button to main menu   Jefferys 1770 SD69NW
Note: click on map edges for adjacent squares
Jefferys 1770
(5Km square roughly corresponding to Jefferys 1770 SD69NW, plus overlaps, North at the top; the original map is printed with North at the top)

item:-  National Library of Scotland : EME.s.47
image:-  © National Library of Scotland
gazetteer links

places may or may not be labelled on the map

button -- Birchfield -- "Birk Field"
button -- Bowers -- "Bowers"
button -- Coat o' West -- "Coat of Waist"
button -- Crook of Lune Bridge
button -- Crook of Lune -- "Crook of Lune"
button -- Davybank Mill -- "Davy Bank Mills"
button -- Dillicar -- "Dilliker"
button -- Dob's Hole -- "Dobs Hole"
button -- Dowgill -- "Dougill"
button -- Ellergill Beck
button -- Fell Gate -- "Fell Yate"
button -- Fleet Holme -- "Flat How"
button -- Gate Side -- "Gate Side"
button -- Grayrigg Head -- "Grayrigg Head"
button -- High House -- "High H."
button -- High Park -- "Dillikirk Park"
button -- Howgill Fells-- Howgill Fells -- "HOUGILL FELLS"
button -- Howgill Lane
button -- Low Park -- "Dillikirk Park"
button -- Lummer Gill
button -- Lune, River -- "Lune River"
button -- Moors -- "Moors"
button -- Oakbank -- "Oak Bank"
button -- Kendal to Tebay
button -- Crook of Lune road
button -- Tarnhouse Barn -- "Tarn H"
button -- Whin's -- "Whins"

civil parishes

The area roughly includes parts of parishes:-

    Orton S

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