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Great Strickland parish
Great Strickland
county:-   Cumbria
old county:-   Westmorland
locality type:-   parish
1Km square:-   NY5623
10Km square:-   NY52
references:-   OS 1974 Admin Areas

evidence:-   hearth tax returns:- Hearth Tax 1675
placename:-  Great Strickland
source data:-   Records, hearth tax survey returns, Westmorland, 1674/75.
"Great Strickland"

evidence:-   hearth tax returns:- Hearth Tax 1670
placename:-  Greatt Strickland
source data:-   Records, hearth tax returns, exchequer duplicates, Westmorland, 1670.
"Greatt Strickland"

evidence:-   census:- Census 1971
Population: 170 (1971)

place:-   Great Strickland Constablewick

NY55602321 Airygill Lane, Great Strickland 
NY55802288 Barncroft, Great Strickland 
NY55252400 Blind Tom's Dub, Great Strickland 
NY55252376 Bowberthill Quarry, Great Strickland 
NY56692285 Bracken Hill, Great Strickland 
NY56842282 Brackenber Quarry, Great Strickland 
NY57182300 Bradley Wood, Great Strickland 
NY57352315 Bradley, Great Strickland L
NY55462466 Burnbank Dubs, Lowther 
NY55632292 chapel, Great Strickland 
NY55632275 Corner Cottage, Great Strickland L
NY57962252 Dallan Bank Wood, Great Strickland 
NY57222225 Dallan Bank, Great Strickland 
NY55622279 Dame School Cottage, Great Strickland 
NY57072293 depth gauge, Great Strickland 
NY55632280 drain, Great Strickland 
NY56092300 Dulbert Wells, Great Strickland 
NY55642276 Fern Cottage, Great Strickland L
NY56862199 Field Head, Great Strickland 
NY57982268 finerpost, Great Strickland 
NY56472233 Flatt, Great Strickland gone?
NY55762285 Great Strickland 
NY57582302 Great Strickland Moor, Great Strickland 
NY558229 Greencroft House, Great Strickland 
NY58682323 Hesley, Great Strickland 
NY55802290 Holly House, Great Strickland L
NY5322 Holme House, Great Strickland once?
NY56412244 In Moor, Great Strickland 
NY56572287 Inmoor Cottage, Great Strickland 
NY56552250 Inmoor Road, Great Strickland 
NY56082301 Ivy House, Great Strickland L
NY56922343 Lancaster Bank Wood, Great Strickland 
NY5523 Leith, River 
NY55072397 limekiln, Waterfalls Bridge Quarry L
NY55602226 Linelands Quarry, Great Strickland 
NY56242302 Low Well, Great Strickland 
NY55982243 Maudy Lane, Great Strickland 
NY58332231 Mealy Syke, Great Strickland L
NY55582498 Melkinthorpe Hall, Melkinthorpe gone
NY55982427 Melkinthorpe Wood, Great Strickland 
NY55882291 Midtown Cottage, Great Strickland L
NY55932292 Midtown Farm, Great Strickland L
NY56612265 Moorside, Great Strickland 
NY56092297 New Inn, Great Strickland 
NY55952297 Old Midtown Farm, Great Strickland L
NY55622287 Old School, Great Strickland 
NY55172386 Oldscar Wood, Great Strickland 
NY55432395 Otter Stones, Great Strickland 
NY561230 pinfold, Great Strickland perhaps
NY55592249 Priestclose Lane, Great Strickland 
NY5625 Sandwath Sike (2) 
NY55622281 School House, Great Strickland 
NY55622276 seat, Great Strickland 
NY57112205 Skeels, Great Strickland 
NY56572231 Slang Gate, Great Strickland gone
NY55582351 Spooner Wood, Great Strickland 
NY56202299 St Barnabas, Great Strickland L
NY579232 Stanley Bank Plantation, Great Strickland 
NY58122329 Stanley Bank, Great Strickland 
NY57592359 Street House, Great Strickland 
NY57802308 Street, Great Strickland 
NY55732281 Strickland Arms, Great Strickland 
NY5523 Strickland Hall, Great Strickland 
NY55152247 Strickland Mill, Great Strickland 
NY55962292 Sunnyside, Great Strickland L
NY581220 Syke House, Great Strickland 
NY55692281 Taylor's Farm, Great Strickland L
NY56322310 Town End, Great Strickland 
NY55622276 Town Head Farm, Great Strickland L
NY55602280 village hall, Great Strickland 
NY55082401 Waterfalls Bridge, Lowther 
NY600222 well, Great Strickland 
NY56692479 Wood House, Great Strickland L
NY5624 Woodhouse Gill 
NY57042386 Woodside, Great Strickland L out of sight
NY55652277 fingerpost, Great Strickland 
NY55682278 meeting house, Great Strickland 
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