vol.1 p.184
rigourous to make any but a few comparative objections
In the first place, it's form, which in appearance is
circular, is less interesting, I think, than the winding
sweep of Windermere, and some other lakes; which losing
themselves in vast reaches, behind some cape or promontory,
add to their other beauties, the varieties of distance, and
perspective. Some people object to this, as touching rather
on the character of the river. But does that injure ir's
beauty? And yet I believe there are very few rivers, which
form such reaches, as the lake of Windermere.
To the formality of it's shores may be added the formality
of it's islands. They are round, regular, and similar spots,
as they appear from most points of view; formal in their
situation, as well as in their shape; and of little
advantage to the scene. The islands of Windermere are in
themselves better shaped; more varied; and uniting together,
add a beauty, and contrast to the whole.
But among the greatest objections to this lake is the
abrupt, and broken line in several of the mountains, which
compose it's screens, (especially on the western, and on
part of