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of the natural advantages of their country, are found disposed to
make the best of them.
How these objects should be formed, or situated, must for the
most part be determined by circumstances under the eye of taste.
One thing, however, seems worthy of particular notice in this
place, which is, that erections of this sort would have the most
grand and characteristic effect placed on eminences, so as to
have the sky for a back-ground. When this is the case, the hills
they are raised upon should be bounded by agreeable lines, seen
at a great distance, and much in sight of the principal roads
The most simple of these erections are obelisks, and properly
formed summer-houses [2]. But a series of columns constituting a
temple, or supporting arches, pediments, &c would have by much
the best effect, provided they were properly large, for the
ordinary points of view. Through the openings of these columns,
the sky should always give them a striking appearance: but in an
evening, if the sun set behind them, no spectacle of the kind
could be imagined more grand and attractive, or more accordant
with the sublimity of the surrounding mountains. Perforated doors
and windows, in the
This kind of summer-house should either be octagonal, or at least
have more than four sides. And if either of these sort of
erections be not placed on very pointed hills, care should be
taken to raise them (either by raising the earth on which they
stand, or by giving them a high rustic base, &c.) so that the
sides of the hills will not prevent a complete sight of their
elevation from the principal points of view.- Nothing can be
worse managed, than to see these objects as if rising beyond the
top of a hill, or from the bottom of a fish-pond.
Perhaps a summer-house standing on proper rustic arches, through
which the sky might be seen, would, for the following reason, in
some cases, have good effect.