Allerdale below Derwent Ward |
county:- |
Cumbria (Cumberland) |
locality type:- |
ward |
references:- |
Dawson 1830s
evidence:- |
old map:- Morden 1695 (Cmd) placename:- North Allerdale Ward
source data:- |
Map, uncoloured engraving, Cumberland, scale about 4 miles to 1
inch, by Robert Morden, 1695, published by Abel Swale, the
Unicorn, St Paul's Churchyard, Awnsham, and John Churchill, the
Black Swan, Paternoster Row, London, 1695-1715.
 MD12NY14.jpg "NORTH ALLERDALE WARD" Labelling the ward area. item:- JandMN : 90 Image © see bottom of page
evidence:- |
old map:- Moll 1724 placename:- North Allerdale Ward
source data:- |
Maps, Westmorland, scale about 5.5 miles to 1 inch, and
Cumberland, scale about 7 miles to 1 inch, by Herman Moll,
London, 1724; published 1724-53.
evidence:- |
descriptive text:- Simpson 1746 placename:- West Ward
source data:- |
Atlas, three volumes of maps and descriptive text published as
'The Agreeable Historian, or the Compleat English Traveller
...', by Samuel Simpson, 1746.
goto source "... It [Cumberland] is not divided into Hundreds, as most other Counties are, but
Wards, of which there are five, viz. South-Ward, North-Ward, West-Ward, Leath-Ward,
and Eskdale-Ward,"
evidence:- |
old map:- Bowen 1763 placename:- North Allerdale Ward
source data:- |
Map, Improved Map of the Counties of Cumberland and
Westmoreland, scale about 5.5 miles to 1 inch, derived from a
larger map by Bowen or Kitchin, by Emanuel Bowen, London, about
1763; published 1763-1828.
evidence:- |
old map:- Cooke 1802 placename:- Allerdale below Derwent Ward
source data:- |
Map, Cumberland, scale about 15.5 miles to 1 inch, by George
Cooke, 1802, bound in Gray's New Book of Roads, 1824, published
by Sherwood, Jones and Co, Paternoster Road, London, 1824.
click to enlarge GRA1Cd.jpg "Allerdale below Derwent [Ward]" area 4 item:- Hampshire Museums : FA2000.62.2 Image © see bottom of page
evidence:- |
old map:- Cooper 1808 placename:- Allerdale below Derwent Ward
source data:- |
Map, uncoloured engraving, Cumberland, scale about 10.5 miles to
1 inch, drawn and engraved by Cooper, published by R Phillips,
Bridge Street, Blackfriars, London, 1808.
click to enlarge COP3.jpg "Wards. / ... / 2 Allerdale (below Derwent.)" number on map, table on right item:- JandMN : 86 Image © see bottom of page
evidence:- |
old text:- Gents Mag
source data:- |
Magazine, The Gentleman's Magazine or Monthly Intelligencer or
Historical Chronicle, published by Edward Cave under the
pseudonym Sylvanus Urban, and by other publishers, London,
monthly from 1731 to 1922.
goto source Gentleman's Magazine 1819 part 1 p.405 From the Compendium of County History:- "1297. Allerdale, as far as Cockermouth, laid waste, and Carlisle unsuccessfully besieged
by the Scots under Wallace, in October."
evidence:- |
old map:- Dawson 1830s placename:- Allerdale below Derwent Ward
source data:- |
Political maps, Westmoreland, scale about 4 miles to 1 inch, and
Cumberland, scale about 7.5 miles to 1 inch, showing the
proposed parliamentary divisions, and town maps Carlisle,
Kendal, Cockermouth, Whitehaven, Workington, at larger scales,
made for the Reform Bill 1832, by Lieut Robert K Dawson RE, 1831.