Map, Cumbria et Westmoria, or Cumberland and Westmorland,
scale about 3.5 miles to 1 inch, by John Jansson, Amsterdam,
Netherlands, 1646; published 1646-1724.
Published in 'Joannis Janssonii Novus Atlas, sive
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum: In quo Magna Britannia, seu Angliae
& Scotiae nec non Hiberniae, Regna exhibenetur. Tomus
Quartus. Amstelodami. Apud Joannem Janssonium. Anno
MDCXLVI.' ie 1646.
The atlas has an illustrated title page, text taken from
Camden's Britannia; there are maps of Insularum
Britannicarum, of Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae, of
Britannia ... Heptarchia, and of Anglia Regnum; the maps are
coloured; the atlas size is 9 1/2 x 16 1/4 ins.
the map of Cumberland and Westmorland includes coats of arms
for Marcatus, Ran. Meschems, Andrew Harkley, Raphe Nevill,
Duke of Bedford, Duke of Somerset, John de Foix, and Henry
Clifford. It is said to have been compiled from Saxton's and
Speed's maps.
The map is published with little [no] change; Latin 1646,
'59; French, 1646; German, 1647; Dutch, 1647.
For example - in a French edition, 'Le Nouvelle Atlas ou
Theatre du Monde, Auquel est represente la Grande Bretagne,
Contenant les Royaumes d'Angleterre, d'Ecosse et d'Irelande.
Par Jean Jansson. Tome Quatriesme. Amstelodami, Apud
Iohannem Ianssonium. Anno MDCXLVI.' 1646 and 1647.
For example - in a German edition, 'Novus Atlas, oder
Welt-Beschreibung, in welcher aussfuhrlich abgebildet die
Konigreiche Engeland, Schotland, und Irland. Das funffte
Theil. Amstelodami, Apud Joannem Janssonium. Anno MDCXLVII.'
ie 1647.
For example - in a Dutch edition 'Nieuwen Atlas, ofte
Werelt-Beschrijvinghe, ... Het Verde Deel. Amstelodami, Apud
Ioannem Ianssonium. Anno MDCLII.' ie 1652.
The map may have been printed with the imprint of P Schenk
and G Valk in 1683.
Printed by John Overton, London, atlas 'III', about 1685.
Published in 'Atlas Major, ex Novissimis,
Selectissimisque, A Quovis Auctore Editis, Cum Generabilus
Omnium Totius Orbis Terrarum Regnorum, Rerumpublicarum Et
Insularum, Tum Particularibus in hisce sitarum Regionum
Tabulis Geographicis, Juxta perfectissimam Itinerariam
Seriem in hoc opere positis, consistens. Ad numerum 521
Tabularum; in Tres Tomos Divisus. Tomus I. Ex collectione
Caroli Allard, Amstelo-Batavi. Amstelodami, Prostat apud
Carolum Allard, Cum Privilegio Ordinum Hollandiae &
Westfrisiae.' about 1705.
The 1705 atlas includes coloured reprints of the county maps
of 1647; it contains new maps by C Allard of the whole
country etc.
Published in 'Atlas Anglois, Ou Description Generale De
L'Angleterre, Contenant Les Cartes Geographiques De chaque
Province, avec les Genealogies des plus Illustres Familles,
& les Archeveches & Eveches. A Londres, Chez David Mortier,
Libraire. M.DCC.XV.' ie 1715.
The 1715 atlas is a new edition of an atlas of 1714-15 which
used Blaeu's map; the map has a Schenk and Valk imprint,
plain on the reverse, no plate number; larger towns are
shown with streets rather than a symbol; scales of latitude
and longitude are added in the borders, but not a lat/long
Published in 'Atlas Anglois, Ou Description Generale De
L'Angleterre, ... A Londres, Chez Joseph Smith, Marchand
Libraire a l'Enseigne d'Inigo Jones, proche Exeter-Exchange
dans le Strand. MDCCXXIV.' ie 1724.
The map in the 1724 atlas is unchanged from 1715.
Jansson, John: 1646 & 1659: Novus Atlas, sive Theatrum Orbis
Terrarum & Theatrum Orbis Terrarum: Jansson, Joannem
(Amsterdam, Netherlands): vol 4
: 1710: Atlas Major, ...: Allard, Carol (Amsterdam,
: 1715: Atlas Anglois & Description Generale De
L'Angleterre: Mortier, David (London)
: 1724: Atlas Anglois: Smith, Joseph (London)
Keuning, J: 1947: History of an Atlas, Mercator-Hondius:
Imago Mundi: 4: pp.37-62
Keuning, J: 1951: Novus Atlas of Johannes Jannsonius: Imago
Mundi: 8: pp.71-98