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adds much to the solemnity of these tremendous scenes. The path
soon becomes winding, steep, and narrow, and is the only possible
one across the mountain. The noise of a cataract on the left
accompanies you during the ascent. On the summit of the mountain
you soon come in sight of Long-Sleddale, Lancaster-sands, &c. and
in the course of your descent, you will presently be accompanied
by a cataract on the right. The road traverses the mountain as on
the other side, but is much better made, and wider, on account of
the slate taken from the sides of these mountains and carried to
Kendal, &c. The water-falls on the right are extremely curious.
You enter Long-Sleddale between two shattered rocky mountains.
That on the left, Crowbarrow, is not less terrible to look up at,
when under it, than any rock in Barrowside or Borrowdale, and it
has covered a much larger space with ruins. Here is every
possible variety of water falls and cataracts; the most
remarkable of which is on the left. Over a most tremendous wall
of rock, a mountain torrent, in one broken sheet, leaps headlong
one hundred yards and more. The whole vale is narrow; the hills
rise swift on each hand; their brows are wooded; their feet
covered with grass, or cultivated, and their summits broken. The
road along the vale is tolerable, and joins the great road at
Watch-gate, about four miles from Kendal.