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Page 50:-
"[sup]porters are, on the dexter side a lion, on the
sinister side an horse with an oaken bough in his mouth. The
crest is an horse passant, topaz, with an oak bough in his
mouth, ruby. The motto Sola virtus indicta: but the
Dukes formerly used Virtutis laus actio."
This illustrious family continued in the faith of the Roman
Church until the present Duke, (when Earl of Surry)
renounced it with all its errors: For this he was severely
censured by some violent partisans of those gentlemen, who
opposed his Lordship in the election at Carlisle: they went
so far as to say he did it merely for a seat in the British
Parliament. These injurious assertions his Lordship, in my
hearing, treated with a truly noble contempt and
indignation: indeed any person who has the smallest
knowledge of this Nobleman's character, will be astonished
to hear that any one could endeavour to defame him with so
idle and nonsensical an assertion; as if any man in his
senses could be persuaded that a seat in the House of
Commons was so high a dignity as the inheritance to which he
might he expect soon to succeed.
Greystoke Castle
Greystoke Castle is a large, old building, pleasantly enough
situated amidst elegant groves and plantations: It is only
two stories high, but the Duke is preparing to raise it a
third. The gardens are well disposed both for pleasure and
convenience; and behind the house is a park, containing
about a thousand head of deer.
The barony of Greystocke consists of several manors, the
tenants of which attend the Court-Baron, and view of
Frank-pledge every year, at Michaelmas and Easter: they pay
a twenty-penny fine upon the death of lad [lord] or tenant,
a thirty-penny fine upon an alienation, Herriot's mill-rent,
boon-mowing, &c. The length of the barony is about
twelve miles, and its breadth ten, beginning within a mile
of Penrith.
Petteril, head
We next arrive at Penruddock, a long, dirty, straggling
village, upon the edge of a common: their parish church is
at Greystock, but they have a small Presbyterian
meeting-house in the village.
On the right is the poor village of Motherby, which
consisteth of nine small tenements, worth about ten pounds
per annum each, and held under six lords. Between
Penruddock and this village is the head of the river
Petteral, on the banks of which, five miles below Penrith,
is the Ala Petriana of the Romans, by Nicholson
called Bremeternacum, by some called Old Penrith.
Stone Carr, Hutton
Roman antiquities
From this place, the remains of a Roman road may easily at
this day be traced to a fort upon this common, near the end
of Whitbarrow Fields. It is called by Horsley Redstone
Camp, and by Cambden Stone-Carron, which I think
is the original name; for the ground from the school-house
to this camp is called at this day Stone-Carr. I cannot,
however, find in the Notitia such a name as either, or any
certain or satisfactory account of it. But be this as it
will, certainly there has been an encampment of the Romans
at this place, for the military road leads exactly to and
from it: within these two years also, several bones, urns,
stone-coffins, &c. have been found here by people
digging for stones. Some of these I am in possession of, but
were generally broke, so that it was impossible to make them
out. One I saw which had T.S. and I think there had been
other letters.
The Notitia mention the tribune of the first cohort of the
Batavi lying at Carrowbrugh. I cannot determine where
Carrowbrugh was situated; but as that cohort was under the
Duke of Britain, and lay in the North of England at Ala
Petriana, Cambeck, Ambleside, &c. there seems some
probability that Carrowbrugh was in this neighbourhood; how
far its name agrees with Carron or Stone-Carrow, I leave to
the conjectures of the reader. Horsley informs us, that the
Roman road to this place leads through Greystock park: in
this he is (if appearances may be trusted) so entirely
wrong, that I cannot help thinking he never gave himself the

erratum from p.194
for lad, read lord.
gazetteer links
-- "Barony of Greystocke" -- Barony of Graystock
-- United Reformed Church
-- "Greystoke Castle" -- Greystoke Castle
-- "Motherby" -- Motherby
-- "Penruddock" -- Penruddock
-- "Petteral, River" -- Petteril, River
-- "Ala Petriana" -- Voreda
-- "Stone Carron" -- (roman fort, Stone Carr)
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