button to main menu  Greenwood and Hodgson 23.8.1823

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Westmorland Gazette, 23 August 1823:-
  letter from C Greenwood
SIR, To give his "Subscriber" a week's rest, Mr. Hodgson has taken upon himself the letter in your last Journal; and writes from Appleby:- but, with whatever advantages, he has not yet done with the definition of the difference in Scale. It is well enough to talk about accuracy; but it would be much better to show some symptoms of it. If Mr. Hodgson will divide one inch, (our scale,) into three equal parts; these will be thirds under which denomination it is necessarily brought to show the proportionate addition made by the acquisition of one more third of an inch; and making four thirds, (his scale,) I say, that by that last fourth third of an inch, only, is his Scale larger than ours. If to three proportions, a fourth is added, the sum can only be by that fourth increased.
How awkward, and revolting, must that assumed triumph be; which is founded in error - [main]tained by bravado, but shrinking with v[iole]nt impetuosity beneath that scrutiny, before which nothing unsubstantial can exist.
Mr. Hodgson's representation of the Gentlemen of Westmorland, by pretending to speak their sentiments, is I suspect an imaginary deception. But if he is really so fully impressed with the Idea of their partiality for him, as not to scruple in avowing their prejudices in his favour, and against me, and that no Map will be so acceptable to them, as one of his making, to be all done by himself, surely he will have the candor in return for all this, almost overwhelming affection, to deal fairly with them - and not receive from one, two guineas and a half, for a Map of exactly the same quality, he will deliver to another at thirty-one shillings and sixpence. Has he not told his Subscribers that his engraving will be equal, if not superior to ours? And if so, there will be no visible difference in the impressions up to a thousand copies of his Map, and if the plates are well used in the printing, they will stand good and perfect for a much greater number. The value of a work, in my opinion, is compromised, when its price is made subject to variation.
Mr. Hodgson commences his letter, by stating that it is really pitiable to observe the dilemma I am reduced to. Pitiable indeed when I can assure him, that the number of copies we are selling of published Maps, exceeds our immediate means of supplying them. The people of Westmorland having a commiserating feeling, and being fully aware of the unfairness of the attempt which has been made to injure us - together with a conviction of the means we must possess to produce a superior Map, have come forward most handsomely to yield a proportionate support with that of other counties.
If Mr. Hodgson is sincere in his observation, (and every one ought to be, of whatever persuasion,) that my case is really pitiable, and that I am reduced to the dilemma he has described, would it awaken in him no feeling of remorse, when he reflected that he had been the willing cause, and had volunteered almost the first efforts of a professional life, in effecting, for a miserable selfish purpose, such an object; and seeking by the exercise of most unfair advantages, to divert from its proper channel a support already earned? - as 'tis more than probable, that at the very moment the intersection of the cross-hairs in the Telescope, on our large instrument, were fixed on the tower, obelisk, or other prominent feature of the county, was he at its base intreating the operation of local influence, to assist him, in cutting off the stream of that remuneration, which we had already become so clearly entitled you. Has he not over and over again, declared his knowledge of our proposed Series of Maps many years ago? and if he [would] admit that Westmorland is one of the Counties of England, he must have known that by commencing a Survey of it, he did so in direct opposition with us; and the only grounds on which he claims a preference, is that he will do it much better than we can!! And therefore with the experience of 10 years practice, with a capital engaged of upwards of L10,000, and after having completed a Third of the whole kingdom, he (Mr. Hodgson,) modestly bids us to retire - which I will illustrate by the following dialogue:

Q. retire from what?
A. From the accomplishment of our engagement with the public.
Q. Why?
A. Because Mr. Hodgson thinks we are grasping too far.
Q. And who is Mr. Hodgson?
A. Indeed I do not know, but I am told he has got an Instrument, which he calls a Chain - or rather a Chain which he calls an Instrument!
Q. And has he got any other Instrument than this Chain which he uses in his Survey?
A. Indeed I do not know.
I shall conclude by stating that due notice will be given, when our Map of Westmorland is completed, and our friends will have the opportunity of seeing it. But not until Mr. Hodgson has put the finishing hand to his Map, will we give publication to ours - and then, so much has been said upon their respective accuracy, an opportunity will offer for fair investigation.
I am, Sir,
Your obedient Servant,
August 20th, 1823.
Also in the Kendal Chronicle 23 August 1823.


from - C Greenwood
to - the Editor, replying to T Hodgson
MAP SCALE one and a third is one fourth more than one, says I
SURVEYING METHODS TH ahs instruments, does he use them
THE MAPS does your map price change for each customer
we are progressing well
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