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to Clappersgate, and along the banks of the river Brathay, and at
Scalewith-bridge ascend a steep hill called Loughrig, that leads
to Grasmere, and a little behind its summit you come into sight
of the valley and lake, lying in the sweetest order. Observe a
few steps leading to a soft green knoll, and from its crown you
have the finest view of the vale, the lake, and the environs. The
island is near the centre, unless the water be very low. Its
margin is graced with a few scattered trees, and an embowered
hut. The church stands at a small distance from the lake, on the
side of the Rothay, its principal feeder. On each hand spread
cultivated tracts, up the steep sides of the surrounding
mountains, guarded by Steel-fell and Seat-sandle, which,
advancing towards each other, close the view at Dunmail-raise.
The broken head of Helm-crag has a fine effect, seen from this
point. Descend the hill, leave the church on the right hand, and
you will presently arrive at the great road between Ambleside and
Keswick. Here you have Mr. Gray's view, and will see the
difference. Mr. Gray has omitted the island in his description,
which is a principal feature in this scene.
This vale of peace is about four miles in circumference, and
guarded at the upper end by Helm-crag, a broken pyramidal moun-