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page 166:-
Derwent, River
Roman altar
That looke farre off like clouds, shap't with embattelled
Doe Italy, and France, these Mountaines here
of ours,
Much envy my estate, and somewhat higher be,
By lifting up their heads, to stare and gaze at me.
Cleere Darwent dancing on, I looke at from above,
As some enamoured Youth, being deeply struck in love,
His Mistris doth behold, and every beautie notes;
Who as shee to her fall, through Fells and Vallies
Oft lifts her limber selfe above her Banks to view,
How my brave by clift top, doth still her Course pursue.
O all ye Topick Gods, that doe inhabit here,
To whom the Romans did, those ancient Altars
Oft found upon those Hills, now sunke into the Soyles,
Which they for Trophies left of their victorious spoyles,
Ye Genii of these Floods, these Mountaines, and these
That with poore Shepheards Pipes, & harmlesse Heardsmans
Have often pleased been, still guard me day and night,
And hold me Skidow still, the place of your
Eden, River
Westward Forest
Inglewood Forest
This Speech by Skidow spoke, the Muse makes forth
Tow'rds where the in-borne Floods, cleere Eden
To Cumberland com'n in, from the Westmerian
Whereas the readyest way to Carlill, as shee
Shee with two Wood-Nymphs meets, the first is great and
And Westward Forrest hight, the other but a
Compared with her Phere, and Inglewood is cald,
Both in their pleasant Scites, most happily instald.
Westward Forest
Inglewood Forest
Ellen, River
Wampool, River
What Sylvan is there seene, and be she nere so coy,
Whose pleasures to the full, these Nymphs doe not enjoy,
And like Dianas selfe, so truly living chaste
For seldome any Tract, doth crosse their waylesse waste,
With many a lustie leape, the shagged Satyrs show,
Them pastime every day, both from the Meres below,
And Hils on every side, that neatly hemme them in,
The blushing morne to breake, but hardly doth begin,
But that the ramping Goats, swift Deere, and harmlesse
Which there their owners know, but no man hath to keepe,
The Dales doe over-spread, by them like Motley made,
But Westward of the two, by her more widened
Of more abundance boasts, as of those mighty Mynes,
Which in her Verge she hath: but that whereby she shines,
Is her two daintie Floods, which from two Hils doe flow,
Which in her selfe she hath, whose Banks doe bound her so
Upon the North and South, as that she seemes to be
Much pleased with their course, and takes delight to see
How Elne upon the South, in sallying to the Sea
Confines her: on the North how Wampull on her way,
gazetteer links
-- "Darwent" -- Derwent, River
-- "Eden" -- Eden, River
-- "Elne" -- Ellen, River
-- "Iinglewood Forrest" -- Inglewood Forest
-- Roughtongill Mines
-- "Skiddo" -- Skiddaw
-- "Wampull" -- Wampool, River
-- "Westward Forrest" -- Westward Forest (?)
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