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to form one of the lower beds of the division, and may be traced
each way to some distance. It is succeeded by the more compact
dark-coloured rock of Wallow Crag, in which quartz, calcareous
spar, chlorite, and epidote, are found in veins. Garnets are
found imbedded in some of the rocks on Castlerigg Fell and Great
Gable. An amygdaloid rock, containing nodules of calcareous spar,
and sometimes of agate, opal or calcedony, is met with in several
places; as near Honister Crag - between Bowder Stone and
Rosthwaite - on Castlerigg Fell near Keswick - and in Wolf Crag
on the road to Matterdale. A curious mixed rock of basaltic
appearance is found near Berrier; it skirts the north side of
Caldbeck Fells, forms the hill called Binsey, and may be seen on
the north side of the Derwent near to Cockermouth.
The fine pale-blue roofing slate occurs in beds: (called by the
workmen veins:) the most natural position of the lamina or
cleavage of the slate appears to be vertical: but it is to be
found in various degrees of inclination, both with respect to the
horizon, and the planes of stratification. The direction of the
slaty cleavage bears most commonly towards the north-east and
south-west; while the dip or inclination is more variable; the
former may be ascribed to some general operation of nature; the
latter being influenced by local circumstances - such as the
weight of a mountain pressing upon one side, while the other side
is wanting a support.