button to main menu Physical map of England and Wales

map type:-
OS 1922 relief
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Map, Physical map of England and Wales, scale about 16 miles to 1 inch, published by the Ordnance Survey, Southampton, Hampshire, 1922.
(example map HMCMS:CRH1960.94.9)
map feature:- scale line & lat and long scales (conical projection) & lat and long grid (1 degree intervals) & index grid (using lat and long at 30 minute intervals, I to XVIII, a to n) & settlements (major) & rivers & relief & contours & layer colouring (vertical interval 200ft)
inscription:- printed top
inscription:- printed bottom right
Drawn and Published at the ORDNANCE SURVEY OFFICE, Southampton, / in 1922 by Colonel Sir Charles Close, K.B.E., C.B., F.R.S., Director General.
inscription:- printed above scale line
Scale of 1.014 Inch to Sixteen Statute Miles = 1/1,000,000
scale:- 1 to 1000000 ? (nominal)
thumbnail, button to large image

sources:- HMCMS Map Collection

items seen (illustrated items in bold):-
   Hampshire Museums : CRH1960.94.9 -- map