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whole eastern shore is diversified with bays, the banks with
scattered trees, and a few inclosures, terminated by a hanging
wood. At the foot of the lake, a high-crowned hill pushes
forward, fringed with trees, and sweetly laid out with
inclosures; and above it, on a cultivated slope, is the chapel of
Lowes-water, surrounded with scattered farms. Behind all,
Low-fell raises its verdant front; a sweet contrast to his murky
neighbours, and a pleasing termination, either as seen from the
top of this rock, or from the bosom of the lake.
The chain of pyramidal mountains on each side of this narrow
vale, are extremely picturesque. They rise from distinct bases,
and swell into the most grotesque forms of serrated or broken
These lakes are of a much greater depth than Derwent-water, and
this may be the only reason why they have char, and some others
have not. The char, in the summer months, retire to the deeps,
probably to avoid the heat. The water here is clear, but not so
transparent as the lake of Derwent. The outlet is at the
north-east corner, by the river Cocker, over which is a handsome
stone bridge, of four arches. This lake is four miles in length,
and in some places almost half a mile over.