To those old Britans once, who from the Saxons
For succour hither fled, as farre out of their way.
Amongst her mighty Wylds, and Mountains freed from feare,
And from the British race, residing long time
Which in their Genuine tongue, themselves did Kimbri
Of Kimbri-land, the name of Cumberland first
And in her praise bee't spoke, this soyle whose best is
That Fountaine bringeth forth, from which the Southern
(So nam'd for that of North, another hath that
This to the Easterne Sea, that makes forth many a mile,
Her first beginning takes, and Vent, and Alne
doth lend,
To wait upon her foorth; but further to transcend
To these great things of note, which many Countries call
Their wonders, there is not a Tract amongst them all,
Can shew the like to mine, at the lesse Salkeld,
To Edens Bank, the like is scarcely any where,
Stones seventie and seven stand, in manner of a Ring,
Each full ten foot in height, but yet the strangest
Their equall distance is, the circle that compose,
Within which other stones lye flat, which doe inclose
The bones of men long dead, (as there the people say;)
So neere to Loders Spring, from thence not farre
Be others nine foot high, a myle in length that runne,
The victories for which these Trophies were begun,
From darke oblivion thou, O Time, shouldst have
For mighty were their minds, them thus that first
And neere to this againe, there is a piece of ground,
A little rising Bank, which of the Table round,
Men in remembrance keepe, and Arthurs Table name.
But whilst these more and more, with glory her inflame,
Supposing of her selfe in these her wonders great,
All her attending Floods, faire Eden doe entreat,
To lead them downe to Sea, when Leven comes along,
And by her double Spring, being mightie them among,
There overtaketh Eske, from Scotland that doth
Faire Eden to behold, who meeting by and by,
Downe from these Westerne Sands into the Sea doe fall,
Where I this Canto end, as also therewithall
My England doe conclude, for which I undertooke,
This strange Herculean toyle, to this my thirtieth