Lindal and Marton |
county:- |
Cumbria |
old county:- |
Lancashire |
locality type:- |
parish |
coordinates:- |
10Km square:- |
SD27 |
references:- |
OS 1974 Admin Areas
places:- |
SD2476 B30 Pit tramroads |
SD24507661 B30 Pit, Lindal and Marton |
SD27 Barrow to Lindal railway |
SD24227666 Belle Hill Cave, Lindal and Marton |
SD2475 brewery, Lindal in Furness |
SD25007590 Buccleuch Hall, Lindal in Furness L |
SD24997578 Church Farm, Lindal in Furness L |
SD25367634 Daylight Hole, Lindal and Marton |
SD24527696 Ding Dong, Lindal and Marton |
SD24517694 Double Chamber Pot, Lindal and Marton |
SD24057709 Gate Farm, Marton L |
SD24717638 Henning Valley Cave, Lindal and Marton |
SD24497630 Henning Wood Pot, Lindal and Marton |
SD24967599 High House Farm, Lindal in Furness L |
SD24997516 Lindal Cote Cottage, Lindal and Marton |
SD24757499 Lindal Cote Iron Mines, Lindal and Marton |
SD24987587 Lindal in Furness |
SD24997595 Lindal in Furness: Green, 7 and 8 L |
SD24987597 Lindal in Furness: Green, 9 to 12 L |
SD24947595 Lindal in Furness: Green, 24 to 28 L |
SD24947586 Lindal in Furness: Green, 30 to 34 L |
SD24927592 Lindal Moor Farm, Lindal in Furness L |
SD248767 Lindal Moor Iron Mines, Lindal and Marton |
SD24537665 Lindal Moor, Lindal and Marton |
SD25457579 Lindal Ore Goods, Lindal in Furness |
SD25067542 Lindal Station, Lindal in Furness |
SD24167485 Lindal Tunnel, Lindal and Marton |
SD25277566 Lindal West Signal Box, Lindal and Marton |
SD247749 Lindale Cote Iron Mines, Lindal and Marton |
SD24297532 Lindale Tithe Barn, Lindale in Furness |
SD25027585 Low Farm, Lindal in Furness L |
SD24037716 Marton Hall, Marton L |
SD24077709 Marton, Lindal and Marton |
SD24887587 milestone, Lindal and Marton not found |
SD24167707 Minstrel Hall, Marton |
SD24257704 New Inn, Marton |
SD24877583 Old Vicarage, Lindal in Furness |
SD24777666 Peephole Cave, Lindal and Marton |
SD24537628 Pickshaft Cave, Lindal and Marton |
SD2376 Poaka Beck |
SD23987755 Poaka Iron Works, Lindal and Marton |
SD24367615 Pylon Pot, Lindal and Marton |
SD24027476 railway bridge, Lindal and Marton |
SD25117548 railway bridge, Lindal in Furness |
SD25047568 Railway Inn, Lindal in Furness |
SD25317568 railway junction, Lindal and Marton |
SD24797513 railway sidings, Lindal and Marton |
SD25367635 Roof Pot, Lindal and Marton |
SD24937583 St Peter, Lindal in Furness L |
SD24117487 Tunnel Quarry, Lindal and Marton |
SD25017580 war memorial, Lindal in Furness |
SD24097707 war memorial, Marton |
SD24517609 Whitriggs Iron Mine, Whitriggs once |
SD23897617 Whitriggs, Lindal and Marton |
SD25407640 Wick's Pot, Lindal and Marton |
Furness Railway |