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Aira Force, Matterdale | ||||||||||||||
Aira Force | ||||||||||||||
site name:- | Aira Beck | |||||||||||||
locality:- | Gowbarrow Park | |||||||||||||
locality:- | Aira | |||||||||||||
civil parish:- | Matterdale (formerly Cumberland) | |||||||||||||
county:- | Cumbria | |||||||||||||
locality type:- | waterfall | |||||||||||||
coordinates:- | NY39952048 | |||||||||||||
1Km square:- | NY3920 | |||||||||||||
10Km square:- | NY32 | |||||||||||||
![]() BUC98.jpg (taken 28.2.2011) ![]() BUC97.jpg (taken 28.2.2011) |
evidence:- | old map:- OS County Series (Cmd 65 12) placename:- Airy Force |
source data:- | Maps, County Series maps of Great Britain, scales 6 and 25
inches to 1 mile, published by the Ordnance Survey, Southampton,
Hampshire, from about 1863 to 1948. |
evidence:- | old map:- Crosthwaite 1783-94 (Ull) placename:- Ara Force placename:- Ara Cataract |
source data:- | Map, uncoloured engraving, Accurate Map of the Beautiful Lake of
Ullswater, scale about 3 inches to 1 mile, by Peter Crosthwaite,
Keswick, Cumberland, 1783, version published 1800.![]() CT5NY32V.jpg "Ara Force or Cataract / 80 Feet Fall." item:- Armitt Library : 1959.191.7 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | old text:- Clarke 1787 placename:- Airey Force |
source data:- | Guide book, A Survey of the Lakes of Cumberland, Westmorland,
and Lancashire, written and published by James Clarke, Penrith,
Cumberland, and in London etc, 1787; published 1787-93.![]() Page 27:- "..." "From Lyulph's Tower ... at the distance of about 400 yards is a truly astonishing Cataract, called Airey Force: Here a considerable stream of water falls near 40 yards perpendicular, with a most tremendous noise, over a rough" ![]() Page 28:- "craggy rock; and by the violence of its fall raises a vapour or mist that reflects the suns rays into the most vivid prismatic colours." "A road from Lyulph's Tower conducts us over a little bridge, then passing through a gate, a little foot-path branches off to the right, and leads to the Cascade." "In order to view it to advantage, the traveller should descend pretty low into the dark vale through which the water flows; but as this requires both courage and agility, many decline the attempt: the oblique rays of an evening sun, and the swelling of the waters by rain, likewise contribute not a little to the terrible beauties of this place. If, however, the spectator can summon up resolution to descend, he will see such a scene as will amply repay the terrors of the attempt. A clear pellucid stream is seen to issue from the mouth of a seeming cave, (for the rock is worn down by the long-continued violence of the waters, and shrubs and plants form a gloomy arcade over the channel,) the torrent then leaves the rock, and falls near 20 yards, forming an arch of liquid chrystal: it then seems to return to the rock, when it is dashed into foam and vapour, with prodigious noise. In this state it flows about twelve yards, when it again collects and plunges precipitately into a dismal abyss, (impervious to the eye,) where it is heard roaring and howling for a passage. In this darksome cavern it runs some small distance, when it again peeps out, and then quietly proceeds in an obscure channel to the Lake. The bason into which this cataract pours itself is very deep, and seems to have been worn by the continual force of the water exerted during so many ages." |
evidence:- | old map:- Otley 1818 |
source data:- | Map, uncoloured engraving, The District of the Lakes,
Cumberland, Westmorland, and Lancashire, scale about 4 miles to
1 inch, by Jonathan Otley, 1818, engraved by J and G Menzies,
Edinburgh, Scotland, published by Jonathan Otley, Keswick,
Cumberland, et al, 1833.![]() OT02NY32.jpg Marked by three chevrons across the stream. item:- JandMN : 48.1 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | descriptive text:- Otley 1823 (5th edn 1834) placename:- Airey Force item:- rainbow |
source data:- | Guide book, A Concise Description of the English Lakes, the
mountains in their vicinity, and the roads by which they may be
visited, with remarks on the mineralogy and geology of the
district, by Jonathan Otley, published by the author, Keswick,
Cumberland now Cumbria, by J Richardson, London, and by Arthur
Foster, Kirkby Lonsdale, Cumbria, 1823; published 1823-49,
latterly as the Descriptive Guide to the English Lakes.![]() Page 9:- "... Airey Force may be seen by application to the keeper who resides here [at Lyulph's Tower]. ..." ![]() Page 43:- "AIREY FORCE, on Ullswater, is concealed by ancient trees, in a deep glen in Gowbarrow Park. The water, compressed between two cheeks of rock, rushes forth with great violence: and dashing from" ![]() Page 44:- "rock to rock, forms a spray, which, with the sun in a favourable direction, exhibits all the colours of the rainbow." |
evidence:- | descriptive text:- Ford 1839 (3rd edn 1843) placename:- Airey Force item:- height, Aira Force |
source data:- | Guide book, A Description of Scenery in the Lake District, by
Rev William Ford, published by Charles Thurnam, Carlisle, by W
Edwards, 12 Ave Maria Lane, Charles Tilt, Fleet Street, William
Smith, 113 Fleet Street, London, by Currie and Bowman,
Newcastle, by Bancks and Co, Manchester, by Oliver and Boyd,
Edinburgh, and by Sinclair, Dumfries, 1839.![]() Page 146:- "..." "The explorer of nature's hidden charms must here leave the road, and follow up the gill above named, till he arrives at Airey Force, where the stream falls eighty feet between two rugged cheeks of rock," "' ____ Sending From hollow clefts up to the clearer air A cloud of mist, that, smitten by the sun, Varies its rainbow hues.'" "A wooden bridge crosses the top of the fall. After it has rested for a moment in the basin that receives it, making a bend, it rushes down a lower" ![]() Page 147:- "steep, at the foot of which another romantic bridge is thrown over the agitated waters. Altogether the scene is incomparably grand. ... at Dockwray, through which hamlet, after springing out of Dowthwaite Head, runs the stream that, in its progress through Gowbarrow Park, forms the noble fall of Airey Force. ..." ![]() Page 179:- "WATERFALLS."
evidence:- | old map:- Garnett 1850s-60s H placename:- Airey Force |
source data:- | Map of the English Lakes, in Cumberland, Westmorland and
Lancashire, scale about 3.5 miles to 1 inch, published by John
Garnett, Windermere, Westmorland, 1850s-60s.![]() GAR2NY32.jpg "Airey Force" two lines across a stream, waterfall item:- JandMN : 82.1 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | old print, old text:- Martineau 1855 placename:- Ara Force |
source data:- | Frontispiece to A Complete Guide to the English Lakes, by Harriet Martineau.![]() ![]() MNU101.jpg Print, engraving, Ara Force, drawn by L Aspland, engraved by W Banks, Edinburgh, published by John Garnett, Windermere, Westmorland, and by Whittaker and Co, London, 1855. "L Aspland Delt. / W Banks Sc Edinr. / ARA FORCE." item:- Armitt Library : A1159.1 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | old text:- Martineau 1855 placename:- Ara Force |
source data:- | Guide book, A Complete Guide to the English Lakes, by Harriet
Martineau, published by John Garnett, Windermere, Westmorland,
and by Whittaker and Co, London, 1855; published 1855-76.![]() Page 38:- "... strangers who come to find out Ara Force by following the sound of the fall. Our tourist must take a guide to this waterfall from the tower." "He will be led over the open grass to the ravine, and then along its wooded sides on a pathway above the brawling stream, till he comes to a bridge, which will bring him in full view of the fall. As he sits in the cool damp nook at the bottom of the chasm, where the" ![]() Page 39:- "echo of dashing and gurgling water never dies, and the ferns, long grasses and ash sprays wave and quiver everlastingly in the pulsing air; and as, looking up, he sees the slender line of bridge spanning the upper fall, he ought to know of the mournful legend which belongs to this place, and which Wordsworth has preserved:- In the olden times, a knight who loved a lady, and courted her in her father's tower here, at Greystoke, went forth to win glory. He won great glory: and at first his lady rejoiced fully in it: but he was so long in returning, and she heard so much of his deeds in behalf of distressed ladies, that doubts at length stole upon her heart as to whether he still loved her. These doubts disturbed her mind in sleep: and she began to walk in her dreams, directing her steps towards the waterfall where she and her lover used to meet. Under a holly tree beside the fall they had plighted their vows, and this was the limit of her dreaming walks. The knight at length returned to claim her. Arriving in the night, he went to the ravine to rest under the holly until the morning should permit him to knock at the gate of the tower: but he saw a gliding white figure among the trees: and this figure reached the holly before him, and plucked twigs from the tree, and threw them into the stream. Was it the ghost of his lady love? or was it herself? She stood in a dangerous place: he put out his hand to uphold her: the touch awakened her. In her terror and confusion she fell from his grasp into the torrent, and was carried down the ravine. He followed and rescued her; but she died upon the bank; not, however, without having fully" ![]() Page 40:- "understood that her lover was true, and had come to claim her. The knight devoted the rest of his days to mourn her: he built himself a cell upon the spot, and became a hermit for her sake." "The visitor should ascend the steps and pathway from the bottom of the fall, and stand on the bridge that spans the leap. It is a grand thing to look down." |
evidence:- | old text:- Martineau 1855 placename:- Ara Force |
source data:- | Guide book, A Complete Guide to the English Lakes, by Harriet
Martineau, published by John Garnett, Windermere, Westmorland,
and by Whittaker and Co, London, 1855; published 1855-76.![]() Page 180:- "WATERFALLS." "No. : Names and Situations of Falls. : Counties : Feet in Height." "8 : Ara Force, West Side of Ullswater : Cumberland : 80" |
evidence:- | old photograph:- Bell 1880s-1940s |
source data:- | Photograph, black and white, Aira Force, Matterdale, Cumberland, by Herbert Bell,
photographer, Ambleside, Westmorland, 1890s.![]() HB0763.jpg internegative at lower left:- "H. Bell" stamped at reverse:- "HERBERT BELL / Photographer / AMBLESIDE" item:- Armitt Library : ALPS426 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | old print:- Bemrose 1881 placename:- Airey Force |
source data:- | Print, uncoloured, Airey Force, Matterdale, Cumberland, published by Bemrose and Sons,
23 Old Bailey, London and Derby, by A B Moss, Carlisle, Cumberland, and by T Wilson,
Kendal, Westmorland, about 1881.![]() BEM125.jpg On p.85 of a Handy Guide to the English Lakes and Shap Spa. printed at bottom:- "AIREY FORCE." item:- JandMN : 455.27 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | old postcard:- placename:- Aira Force |
source data:- | Postcard, Lochinvar series, hand tinted photograph, Aira Force, Matterdale, Cumberland,
published by N and C, about 1907.![]() PH0085.jpg printed at bottom:- "Aira Force / N. &C. Series" printed at rev:- "LOCHINVAR / POST CARD / N. &C. / ..." postmark:- "[ ]/ 8PM / JY 15 / 07 / ..." item:- JandMN : 953 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | old postcard:- placename:- Aira Force |
source data:- | Postcard, back and white photograph, Aira Force, Matterdale, Cumberland, published
about 1961.![]() PH0099.jpg printed at bottom:- "Aira Force Nr Ullswater / 15832" postmark:- "PENRITH / 10-45AM / 6 SEP / 1961 / CUMBERLAND" item:- JandMN : 967 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | old print:- Goodwin 1887 (edn 1890) placename:- Aira Force |
source data:- | Print, etching? Aira Force, Matterdale, Cumberland, by Harry Goodwin, published by
Swan Sonnenschein and Co, Paternoster Square, London, 1890.![]() PR1599.jpg Tipped in opposite p.148 of Through the Wordsworth Country, by William Knight. printed at lower right:- "Aira Force" item:- JandMN : 382.29 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | old print:- Sylvan 1847 placename:- Airey Force |
source data:- | Print, engraving, Airey Force, Matterdale, Cumberland, drawn by GHM, engraved by Thomas
Gilks, published by John Johnstone, Paternoster Row, London, et al, 1847.![]() SYL163.jpg On p.235 of Sylvan's Pictorial Guide to the English Lakes. printed at bottom right, centre:- "DHM / [T GILKS Sc] / AIREY FORCE." item:- Armitt Library : A1201.63 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | old print:- Robertson 1911 placename:- Airey Force |
source data:- | Print, lithograph? Airey Force, Ullswater, from a watercolour by Arthur Tucker, published
by Chatto and Windus, London, 1911.![]() RSN144.jpg Tipped in opposite p.288 of Wordsworthshire by Eric Robertson. printed at bottom:- "AIREY FORCE, ULLSWATER" signed at painting lower left:- "Arthur Tucker" item:- JandMN : 197.48 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | old print:- Bogg 1898 placename:- Airey Force |
source data:- | Print, engraving, Airey Force, Matterdale, Cumberland, by Owen Bowen, published by
Edmund Bogg, 3 Woodhouse Lane, and James Miles, Guildford Street, Leeds, Yorkshire,
1898.![]() BGG143.jpg Included on p.143 of Lakeland and Ribblesdale, by Edmund Bogg. item:- JandMN : 231.43 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | old print:- Philip/Wilson 1890s |
source data:- | Print, engraving, Aira Force, published by George Philip and
Son, London, Philip, Son and Nephew, Liverpool, Lancashire, and
Titus Wilson, Kendal, Westmorland, about 1895.![]() PW1E34.jpg "AIRA FORCE." item:- JandMN : 58.35 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | old print:- placename:- Aira Force |
source data:- | Print, hand coloured engraving? Aira Force, Matterdale, Cumberland, late 19th century?![]() PR0507.jpg printed at bottom centre:- "AIRA FORCE" item:- Dove Cottage : 2008.107.456 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | old print:- placename:- Airey Force |
source data:- | Print, colour lithograph? Airey Force, Cumberland, probably published by John Walker
and Co, Farringdon Street, London, late 19th century.![]() PR0133.jpg item:- Dove Cottage : 2008.107.133 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | old print:- Garnett 1850s-60s F placename:- Ara Force |
source data:- | Print, uncoloured engraving, Ara Force, Cumberland, drawn by L Aspland, engraved by
William Banks, Edinburgh, published by John Garnett, Windermere, Westmorland, 1850s-60s?![]() GAR717.jpg Found with Views of the English Lakes. printed at bottom:- "L. Aspland Delt. / ARA FORCE. / W. Banks Sc. Edinr." item:- JandMN : 165.17 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | old print:- placename:- Airey Force |
source data:- | Print, uncoloured engraving, Airey Force, Matterdale, Cumberland, by ?B Foster, engraved
by E Evans, 1850s-60s?![]() PR0491.jpg printed at bottom left, right, centre:- "[B] Foster / E. EVANS SC. / AIREY FORCE" item:- Dove Cottage : 2008.107.440 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | old print:- Harwood 1842 placename:- Aray Force |
source data:- | Print, uncoloured engraving, Aray Force, Gowbarow Park, Cumberland, engraved and published
by John Harwood, 26 Fenchurch Street, London, 1849.![]() HRW207.jpg printed at bottom left, right, centre:- "London, J. Harwood, 26, Fenchurch Street. / No.772 July 18th. 1849. / Aray Force, Gowbarow Park. / NEAR ULLSWATER." item:- JandMN : 166.7 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | old print:- Rose 1832-35 (vol.1 no.38) placename:- Airey Force |
source data:- | Print, uncoloured engraving, Airey Force, Cumberland, drawn by Thomas Allom, engraved
by J C Bentley, published by Fisher, Son and Co, London, 1833.![]() PR0014.jpg vol.1 pl.38 in the set of prints, Westmorland, Cumberland, Durham and Northumberland Illustrated. printed at bottom left, right, centre:- "T. Allom. / J. C. Bentley. / AIREY FORCE, CUMBERLAND. / FISHER, SON &CO. LONDON, 1833." item:- Dove Cottage : 2008.107.14 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | old print:- Britton and Brayley 1802 placename:- Ara Force |
source data:- | Print, hand coloured engraving, Ara Force, Matterdale, Cumberland, drawn by W M Craig,
engraved by J Bonnor, published by Vernor and Hood, Poultry, London, 1805.![]() PR0138.jpg Included in the Beauties of England and Wales, by John Britton and Edward W Brayley. printed at bottom left, right, centre:- "Engraved by J. Bonnor from a Drawing by W. M. Craig. / for the Beauties of England & Wales. / ARA FORCE, / in Gowbarrow Park, Westmoreland, the Seat of his Grace / The Duke of Norfolk. / London. Publish'd by Vernor &Hood. Poultry, July 1st. 1805." item:- Dove Cottage : 2008.107.138 Image © see bottom of page |
![]() BLK73.jpg (taken 5.12.2005) ![]() BUD22.jpg The bridge at the top. (taken 28.2.2011) ![]() BUD23.jpg Plaque on the bridge:- "THIS BRIDGE WAS BUILT BY FRIENDS / IN MEMORY OF / STEPHEN EDWARD SPRING RICE C.B. / 1856-1902. / HE WOULD HAVE LIKED HIS BROTHER GERALD WHO 14 YEARS AFTER HIM / ALSO GAVE HIS LIFE FOR HIS COUNTRY TO BE COMMEMORATED ON THIS SPOT." (taken 28.2.2011) ![]() BUD21.jpg Looking down. (taken 28.2.2011) |
story:- |
Emma, betrothed to Sir Eglamore, walked in her sleep. One night Sir Eglamore found
her by the force, touched her, she slipped and fell to her death. The heartbroken
knight built a cell by the fall and lived there for many years after. |
William Wordsworth is said to have written about this in The Somnambulist:- |
"... The soft touch snapped the thread Of slumber - shrieking back she fell, And the Stream whirled here down the dell Along its foaming bed ..." |
William Wordsworth's own comments in 1833, when the poem was written, are:- |
"While we were making an excursion together in this part of the Lake District, we heard
that Mr. Glover, the artist, while lodging at Lyulph's Tower, had been disturbed by
a loud shriek, and upon rising he had learnt that it had come from a young woman in
the house who was in the habit of walking in her sleep. In that state she had gone
downstairs, and while attempting to open the outer door, either from some difficulty
or the effect of the cold stone upon her feet had uttered the cry that alarmed him.
It seemed to us all that this might serve as a hint for a poem, and the story here
told was constructed and soon after put into verse by me as it now stands." |
William Wordsworth wrote, here, Airey Force Valley:- |
"Not a breath of air ruffled the bosom of this leafy glen ..." |
story:- |
Thomas de Quincey related the story of Elizabeth Smith who got stuck on the rocks
here, unable to go up or down. Her sister appeared out of the mist and guided her
to safety - but her sister was at home, and hadn't left all day. |
hearsay:- |
The bridge at the top of the waterfall was built in memory of Stephen Edward Spring
Rice, and that the bottom a memorial to Sir Cecil Spring Rice.. |
person:- | : National Trust |