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Papcastle parish
county:-   Cumbria
old county:-   Cumberland
locality type:-   parish
1Km square:-   NY1032
10Km square:-   NY03
10Km square:-   NY13
references:-   OS 1974 Admin Areas

evidence:-   census:- Census 1971
Population: 449 (1971)

NY10913134 Beech House, Papcastle L
NY11233176 Belle Vue inn, Papcastle 
NY11163170 Belle Vue, Papcastle 
NY11913315 Bonnyhill, Bridekirk 
NY1133 Brides Beck 
NY0931 Broughton Beck 
NY11063124 Burroughs, Papcastle 
NY10793147 Camp Farm House, Papcastle L
NY10853147 Camp Farm, Papcastle 
NY10813139 Croft House, Papcastle L
 Derwent branch railway 
NY11143129 Derwent Lodge, Papcastle 
NY10383287 Dovenby Craggs, Papcastle L
NY11023131 Elm Cottage, Papcastle 
NY11473142 Goat Brow, Cockermouth 
NY10923126 Greenbank, Papcastle 
NY10873128 Grove Cottage, Papcastle L
NY11153180 Hill Crest, Papcastle 
NY1031 hospital, Papcastle 
NY11003131 hydrant plate, Papcastle 
NY10803279 Kelly Well, Papcastle 
NY11003140 Lindenside Cottage, Papcastle L
NY10993139 Lindenside East, Papcastle 
NY10853129 Lynwood House, Papcastle L
NY10883134 Manor House, Papcastle L
NY10433289 milestone, Papcastle L
NY10923130 Mission Room, Papcastle 
NY11113147 Mount, Papcastle 
NY10903129 Orchard Cottage, Papcastle L
NY109314 Pap Castle, Papcastle gone
NY10933135 Papcastle 
NY10213115 Papcastle Bridge, Papcastle 
NY10823137 Papcastle House, Papcastle L
NY10783286 Papcastle Moor, Papcastle 
NY09103154 Papcastle Station, Papcastle 
NY10903136 Papcastle Village Hall, Papcastle 
NY09443248 Priests Bridge, Papcastle 
NY10953145 roman fort, Papcastle 
NY11153126 Roman Well, Papcastle 
NY11033142 Rose Hill, Papcastle L
NY11023150 Rose Terrace, Papcastle 
NY11013142 Rosebank, Papcastle L
NY09303250 Station House, Papcastle 
NY09903113 Stoddart Hole, Papcastle 
NY11443141 Tommy Gill 
NY10953139 waterworks sign, Papcastle 
NY10803143 West Worth, Papcastle L out of sight
NY10873125 Grove, Papcastle L
NY10883123 Grove Barn, Papcastle 
NY10453300 bridge, Papcastle 
NY09053152 Broughton Beck Bridge, Papcastle 
NY11083156 pinfold, Papcastle gone
NY10773136 barn, Papcastle 
NY10863131 barn, Papcastle (2) 
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