county:- |
Cumbria |
10Km square:- |
SD49 |
adjacent:- |
places:- |
SD46329263 All Saints Church (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) L |
SD46439257 Birks (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) |
SD46979288 Blakehowe Wood (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) |
SD46309257 Chapel Bridge (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) |
SD46349286 Chapel House (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) |
SD46489289 Chapel Lane (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) |
SD46389241 Crispin Cottage (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) |
SD46759225 Fallen Yew (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) L |
SD46189274 footbridge, Underbarrow (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) |
SD46339228 Greenridge Mill (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) |
SD46389203 Kirkby House (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) |
SD46539240 Nook Cottage (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) L |
SD46659222 Orphan Crag (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) |
SD467922 post box, Underbarrow (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) |
SD465920 post box, Underbarrow (2) (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) |
SD46889221 Punch Bowl Bridge (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) |
SD46819216 Punch Bowl (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) |
SD46409246 School House (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) |
SD46329254 Old School, The (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) |
SD46419231 seat, Underbarrow (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) |
SD46579228 Underbarrow (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) |
SD46529236 Underhill (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) L |
SD46359273 Vicarage (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) |
SD46729219 Underbarrow Village Hall (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) |
SD463926 war memorial, Underbarrow (Underbarrow and Bradleyfield) |