland 
NY60132209 Town Head Farm, Morland 
NY60152205 Town Head, Morland 
NY60922344 Town Wood, Morland 
NY5823 Trough Gill 
NY61092309 Walk Mill, Morland 
NY60022235 weir, Morland 
NY59902244 Wingrove Cottage, Morland L
NY60332392 Winter House, Morland L
NY61082282 Woodhead, Morland 
NY59812255 St Lawrence, Morland L
NY6121 Lyvennet, River 
NY60082223 meeting house, Morland 
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