As it malign'd the Rule which mighty Neptune bare,
Whose Fells to that grim god, most sterne and
dreadfull are,
With Hills whose hanging browes, with Rockes about are
Whose weighty feet stand fixt in that black beachy
Whereas those scattered trees, which naturally partake,
The fatnesse of the soyle (in many a slimy Lake,
Their roots so deeply sok'd) send from their stocky
A soft and sappy Gum, from which those Tree-geese
Call'd Barnacles by us, which like a Jelly first
To the beholder seeme, then by the fluxture nurst,
Still great and greater thrive, untill you well may see
Them turn'd to perfect Fowles, when dropping from the
Into the Meery Pond, which under them doth lye,
Waxe ripe, and taking wing, away in flocks doe flye;
Which well our Ancients did among our Wonders place:
Besides by her strong Scite, she doth receave this grace,
Before her neighbouring Tracts, (which Fournesse well
may vaunt)
That when the Saxons here their forces first did
And from the Inner-land the ancient Britains
To their distrest estate it no lesse succour gave,
Then the trans-Severn'd Hills, which their old stocke yet
Which now we call the Welsh, or the Cornubian
What Countrey lets ye see those soyles within her Seat,
But shee in little hath, what it can shew in great.
As first without her selfe at Sea to make her strong,
(Yet how soe'r expos'd, doth still to her belong)
And fence her furthest poynt, from that rough
Neptunes rage,
The Isle of Walney lyes, whose longitude doth
His fury when his waves, on Furnesse seeme to
Whose crooked back is arm'd with many a rugged [star]
Against his boystrous shocks, which this defensive Isle
Of Walney still assayle, that shee doth scorne the
Which to assist her hath the Pyle of Fouldra set,
And Fulney at her backe, a pretty Insuley,
Which all their forces bend, their Furnesse safe to
But to his inner earth, divert we from the deepe,
Where those two mightie Meres, out-stretcht in length do
The lesser Thurstan nam'd, the famouser
So bounded with her Rocks, as Nature would descry,
By her how those great Seas Mediterranean lye.
To Sea-ward then she hath her sundry Sands agen,
As that of Dudden first, then Levin, lastly
Of three bright Naiades nam'd, as Dudden on
the West,
That Cumberland cuts off from this Shire, doth
Those Sands with her proud Style, when Levin from the
Besides her naturall source, with the abundance swells,