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Highbridge, Skelton
High Bridge
civil parish:-   Skelton (formerly Cumberland)
civil parish:-   Dalston (formerly Cumberland)
civil parish:-   Castle Sowerby (formerly Cumberland)
county:-   Cumbria
locality type:-   locality
locality type:-   buildings
coordinates:-   NY39504385 (etc) 
1Km square:-   NY3943
10Km square:-   NY34

evidence:-   old map:- OS County Series (Cmd 38 3) 
placename:-  Highbridge
source data:-   Maps, County Series maps of Great Britain, scales 6 and 25 inches to 1 mile, published by the Ordnance Survey, Southampton, Hampshire, from about 1863 to 1948.

NY39634405 barn, Highbridge (Dalston)
NY39414396 bridge, Highbridge House (Dalston)
NY39524405 drain, Highbridge (Dalston)
NY39474395 fingerpost, Highbridge (Dalston)
NY39464383 High Bridge (Dalston) L
NY39394395 Highbridge House (Dalston)
NY39774354 Robin House (Castle Sowerby)
NY39584402 Roehill (Skelton) L
NY39604361 Thistlewood House (Castle Sowerby) L
NY39654363 Thistlewood (Castle Sowerby) L
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