button to main menu   Jefferys 1770 NY52SE
Note: click on map edges for adjacent squares
Jefferys 1770
(5Km square roughly corresponding to Jefferys 1770 NY52SE, plus overlaps, North at the top; the original map is printed with North at the top)

item:-  National Library of Scotland : EME.s.47
image:-  © National Library of Scotland
gazetteer links

places may or may not be labelled on the map

button -- Bank -- "Bank"
button -- Carr Bank -- "NEWBY HIGH MOOR"
button -- Cliburn Hall (?) -- "Hall"
button -- Cliburn -- "CLIBURNE"
button -- Gatelands -- "Gate Lands"
button -- Great Strickland -- "Great Strickland"
button -- Greengill Bank -- "Greengill Bank"
button -- Leith, River
button -- Mealy Syke -- "Mealy"
button -- Moorriggs -- "Moorrigg"
button -- Morland Beck
button -- Morland -- "MORLAND"
button -- Newby Hall -- "Hall / Nevison Esqr."
button -- Newby -- "Newby"
button -- Morland and Cliburn road
button -- St Cuthbert's Church
button -- St Lawrence's Church
button -- St Mary's Church
button -- Strickland Mill
button -- Thorney Croft -- "Thorncroft"
button -- Thrimby -- "Thrimby"
button -- White Stone Cottage -- "White Stones"

civil parishes

The area roughly includes parts of parishes:-

    Great Strickland
    Little Strickland

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