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Sedgwick parish
county:-   Cumbria
old county:-   Westmorland
locality type:-   parish
1Km square:-   SD5186
10Km square:-   SD58
references:-   OS 1974 Admin Areas

evidence:-   hearth tax returns:- Hearth Tax 1675
placename:-  Sigswick
source data:-   Records, hearth tax survey returns, Westmorland, 1674/75.

evidence:-   hearth tax returns:- Hearth Tax 1670
placename:-  Sigswicke
source data:-   Records, hearth tax returns, exchequer duplicates, Westmorland, 1670.

evidence:-   census:- Census 1971
Population: 357 (1971)

place:-   Sedgwick Constablewick

SD51008678 Back Lane, Sedgwick 
SD50738668 Basin Gill, Sedgwick 
SD51228706 fence, Sedgwick 
SD50818720 ford, Sedgwick 
SD50998676 gate, Sedgwick 
SD51808764 High House, Sedgwick 
SD508858 Howard's Bridge, Lancaster Canal gone
SD47 Kendal and Ulverstone Junction Railway proposed
SD50798655 Levens Force, Levens 
SD51308705 Old Post Office, Sedgwick 
SD5187 park, Sedgwick 
SD50768685 railings, Sedgwick 
SD51808706 railway bridge, Sedgwick 
SD51988699 Raines Hall, Sedgwick L
SD51448704 Sedgwick 
SD51358702 Sedgwick Aqueduct, Lancaster Canal L
SD51068667 Sedgwick Hill Bridge, Lancaster Canal L
SD51038701 Sedgwick House, Sedgwick L
SD50748684 viewpoint, Force Bridge 
SD50708693 waterfall, Sedgwick 
SD513869 icehouse, Sedgwick House 
SD50758685 Force Bridge, Sedgwick 
SD50748680 waterfall, Sedgwick (2) 
 Lancaster and Carlisle Railway 
SD59 Lancaster Canal 
SD50748674 Bassinghyll Gunpowder Mills, Sedgwick 
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