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two Towns, viz. the Upper alias Church Brough, where the Church stands, with a Castle and a small Fort called Caesar's Tower, the former of which being demolished, was rebuilt not very many Years ago by a Countess of Pembroke. Near the Bridge a Spaw-well was lately discovered. The other Part is called Lower Brough from its Situation, and Market Brough from its Market, which is pretty considerable, and is kept on Thursday.
Milthorp, at the Mouth of the Can, is the only Sea-Port Town in the County, Commodities being brought hither in small Vessels from Grange in Lancashire.
Shap, once called Chepe and Hepe, is a Market-Town five Miles from the Road that leads from Penrith to Brough, and belongs to the Family of Wharton. It has a Moot-house, the upper Part of which is a Room for the publick Business.
The ancient Places of most Note in this County are,
Amboglana, which if we regard the Analogy of Names, can be placed no where more conveniently than at Ambleside upon Winander Mere, and the rather, because it shews the Ruins of an old City, and other Marks of Aniquity, and several Medals of Gold. Silver, and Copper, have been found here, some of which were in that Collection which Mr. Brathwate of Ambleside gave in 1674 to the University Library at Oxford.
Verterae must be Brough under Stanemore for several Reasons, viz. the Name which imports Antiquity, its Situation upon a Roman Highway, and the exact Agreement of the Distances from Levatrae and Brovonacum.
Gallatum is supposed to be Whelp Castle, near Kirkby Thore, where are the Ruins of an old Town, and very considerable Remains of Antiquity.
Setantiorum Lacus is supposed to be Winander Mere.
  Maiden Way
At Kirkby-Thore begins the old Causey called the Maiden Way, which runs twenty Miles from hence to Caer Vorran near the Picts Wall.
  Arthur's Round Table

That which the Country People call King Arthur's Round Table is a little to the South of the Conflux of the Lowther and Eimot. There's a Trench on the Inside of it, by which some think it was a Place for Justs and Tournaments; but others that it was only a Cockpit, or a Ring to wrestle in. Near it is a kind of Fortifica-
gazetteer links
button -- "Ambleside" -- Ambleside
button -- "King Arthur's Round Table" -- Arthur's Round Table
button -- Brough Castle
button -- "Brough under Stanemore" -- Brough
button -- "Upper Brough" -- Church Brough
button -- "Whelp Castle" -- Kirkby Thore
button -- "Maiden Way" -- Maiden Way
button -- "Mayburgh" -- Mayburgh
button -- "Milthorp" -- Milnthorpe
button -- "Caer Vorran" -- Camboglanna
button -- "Caesar's Tower" -- Verteris
button -- "Shap" -- Shap
button -- "Upper Brough" -- (spa, Church Brough)
button -- "Winander Mere" -- Windermere
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