I shall now speak of the LAKES of this country. The form of
the lake is most perfect when, like Derwent-water, and some
of the smaller lakes, it least resembles that of a river; -
I mean, when being looked at from any given point where the
whole may be seen at once, the width of it bears such
proportion to the length, that, however the outline may be
diversified by far-receding bays, it never assumes the shape
of a river, and is contemplated with that placid and quiet
feeling which belongs peculiarly to the lake - as a body of
still water under the influence of no current; reflecting
therefore the clouds, the light, and all the imagery of the
sky and surrounding hills; expressing also and making
visible the changes of the atmosphere, and motions of the
lightest breeze, and subject to agitation only from the
winds -
--- The visible scene
Would enter unawares into his mind
With all its solemn imagery, its rocks,
Its woods, and that uncertain heaven received
Into the bosom of the steady lake!
It must be noticed, as a favourable characteristic of the
lakes of this country, that, though several of the largest,
such as Winandermere, Ulswater, Hawswater, do, when the
whole length of them is commanded from an elevated point,
loose somewhat of the peculiar form of the lake, and assume
the resemblance of a magnificent river; yet, as their shape
is winding,