button to main menu   Jefferys 1770 NY52NW
Note: click on map edges for adjacent squares
Jefferys 1770
(5Km square roughly corresponding to Jefferys 1770 NY52NW, plus overlaps, North at the top; the original map is printed with North at the top)

item:-  National Library of Scotland : EME.s.47
image:-  © National Library of Scotland
gazetteer links

places may or may not be labelled on the map

button -- Arthur's Round Table -- "King Arthurs Round Table"
button -- Bainbridge Gate -- "Bainbridge"
button -- Brackenber Hill -- "Brackenberg"
button -- Brougham Castle -- "Brougham Castle"
button -- Brougham Hall -- "Brougham Hall / Brougham Esq;"
button -- Carleton Hall -- "Carleton Hall / Wallace Esq;"
button -- Clifton Hall -- "Hall / Wybergh Esq;"
button -- Clifton Moor -- "CLIFTON MOOR"
button -- Clifton -- "CLIFTON"
button -- Countess Pillar -- "Ladys Pillar"
button -- Eamont Bridge -- "Eamont Bridge"
button -- Eamont Bridge -- "Eamont Bridge"
button -- Eamont, River -- "Emont River"
button -- Frenchfield -- "French Field"
button -- Greenkiln -- "Green Kiln"
button -- Lowclose -- "Low Close"
button -- Lowther, River -- "Lowther River"
button -- Mayburgh -- "Druids Temple"
button -- milestone, Brougham -- "19"
button -- milestone, Brougham -- "20"
button -- milestone, Clifton -- "23"
button -- milestone, Clifton -- "24"
button -- Penrith Castle
button -- Poak Mill -- "Pook Mill"
button -- Rectory Farm -- "Parsonage"
button -- Red Hills -- "Redhills"
button -- Appleby to Penrith
button -- Askham to Penrith
button -- Patterdale to Penrith -- "F. A. to P. 23'4"
button -- Penrith to Keswick -- "From Keswick"
button -- Shap to Penrith
button -- Brocavum -- "Brovoniacum"
button -- Sceugh -- "Skews"
button -- Skirsgill -- "Scousgill"
button -- Sockbridge Hall -- "Sockbridge Hall"
button -- Southwaitegreen Mill
button -- St Cuthbert's Church
button -- St Wilfred's Chapel -- "Ch."
button -- Tirril -- "Tirrel"
button -- Town End -- "Dykes"
button -- Varey Hill -- "Varey Hill"
button -- Whinnyrigg -- "Whinneyrigg"
button -- Yanwath Hall -- "Castle"
button -- Yanwath -- "Yanworth"

civil parishes

The area roughly includes parts of parishes:-

    Sockbridge and Tirril
    Yanwath and Eamont Bridge

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