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Sockbridge and Tirril parish
Sockbridge and Tirril
county:-   Cumbria
old county:-   Westmorland
locality type:-   parish
1Km square:-   NY5026
10Km square:-   NY42
10Km square:-   NY52
references:-   OS 1974 Admin Areas

evidence:-   census:- Census 1971
Population: 274 (1971)

place:-   Sockbridge and Tirril, Low Winder Constablewick (except Low Winder)

NY49932703 Barn End, Sockbridge 
NY50282664 barn, Tirril L
NY50392665 barn, Tirril (2) 
NY50392665 barn, Tirril (3) 
NY50282681 Big Jim's memorial, Sockbridge 
NY49712584 boundary stone, Barton/Sockbridge etc L
NY49862646 Broad Ing, Sockbridge and Tirril 
NY49612517 Celleron, Barton 
NY50422660 College, Tirril 
NY50002697 Cottage, Sockbridge 
NY50362667 cross, Tirril L
NY50342689 Crowgarth Wood, Sockbridge 
NY50362668 Green, Tirril L
NY49942653 Greenkiln, Sockbridge and Tirril 
NY50402663 Grove Farm, Tirril L
NY50212692 Hall Croft, Sockbridge L
NY51162550 Highfield, Sockbridge and Tirril 
NY49972704 house, Sockbridge 
NY50052686 house, Sockbridge (2) L
NY50392666 Lime Grove, Tirril L
NY49762639 Margate Cross, Sockbridge and Tirril 
NY50052688 Mayfield, Sockbridge L
NY50422676 Old Chapel House, Tirril 
NY50372670 Old Post Office, Tirril L
NY50132680 pinfold, Sockbridge suggested
NY50282667 Queens Head, Tirril L
NY50372664 Reading Rooom, Tirril 
NY51042745 school, Yanwath etc 
NY50072687 Sockbridge 
NY50362703 Sockbridge Hall, Sockbridge L
NY49682774 Sockbridge Mill, Sockbridge and Tirril 
NY49682513 South Celleron Farm, Celleron L
NY50732707 Spring Cottage, Sockbridge and Tirril 
NY50012686 Stone House Barn, Sockbridge L
NY50002686 Stonehouse, Sockbridge L
NY49812671 Thorpe Farm, Sockbridge and Tirril 
NY49852665 Thorpe, Sockbridge and Tirril 
NY50342668 Tirril 
NY50432658 Tirril Hall, Tirril L
NY50442654 Tirril House, Tirril 
NY50512683 Tirril Lodge, Sockbridge and Tirril 
NY50302665 Willow Cottage, Tirril L
NY50002692 Wordsworth Cottage, Sockbridge 
NY50002688 Wordsworth House, Sockbridge L
NY50292669 Yew Tree House, Tirril L
NY4624 Eamont, River 
NY50112666 Old Church House, Tirril L
NY50332665 Greystones, Tirril L
NY50042751 Iron Bridge, Sockbridge and Tirril 
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