county:- |
Cumbria |
10Km square:- |
NY74 |
adjacent:- |
places:- |
NY75354599 fingerpost, Alston Moor (Alston Moor) |
NY75514588 fingerpost, Nenthall (Alston Moor) |
NY75944576 Hare and Hounds (Alston Moor) gone? |
NY75184572 Hudgillburn Mine (Alston Moor) |
NY75504556 Loatburn (Alston Moor) |
NY75804573 Nent Hall (Alston Moor) |
NY75884577 Nenthall Bridge (Alston Moor) |
NY75824577 Nenthall (Alston Moor) |
NY75504582 Old School House, The (Alston Moor) |
NY75314536 Pryhead House (Alston Moor) |
NY75514532 Pryhead (Alston Moor) |
NY75974578 war memorial, Nenthall (Alston Moor) |
NY75384597 Hudgillburn Bridge (Alston Moor) |