button to main menu  Drayton 1622, page 164

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page 164:-
  Irt, River
  Bleng, River

Of which when they grow great, and to their fulnesse swell,
They cast, which those at hand there gathering, dearly sell.
This cleare pearle-paved Irt, Bleng to her harbor brings,
From Copland comming downe, a Forrest-Nymph, which sings
Her owne praise, and those Floods, their Fountains that derive
From her, which to extoll, the Forrest thus doth strive.

Yee Northerne [star] Dryades all adorn'd with Mountaines steepe,
Upon whose hoary heads cold Winter long doth keepe,
Where often rising Hils, deepe Dales, and many make,
Where many a pleasant Spring, and many a large-spread Lake,
Their cleere beginnings keepe, and doe their names bestow
Upon those humble Vales, through which they eas'ly flow;
Whereas the Mountaine Nymphs, and those that doe frequent
The Fountaines, Fields, and Groves, with wondrous meriment,
By Moone-shine many a night, doe give each other chase,
At Hood-winke, Barley-breake, at Tick, or Prison-base,
With tricks and antique toyes, tha one another mocke,
That skip from Crag to Crag, and leape from Rocke to Rocke,
Then Copland, of this Tract a corner, I would know,
What place can there be found in Britan, that doth show
A Surface more austere, more sterne from every way,
That who doth it behold, he cannot chuse but say,
Th'aspect of these grim Hills, these darke and mistie Dales,
From clouds scarce ever cleer'd, with the strongst Northern gales
Tell in their mighty Roots, some Minerall there doth lye,
The Islands generall want, whose plenty might supply.
Wherefore as some suppose of Copper Mynes in me,
I Copper-land was cald, but some will have to be
From the old Britans brought, for Cop they use to call
The tops of many Hils, which I am stor'd withall.
Then Eskdale mine Ally, and Niterdale so nam'd,
Of Floods from you that flow, as Borowdale most fam'd,
With Wasdale walled in, with Hils on every side,
Hows'ever ye extend within your wasts so wide,
For th' surface of a soyle, a Copland, Copland cry.
Till to your shouts the Hils with Ecchoes all reply.
  Dunmail Raise
  Wrynose Fell
  Dent Hill
  Ennerdale Water

Which Copland scarce had spoke, but quickly every hill,
Upon her Verge that stands, the neighbouring Vallies fill;
Helvillon from his height, it through the Mountaines threw,
From whom as soone againe, the sound Dunbalrase drew,
From whose stone-trophied head, it on to Wendrosse went,
Which tow'rds the Sea againe, resounded it to Dent,
That Brodwater therewith within her Banks astound,
In sayling to the Sea, told it to Egremound,
Whose Buildings, walks, and streets, with Ecchoes loud and long,
Did mightily commend old Copland for her Song.
[margin - star] Nymphes of the Forrest.
gazetteer links
button -- "Copland" -- Copeland Forest
button -- Dunmail Raise
button -- "Egremound" -- Egremont
button -- "Brodwater" -- Ennerdale Water
button -- "Helvillon" -- Helvellyn
button -- "Irt" -- Irt, River
button -- "Wasdale" -- Wasdale
button -- "Wendrosse" -- Wrynose Pass
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