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[north-]west corner, the Derwent issues from the lake, and is
spanned by a handsome stone bridge of three arches. The whole
western boundary is the noble range of wooded hills called
Wythop-brows. On the eastern shore, the lake retires behind a
peninsula, that rushes far into the water, and on its extreme
point, a solitary oak, waving to every wind, is most picturesque.
This is Scareness. The coast upward, is a fine cultivated tract
to the skirts of Skiddaw. Far to the south, Wallow-crag, with all
the range of rock, and broken craggy mountains, in Borrowdale,
are seen in fine perspective; and on their outline, the spiral
point of Langdale-pike appears blue as glass. The deep green
woods of Foe-park, and the golden front of Swinside, form a
pleasing termination.
STATION II. Return to the road by Scareness, and descend from the
house to the oak tree on the extremity of the promontory. The
lake is here narrowest, but immediately spreading itself on both
hands, forms two semicircular bays. That on the right is a mile
across; the bay on the left is smaller; the shore on both sides
is finely variegated with low wood and scattered bushes, as is
more especially the peninsula itself. The upper bay is perfectly
circular, and finely wooded. In front Wythop-brows rise swift