button to main menu   Crosthwaite 1783-94, tetrad SD49C
Note: click on map edges for adjacent squares
Crosthwaite 1783-94, tetrad
(Area of roughly corresponding to Crosthwaite 1783-94, tetrad SD49C plus overlaps, North at the top; the original map is printed with West at the top)

item:-  Armitt Library : ALMC2008.14.102
image:-  © see bottom of page
gazetteer links

places may or may not be labelled on the map

button -- Bellmount -- "Bella Mount / Jno C. Curwen Esqr."
button -- Braithwaite Fold -- "Brathwaite fold"
button -- Golden Oak, The -- "Golden Oak"
button -- Old Belfield -- "Bell Field / Mrs. Taylors"
button -- Windermere to Ambleside -- "To Low-wood and Ambleside" -- "to Troutbeck" -- "to Troutbeck" -- "to Kendal" -- "to Kendal" -- "to Cartmel"
button -- Windermere lake -- "Wests 5th. Station"

civil parishes

The area roughly includes parts of parishes:-


button to Lakes menu Lakes Guides menu.
goto SD39Y goto SD49D goto SD39X goto SD39W back to index map